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Sometimes, but in coolie peoples case, they always choose to be burdened with misfits, crooks and deceitful leadership. Since the time of CBJ. So many brilliant Indians to choose from but like fools they choose those who will never uplift them. 


Is like being tried in hell. And the devil is the judge. Condemned to hell. 


Back in India, it was sort of the same thing-trusting in the Brahmins who owned their existence. So is Jagdeo, he owns the Coolie man souls.


Originally Posted by seignet:

Sometimes, but in coolie peoples case, they always choose to be burdened with misfits, crooks and deceitful leadership. Since the time of CBJ. So many brilliant Indians to choose from but like fools they choose those who will never uplift them. 


Is like being tried in hell. And the devil is the judge. Condemned to hell. 


Back in India, it was sort of the same thing-trusting in the Brahmins who owned their existence. So is Jagdeo, he owns the Coolie man souls.


Why are you so hateful of Jagdeo? The people are free to choose who they like. Look how the blacks chose Granger and hard times just to see their own in power. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jagdeo is still the people's president.

For another 60 years.


Just like CBJ.


Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?


Their infantile thinking must be ingrained from a submissive demeanor.


The PNC needs to free this class of Indians, and soon. Jail Jagdeo.

Bai don't knock abee Indians, we try. Blacks struggle  too.

If only we can struggle together, Guyana could become a paradise for all of us.

Let us all hope that togetherness will bring the best result for all  Guyanese.   

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jagdeo is still the people's president.

For another 60 years.


Just like CBJ.


Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?


Their infantile thinking must be ingrained from a submissive demeanor.


The PNC needs to free this class of Indians, and soon. Jail Jagdeo.


Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jagdeo is still the people's president.

For another 60 years.


Just like CBJ.


Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?


Their infantile thinking must be ingrained from a submissive demeanor.


The PNC needs to free this class of Indians, and soon. Jail Jagdeo.

Bai don't knock abee Indians, we try. Blacks struggle  too.

If only we can struggle together, Guyana could become a paradise for all of us.

Let us all hope that togetherness will bring the best result for all  Guyanese.   

Some people sold their self and families for a Butter Ball sweetie when they were selling 4 for a Jill and want to lecture others about being submissive!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Kari:

Jagdeo is an enigma, and he has a lot to be admired. However to ascribe People's President to someone who has lost votes from 55% to 51% and when 49% of the votes cast were for someone else is stretching it. And it belies the mindset and seignet cannot be blamed for being hateful to Jagdeo.

You do know it was Ramotar who ran for President in the last two elections and not Jagdeo - right???

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jagdeo is still the people's president.

For another 60 years.


Just like CBJ.


Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?


Their infantile thinking must be ingrained from a submissive demeanor.


The PNC needs to free this class of Indians, and soon. Jail Jagdeo.


I am not backward.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jagdeo is still the people's president.

For another 60 years.


Just like CBJ.


Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?


Their infantile thinking must be ingrained from a submissive demeanor.


The PNC needs to free this class of Indians, and soon. Jail Jagdeo.

What are we jailing Jagdeo for?

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo was last night introduced at the Diwali Mela as the People's President to thundering applause!!

he should stay in NY because he is not wanted in guyana

The organisers of that event are some spineless cowards.  They hide out in Richmond Hill enjoying the luxuries of a developed country and yet want to impose their Indian supremacy on all of Guyana?


Let me be clear, these cowards are incapable of accepting the fact that the President of Guyana is a Blackman, yet these hypocrites live in a country ruled by a blackman.


How more dotish these fools can be.  They were there to celebrate the triumph of wisdom over ignorance, yet they choose consistently to expose their ignorance.


Jagdeo was never the people's President.  A people's president will never seize the people's land on the cheap and then build a mega mansion that is reportedly worth G$400 million without any audit trail of were the money come from.  A people's president will never set his pension at over G$1.4 million a month when the poor in place like Lusignan Pasture cannot afford three square meals.


Yes there are hindus in Lusignan who are living in abject poverty and the State under Jagdeo abandoned them.


So all the Vishnu BUSRUMs and SUSRUMs and PUSSRUMs can haul their arse because there is a god above and he know who means well for Guyana and who was a certified scamp that plundered the Treasury for years leaving crumbs for the poor in Guyana.


PIP PIP.  Over and out.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jagdeo is still the people's president.

For another 60 years.


Just like CBJ.


Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?


Their infantile thinking must be ingrained from a submissive demeanor.


The PNC needs to free this class of Indians, and soon. Jail Jagdeo.

Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?          I am an Hindu, I take your statement very serious, One you not a Hindu, Maybe you are not an Indian, you are a BLACKMAN. The Hindu Indians in Guyana are the Businesses owners and they employ non Hindu and even Blacks. My business in Georgetown employs Non Hindu, douglas and blacks. The businesses in Guyana are moving the country and not the government.          

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

The Maharanis from Lusignan pasture build the Lusignan Learning Center with PPP money and they live in Mansions in Annandale.


Take a drive down Lusignan market road and check out the mansions that Raja and all dem Hindus build.  Go and feasT your eyes!!

Nehru, this is your area, right? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

The Maharanis from Lusignan pasture build the Lusignan Learning Center with PPP money and they live in Mansions in Annandale.


Take a drive down Lusignan market road and check out the mansions that Raja and all dem Hindus build.  Go and feasT your eyes!!

Nehru, this is your area, right? 

Yes Bhai, Some of the biggest Houses in Lusignan currently

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jagdeo is still the people's president.

For another 60 years.


Just like CBJ.


Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?


Their infantile thinking must be ingrained from a submissive demeanor.


The PNC needs to free this class of Indians, and soon. Jail Jagdeo.

Why is it Hindu Indians are so backward?          I am an Hindu, I take your statement very serious, One you not a Hindu, Maybe you are not an Indian, you are a BLACKMAN. The Hindu Indians in Guyana are the Businesses owners and they employ non Hindu and even Blacks. My business in Georgetown employs Non Hindu, douglas and blacks. The businesses in Guyana are moving the country and not the government.          

Hindu what is it ? does it belong to Indians the answer is

no,Hindu refers to any one who beliefs include(but not

restricted to)the four proper goals or aims of human life,

namely Dharma(Ethics/Duties)Artha(Prosperity/Work)

Kama(Emotions/Sexuality)and Moksha(Liberation/Freedom).




I am glad Nehru knows what I am talking about because the way KishanB paint the picture you would think people in Lusignan pasture starving when in fact that area is prospering.  Agreed, like any other community in Guyana or elsewhere there are pockets of poor.  From public road to seawall on the market road is one mansion after another.

Bibi Haniffa
KishanB posted:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo was last night introduced at the Diwali Mela as the People's President to thundering applause!!

he should stay in NY because he is not wanted in guyana

The organisers of that event are some spineless cowards.  They hide out in Richmond Hill enjoying the luxuries of a developed country and yet want to impose their Indian supremacy on all of Guyana?


Let me be clear, these cowards are incapable of accepting the fact that the President of Guyana is a Blackman, yet these hypocrites live in a country ruled by a blackman.


How more dotish these fools can be.  They were there to celebrate the triumph of wisdom over ignorance, yet they choose consistently to expose their ignorance.


Jagdeo was never the people's President.  A people's president will never seize the people's land on the cheap and then build a mega mansion that is reportedly worth G$400 million without any audit trail of were the money come from.  A people's president will never set his pension at over G$1.4 million a month when the poor in place like Lusignan Pasture cannot afford three square meals.


Yes there are hindus in Lusignan who are living in abject poverty and the State under Jagdeo abandoned them.


So all the Vishnu BUSRUMs and SUSRUMs and PUSSRUMs can haul their arse because there is a god above and he know who means well for Guyana and who was a certified scamp that plundered the Treasury for years leaving crumbs for the poor in Guyana.


PIP PIP.  Over and out.

How is this Banna doing these days!!

Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo was last night introduced at the Diwali Mela as the People's President to thundering applause!!

Ignoramuses like you not me...this crook on the back of Iffart replacing Granger is not a pleasing thought. Just one crook in training being replaced by a well honed, properly conditioned kleptocrat

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Jagdeo is an enigma, and he has a lot to be admired. However to ascribe People's President to someone who has lost votes from 55% to 51% and when 49% of the votes cast were for someone else is stretching it. And it belies the mindset and seignet cannot be blamed for being hateful to Jagdeo.

You do know it was Ramotar who ran for President in the last two elections and not Jagdeo - right???

Fool, Ramotar was the puppet and Jagdeo the puppet master. 

Baseman posted:
KishanB posted:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo was last night introduced at the Diwali Mela as the People's President to thundering applause!!

he should stay in NY because he is not wanted in guyana

The organisers of that event are some spineless cowards.  They hide out in Richmond Hill enjoying the luxuries of a developed country and yet want to impose their Indian supremacy on all of Guyana?


Let me be clear, these cowards are incapable of accepting the fact that the President of Guyana is a Blackman, yet these hypocrites live in a country ruled by a blackman.


How more dotish these fools can be.  They were there to celebrate the triumph of wisdom over ignorance, yet they choose consistently to expose their ignorance.


Jagdeo was never the people's President.  A people's president will never seize the people's land on the cheap and then build a mega mansion that is reportedly worth G$400 million without any audit trail of were the money come from.  A people's president will never set his pension at over G$1.4 million a month when the poor in place like Lusignan Pasture cannot afford three square meals.


Yes there are hindus in Lusignan who are living in abject poverty and the State under Jagdeo abandoned them.


So all the Vishnu BUSRUMs and SUSRUMs and PUSSRUMs can haul their arse because there is a god above and he know who means well for Guyana and who was a certified scamp that plundered the Treasury for years leaving crumbs for the poor in Guyana.


PIP PIP.  Over and out.

How is this Banna doing these days!!

Met he and Komal Chand's brother at a huge funeral 2 months ago.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo was last night introduced at the Diwali Mela as the People's President to thundering applause!!

Ignoramuses like you not me...this crook on the back of Iffart replacing Granger is not a pleasing thought. Just one crook in training being replaced by a well honed, properly conditioned kleptocrat

ANUG Shaman to the rescue. What would your reaction be if ANUG decides to join the PPP and run as a coalition?


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