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@Ace posted:

Me thinks you are the one playing games. 

I believe she has more credibility than some of the semis pretending they know from afar.  Missed a calling, now Google to the rescue.

Ms Wendy Ann's own words!

Now, let me address the one question the APNU/ AFC trolls have been shooting my way - Why I didn't speak out before and suddenly doing it now. My dear blind and gullible supporters, to speak of something you know nothing of is termed "ignorance". And unlike many of you, I do not give my mouth liberty to speak on matters of which I have no knowledge.... However, when you are going to post that after hours of hard work and committment, the votes casted at my polling station would not be counted, that will be addressed, because I was there and aware of what transpired.
Speak the truth and it shall set you free they always preach right?... What truth?? Do Guyanese even know the meaning of the words we constantly hear everyday - Honesty, Decency, Transparency???
Now it may seem as though I as a Presiding Officer lied when I said we were instructed by our DRO to not put the documents in the box... But I'll ask one (1), just one (1) question - "If ALL the POs under a particular DRO ommitted documents, is that a mere coincidence?" You'd expect the most two (2) POs to make the same mistake, but ALL??? These boxes were sealed in the presence of these DROs, yet, nobody can give account for the missing documents?? And now, the DROs released this joint statement saying they never instructed the POs to ommit those documents?? I'll leave that one for the smart people to figure out. Let's hope they publish the names of these DROs and the joint statement they made.
If my DRO was a part of this and signed that statement, then I am ashamed of you Ms. Minerva Stoby-Waldron.
The way I see it, nobody gives a rat's ass about any truth, Mingo being the perfect example. They are just concerned with doing whatever it takes to keep APNU/ AfC in office, even if it means sinking the POs. It's a shame that the other POs did not come forward, but after this whole fiasco, I understand why. Maybe, just maybe, I should have kept my mouth shut, but I am cut from a different cloth. Unlike many people, I actually prefer to practice what I preach...
My team and I worked assiduously on E-day and I am damn proud of the effort we put in. Thank you guys for the hard work and dedication. Atleast we know the truth.
Paul Jaisingh, thank you for not being a coward and speaking out, but in the end, the truth never wins, atleast not with politics in Guyana.
Ohhhh and just for the record, I am only affiliated with that very popular word we like to throw around the place "DEMOCRACY". Trolls, interpret it however you wish. To each his own!
Last edited by Former Member
Throughout this entire election shenanigans, I chose to remain quiet, but now that the Polling Place which I worked at was brought into question, I cannot keep quiet anymore.
On behalf of the Presiding Officers that worked at Montrose Primary School, please note that this is a lie!... All documents for the four (4) Polling Stations were submitted to the DRO as per instructions by the Clerk to the RO.... The original SOP attached would explain the desperation to lie!
This is beyond ridiculous now!
PS: The Presiding Officers were given specific instructions not to seal the ballot boxes without the DRO being present to verify what was placed in the boxes and these instructions were complied with.
@Totaram posted:

You so damn stupid you can't even spell knucklehead you bloody knucklehead!

OK least you know how to spell your name correctly....


Can you respond to the comment? or you just care to peddle your nonsense? Where is the rigging or fraud? This story about the boxes is a last ditch attempt by you and the coalition to perpetrate a fraud on the nation...everything has been debunked so far.


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