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QUOTE "The country is faced with several other issues that need the immediate attention of the government before they become unsolvable. Guyana’s GDP has shrunk from 3.6 percent in June to 0.7 percent in September, a slippage of 2.9 percent, tourism is down by a whopping 28 percent, and manufacturing and sales have been steadily declining during the past six months. The fact that Venezuela has officially ended its Petro-Caribe agreement with Guyana means higher prices for gasoline at the pumps for consumers and lower prices for rice farmers. All this is taking place while the sugar industry is in the doldrums and the outlook for gold and bauxite remains dismal. It seems that Guyana is sinking and the captain has abandoned ship."unquote

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Housing sector in Guyana headed for collaspe  – Former Housing Minister


Letter to the Editor: Grassroots being trampled with gov’t salary increases

October 9, 2015 9:19 am Category: latest news, Opinion A+ / A-



Outrage grows over salary increase

…TIGI boss and Gaskin denounce β€œexcessive”, β€œpremature” raises


Repercussions will be felt at local Govt polls – Dr Jeffrey

Mega salary increases

Dr Jeffrey is almost literally saying the same as what this post is saying:


Chris Ram urges reversal of salary increases for Ministers, MPs

October 14, 2015 1:24 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


Government pays off $40M Guyana Stores’ taxes

Glenn Lall

Glenn Lall

…City Hall writes off $M in past due interest






β€œGovt nauseatingly arrogant” – Ramsammy



Government salary increases…




Originally Posted by Mars:

This is incorrect - Guyana’s GDP has shrunk from 3.6 percent in June to 0.7 percent in September, a slippage of 2.9 percent


The slippage in GDP Growth was reported for the first half of 2015, the period January - June 2015. September's GDP figures are not yet available.

Some of these so called news organizations are not concerned with truth...they are more agenda driven...

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This is incorrect - Guyana’s GDP has shrunk from 3.6 percent in June to 0.7 percent in September, a slippage of 2.9 percent


The slippage in GDP Growth was reported for the first half of 2015, the period January - June 2015. September's GDP figures are not yet available.

Some of these so called news organizations are not concerned with truth...they are more agenda driven...

I NEVER heard that from you prior May 11.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I am predicting general elections before 2020.

Will AFC throw in the towel.

Django - I don't think AFC will throw in the towel.  Ramjattan and Naga are fighters and they waited a long time to be in power, so they will hang on until the end.  With all the mismanagement going on I think the new government might walk into a no confidence vote and we will have early elections at some point before 2020.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

No money to pay doctors.

No money to give salary increases to the working poor.

Plenty money available to pay the big wigs

Plenty of money to waive taxes that their friends in PS owe to the Poor GT.


The AFC is charged as an accomplice in all of this will be tried in 2020 and for sure be convicted on all charges.

If Jagdeo, Ramotar, Brassington and the rest of those PPP tiefmen are not in jail for the massive fraud they pulled on the people of Guyana, why would anyone else be convicted? 

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I am predicting general elections before 2020.

Will AFC throw in the towel.

Django - I don't think AFC will throw in the towel.  Ramjattan and Naga are fighters and they waited a long time to be in power, so they will hang on until the end.  With all the mismanagement going on I think the new government might walk into a no confidence vote and we will have early elections at some point before 2020.

So if the AFC does not throw in the towel, who will vote against the government if the PPP tables a no confidence motion?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This is incorrect - Guyana’s GDP has shrunk from 3.6 percent in June to 0.7 percent in September, a slippage of 2.9 percent


The slippage in GDP Growth was reported for the first half of 2015, the period January - June 2015. September's GDP figures are not yet available.

Some of these so called news organizations are not concerned with truth...they are more agenda driven...

I NEVER heard that from you prior May 11.

Yes you did...I always say Chronicle was poop...totally controlled by Govt...just like GINA, so what are u talking about?

If I said they were fair and balanced prior to may 11, it would mean that I thought they were being honest about the PPP..

I tend to rely on SN more than any of the other rags



Quote "I tend to rely on SN more than any of the other rags"


Maybe you are not aware that Guyana Stores is being owned by Glen Lal and Tony Yassin, and Glen Lall I think owns the Stabroek News. When the PNC/AFC Government is bailing out Guyana Stores with $40 Million, what does that tells you about Stabroek News and the Government.

Rass, some school could tell you what is going on here, trust an adult for not being aware of the facts.



Government pays off $40M Guyana Stores’ taxes

Glenn Lall

Glenn Lall

…City Hall writes off $M in past due interest

– as public servants struggle for salaries


Put this way do you ever expect the Stabroek News to be writing against the Government?


There goes you theory of fairness.


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