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Corruption a major problem in Guyana – US State Dept

April 18, 2016 3:27 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


The United States Department of State says corruption continues to be among the leading human rights problems facing Guyana.

The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2015, released by the department recently, also chronicled other human rights violations.

“There remained a widespread public perception of corruption involving officials at all levels, including the police and the judiciary,” the report said.

usIt noted however that the government responded to these reports, but did not elaborate.

The report also stated that while the law requires public officials to declare their assets to an Integrity Commission, the commission has not been constituted.

It added that the law sets out both criminal and administrative sanctions for nondisclosure to the commission by public officials, but, no such publication or convictions occurred during the year.

Extra-judicial killing

The report cited as another significant human rights violation in Guyana is extra-judicial killings.

“The most significant human rights problems were arbitrary killings by the government or its agents… there were several reports the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings during the year,” it stated.

It added that other human rights problems included lengthy pretrial detention, an age old problem in Guyana.

Police abuse

Addressing the issue of police excesses, the report stated that there was a lack of independent and transparent procedures for handling allegations of abuses by security force members.

“Prosecutions when pursued were extremely lengthy, and convictions rare, leading to a widespread perception that security force members and government officials enjoyed impunity,” it noted

The document pointed to the July 2015 shooting to death of alleged smuggler Charles Caesar by a member of the now disbanded Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad (BASS) while attempting to arrest him.

Police reported that Caesar was suspected to have smuggled illegal goods into the country and attempted to run away to avoid arrest.

On the issue of torture, the report stated that while the laws in Guyana continue to prohibit such acts, there were reports alleging mistreatment of inmates by prison officials as well as allegations of police abuse of suspects and detainees.

Prison conditions

The report said that prison and jail conditions, particularly in police holding cells, were “harsh and potentially life threatening due to gross overcrowding, physical abuse, and inadequate sanitary conditions and medical care.”

The Prison Service reported that, as of October 2015, there were 1944 prisoners in five facilities with a combined design capacity of 1640.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

Wish you had said that to your friends at FREEDOM House when they were belauwaying the country,

How can anyone in their right mind make a statement like this?

Quite easy, when true, but quite difficult for PPP apologists especially those receiving some form of handout from those corrupt PPP bastards.

By the way, you know what the word " belauwaying" means? I doan think it's a word but obviously you are aware the PPP Government was screwing the people so now you vex they got kick out and is not "abie time now" anymore.

Last edited by cain
VishMahabir posted:

Be careful here...I believe these figures generally come out for the stats for previous years. If thats the case, these figures are inditing the PPP years. 

Correct! The PPP Bastards!

Last edited by cain

Why are they bastards?  Have we not watched  you and the lot complain the UN, the US, Transparency International among others were all conspiring against the PPP when they put out their reports?

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

Wish you had said that to your friends at FREEDOM House when they were belauwaying the country,

How can anyone in their right mind make a statement like this?

Quite easy, when true, but quite difficult for PPP apologists especially those receiving some form of handout from those corrupt PPP bastards.

By the way, you know what the word " belauwaying" means? I doan think it's a word but obviously you are aware the PPP Government was screwing the people so now you vex they got kick out and is not "abie time now" anymore.

Cain - let me be very clear to you, I have never once received a handout from the PPP or anyone else.  My family are not the handout receiving type of people. Don't distract the contents of this article by questioning vocabulary, that should be the least of your problems right now.  Why don't you address the facts stated in the article?  Running back to the PPP days is counterproductive at this time.  I keep reminding you that the PPP is not in power.  How many more times do I have to do that?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:

You don't have to remind anyone I do that always



I don't care if the PPP lost.  That is a well known fact by now.  Why don't you defend the facts stated by the US State Department against the government you are praising on this board everyday?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:

Be careful here...I believe these figures generally come out for the stats for previous years. If thats the case, these figures are inditing the PPP years. 

"The document pointed to the July 2015 shooting to death of alleged smuggler Charles Caesar by a member of the now disbanded Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad (BASS) while attempting to arrest him."

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Be careful here...I believe these figures generally come out for the stats for previous years. If thats the case, these figures are inditing the PPP years. 

"The document pointed to the July 2015 shooting to death of alleged smuggler Charles Caesar by a member of the now disbanded Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad (BASS) while attempting to arrest him."

That's all you read? There's more.

By the way, seeing you seem to be in the know,you ever heard anymore on Sawh's murder by his own party, he was a good man,against corruption, he and family were killed?

Last edited by cain
Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:

You don't have to remind anyone I do that always



I don't care if the PPP lost.  That is a well known fact by now.  Why don't you defend the facts stated by the US State Department against the government you are praising on this board everyday?

Every instance above as referenced by the State Department was an on going failure of the PPP. I am not surprise the trend continues into the first year of this regime with no inroads into these traditional vectors for labeling a state "corrupt". They have lots of work to do and they are off on the wrong foot in many of these areas.

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

Wish you had said that to your friends at FREEDOM House when they were belauwaying the country,

How can anyone in their right mind make a statement like this?

Quite easy, when true, but quite difficult for PPP apologists especially those receiving some form of handout from those corrupt PPP bastards.

By the way, you know what the word " belauwaying" means? I doan think it's a word but obviously you are aware the PPP Government was screwing the people so now you vex they got kick out and is not "abie time now" anymore.

You hand she nice and propa, Mr Cain!

Chief posted:

Wish you had said that to your friends at FREEDOM House when they were belauwaying the country,

Have you seen the massive progress under the PPP government. 

If you don't visit Guyana, then SHUT yo traps.  

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Be careful here...I believe these figures generally come out for the stats for previous years. If thats the case, these figures are inditing the PPP years. 

"The document pointed to the July 2015 shooting to death of alleged smuggler Charles Caesar by a member of the now disbanded Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad (BASS) while attempting to arrest him."

That's all you read? There's more.

By the way, seeing you seem to be in the know,you ever heard anymore on Sawh's murder by his own party, he was a good man,against corruption, he and family were killed?

Bibi, ??????


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