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Aurora Gold Mines to scale back expansion if gold price continues to nosedive

President David Granger and CEO of Guyana Goldfields, Patrick Sheridan show off the first gold bar that was produced by the company. President David Granger and CEO of Guyana Goldfields, Patrick Sheridan show off the first gold bar that was produced by the company.

Aurora Gold Mines (AGM) has already decided to delay expansion of operations if the world –price continues to plummet and remains low for some time to come, according to a senior company official.
Chief Executive Officer of Guyana Goldfields, Patrick Sheridan Jr. said investors in the US$250 million gold mine on the right bank of the Upper Cuyuni River had conducted a feasibility at US$1,300 per ounce.
Acknowledging that the continued slide in the price would affect profitability, Sheridan said if the price of the precious yellow metal slides further the company would have to revisit expansion plans. “I don’t expect that there will be any change in total production but we may different stage expansion plans, may delay certain expansion plans if gold was to stay low for a significant period,” he told Demerara Waves Online News.
He said the company’s plans have factored in a “further collapse in the price of gold.”
The CEO said Guyana Goldfields’ lenders have developed financial models at US$1,000 per ounce and so the company still has some room at the existing price of gold.
The price of gold closed at US$1,117.50 per ounce on the London Fix, down from more than US$1,700 in 2012.
Addressing the official commissioning of the mine earlier this week, President David Granger noted the impact of the fall in the price of gold. “Today, the price has collapsed and there is weeping and gnashing of teeth,” he said.
Granger said the repair of the Local Government system could help put the gold industry back on a firm footing through high standards of social services such as primary education and primary health care as well as better roads, bridges, aerodromes and stellings.
The President also identified the need to stamp out gold smuggling that robs the State of valuable taxes.
Located about 200 kilometers from the coast, the AGM is expected to produce about 10,000 to 15,000 ounces of gold per month during the 35-year life of the mine. Overall, about US$411 million in investment capital was spent from exploration 19 years ago to the construction of the mine plant and other equipment.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by asj:

The PNC is Blighted everything they put their hands on turns into shit:

Aurora Gold Mines to scale back expansion if gold price continues to nosedive

seriously . . .


you're that much of an antiman?

Originally Posted by asj:

The PNC is Blighted everything they put their hands on turns into shit:

Aurora Gold Mines to scale back expansion if gold price continues to nosedive


I have been saying all along. The PNC has KoKo Beah.


PNC Part Two is worse than PNC Part One. They are clueless.


Guyana is headed downhill in less than six months. The PNC has no plan or vision for Guyana.

Originally Posted by asj:

The PNC is Blighted everything they put their hands on turns into shit:

Aurora Gold Mines to scale back expansion if gold price continues to nosedive

seriously . . .


you're that much of an antiman?

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

PNC has nothing to do with the world price of gold...

the idiot 'moderator' who started this thread knows that


but he seemingly can't help himself flinging panty, spamming and horing stupidly for Freedom House these days

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Old people used to say when you thief something it will never prosper. This could be the result of a stolen election.


Yes, that is why the PNC thieves refused to allow for a recount. 


The west would have automatically ordered a recount in America and Canada when less than one percent separate the parties.


PNC rigged for 28 years and stole an election at the first chance that it got.


Guyana is now doomed, Indos must stock up on suitcases and get their passports in order, ready to flee the racist PNC government.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indos were the first to feel the blunt of PNC racism with their ethnic cleansing and now Indo Rice Farmers being thrown under the Bus by the PNC.

watch yugee cow fly jumping from shittabatty to shittabatty tekkin a taste, spreading disease . . . careful antiman, wet shit does dry fast

Originally Posted by asj:

The PNC is Blighted everything they put their hands on turns into shit:

Aurora Gold Mines to scale back expansion if gold price continues to nosedive

Let me see prices tanked over a year ago and its downward spiral continues today and all of that is deemed causative because the APNU is in office in Guyana! I guess the ignorant would find solace in any form of self deception








Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by asj:

The PNC is Blighted everything they put their hands on turns into shit:

Aurora Gold Mines to scale back expansion if gold price continues to nosedive

ASj you do know that you are an idiot.  Is the PNC now to blame because gold prices are dropping?


23 years of PPP rule and Guyana remains a producer of raw commodities, totally dependent on prices which it cannot control. It remains a high cost producer of most of its commodities, and so unable to thrive as prices drop.


How come you aren't wondering why after 23 years of PPP rule, Guyana remains in this state?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Old people used to say when you thief something it will never prosper. This could be the result of a stolen election.

Can you tell us why you don't think that the notion of an opposition party rigging an election against a sitting government doesn't look ridiculous to you?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The thing call PNC kokobeh as yuji put it. Everything is going downward since they took office.


Yes PNC KoKoBeah will spread like a virus. 

dumb ass...that is the creole name for Leprosy an that is a bacterial infection.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The thing call PNC kokobeh as yuji put it. Everything is going downward since they took office.


Yes PNC KoKoBeah will spread like a virus. 

dumb ass...that is the creole name for Leprosy an that is a bacterial infection.

He knows, he has something like that in his mouth and also around his anus where his thoughts are derived.


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