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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

I really don't care if the PNC gets back in power. What's the big deal? Can the government become more corrupted than CARICOM's most corrupt government. The PNC however if full of some ignorant asses. 

Shows the fool and simpleton you are.  What's the big deal?  Sometimes I do have to agree with some opinions as to your lack of reality and professorial simple mindedness.  You don't give a damn cuz when it back-fires you will stick to the USA and let Indians in Guyana be re-enslaved.


You don't have to agree. I know your sentiments as you have expressed them in the past. That cannot bother me however because I don't suffer from small penis dysfunction  Both you and Mahen are doing exactly what the PPP wants you guys to do - demonize the blackman. I wonder if Mahen is also getting paid to do that because there is no way in the world AFC can grow with his strategy of blackman demonization. It is in the interest of the AFC to have Indos soften their views on the PNC. You see bai it is a simple strategic game...but street hustlers cannot understand. In any case you would not want that but Mahen I don't understand. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.



Most Indians get that wish granted, like these folks here:


This is a nasty piece of work from you joker.


1.  this is a picture from a foreign country and not Guyana so you are a LIAR;


2. is it the wish of East Indians to DIE like DOGS?  Look haul yu rass you jackass joker.




If my memory serves me right that photograph is showing the dead bodies of the people from the Bartica massacre. I stand corrected. It may not go down well with some because many want to believe only Indos got killed there and the PNC did it. 



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The AFC is causing a lot of strife between Indians and Afros...

If Moses were selected by the PPP to run for the Presidency, He would have continued to support corruption.



Ramkunt - It has not escaped my notice that you useless being tried to slander the AFC, the best political force in Guyana.


Is this your public pandering to PPP soup making you a soupnist like Baseman?

Please carefully study the AFC public work of 2012 and you will realise the magnificent 7 and the RDC colleagues have punched above their weight class even more than the dumb, dotish and lazy PNC/APNU with their 26 seats and the dunce PPP with their 32 seats.

You Guys are unfair to the AFC as you worship the elusive money from the PPP.


It was the AFC that cause the PNC to back away from the dirty deal to impose inhumane electricity increases on Linden.


It is the AFC that pushed the lazy PNC to sanction the GOAT - Clementina ROTIE.


It is the AFC that drove home the budget cuts of 2012.


It is the AFC that has brought the spot light on the PPP corruption.


It is the AFC that expose the PONZI scheme on the Marriot project.


It is the AFC that voted with the PPP to bring relief to the farmers and house holders in the rural communities, the voice less poor!  The PNC voted to starve and flood these people out.


So you may not recognise what the AFC is doing but the people of Bush Lot and Cotton Tree will never vote PPP again, what the next elections.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The AFC is causing a lot of strife between Indians and Afros...

If Moses were selected by the PPP to run for the Presidency, He would have continued to support corruption.

 Dude, ease up your  behind. The PPP survives on massaging racial tension. It cannot keep the sheep in line without reminding the Indian population that the "black brutes" in the PNC in charge would mean their ruin. Good to see you admitting to PPP corruption. The AFCs value is they make the man in the street aware that the PPP are evil manifest. They also make give them renew hope that a difference is possible.


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