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The PNC rally in New York was done to weaken Granger’s leadership

Kaieteur News – The main speaker from Guyana at the recent PNC rally in New York was Aubrey Norton, one of the formidable challengers for leader of the PNC at the next congress whenever that is. It is more than strange that none of the leaders on the PNC’s pyramid that are strong advocates for Granger’s continuation were invited; neither Granger nor Harmon.
The high profile Norton attained at the meeting is graphic proof that the organisers of the rally want to topple Granger. And their choice is either Norton or Lawrence. There was no invitation of Burnham’s son-in-law, Richard Van West-Charles, who incidentally Granger doesn’t like but has far greater disdain for Norton and Lawrence.
Sitting next to the sponsor of the event, Rickford Burke, was the Indian being groomed to be the Indian face of the PNC – the Mayor of Georgetown. Subraj Narine. Narine was a special guest at the rally and is favoured by PNC groups in Guyana and the diaspora to hold that position. This is a colossal embarrassment for Khemraj Ramjattan.
Granger and Joe Harmon were frenetic in their opposition to Ramjattan being formally declared the prime ministerial candidate in the 2020 election campaign. To assist Ramjattan to allow his psychology to accept that reality, Harmon declared at a Bartica rally in August 2020 that Moses Nagamootoo was political royalty.
At that outing, Nagamootoo appeared on stage donning PNC colours rather that AFC’s yellow symbols. One thing this analyst was certain of, and I mean by a 1,000 percent – had the APNU+AFC win in 2020, Ramjattan would not have been the PM. Ramjattan is one of the world’s most foolish politicians. Here is why.
He is currently speaking the language of the PNC to ingratiate himself with PNC big wigs for 2025. Two things this silly man needs to understand quickly. There is no top contender for the position of leader of the PNC that wants Ramjattan around; not even the incumbent Granger, not Harmon, not Norton, not Lawrence. Ramjattan’s only chance of survival is with Van West Charles who has no animosity towards Ramjattan. The second thing is the PNC is not going into the 2025 battle as APNU+AFC. For all intent and purpose Ramjattan is dead meat, long rotten into nothingness.
The New York diaspora is going to hold more rallies for Aubrey and if Volda throws her hat in the ring, they will pitch tent for her. The PNC groups around the world, Aubrey, Volda and others who will challenge Granger are in for a rude awakening. I prefer the term, “jumbie lash” as I understand it growing up in south Georgetown.
David Granger is not going to resign. The PNC congress will not be held in October before local government elections (LGE). Granger will be in charge of the PNC in the upcoming LGE campaign. The reason for the congress being postponed is a gamble by Granger. If he retains the municipalities, Regional Governments and NDCs that the PNC have controlled for decades, then, he is going to use those victories to solidify his position.
If he loses them there is going to be tsunamic pressure on him to hold congress. Once congress is held, Granger will be contesting and he will “win.” Most, if not all, academics who study Guyanese politics will know how Granger will win. One of the questions that will tantalise every person who follows events in Guyana wherever they are is this – what are the formidable anti-Granger groups going to do if the congressional system is manipulated.
This is where one can speak of the self-destruction of the PNC. By 2025 both Van West-Charles and Aubrey will enter their seventies, with Lawrence close behind. If none of the three succeeds Granger in 2021, then their future chances are doomed. Too many young ones are coming up and there will be pressure to elect a woman. Amanza Walton-Desir is being groomed and that is why she was invited to the New York rally.
Will it be “bruk up time” if Granger stays on and continue to project Harmon as the de facto leader? It could go either way. The anti-Granger factions may coalesce around the idea that the PNC is too precious and historical to tear it apart. Or emotions can take on volcanic moods and the lava can drown all and sundry.
There is a third way being planned. The idea is very, very young. It is being toyed around with. The anti-Granger factions are looking at the idea of forming a new PNC party. I guess Guyana continues to be one of the most exciting and intriguing political societies in the entire world. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper).


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classic example of what organisation and resistance does to the mind of a man like, freddie (a 'know all')

he is totally confused!

his theories of doom and gloom in the opposition camp have been thrown asunder - this must feel like a joe frazier left hook

he viciously attacks khemraj, unashamedly, not unlike some would their fellow indians next door for being in the wrong party. this despite admitting khemraj represented him in court many times in the past for free.

he then indulges in a little trouble making with the opposition camp and concludes that guyana is one of the most exciting and intriguing political societies in the world. if this is not a man thrown into confusion i don't know what is

Last edited by Spugum

I don't agree with constant attack on Ramjattan. Does the PNC really believe it can win an election by itself? They are back to old delusions. Funny how he and Ramjat fell out. Freddie wrote how he told Ramjattan not to give big finance wuk to TK ...I tell yuh...these tiny and simple minds 😂

@Spugum posted:

classic example of what organisation and resistance does to the mind of a man like, freddie (a 'know all')

he is totally confused!

his theories of doom and gloom in the opposition camp have been thrown asunder - this must feel like a joe frazier left hook

he viciously attacks khemraj, unashamedly, not unlike some would their fellow indians next door for being in the wrong party. this despite admitting khemraj represented him in court many times in the past for free.

he then indulges in a little trouble making with the opposition camp and concludes that guyana is one of the most exciting and intriguing political societies in the world. if this is not a man thrown into confusion i don't know what is

CARICOM see Granger as a sanctimonious gangster, the world saw his rigging live. What did you and all PNCite see? PPP rigged the election, your pnc programed mind can’t see Granger as infectious riggeritist that need to quarantine or put to sleep, the reason why he was not invited to the rally.  Whatever Rumjat has become - dead meat, disease, etc is because of his willingness to accept the toothless lapdog position given to him after he helped the coalition win the 2015 elections. Rumjat made a deal with the devil all by himself, Freddy, no one didn’t put a gun to his head....


freddie thinks he can make or break the careers of people and successes of political parties

the idea that the PNC will go to the next general election without the AFC only exists in, freddie's, head. he is confused

the NY march and rally has allowed, freddie (for the first time it appears), to see young indians that are, decent, confident, passionate, with lots of charisma and pull factor on display in NY who are unashamed to shout out they are PNC. clearly stunned by the reception they got there he comes up with the silly idea the PNC will ditch the AFC. what he doesn't realise is that these young people are well known to supporters in the diaspora and in guyana. they interact regularly on social media

the AFC is solid in the coalition camp and will find their feet again

the young APNU-AFC leaders demonstrate an understanding of mission and are given free reign to find themselves as politicians - i find this approach appealing

@sachin_05 posted:

CARICOM see Granger as a sanctimonious gangster, the world saw his rigging live. What did you and all PNCite see? PPP rigged the election, your pnc programed mind can’t see Granger as infectious riggeritist that need to quarantine or put to sleep, the reason why he was not invited to the rally.  Whatever Rumjat has become - dead meat, disease, etc is because of his willingness to accept the toothless lapdog position given to him after he helped the coalition win the 2015 elections. Rumjat made a deal with the devil all by himself, Freddy, no one didn’t put a gun to his head....

you've become quite tedious and boring and fast approaching the status of irrelevant in my book

@Former Member posted:

I don't agree with constant attack on Ramjattan. Does the PNC really believe it can win an election by itself? They are back to old delusions. Funny how he and Ramjat fell out. Freddie wrote how he told Ramjattan not to give big finance wuk to TK ...I tell yuh...these tiny and simple minds 😂

I missed that ,probably one of his concoctions. The man is an ingrate to Khemraj ,whom have provided legal support for him pro bono,people who knows him said he is coward. PNC knows they can't win elections ,they  are sticking to coalition politics.

Many in the PNC observed Granger is weak in politics so is time for him to go, also the theory about Ubraj Narine doesn't hold water.

@Spugum posted:

you've become quite tedious and boring and fast approaching the status of irrelevant in my book

Your so called book is for low life riggers which I won’t touch with a ten foot pole hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

Your so called book is for low life riggers which I won’t touch with a ten foot pole hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

the phrase is "wouldn't touch with a barge pole"

the coalition indians said they're "too intelligent to be PPP"


@Django posted:

I missed that ,probably one of his concoctions. The man is an ingrate to Khemraj ,whom have provided legal support for him pro bono,people who knows him said he is coward. PNC knows they can't win elections ,they  are sticking to coalition politics.

Many in the PNC observed Granger is weak in politics so is time for him to go, also the theory about Ubraj Narine doesn't hold water.

Yeah...if yuh dig up some ole KN columns yuh will see it. Freddie seh how TK was begging foh big wuk and he told Ramjat not to hire he .

@Former Member posted:

Yeah...if yuh dig up some ole KN columns yuh will see it. Freddie seh how TK was begging foh big wuk and he told Ramjat not to hire he .

Fred is a gossip monger. He is not to be trusted. Anything you say, he can use against you.


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