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The PNC implemented a barefaced strategy of discrimination against rice farmers.


The PNC reduced the prices paid to farmers, removed all subsidies on products associated with rice production such as fertilisers and fuel, de-recognised the RPA and dismissed the Association's representatives from the Rice Marketing Board (RMB). The regime also made it a criminal offence for rice farmers to be in possession of their own rice and paddy without permits.

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Later the PNC established "Rice Action Committees" made up of its political supporters, and persons it selected from these groups were placed on the management of the RMB which itself was staffed with PNC supporters with little knowledge of the rice industry. 


This is where Guyana will go if the PNC gets their hands on the commanding heights of power ever again.


This is a most racist position and the PNC was the intellectual authors.


So when these TOKEN Krulli, like TK try to explain away it, it gets me really angry that people who suppose to have little boiseee in their head really can throw it all away to pave the way for personal political opportunism - a PNC back seat.


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