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Former Member

The PNC was rebuilt with help from the imperialists

March 14, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source


Supporters of Forbes Burnham believed in him. They saw him as a political saviour. Most believed his every word. They were prepared to follow him to the ends of the earth. Even when he decried imperialism and condemned capitalism, his supporters believed in him.

Little did they know that, behind their backs, Burnham was in bed with the imperialists. In fact, it was CIA funds that helped to rebuild the People’s National Congress after the 1968 elections.

Burnham’s fingers were also extremely sticky. The Americans asked him to stop siphoning off monies from the sale of flour. In return for a monthly subsidy from the CIA, he promised then he would stop tapping off the funds from the flour sales, but the Americans knew that was no assurance.

These are just some of the revelations that emerged from declassified documents on US Foreign Policy covering the period 1969 to 1974, released by the Office of the Historian, Department of State of the United States of America.

These documents have also confirmed that the CIA again financed operations leading up to the 1968 elections so as to keep Cheddi Jagan out of power.

This support was significant since, according to the documents, the funds were exhausted. Given that adequate funds were normally set aside to finance covert operations, the fact that these funds were exhausted, testifies to the large sums that must have been received by the anti-PPP forces in the run-up to the 1968 elections which were rigged to keep Burnham in power.

The declassified documents revealed that in 1969, Burnham approached the Americans and requested a monthly subsidy of US$10,000 for two years to help fund his party, the People’s National Congress

The US agreed that it was necessary to finance Burnham so as to build effective party machinery, and they provided this socialist with some US$5,000 per month, first for one year, and then renewed it for another year.

In all, Burnham received two years of financing from the CIA for the PNC. The money was to be used to fund a small group of paid PNC organisers; for essential sections of the PNC’s central office and for the dissemination of party information.

The assistance began in July 1969 and was extended in June 1970 for one year. It was concluded in 1971, after which it was determined that no further assistance would be offered.

As earlier mentioned, recent declassified documents also indicated that the Americans asked Burnham to stop siphoning off funds from the sale of flour.  It was estimated that through this arrangement Burnham was raking in more than US$28,000 per year. The means by which he did this, and the concessions that he gave to facilitate this skullduggery, are also revealed in the latest declassified reports from the Office of the Historian.

Yet, this was the same Burnham who, while in bed with the CIA, was laying the foundation for the creation of a socialist society which involved the nationalisation of the commanding heights of the economy.

Other declassified documents revealed what a weakling he was in giving in to US pressures after he had so boldly announced that he was nationalising the bauxite industries.

The US company, Reynolds, got what it wanted. The industries were nationalised, but Reynolds was paid handsomely. The agreement is now available for the public to read. And there is no fine print.

Tens of thousands of Guyanese cheered Burnham when he condemned imperialism. Yet, all along he was on the CIA payroll. He was bankrolled into power by the CIA; he was supported again by the CIA in retaining power through rigging in 1968, and he rebuilt the PNC with funds from the CIA.

Based on what has already been made public, we will learn a lot more about Burnham and the CIA, during a period when he had begun to build his socialist utopia.

Next year will be thirty-five years since the assassination of Walter Rodney, and declassified documents on his death are likely to be released by then.

Those who have procrastinated and played politics with the formulation of the terms of reference of the commission of inquiry, and who are now condemning the establishment of a commission of inquiry, may one day find themselves in an awkward position in having to answer to why they are in bed with the party that may have murdered Rodney.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

What happen to the $28,000 us per year? Why did he not use the $28,000 us per year to buy Belfield or the farm at the back of the Gardens.  The man was basically homeless when he died.


What these documents will not show are the agents within the PNC party, the PPP party, Guyana police/army and Guyana who did not break with the Americans like Burnham did. That would remain classified.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

What a load of large shit post in that Peeping Tom

But KN is your bible. It's your hook, line and sinker. Swallow it. How can you say that? Isn't this blasphemous? Repent you heathen!

Skelly, Peeping Tom is more than one columnist. They are guest contributors representing viewpoints of the government and opposition parties.

Regarding what this particular Peeping Tom has written about Burnham, I will check what the US State Department's Office of the Historian really says before commenting.


Burnham, Jagan and Mrs Jagan may be a lot of things but thieves of Guyana state money they were not.  Each one of them died poor. 


If it were not for Comrade Boysie selling Dr.Jagan a house lot at cost and both the PYO and GAWU providing their labor voluntary to clear the lot and build the house. Then Dr Jagan most likely end up homeless just like Mr.Burnham when he died.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Burnham, Jagan and Mrs Jagan may be a lot of things but thieves of Guyana state money they were not.  Each one of them died poor.

Wally, Are you out of your mind?? A US Magazine verified Bunham as the richest Blackman in the 80's.

Nehru, when Burnham's will was probated the Mirror newspaper reported that Burnham had only G$900,000 in total assets. Less than G$1million.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Burnham, Jagan and Mrs Jagan may be a lot of things but thieves of Guyana state money they were not.  Each one of them died poor.

Wally, Are you out of your mind?? A US Magazine verified Bunham as the richest Blackman in the 80's.

Burnham croak in Georgetown hospital, unlike the Jagabaat, the man G$900,000 could not even afford a butt plug...@U$40k...

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Burnham, Jagan and Mrs Jagan may be a lot of things but thieves of Guyana state money they were not.  Each one of them died poor.

Wally, Are you out of your mind?? A US Magazine verified Bunham as the richest Blackman in the 80's.

This is a blatant lie that was started by the PPP. Why hasn't anyone ever been able to produce a copy of this non existent article? I also heard the lie repeated as the 3rd richest black man so it seems like Odo is getting richer in the after life. 

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Burnham, Jagan and Mrs Jagan may be a lot of things but thieves of Guyana state money they were not.  Each one of them died poor.

Wally, Are you out of your mind?? A US Magazine verified Bunham as the richest Blackman in the 80's.

This is a blatant lie that was started by the PPP. Why hasn't anyone ever been able to produce a copy of this non existent article? I also heard the lie repeated as the 3rd richest black man so it seems that Odo is getting richer in the after life. 

Burnham lives the life, but he certainly did not accumlate a tenth of what the PPP BIG tief Jagdeow-eo got today from the sweat of the sugar workers  - US$120 million I was told.


Now Baby thinking about buying a lear jet fuh his friend.

Last edited by Former Member

It explained why, despite setbacks, the appetite of Burnham the man remained undaunted. His face became synonymous with national colors for national celebrations. He started Mass Games, based on Korean mass dramatization that bordered on propaganda, in which thousands of youths are used to praise their leader and the revolution in splendid costumes, colors, and patriotic fervor. For this, Korean technicians were imported as our students are trained to depict Burnham’s image in revolutionary motifs. Burnham’s interest in diamonds and precious metals that became obvious as early as 1965 when, on a trip to an Amerindian village, he said to the locals, "I know of those who come with the Bible and leave with the diamonds," grew. Rumors of his massive personal wealth became confirmed when he is listed in international magazines as one of the world’s richest Black men. While he is lauded for replacing the "imperialist" tie and jacket with the shirt jack, as an official formal wear, his reputation of being an unscrupulous individual who enjoyed imposing his will on others magnified. A former University of Guyana (UG) lecturer, Mr. Colin Cholmondeley, noted that Burnham "derived a kind of sadistic pleasure in making people be at his beck and call. He would call ministers, bureaucrats and treat them with such abandon…He dedicated himself to subordination."


Source -- Forbes Burnham as Prime Minister of Guyana, Source

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It explained why, despite setbacks, the appetite of Burnham the man remained undaunted. His face became synonymous with national colors for national celebrations. He started Mass Games, based on Korean mass dramatization that bordered on propaganda, in which thousands of youths are used to praise their leader and the revolution in splendid costumes, colors, and patriotic fervor. For this, Korean technicians were imported as our students are trained to depict Burnham’s image in revolutionary motifs. Burnham’s interest in diamonds and precious metals that became obvious as early as 1965 when, on a trip to an Amerindian village, he said to the locals, "I know of those who come with the Bible and leave with the diamonds," grew. Rumors of his massive personal wealth became confirmed when he is listed in international magazines as one of the world’s richest Black men. While he is lauded for replacing the "imperialist" tie and jacket with the shirt jack, as an official formal wear, his reputation of being an unscrupulous individual who enjoyed imposing his will on others magnified. A former University of Guyana (UG) lecturer, Mr. Colin Cholmondeley, noted that Burnham "derived a kind of sadistic pleasure in making people be at his beck and call. He would call ministers, bureaucrats and treat them with such abandon…He dedicated himself to subordination."


Source -- Forbes Burnham as Prime Minister of Guyana, Source

Until you can show us the Bank Account, or contemporary  assets - The Marriot, the Buddy Shivraj, the Pradoville 1&2, the lear jets used to insert butt plugs...all the above is PPP propaganda. Unless, perhaps you are the PNC's Fip Motilall that laugh all the way to the bank with hydro project money under the PNC?

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

 Rumors of his massive personal wealth became confirmed when he is listed in international magazines as one of the world’s richest Black men. 


Source -- Forbes Burnham as Prime Minister of Guyana, Source

Nice try. 


You klowns are now quoting as a reliable source of information.


Again I ask - Why hasn't anyone ever been able to produce a copy of this non existent magazine article? You would think that with the great lengths the PPP goes to in order to pin this on Burnham, someone, somewhere would have a copy of this article or request that the magazine reprints it for them.


Typical PPP propagandists. Repeat a lie often enough and it will magically become the truth.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It explained why, despite setbacks, the appetite of Burnham the man remained undaunted. His face became synonymous with national colors for national celebrations. He started Mass Games, based on Korean mass dramatization that bordered on propaganda, in which thousands of youths are used to praise their leader and the revolution in splendid costumes, colors, and patriotic fervor. For this, Korean technicians were imported as our students are trained to depict Burnham’s image in revolutionary motifs. Burnham’s interest in diamonds and precious metals that became obvious as early as 1965 when, on a trip to an Amerindian village, he said to the locals, "I know of those who come with the Bible and leave with the diamonds," grew. Rumors of his massive personal wealth became confirmed when he is listed in international magazines as one of the world’s richest Black men. While he is lauded for replacing the "imperialist" tie and jacket with the shirt jack, as an official formal wear, his reputation of being an unscrupulous individual who enjoyed imposing his will on others magnified. A former University of Guyana (UG) lecturer, Mr. Colin Cholmondeley, noted that Burnham "derived a kind of sadistic pleasure in making people be at his beck and call. He would call ministers, bureaucrats and treat them with such abandon…He dedicated himself to subordination."


Source -- Forbes Burnham as Prime Minister of Guyana, Source

Until you can show us the Bank Account, or contemporary  assets - The Marriot, the Buddy Shivraj, the Pradoville 1&2, the lear jets used to insert butt plugs...all the above is PPP propaganda. Unless, perhaps you are the PNC's Fip Motilall that laugh all the way to the bank with hydro project money under the PNC?

You can do your personal research to arrive at the same conclusion.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It explained why, despite setbacks, the appetite of Burnham the man remained undaunted. His face became synonymous with national colors for national celebrations. He started Mass Games, based on Korean mass dramatization that bordered on propaganda, in which thousands of youths are used to praise their leader and the revolution in splendid costumes, colors, and patriotic fervor. For this, Korean technicians were imported as our students are trained to depict Burnham’s image in revolutionary motifs. Burnham’s interest in diamonds and precious metals that became obvious as early as 1965 when, on a trip to an Amerindian village, he said to the locals, "I know of those who come with the Bible and leave with the diamonds," grew. Rumors of his massive personal wealth became confirmed when he is listed in international magazines as one of the world’s richest Black men. While he is lauded for replacing the "imperialist" tie and jacket with the shirt jack, as an official formal wear, his reputation of being an unscrupulous individual who enjoyed imposing his will on others magnified. A former University of Guyana (UG) lecturer, Mr. Colin Cholmondeley, noted that Burnham "derived a kind of sadistic pleasure in making people be at his beck and call. He would call ministers, bureaucrats and treat them with such abandon…He dedicated himself to subordination."


Source -- Forbes Burnham as Prime Minister of Guyana, Source

Until you can show us the Bank Account, or contemporary  assets - The Marriot, the Buddy Shivraj, the Pradoville 1&2, the lear jets used to insert butt plugs...all the above is PPP propaganda. Unless, perhaps you are the PNC's Fip Motilall that laugh all the way to the bank with hydro project money under the PNC?

You can do your personal research to arrive at the same conclusion.

Mr DG what % do you get from the thieving money of PPP? Don't lie. You know your boss Mr Burnham did not steal like Mr Jagdeo and PPP.


Corruption has Donald Ramotar cornered


Over time the people of this country have been hearing about their corrupt government. For example, there was talk that Forbes Burnham had stolen so much money that he was the fifth richest person in the world. The accusers quoted Forbes Magazine. Those were the days when information contained in foreign magazines was not readily available.
It turned out that there was never such a publication. Today, more than 25 years after Burnham’s death there is no evidence that he was ever a wealthy man. President Cheddi Jagan came to power with a pledge to run a lean and clean government. And he was true to his word. He caused his government to import pharmaceuticals when a local supplier turned out to be fleecing his government. Suffice it to say that that local supplier is once more the major supplier of pharmaceuticals to the government.
As news of unprecedented corruption began to circulate the then President Bharrat Jagdeo simply asked people to provide proof. Some did and got nowhere. Others were threatened by persons unknown to keep their mouths shut and some lost government contracts. In the end people chose to report to the media.
That there is rampant corruption is now an open secret, so open that Nadira Jagan, a daughter of the Jagans, publicly accused the people in the party her father founded of stealing at unimaginable levels. She said that she was ashamed and her audience listened.
Now, a man who challenged for the presidential nominee of his party, has become the latest to complain about the levels of corruption. Mr Ralph Ramkarran has said that some of the corruption may be perceived. None can fault that statement. Burnham’s wealth was perceived but people believed and acted against it. But there are clear cases of corruption. And Mr Ramkarran wants the head of state to act.
These days, very few of the accused can say that they are as clean as driven snow. In the first instance their physical assets defy explanation. When one compares these assets to their earnings there seems to be no correlation. In some countries the tax man would have intervened but in Guyana, given the nature of the politics, he has chosen to remain silent.
One case was revealed when a woman whose earnings were no more than $40,000 per month from the Guyana Oil Company, proceeded to buy a house for $60 million. This was brought to the attention of Head of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Khurshid Sattaur, who simply ignored the information.
There are other reports of corruption, all of which remain uncontested.  And there is a reason for this. The people who should conduct the investigations subvert themselves to the political directorate. The result is that if someone is close to the political directorate then that person enjoys immense protection, even from criminal protection.
There is now the case of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). This body controls Government assets. It has the power to dispose of these assets and it does not have to account to the National Assembly.
Now there is a charge of rampant corruption with funds from NICIL. The Parliamentarians say that they have to investigate and that they would like to see the books. But the government is saying that this would not happen. Is there something to hide? Since NICIL controls state assets the least that could happen is that people be allowed to see how these assets are preserved or disposed of.
In the same way that the auditor has found that the government-owned National Communications Network cannot account for some $215 million, NICIL is probably in the same position. In the case of NCN the money might never have been collected from people who placed advertisements. In the case of NICIL there may be people who have acquired government assets without completing the payment. This is dishonest.  This is a corrupt practice.
And as if the heavens have opened, each day there are new reports of corruption being unearthed somewhere. We now have the city council among the latest band of corrupt practices. Already the NCN probe has revealed that people caused to be paid to their personal accounts, money destined to the media outlet.
President Ramotar has to take control and act condignly. Corruption has caused his party, for the first time, to preside over a minority government. Further corruption could see the People’s Progressive Party losing the seat of government altogether.


Will history judge Mr. Jagdeo, as a crook?



Dear Editor,
Our first own dictator of Guyana, Mr. L.F.S. Burnham, dutifully followed the script that was almost universally embraced by tyrants in their grab for total power. In then Guyana , not only were local opponents perceived as β€œEnemies of the State’ pulverized, but so were even friends and former colleagues whose loyalties were now deemed questionable.
This brilliant lawyer and orator trampled upon human rights and controlled the judiciary, media, education, police, army, civil service jobs and promotion etc. In fact he was the arbiter of life or death for many.
This deified person changed the constitution to be the chosen β€˜President for Life,’ and as a legal safeguard made himself, β€˜The Comrade Leader,’ immune from any prosecution, should his government fall. He was the law and above the law, and decided which and how the laws were to be interpreted and applied.
The President Burnham and his PNC New Nation presided over a dying nation. Yet the PNC to its eternal shame has never apologized to this nation for this destruction of so many lives. Guyanese have not forgiven the PNC for allowing one man and his faithful to subjugate this nation into total tyranny.
What Mr. Burnham failed to do, as other dictators did, was to accumulate sizeable foreign assets or stash cash in overseas accounts. (The news in Guyana was that, according to Ebony Magazine, he was the third richest β€˜black man’ in the world. I tried to find this article, but never found it. So far there is no evidence after Burnham’s death that he and his family accumulated wealth anywhere.
His widow, Ms. Viola Burnham, had obtained a few acres of state land on short leases that expired in 1992. The land was used to raise buffaloes which Ms. Burnham sold off over the years to earn a living. Their children held ordinary state jobs even when Mr. Burnham was alive.
They too like so many ordinary Guyanese migrated and struggled to educate themselves, worked at regular jobs and lived in very ordinary circumstances.
Mr. Burnham’s failure to accumulate wealth seems rather uncharacteristic for one so brilliant and who enjoyed the good life – according to his love of Western/European lifestyles and tastes. This failure was because the economy totally tumbled with no foreign exchange being available to purchase basic necessities at home. There were reports of gold being shipped in diplomatic bags.
But these would never have large enough to support any affluent lifestyle overseas. The people of Linden like others in the country rebelled.
The country needed a statesman, the PPP in its wisdom offered Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo and must likewise take the credit or blame for his actions.
Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo of the PPP exceeded the worst excesses of Mr. L.F.S. Burnham of the PNC. This resident dictator, generously armed with the constitutional and legal tools created by his idol (Mr. Burnham) which his mentor Dr. C. B Jagan failed to change in 1992 and should rightfully be called the Dr. Jagan’s PPP constitution, continued the emasculation of the long oppressed people.
Mr. Bharrat’s absolute control even in petty matters made his power felt and the β€˜follow the leader’-conditioned and intellect-deficient PPP succumbed and fell.
Moreover, Mr. Jagdeo astutely avoided the personal failures of Mr. Burnham, in that he has accumulated local assets likely far exceeding his total accumulated public incomes. (Guyanese wait for a forensic audit.) It could therefore be concluded that Mr. B. Jagdeo made some exceptionally wise investments in Guyana and/or overseas that Guyanese are not aware of.
Would His Excellency Mr. Jagdeo or his faithful followers kindly let the Guyanese people know where he invested his monies, even while in office? There is no such evidence of wise economic stewardships by His Excellency Mr. Jagdeo with the assets of the nation – since the working-classes are still suffering and praying for deliverance.
Mr. Burnham’s strategy was to nationalize anything β€˜big’ and put his faithful in charge; whereas, Mr. Jagdeo’s was/is to outsource and award contracts to local and foreign gangsters or those who are willing to make secret deals at a price.
These members of Mr. Jagdeo’s nobility are given generous government contracts with little public oversight and further contracts are offered to correct the deficiencies/neglects of the first contracts. The fleecing of Guyanese is rampant, as seen in one the earliest scenarios at UG with regards to the renovation of the Biology labs with European Union (EU) funding. This was never addressed.
In addition, these individuals or their companies are given monopolies on the import of certain products, e.g., basic medicine) so that these individuals and their companies control local prices. This is another way to fleece the locals who are an already oppressed people.
These recent arrivals are given advantages and privileges that are denied to honest local businesses that have been working here in Guyana throughout the years. If the locals complained they are belittled publicly, irrespective of age or stature.
Another example is that respectable businesses such as Stabroek News and Kaieteur News have been denied radio and or television licenses despite years of responsible journalism and public service. UG students and the Linden community still cannot get their own radio and or television licenses; wherwas, the American naturalized friends of President Jagdeo get preferential treatments – they have TV and Radio licenses. Mr. Jagdeo’s largesse does not come free. Everything has a price and is negotiable.
Our Elders taught us that we can tell a man by his friends, if those chosen to serve Mr. Jagdeo locally are of questionable character and several of his overseas rich friends are before the foreign courts for basically theft, then what must we conclude of Mr Jagdeo with his unseemly acquisition of personal wealth?
The people have not forgotten the deeds of Mr. Burnham, his executioners and PNC. Likewise, the people will not forget the deeds of Mr. Jagdeo and his loyal henchmen (including those with academic titles), his unprincipled PPP and the new nobility.
Will the PPP do the right thing and apologize to Guyana for the transgressions of their leader, Mr. Jagdeo and his enablers?
 Seelochan Beharry




I can reflect whole night on Burnham. I am doing a book called β€œBurnham – His Mission and His Mansion”. I was at the chapter where I was looking for his wealth and I have asked people to come and tell me where is Burnham’s wealth. So far no takers! Ebony Magazine, they claimed say Burnham was the richest black man in the world, the third richest black man. Therefore, I wrote Ebony Magazine, can’t even show me a copy of it. Never did, some people say they thought it was Times. Not true. Burnham, when he died left a will. The other President dead, I haven’t seen the will. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:

Until you can show us the Bank Account, or contemporary  assets - The Marriot, the Buddy Shivraj, the Pradoville 1&2, the lear jets used to insert butt plugs...all the above is PPP propaganda. Unless, perhaps you are the PNC's Fip Motilall that laugh all the way to the bank with hydro project money under the PNC?

You can do your personal research to arrive at the same conclusion.

This is an intellectually vacuous response. Your brain has abandoned you.


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