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The “Point Plan” President

While in opposition, David Granger spent all of his tenure sharing his plans and vision for Guyana’s socioeconomic development if he was to be given the chance to lead the country as President. Then of course, there was the elaborate Manifesto with its 100-day promises.

Immediately after  winning the May 11 General and Regional Elections, Guyanese were again fed a plethora of measures and plans that they could expect from the President-elect.

On this occasion, he spoke about eradicating poverty, restoring the beauty and glory of Georgetown, the capital city, ending corruption, boosting foreign and local direct investments and national unity.

Since becoming President, Mr Granger during his first few weeks continued to boost the expectations of the citizenry with more plans and intended actions that would result in them achieving and living “the good life”.

Months into his presidency and he apparently is still planning this and planning that. It is a bit shameful that the President at every event and conference, he is invited to speak or address announces a “5 point plan” or “four-point plan” or “eight-point plan” or “fifteen-point plan” which again is blueprint of his vision for the sector.

Mr Granger can easily be described as the “point plan president”. Since his coalition Government took control of the Executive, it has done literally nothing to create economic, ethnic and political stability in the country.

The country appears to be at a standstill even as the Ministers of Government are allowed to embark on crusades and travelling expeditions around the world under the transparent excuse  that they are either on official state business or party business.

The President too must have acquired a mega travel miles from his numerous trips overseas – public, private and secret – since being elected to office in May.

Instead of rolling out some infrastructural projects that could stimulate spending in the country and result in economies of scale for the small businesses, the Government is busy attacking critical private sector investments made under the former Government.

Mr Granger’s Government has also not implemented any strong and well-received crime fighting strategy to end the reign of terror and criminality which have taken innocent Guyanese hostage.

Apparently, the 2:00 am curfew and gun amnesty are more important than causing a massive reduction immediately in the crime rate. Why hasn’t the Vice President with responsibility for Public Security issued a stern warning to the Police Commissioner on this matter that would demonstrate his Government’s intolerance for crime even as he offers more support in the form of resources?

The Miners are crying out and the Government’s response is ‘we are drafting a four-point plan that will address your issues’. The Government is busy launching a Commission of Inquiry into this and into that, firing people from their jobs and probing everything under the sun, instead launching core programmes and initiatives that will benefit the poor and vulnerable.

Essequibo residents are begging the Government to effect a small decrease to the unreasonable ferry fares but the President could care less at the moment because he is doing that he can to help residents at Pomeroon benefit from his politically-inspired school boat initiative while literally fighting the Berbice Bridge Company to take immediate actions that could cripple that private investment.

The problem is, this Government is not taking decisive action to enable Guyanese to benefit from “relief” and the much needed “stimulus packages” following the General Elections while it seeks to create stability.

It has allowed uncertainty to reach monstrous levels and is doing absolutely nothing to confirm its promise of a “good life”. It is disappointing that Mr Granger is still in a “planning” mode even after he had over six years in opposition making all of his plans. He should have been in “executing” mode and should have commenced the process of reform.

Guyana does not need another “point plan president”, Guyana needs a “can do” President who will take action and get things done. The Government is busy trying to reinvent the wheel when it could merely be focusing on how to improve the wheel in order to get more out of it.

It is clear that the President has a plan! We get it, when will he execute it so that we can benefit from it and all its points….

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Advice for the President. Choose one community and wuk it for the progress so desired. Then use as an example for the entire country . Looking at the problems would be overwhelming. Isolate. And start solving.  

Originally Posted by asj:

And so the Point Plan President could not deliver on his promise for 100 days,

maybe he needs 100 months, even with that, he will still be unable to deliver.


Nah, the PNC will need 100 Years to implement.


PNC, a bunch of jackasses:





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  • Unknown
Originally Posted by caribny:

Indo KKK, if the Essequibo fares are too high, how come the PPP didn't reduce them?

How come your are so stupid to believe that The PNC can run the government.

After reading the whole article all you can come up with is throw blame on THE PPP..  The PPP does not want to reduce faces or taxes, you goat head.


There is no substance to the president's plan, only rhetorics and sarcasms.

Why is that dunce asking Jagdeo to join his Government?  You arte quick to call Indians KKK or racists when in facts you are the racist.  


The plan is not working.  The PNC found out that it costs money to do nothing.

They Jagdeo to come up with Jagdeo and the PPP economists to came up with new ideas to generate the economy.  Corbin told me that TK and sase are useless copy cat artists.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The plan is not working.  The PNC found out that it costs money to do nothing.

They Jagdeo to come up with Jagdeo and the PPP economists to came up with new ideas to generate the economy.  Corbin told me that TK and sase are useless copy cat artists.

I'm beginning to see why the other fellas tell you to lay off the booze.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The plan is not working.  The PNC found out that it costs money to do nothing.

They Jagdeo to come up with Jagdeo and the PPP economists to came up with new ideas to generate the economy.  Corbin told me that TK and sase are useless copy cat artists.


Granger kicked TK and Gerhard to the curb. They got what they deserved from PNC Part 2. (Two Kicks)

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The plan is not working.  The PNC found out that it costs money to do nothing.

They Jagdeo to come up with Jagdeo and the PPP economists to came up with new ideas to generate the economy.  Corbin told me that TK and sase are useless copy cat artists.

I'm beginning to see why the other fellas tell you to lay off the booze.

That's because they have no intelligent reponse to my posts. 

A pig like you should keep your trap shut.



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