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seignet posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

The electorate is held hostage. Just read Caribj and you will get the dilemma.


You were asked to say what racist comments I make.

Now I have told you about your racist comments many times as did the few other black GNI posters, none of whom remain.

Last year you were wanting to curse black Guyanese to unending poverty and hardships. This after your screams about their violence and laziness.

I have conceded that BOTH Indians and Africans have been racist towards each other and BOTH Indians and Africans have suffered from such racism.

Your scream is that Afro Guyanese are singularly racist and that Indians haven't been racist at all.

So who is the racist here? You and the rest of your Indo KKK tribe.

And u think I am wrong. Re-read your post.

And yet you still cannot say why you think that I am racist. WHAT is racist about my post?

YOU are the one who is racist when you peddle the same stereotypes of blacks that the KKK does.  But I assume that you don't think that saying that blacks are lazy and criminal is a racist statement.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"Chief Justice Chang ruled that there is no law preventing Jagdeo from running for a third term. There is a law preventing him from running for more than two consecutive terms of which he had to step down after those two terms concluded."

Yuji - you are correct!

As I said the highlight is wrong.  There is no such law currently.

Chang vacated the whole act that prevented a third term.  The amendment had barred anyone who served 2 terms after year 2000 from running again.

Here is an excerpt from Chang's rulng:

In accordance with the purported alteration, Article 90 (2) and (3) now reads:

β€œ(2)   A person elected as President after the year 2000 is eligible for re-election only once

(3)    A person who acceded to the Presidency after the year 2000 and served therein on a single occasion for not less than such period as may be determined by the National Assembly is eligible for election as President only once.”

This was the gist of the ruling:

The court therefore holds that Act No. 17 of 2001, in so far as it seeks to TRENCH on and to DILUTE the PRE-EXISTING DEMOCRATIC rights of the electorate to elect as President a person of their own choice, needed a referendum and is invalid and without legal effect for reason of non-compliance with Article 164 (2) (a) and/or repugnancy with Article 1 (democratic society) and Article 9 (sovereignty belongs to the people) – both of which Articles require a referendum for any alteration.


Here is an excerpt from Ramkarran's blog:


Act No. 17 of 2001 amended article 90 of the Constitution to provide for term limitation and other qualifications for the president, pursuant to the recommendations of the Constitution Reform Commission. Amendments can be made to the Constitution under article 164 by a two-third majority for some articles and a two-third majority together with a referendum for others. Act No. 17 of 2001 had received a two-third majority in 2001.

In Richardson v Attorney General and Trotman, decided on Thursday July 9, the Chief Justice ruled that notwithstanding the provisions of article 164, Act No 17 of 2001 in so far as it β€˜dilutes’ the democratic rights of the electorate to elect a president of its own choice, needed a referendum and therefore violates article 164. The Chief Justice argues that the Constitution cannot be subject to amendment by addition and Act 17 of 2001 adds new provisions to article 90 relating to the qualifications for president. The other main reason given by the Chief Justice is that a two-third majority cannot alter a provision of the Constitution in diminution of its β€˜normative’ characteristics as providing that Guyana is an indivisible, secular, democratic and sovereign state. He identified the right of a citizen to elect a president as such a provision and held that the amendment affected such a right. The decision clears the way for a third term for Dr. Jagdeo.


Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

The electorate is held hostage. Just read Caribj and you will get the dilemma.


You were asked to say what racist comments I make.

Now I have told you about your racist comments many times as did the few other black GNI posters, none of whom remain.

Last year you were wanting to curse black Guyanese to unending poverty and hardships. This after your screams about their violence and laziness.

I have conceded that BOTH Indians and Africans have been racist towards each other and BOTH Indians and Africans have suffered from such racism.

Your scream is that Afro Guyanese are singularly racist and that Indians haven't been racist at all.

So who is the racist here? You and the rest of your Indo KKK tribe.

And u think I am wrong. Re-read your post.

And yet you still cannot say why you think that I am racist. WHAT is racist about my post?

YOU are the one who is racist when you peddle the same stereotypes of blacks that the KKK does.  But I assume that you don't think that saying that blacks are lazy and criminal is a racist statement.

For one, u r biased against Indians. And u think the actions of a few are applicable to every East Indian. The resentment of Indians coming to Guyana has been a troubesome issue for a number of Blacks in 1838 and is still a major issue for the majority of the Black electorate of Guyana. 

There is this constant endeavor to keep Indians out. It is a race of the kith and kin. 

I think labelling Indians as KKK is as racist as the Black Power Movement. 

VVP posted:
caribny posted:


The notion that ABC nations care about Guyana is pure nonsense. The Cold War is over. 

That's where you are wrong.  They care about stability and good governance because without that they get flooded with illegals, drugs etc.

There are 200 sovereign nations in the world. Please explain why one of the least important merits attention from ABC nations?

I can assure you that floods of Guyanese refugees are the last thing which worries Trump.  Any trying to do so will be slaughtered by bandits in Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala or Mexico.  They cannot fly into the USA as they will be immediately sent back.

Even Trinidad is more concerned about Venezuelan refugees, and that would be the most obvious place for Guyanese to flee.

If Obama didn't care the slightest about refugee issues, other than that of Cubans you are crazed to think that Trump will. His Sec of State is Granger's good friend.  Remember that!

seignet posted:


I think labelling Indians as KKK is as racist as the Black Power Movement. 

Please don't flatter yourself. Riffraff isn't an Indo KKK. Neither are django, Chief, Kari, Gilbakka, and several others.  They don't peddle racism, and on occasion, even stand up to people like you who do. In times past people like you have attacked them calling them PNC, Cuffy Lovers, Congo Lovers and self hating Indians, among other epithets.

YOU, baseman, druggie, skeldon, billyramgoat, yuji and cobra are Indo KKK because you peddle the same stereotypes of blacks as they do.

I also suggest that you  follow your own advice. You stereotype blacks as a group as being criminal, violent, lazy and useless, based on the actions of a few.

And in fact I have admitted to bias by blacks against Indians. You have NEVER admitted to bias by Indians against blacks, so it appears to me as if I am way more objective on this issue than you will ever be.

caribny posted:

I have conceded that BOTH Indians and Africans have been racist towards each other and BOTH Indians and Africans have suffered from such racism.


This is why the Indo KKK scream that I am racist. You see to suggest that Indian racism exists, even when a suggestion that African racism also exists, is a racist statement according to the Indo KKK.

One must portray Guyanese history as being one of peaceful Indians trying hard to embrace Afro Guyanese and getting killed in return.  That is the Indo KKK narrative.  And one can add their views of;

1. Creole culture as degraded (prashad endless rants against this, even as he is married to a creole). 

2. Any Indian who adapts a multi cultural identity existing on a continuum of an Indo Caribbean, Creole (Afro/Euro Caribbean), and Anglo American....these representing the core inputs into Guyanese cultural a disgrace. This in fact when most Indians do in fact exist on this cultural continuum, even if they decide to deny this.

3. Blacks are violent, criminal, lazy and have made no contribution to Guyana.

4. Blacks must be grateful to Indians for "saving" Guyana (implicit within this is a denial that Indians haven't fled to better run majority black Caribbean islands to eke out a living).

5.  Douglas are a "contaminated species", merely because they have some African ancestry. They must atone for this "sin" by disavowing this part Afro Caribbean heritage and embrace a "pure" Indian one.  Again prashad being the loudest screamer, despite the multi ethnic characteristic of his household.

Seignet and the rest of the Indo KKK do not see the above as racist. They scream that its the TRUTH and wail that its those who confront them on this who are the racists.

They then cloak themselves with the notion that attacking their attitudes is an attack on all Indians. And in fact when Indians, who don't share these views, remain silent, it confirms them in this belief. It also suggests that Indians as a whole aren't bothered with these attitudes.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

OK, good luck, Guyana awaits the president VVP!!

ABC wants good governance by "covertly" imposing a political party upon the people of Guyana.  You prapa funny!


You really know very little about politics.  I know how government works ,I dare say at a very high level.

My brother was just thinking about forming a party and he had audiences with the ABC ambassadors in Guyana.  Covertly means that they cannot openly fund candidates in foreign elections.  Nothing new.  Don't waste my time bai.

Well, leh me summarize and "contexualize" this breaking news from the brother of one of Guyana's budding politicians.  His [not so] smart political [not so] savvy brother VVP announced to the world that "buddy bai" forming a political party to dispose of both the PNC and PPP and will do so with clandestine/covert/illegal funds from foreign powers and impose himself onto the people of Guyana as the grand "messiah"!

Are you auditioning for some stand-up comedy?  Because you are "Very Very Pfunny"!!

ba$eman posted:
 His [not so] smart political [not so] savvy brother VVP announced to the world that "buddy bai" forming a political party to dispose of both the PNC and PPP and will do so with clandestine/covert/illegal funds from foreign powers and impose himself onto the people of Guyana as the grand "messiah"!


No wonder you cannot get something better than the watchman job  

I think everyone here is aware that my brother is dead! 

caribny posted:
VVP posted:
caribny posted:


The notion that ABC nations care about Guyana is pure nonsense. The Cold War is over. 

That's where you are wrong.  They care about stability and good governance because without that they get flooded with illegals, drugs etc.

There are 200 sovereign nations in the world. Please explain why one of the least important merits attention from ABC nations?


Ask the PPP bais and gurls here the role the ABC countries played in the last election.  They will get the answer from Bharrat for you.

caribny posted:
caribny posted:

I have conceded that BOTH Indians and Africans have been racist towards each other and BOTH Indians and Africans have suffered from such racism.


This is why the Indo KKK scream that I am racist. You see to suggest that Indian racism exists, even when a suggestion that African racism also exists, is a racist statement according to the Indo KKK.

One must portray Guyanese history as being one of peaceful Indians trying hard to embrace Afro Guyanese and getting killed in return.  That is the Indo KKK narrative.  And one can add their views of;

1. Creole culture as degraded (prashad endless rants against this, even as he is married to a creole). 

2. Any Indian who adapts a multi cultural identity existing on a continuum of an Indo Caribbean, Creole (Afro/Euro Caribbean), and Anglo American....these representing the core inputs into Guyanese cultural a disgrace. This in fact when most Indians do in fact exist on this cultural continuum, even if they decide to deny this.

3. Blacks are violent, criminal, lazy and have made no contribution to Guyana.

4. Blacks must be grateful to Indians for "saving" Guyana (implicit within this is a denial that Indians haven't fled to better run majority black Caribbean islands to eke out a living).

5.  Douglas are a "contaminated species", merely because they have some African ancestry. They must atone for this "sin" by disavowing this part Afro Caribbean heritage and embrace a "pure" Indian one.  Again prashad being the loudest screamer, despite the multi ethnic characteristic of his household.

Seignet and the rest of the Indo KKK do not see the above as racist. They scream that its the TRUTH and wail that its those who confront them on this who are the racists.

They then cloak themselves with the notion that attacking their attitudes is an attack on all Indians. And in fact when Indians, who don't share these views, remain silent, it confirms them in this belief. It also suggests that Indians as a whole aren't bothered with these attitudes.

U r a sad case, your hate imposes sadness. It is your ardent desire to bring sadness to the Hindus of Guyana. Suh they must protect themselves from the likes of ppl like you who would wish upon them sadness. And for that you claim they are racist, when u exhibit most of Guyana's racism. In Wismar, Indians lived among Blacks not even suspecting of the horrors that would befall them. That was raw Black Power-hateful at its core and nutured by the uncles who told you how bad coolie ppl were. And now u carrying the banner anouncing that they still bad. I hope the Hindus never ever forget that barbarism. And they keep Jagdeo around to constantly remind those who forget.




VVP posted:

Ask the PPP bais and gurls here the role the ABC countries played in the last election.  They will get the answer from Bharrat for you.

The PPP thinks that Indians are still the majority, and refuse to believe that they don't have a right to rule. They think that the Guyana constitutions says that only the PPP can rule.

So when they lost they had to invent some conspiracy.  They cannot oven "prove" that the CIA hacked computers in Guyana.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
 His [not so] smart political [not so] savvy brother VVP announced to the world that "buddy bai" forming a political party to dispose of both the PNC and PPP and will do so with clandestine/covert/illegal funds from foreign powers and impose himself onto the people of Guyana as the grand "messiah"!


No wonder you cannot get something better than the watchman job  

I think everyone here is aware that my brother is dead! 

Well, I don't know who you are, as such, I did not know and don't know you or your family.  Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that!

Yes, I was a Swiss watchman, kept a sharp eye on the financials and accounts from mangy thieves.  But not to worry, it paid well!

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
caribny posted:

I have conceded that BOTH Indians and Africans have been racist towards each other and BOTH Indians and Africans have suffered from such racism.


This is why the Indo KKK scream that I am racist. You see to suggest that Indian racism exists, even when a suggestion that African racism also exists, is a racist statement according to the Indo KKK.

One must portray Guyanese history as being one of peaceful Indians trying hard to embrace Afro Guyanese and getting killed in return.  That is the Indo KKK narrative.  And one can add their views of;

1. Creole culture as degraded (prashad endless rants against this, even as he is married to a creole). 

2. Any Indian who adapts a multi cultural identity existing on a continuum of an Indo Caribbean, Creole (Afro/Euro Caribbean), and Anglo American....these representing the core inputs into Guyanese cultural a disgrace. This in fact when most Indians do in fact exist on this cultural continuum, even if they decide to deny this.

3. Blacks are violent, criminal, lazy and have made no contribution to Guyana.

4. Blacks must be grateful to Indians for "saving" Guyana (implicit within this is a denial that Indians haven't fled to better run majority black Caribbean islands to eke out a living).

5.  Douglas are a "contaminated species", merely because they have some African ancestry. They must atone for this "sin" by disavowing this part Afro Caribbean heritage and embrace a "pure" Indian one.  Again prashad being the loudest screamer, despite the multi ethnic characteristic of his household.

Seignet and the rest of the Indo KKK do not see the above as racist. They scream that its the TRUTH and wail that its those who confront them on this who are the racists.

They then cloak themselves with the notion that attacking their attitudes is an attack on all Indians. And in fact when Indians, who don't share these views, remain silent, it confirms them in this belief. It also suggests that Indians as a whole aren't bothered with these attitudes.

U r a sad case, your hate imposes sadness. It is your ardent desire to bring sadness to the Hindus of Guyana. Suh they must protect themselves from the likes of ppl like you who would wish upon them sadness. And for that you claim they are racist, when u exhibit most of Guyana's racism. In Wismar, Indians lived among Blacks not even suspecting of the horrors that would befall them. That was raw Black Power-hateful at its core and nutured by the uncles who told you how bad coolie ppl were. And now u carrying the banner anouncing that they still bad. I hope the Hindus never ever forget that barbarism. And they keep Jagdeo around to constantly remind those who forget.




At various times on GNI ALL of the comments which I cite have been made by you or others of your Indo KKK team.  So if there is any racism here it is from the likes of you all!

Wismar violence occurred as a reaction to Indian violence against blacks.  Indians killed blacks who then killed Indians, which led to Indians killing blacks, and so on. Tit for tat, but of course your racist brain ignores the fact that it wasn't just the blacks who committed violent acts and yes many blacks had to flee from majority Indian areas.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
 His [not so] smart political [not so] savvy brother VVP announced to the world that "buddy bai" forming a political party to dispose of both the PNC and PPP and will do so with clandestine/covert/illegal funds from foreign powers and impose himself onto the people of Guyana as the grand "messiah"!


No wonder you cannot get something better than the watchman job  

I think everyone here is aware that my brother is dead! 

Well, I don't know who you are, as such, I did not know and don't know you or your family.  Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that!

Yes, I was a Swiss watchman, kept a sharp eye on the financials and accounts from mangy thieves.  But not to worry, it paid well!

Guess you are the only person here who don't know who I am.  I never tried to hide.

But, I am Vijay and my brother was Vic Puran.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
 His [not so] smart political [not so] savvy brother VVP announced to the world that "buddy bai" forming a political party to dispose of both the PNC and PPP and will do so with clandestine/covert/illegal funds from foreign powers and impose himself onto the people of Guyana as the grand "messiah"!


No wonder you cannot get something better than the watchman job  

I think everyone here is aware that my brother is dead! 

Well, I don't know who you are, as such, I did not know and don't know you or your family.  Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that!

Yes, I was a Swiss watchman, kept a sharp eye on the financials and accounts from mangy thieves.  But not to worry, it paid well!

Guess you are the only person here who don't know who I am.  I never tried to hide.

But, I am Vijay and my brother was Vic Puran.

I actually stay away from people's personal names unless they use it as their handle!  VVP did not mean much to me.  I read sometime back of some Puran guy died in an accident or something in Guyana.  Again, sorry to hear!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
 His [not so] smart political [not so] savvy brother VVP announced to the world that "buddy bai" forming a political party to dispose of both the PNC and PPP and will do so with clandestine/covert/illegal funds from foreign powers and impose himself onto the people of Guyana as the grand "messiah"!


No wonder you cannot get something better than the watchman job  

I think everyone here is aware that my brother is dead! 

Well, I don't know who you are, as such, I did not know and don't know you or your family.  Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that!

Yes, I was a Swiss watchman, kept a sharp eye on the financials and accounts from mangy thieves.  But not to worry, it paid well!

Guess you are the only person here who don't know who I am.  I never tried to hide.

But, I am Vijay and my brother was Vic Puran.

I actually stay away from people's personal names unless they use it as their handle!  VVP did not mean much to me.  I read sometime back of some Puran guy died in an accident or something in Guyana.  Again, sorry to hear!

Difficult to cut this post with my SP.

BUT, some Puran????  And you said you were involved in Guyana politics?  Vic was one of the most well known attorney in Guyana and was very well known in the political circle.

Base you lying about your knowledge of Guyanese politics.


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