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August 15 ,2021


Peeping Tom.

Cheddi Jagan was an unrepentant socialist. A number of his followers, who later became part the government when democracy was restored in 1992, received ideological training and orientation inside and outside of Guyana.They were in the forefront of the real struggle for democracy from 1968-1992. However, when they got into office, Cheddi discovered too late that many of them were smitten by the adulation and wealth of the bourgeois class. Many of them also did not have what it takes to function effectively as Ministers. They turned out to be pathetic and palpable failures.Their incompetence and weakness of being cosy with the propertied class was exploited by Jagdeo. From very early he rose as a star with the PPP/C government because many of those around him hardly flickered, much less shone.

Jagdeo got lucky when Janet Jagan and the Central Committee tried to create the image of a balanced ticket of old and young in the run-up to the 1997 elections. In order to woo the youth vote, the party came up with the A-Team ticket with Jagdeo as its poster boy.Janet and the Central Committee did not cater for the strange twists of fate. After she won the 1997 elections, she realised that the PNC supporters would not accept her as President. Then ill health reared its head and she was forced to resign.But because the party was supposed to hold the Presidency, the third member of the A-Team, the one that no one expected to ever assume high office, Bharrat Jagdeo, was manoeuvred, through political musical chairs, to the Presidency.

Under Jagdeo, the PPP/C retreated from its working class orientation. When the once powerful Janet Jagan protested over the policy direction of the government, she was rudely told that she was a private citizen. She had no response because by then she was ailing and the PPP/C had long been seized by a powerful oligarchic class to which the old guard of the PPP/C willingly gave their blessings.

The old guard were supposed to be loyal to Cheddi’s working class leanings. They were supposed to be left wing in their orientation. But they turned out to be easily co-opted by the very class, which they were expected to prevent from overtaking the party.Jagdeo’s economics is pro-business. His policies were unashamedly neo-liberal and he has effectively co-opted, neutralised or marginalised the old guard.
Much of the old guard is no longer around. Many of the PPP’s stalwarts have passed to the Great Beyond. Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan, Reepu Daman Persaud, Feroze Mohamed, Navin Chanderpal, Cyril Belgrave and Komal Chand have all died. Kellawan Lall, Harripersaud Nokta, Clinton Collymore, Clement Rohee, Donald Ramotar and Indranie Chanderpal are among the living stalwarts who have been put out to political pasture. The sole survivor of the ‘old’ guard in the Cabinet is Gail Teixeira and this is based mainly on the institutional knowledge, which she possesses on parliamentary affairs and governance reforms.

Terrible mistakes were made by the old guard. They never understood how to manage power both within and outside of the party. If they did, they would never have allowed Jagdeo to assume the post of General Secretary after the party’s 2015 defeat.It was a colossal political blunder or, who knows, even a political surrender. After the mistake of Janet Jagan, this decision should not have been even contemplated. But the old guard had become tired and haggard and lacked the energy needed to return to the legwork of Opposition politics.Jagdeo had effectively used his powers as President to increase his influence on the party. And when he was foisted on the party as General Secretary, he lost no time in consolidating his grip. Jagdeo was even able to have Roger Luncheon, a powerhouse and a close lieutenant of Cheddi and Janet, to support him within the Executive Committee level.In his semi-autobiography, Clement Rohee confirmed what everyone already suspected. That long before the March 2, 2020 elections, Jagdeo had a candidate whom he was backing as the PPP/C’s presidential candidate.That the old guard allowed him to successfully pilot Irfaan Ali to become the party’s Presidential candidate is something, which will continue to amaze future generations.

When you consider the intelligence and political experience of the other candidates, it is inexplicable that some members of the old guard could have joined forces with Jagdeo to railroad through his candidate.This shows tremendous political ineptitude and the soft backbone of the old guard of the PPP. They owed it to Cheddi to fight to ensure that the party in and out of government retained its working class orientation. They owed it to themselves to ensure that the party was not seized by the oligarchic class. But they have failed themselves, failed Cheddi, failed the party and failed history.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jorgon and his Romanian Hun wife had a history of koolie crabdog fight up against other koolie political leaders who they perceive as threats against their leadership of koolies. Balram to Boysie got it. Jorgon became the leader of koolies at age 32 and maintain it until he kicked the bucket in an American tax payers bed at 78. The long legacy of koolie crabdog fight up of other koolies continue to inspire koolies.

Ali Khan Azad
Last edited by Ali Khan Azad

aka is related to balram or boysie and has a bitter hatred for de jagans because jagan didn't allow balram and boysie to rise up, dat's why aka keep harping about dem      hahahahahaha

Last edited by Former Member

Guyana can still be rescued from a leadership similar to the North Koreans. In the cadre of so called politicians of the combined opposition forces such talent exists. Selfishness is in their way. They need to decide the country needs to be rescued and put together a team to rescue it, NOT GOVERN IT permanently. Sort of putting it on the right track.

@Former Member posted:

he's a cunning communist and russia lover

Of their form of Democracy ,using Burnham Constitution to be in power as Vice President fooling the world that after the President is Vice President. Listening to his interview at Rice University ,slurring and don't hear the questions ,something is not quite right with him.

Last edited by Django

You hate him because you see him as an inferior subhuman koolie?

Probably hated for his ideology thinking Guyana belongs to him and his political party ,which have the right to rule by hook or crook.

Can one imagine ,people are rebuked for obtaining a house lot which they paid for and can't exercise their Democratic Rights.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Probably hated for his ideology thinking Guyana belongs to him and his political party ,which have the right to rule by hook or crook.

Can one imagine ,people are rebuked for obtaining a house lot which they paid for and can't exercise their Democratic Rights.

Yeah bai, dem want tek way the democratic right to bore the plate after eating in it..hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

Yeah bai, dem want tek way the democratic right to bore the plate after eating in it..hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

So what you mean here is the woman in question and those of her ilk wants to take away the PPP's right to bore hole in plate after eating in it?

@sachin_05 posted:

Yeah bai, dem want tek way the democratic right to bore the plate after eating in it..hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

the plate deserves boring!

the land her ansestors slaved to develop and make habitable, today she has to buy that land with the understanding that her civil and political rights are curtailed

alyuh full of it!

@Django posted:

Of their form of Democracy ,using Burnham Constitution to be in power as Vice President fooling the world that after the President is Vice President. Listening to his interview at Rice University ,slurring and don't hear the questions ,something is not quite right with him.

This doesn’t sound like a man that something not quite right with - Fooling the world that the coalition rigged the election, fooling the world that he is second in command after the president, sounded to me like a man that is on top of his game...check yourself bro, something may not right with you....

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

This doesn’t sound like a man that something not quite right with - Fooling the world that the coalition rigged the election, fooling the world that he is second in command after the president,

sounded to me like a man that is on top of his game...

check yourself bro, something may not right with you....

LOL!!! top of his game ,maybe the curse of the people becoming effective.

I am good bro ,faculties intact.

Last edited by Django
@cain posted:

So what you mean here is the woman in question and those of her ilk wants to take away the PPP's right to bore hole in plate after eating in it?

here, Shakebatty provide the answer to your query..

the plate deserves boring!

the land her ansestors slaved to develop and make habitable, today she has to buy that land with the understanding that her civil and political rights are curtailed

alyuh full of it!

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

This doesn’t sound like a man that something not quite right with - Fooling the world that the coalition rigged the election, fooling the world that he is second in command after the president, sounded to me like a man that is on top of his game...check yourself bro, something may not right with you....

ppp (rigged) elections been around a long time. got caught and now fighting for legitimacy. begging  opposition fuh recognition

sarah helping but she soon gone. caricom, oas, trump/pompeo, abce half-truths will be exposed

hold up yuh bottle wine in the air and shake yuh waist. mek sure yuh hold yuh nose though

uitvlugt university and crew on the back foot, pressure got alyuh meking poilcy on the back of a match box


@Spugum posted:

ppp (rigged) elections been around a long time. got caught and now fighting for legitimacy. begging  opposition fuh recognition

sarah helping but she soon gone. caricom, oas, trump/pompeo, abce half-truths will be exposed

hold up yuh bottle wine in the air and shake yuh waist. mek sure yuh hold yuh nose though

uitvlugt university and crew on the back foot, pressure got alyuh meking poilcy on the back of a match box


Y’all got big plans, get rid of Sarah, get rid of Caricom, get rid of OAS, get rid of ABC, get rid of EU...hmm...looks like you and Burk has plans to rigg y’all way to the White House hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

Y’all got big plans, get rid of Sarah, get rid of Caricom, get rid of OAS, get rid of ABC, get rid of EU...hmm...looks like you and Burk has plans to rigg y’all way to the White House hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

sarah time soon up

caricom, oas, abce half-truths will be exposed - comprehension man comprehension!

mentally lazy?


@Spugum posted:

sarah time soon up

caricom, oas, abce half-truths will be exposed - comprehension man comprehension!

mentally lazy?


You kinda slow so I got to excuse you. If were on top of your game you would know that a PNC racist already knows what you are trying to find out..coolies are mentally lazy..

Last edited by Django
@sachin_05 posted:

You kinda slow so I got to excuse you. If were on top of your game you would know that a PNC racist already knows what you are trying to find out..coolies are mentally lazy..


that's all yuh got?

indians (i don't use the word coolie) are not mentally lazy, maybe you are!

i don't deal with racists. i despise them by the way

Last edited by Django

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