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By now both major political parties in America accept the observable norm that inequality is a necessary condition of life today. The explosion of the Internet, instant communication, globalization and the old adage of comparative competitive advantage all led to income inequality over and above the man-made conditions of inequality. The latter is really inequality of opportunity – education and access to society’s resources.

The question that President Obama has learnt is not how to reduce the income gap but how to mitigate its insidious effects on society. The income gap exacerbates the wealth gaps and politicians would address the two together.

The Republicans have seemingly come to terms with inequality of income but hold on to the historic wealth inequality of America. They continue to tell their supporters that the Reganite supply side trickle-down economics will result in a tide that lifts all boats, writes David Brooks of the New York Times, but their supporters do not believe it more and more. This is why they turn in large numbers to a Donald Trump who tells them differently.

Bernie Sanders speaks of the obvious pernicious relationship between politicians and Wall St, but does not understand capital markets. They are every bit as necessary as infrastructure in any other industry or economic activity. He does not spell out his ideas for financing the many income and wealth inequality mitigation plans he has and does not tell us how he can maintain economic growth. People however listen to Bernie as he simply states what seem to explain income inequality.

Hillary Clinton tries to get her message over the noise of Trump and Bernie.

Cruz? Well he is stuck in an era of Regan’s supply side economics.


And the above does not even touch on the attack on free trade and immigrants as a source of this wealth and income inequality.

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Poor Bernie is stuck in the FDR era.  Thinks that banks can be the little neighborhood institution which converts savings to loans. Doesn't understand that if US banks no longer are global giants then they will not compete with the Euro giants. London, and not NYC will be the global center, and raising financing will become more difficult.

Poor Bernie doesn't understand that nothing creates income inequality like unemployment. I have never heard one idea for Bernie about creating jobs.  Surely will not happen if US corporations have less access to capital than their Asian counterparts.

Bernie has no income inequality plans other than taxing the rich (joke as $$$ will flee quickly to Grand Cayman, Panama, and Switzerland).   Even PROGRESSIVE economists like Paul Krugman, who screams that Obama is too conservative, say that Bernie's ideas are dangerous.


Instead of worrying about Trump and Sanders you two jokers should worry about the incompetent afc/apnu that you ushered into power in Guyana. I noticed both of you noticably absent on the other threads dealing with their corrupt behavior and incompetence in general.

Drugb posted:

Instead of worrying about Trump and Sanders you two jokers should worry about the incompetent afc/apnu that you ushered into power in Guyana. I noticed both of you noticably absent on the other threads dealing with their corrupt behavior and incompetence in general.

them men live in America

Drugb posted:

Instead of worrying about Trump and Sanders you two jokers should worry about the incompetent afc/apnu that you ushered into power in Guyana. I noticed both of you noticably absent on the other threads dealing with their corrupt behavior and incompetence in general.

Druggie, good or bad as the Coalition is as an alternative, the PPP/C had to be booted out of office. There were too many compelling reasons after two decades of being in power - the drug violence, the handing out of State's assets to friends, the corruption, the lack of reforming the conomy from its ancient commodities base, etc. No one said the Coalition will be a pancea for Guyana's ills but it was let's give them a chance. I looked at not a 5-year government but a shorter one that would give the AFC timne to grow (I don't believe they have) and the PPP to reform (they haven't). Meantime we see the dominant PNC of APNU leading the Coalition (as it should), but with troubling indications. We wanted to see how they would translate their transparency and good governance to growth and development. It's not that anyone has been absent, but we're not shooting from the hip nor are we political advocates or political hacks with a penchant for over-the-top language.


"jokers"...."ushered" the AFC/APNU into power....."corrupt behavior and incompetence in general".....really??!! Smart......very smart.

RiffRaff posted:
Drugb posted:

Instead of worrying about Trump and Sanders you two jokers should worry about the incompetent afc/apnu that you ushered into power in Guyana. I noticed both of you noticably absent on the other threads dealing with their corrupt behavior and incompetence in general.

them men live in America

We care about Guyana too.

RiffRaff posted:
Drugb posted:

Instead of worrying about Trump and Sanders you two jokers should worry about the incompetent afc/apnu that you ushered into power in Guyana. I noticed both of you noticably absent on the other threads dealing with their corrupt behavior and incompetence in general.

them men live in America

This forum was meant to discuss Guyanese politics. Let these fellows go to the many other forums out there to discuss American matters. What I see is this thread is a distraction from the incompentencies by the PNC.

Kari posted:
Drugb posted:

Instead of worrying about Trump and Sanders you two jokers should worry about the incompetent afc/apnu that you ushered into power in Guyana. I noticed both of you noticably absent on the other threads dealing with their corrupt behavior and incompetence in general.

Druggie, good or bad as the Coalition is as an alternative, the PPP/C had to be booted out of office. There were too many compelling reasons after two decades of being in power - the drug violence, the handing out of State's assets to friends, the corruption, the lack of reforming the conomy from its ancient commodities base, etc. No one said the Coalition will be a pancea for Guyana's ills but it was let's give them a chance. I looked at not a 5-year government but a shorter one that would give the AFC timne to grow (I don't believe they have) and the PPP to reform (they haven't). Meantime we see the dominant PNC of APNU leading the Coalition (as it should), but with troubling indications. We wanted to see how they would translate their transparency and good governance to growth and development. It's not that anyone has been absent, but we're not shooting from the hip nor are we political advocates or political hacks with a penchant for over-the-top language.


"jokers"...."ushered" the AFC/APNU into power....."corrupt behavior and incompetence in general".....really??!! Smart......very smart.

So far no PPP has been jailed for any of the accusations made above. If this was true why hasn't the PNC jailed anyone yet or repossed any assets illegally given away to friends and family?  Hopefully the incompetent bunch that you placed in office will be limited in the destruction that they are now doing to the economy.


Focus on income inequality Druggie. While we mention the USA it has similar lessons for Guyana. For instance look at the wealth inequality of the suddenly nouveau rich in Guyana under the Jadgeo PPP. The Toolsie Persauds, Edward Beharries, Mahazarallis, etc. did not suddenly outsource their manufacturing to countries with a competitive advantage and thus Guyana's small manufacturing job sector did not see inequality. The majority industrial agri workers - cane cutters - did not see wage being kept up with the new oligarchic rich class. The peasant non-industrial agri workers - rice farmers and small acreage owners also did not suffer income inequality doe to the conditions similar to the USA. Remittances in fact should help mitigate wealth inequality. So Druggie explain how a vast swath of Guyanese workers were kept out of the riches following the commodities boom in gold and rice and the narcotic trade. There, Ii just expanded the thread for your convenience.


The PNC along with Uncle Tom and Devany are 1000 times WORST than the PPP Govt. Only a FOOL will think otherwise and you dont have to be Einstein to know that.  However, Cool Aid and Snakeoil are preferred by PNC supporters.

Nehru posted:

The PNC along with Uncle Tom and Devany are 1000 times WORST than the PPP Govt. Only a FOOL will think otherwise and you dont have to be Einstein to know that.  However, Cool Aid and Snakeoil are preferred by PNC supporters.

I like KoolAid...yuh got something against it?

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

The PNC along with Uncle Tom and Devany are 1000 times WORST than the PPP Govt. Only a FOOL will think otherwise and you dont have to be Einstein to know that.  However, Cool Aid and Snakeoil are preferred by PNC supporters.

I like KoolAid...yuh got something against it?

Nah Bhai.  Enjoy the Cool Aid but nah get stupid like Kari.

Kari posted:

Focus on income inequality Druggie. While we mention the USA it has similar lessons for Guyana. For instance look at the wealth inequality of the suddenly nouveau rich in Guyana under the Jadgeo PPP. The Toolsie Persauds, Edward Beharries, Mahazarallis, etc. did not suddenly outsource their manufacturing to countries with a competitive advantage and thus Guyana's small manufacturing job sector did not see inequality. The majority industrial agri workers - cane cutters - did not see wage being kept up with the new oligarchic rich class. The peasant non-industrial agri workers - rice farmers and small acreage owners also did not suffer income inequality doe to the conditions similar to the USA. Remittances in fact should help mitigate wealth inequality. So Druggie explain how a vast swath of Guyanese workers were kept out of the riches following the commodities boom in gold and rice and the narcotic trade. There, Ii just expanded the thread for your convenience.

The last time I checkedGuyana was a capitalist economy. Apparently you were one of those die hard communists who believe that govt should be caretakers of the poor, redistribution of wealth.



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