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In One Photo, the Pope Does What Many World Leaders Haven't Had the Guts For

It is a picture that's likely to become one of the most emblematic of Pope Francis' first trip to the Holy Land. Head bowed in prayer, the leader of the Catholic church rested his forehead against the graffiti-covered concrete structure that separates Bethlehem from Jerusalem, as a young Palestinian girl looked on by his side. His palm was also pressed against a spot where someone sprayed in red paint "Free Palestine," while other graffiti in broken English reading, "Bethlehem look like Warsaw Ghetto" was painted above his head.

Making headlines across the globe, this powerful gesture is a silent statement against the controversial, but tangible symbol of division and conflict that many international leaders have failed to make.

The barrier that weaves through the West Bank was built by Israel a decade ago as a "security fence" to protect its citizens from attack. Palestinians, however, denounce it as a land grab.

Pope Francis stopped his motorcade alongside the wall, near Rachel's Tomb outside Bethlehem, between scheduled events to step out and pray at the massive separation barrier.

"I was not informed [of his plans to stop]. It was planned by him the day before," said Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi. "It was a very significant way to demonstrate his participation in suffering. It was a profound spiritual moment in front of a symbol of division."

The pontiff's three-day visit to the Holy Land and surprising, unscheduled prayer at the barrier also comes just weeks after U.S.-backed peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians broke down again. During the trip, Pope Francis also made an appeal to both sides to overcome their differences and end the conflict that he said was "increasingly unacceptable."

"For decades the Middle East has known the tragic consequences of a protracted conflict which has inflicted many wounds so difficult to heal," said Pope Francis. "Even in the absence of violence, the climate of instability and a lack of mutual understanding have produced insecurity, the violation of rights, isolation and the flight of entire communities, conflicts, shortages and sufferings of every sort."

In addition to the unprecedented gesture, Palestinian officials have also said the pontiff's decision to travel directly to the West Bank, rather than through Israel, is a recognition of their push for full statehood.

Referring directly to "the state of Palestine," the pontiff also made another unprecedented call by inviting President Mahmoud Abbas and President Shimon Peres to Rome.

"In this, the birthplace of the Prince of Peace, I wish to invite you, President Mahmoud Abbas, together with President Shimon Peres, to join me in heartfelt prayer to God for the gift of peace," Pope Francis said at the open-air Mass in Bethlehem.

According to their respective staff, they both accepted and will go to the Vatican next month

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Originally Posted by Kari:

I don't think either of you understand the dynamics at work in the Middle East today. So saying that Obama has done little or none in the Israel/Palestine conflict is to be ignored as uninformed opinions.

Obama did squat, he is a talker, not a doer.  He knows not what happens below his nose.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I don't think either of you understand the dynamics at work in the Middle East today. So saying that Obama has done little or none in the Israel/Palestine conflict is to be ignored as uninformed opinions.

Obama did squat, he is a talker, not a doer.  He knows not what happens below his nose.

bai, didn't he take out bin laden? and did so while having a dinner

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I don't think either of you understand the dynamics at work in the Middle East today. So saying that Obama has done little or none in the Israel/Palestine conflict is to be ignored as uninformed opinions.

Obama did squat, he is a talker, not a doer.  He knows not what happens below his nose.

Let's hear what you know about what Obama did not do in the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I don't think either of you understand the dynamics at work in the Middle East today. So saying that Obama has done little or none in the Israel/Palestine conflict is to be ignored as uninformed opinions.

Obama did squat, he is a talker, not a doer.  He knows not what happens below his nose.

Let's hear what you know about what Obama did not do in the Israel/Palestine conflict.

A lot of talk.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama did not do "A lot of talk"?


So he should have done a lot of talk, right Base? Ok I will email this advice to the White House. Oh, BTW, who should talk what? That might help. I wanna hear more of your gems.

Obama feed you sh1t, you call it black pudding.  Th great USA just wasted eight years.


Make up your mind smart fellah. First you said Obama only talk. Then you said he needs to talk a lot. Awrite say Obama fed me a lot of sh1t. Boo me. But what would you recommend Obama do with the Palestinian/Israeli conflict? It's easy Base.


Here's the recipe. First you can flush everything you want to say Obama has done to me and to the rest of the world and what he did not do that he's supposed to do. Now after that SAY WHAT YOU WANT HIM TO DO. It's that simple. C'mon man let's do this!

Originally Posted by Kari:

Come in BaseMent tell us what Obama should do.

Similar as "innovative" to what the pope did.  So what was all the big bold talk about.  We paid a high price for eight year of OJT for Obama.  This guy cannot get anything right.  Obama has been no where visible in the ME except throwing allies under the bus making way for extremist.


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