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Multi-million$$ taxi bill probe opens can of worms… Car owners dispute figures, fear visit from the taxman

December 5, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

The focus of the National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on the whopping taxi bill incurred by the Ministry of Tourism has opened a can of worms, with taxi service operators named in the Auditor General’s Report denying receiving the exorbitant amounts stated.

They have all indicated that they will welcome an investigation since they are certain that the amounts they have received for their services to the Ministry have been grossly overstated.

But an official at the Ministry is maintaining that the audited figures presented are reflective of the correct amounts paid to the various services contracted.

The Auditor General’s report stated that the Ministry spent in excess of $34M on transportation activities over a three-year period.

According to figures from the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, in 2009, R and T Taxi Service received $7,471,000; Green Ice received $752,000 and Courtesy Transport received $5,538,000; a total of $13,761,000 to transport Ministry staffers for supposed work-related purposes.

In 2010, Indian Chief Taxi Service received $144,000, R and T Taxi Service received $7,153,000 and Green Ice was paid $2,750,000; a total of $10,047,000 to again transport Ministry staff for work-related matters.

Last year, for transporting purposes, Indian Chief received $5,089,000 from the Tourism Ministry; R and T Taxi Service received $3,046,000 and Green Ice received $2,979,000.

The publication of these figures solicited some concerned responses from the operators who are fearful that they will lead to undue charges from the Guyana Revenue Authority.

This newspaper received a telephone call from one of the taxi service operators and this led to contact being made with the others who were named in the report.
While they did not wish to be identified with the claims they made to this newspaper for fear of losing their contracts, they were all unified that the figures stated did not match what they actually received.

One operator told this newspaper that his service has not even received one-tenth of the amount stated by the Ministry.

“That amount of money is grossly overstated. Our service is not even being used by the ministry. They need to investigate this,” the taxi service owner told Kaieteur News.

“We have signed for every cheque because we submit invoices,” he added.
Another service owner suggested that the Ministry’s figures are all mixed up since in one instance he received more than the stated amount while in the other, he claimed that the amount is exaggerated.

“I want to know where they get this figure from. I coulda be a rich man if I de getting that money,” another businessman declared.

Yet another taxi service owner stated that the Ministry had stopped using his service for awhile.

He said that he was surprised when he read an article in yesterday’s Kaieteur News, which highlighted the grilling of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce by the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly.

“I am surprised at these figures. They didn’t use us for most of last year. When I read the article, I checked my records for January and February last year and I found only $60, 000,” the owner of a popular Georgetown taxi service stated.
“If Khurshid (Sattaur) come to me, the ministry will have to say where they get this figure from; this is hurting business,” he added.

The Manager of another service used by the Ministry informed Kaieteur News that he pays his drivers by cheque and he has “everything to prove” the amount he has been receiving.

He said that his service has severed relationship with the ministry early last year due to the irregular payments, which caused great frustration among his employees.

“They always got a problem with payment. If is not budget this and budget that, is something else,” he lamented.

But a source within the ministry is convinced that the service operators are not being truthful in their claims, “maybe out of fear that the taxman will visit them.”
This newspaper was reliably informed that the Ministry’s system is fully computerized and there is almost no room for skullduggery.

“I find this laughable and we too will welcome an investigation,” the source said.
It was explained that when the operators present their invoices, the Ministry’s staff prepares their account which is sent to the Ministry of Finance, where the cheques are prepared and uplifted by the benefactors.

This is in addition to the fact that the figures presented were the subject of a complete audit by the office of the Auditor General.

“The Auditor General would have verified our figures and if there was any discrepancy, they would have picked it up,” the source stated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The question remains, why did the AFC/PNC contingent run away from the corruption debates? That's because they are impotent when it comes to proving these allegations of corruption. You fools now resort to making claims that you can't back up on this forum, but then when confronted by those you accuse on national tv, you idiots run away.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The question remains, why did the AFC/PNC contingent run away from the corruption debates? That's because they are impotent when it comes to proving these allegations of corruption. You fools now resort to making claims that you can't back up on this forum, but then when confronted by those you accuse on national tv, you idiots run away.

You are such a jackass. Why don't you speak on the topic at hand?


Debating corruption on TV is unheard of.   Only the GOG and backward PPP would propose such an event.  Corruption has to be investigated in Parliament and/or through an independent commission with specific terms of engagement.  TV has no mandate to govern or opine on any discussion on the subject.  You see the PPP want to create a distraction from the real issues by having a brawl on TV. It was a mistake to agree to participate in such an event.

Originally Posted by FC:

Debating corruption on TV is unheard of.   Only the GOG and backward PPP would propose such an event.  Corruption has to be investigated in Parliament and/or through an independent commission with specific terms of engagement.  TV has no mandate to govern or opine on any discussion on the subject.  You see the PPP want to create a distraction from the real issues by having a brawl on TV. It was a mistake to agree to participate in such an event.



I will forgive you for your intelligence deficiency.  You are confusing reporting of corruption on TV and/or the investigation of corruption by say congress by TV. Glad to clear this up for you.  Come again bird brain.

Originally Posted by FC:

I will forgive you for your intelligence deficiency.  You are confusing reporting of corruption on TV and/or the investigation of corruption by say congress by TV. Glad to clear this up for you.  Come again bird brain.

No I am not. You just need to come out of the hole you in from time to time.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The question remains, why did the AFC/PNC contingent run away from the corruption debates? That's because they are impotent when it comes to proving these allegations of corruption. You fools now resort to making claims that you can't back up on this forum, but then when confronted by those you accuse on national tv, you idiots run away.

take a hike you piddling man. Corruption for the most part is defined as a deficit of democracy. It is the circumstances that permit crooks at heart to fleece the system with no accountability. It is not alleviated by debates on tv and  it is not address  by pretending that the party in power knows best. Men are as Madison said, "not angels" and that is the reason we need government.


And we do not merely need government but one in which are embedded systemic structures to restrain the excesses of government. The PPP are the epitome of excessive government. They are autocrats who believe they alone knows best and they can only function if they have unlimited authority to do as they please. It is the reason they are in court all the time and insist parliament, the legislative body in our nation has no authority to constrain their unbridled authority to do as they please.


One does not debate that. One debates the lack of controls which they resist tooth and nail to institute. They are in office 20 years and govern no less than burnham and thief far more. That is self evident since we have not any obscenely member of the burnhamite cabinet existing but practically every one of these crooks in the PPP flash obscene cash in the way they live.  Jagdeo was there only a decade and he owns more than all of Burnham people combined. He even employ some of them!

Originally Posted by FC:

Debating corruption on TV is unheard of.   Only the GOG and backward PPP would propose such an event.  Corruption has to be investigated in Parliament and/or through an independent commission with specific terms of engagement.  TV has no mandate to govern or opine on any discussion on the subject.  You see the PPP want to create a distraction from the real issues by having a brawl on TV. It was a mistake to agree to participate in such an event.

Corruption debates can be done in parliament and within the frame work of the media. What's done in parliament is public business and there are transcripts of parliamentary business for the record. What is debated in the media is to give the Guyanese populace a chance to judge for themselves.

Originally Posted by warrior:

you ppp lowlife thief trying to hide your shame

Warria: How do you determine that a person is a lowlife? A difference of political beliefs does not make one a low life.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

take a hike you piddling man. Corruption for the most part is defined as a deficit of democracy. It is the circumstances that permit crooks at heart to fleece the system with no accountability. It is not alleviated by debates on tv and  it is not address  by pretending that the party in power knows best. Men are as Madison said, "not angels" and that is the reason we need government.


And we do not merely need government but one in which are embedded systemic structures to restrain the excesses of government. The PPP are the epitome of excessive government. They are autocrats who believe they alone knows best and they can only function if they have unlimited authority to do as they please. It is the reason they are in court all the time and insist parliament, the legislative body in our nation has no authority to constrain their unbridled authority to do as they please.


One does not debate that. One debates the lack of controls which they resist tooth and nail to institute. They are in office 20 years and govern no less than burnham and thief far more. That is self evident since we have not any obscenely member of the burnhamite cabinet existing but practically every one of these crooks in the PPP flash obscene cash in the way they live.  Jagdeo was there only a decade and he owns more than all of Burnham people combined. He even employ some of them!

No doubt that you are the champion of verbosity, however your writings lack substance. How is it possible to write 3 paragraphs without actually saying anything of substance and still not answering the question I posed? Why did the AFC/PNC run away from the corruption debates on public TV , giving up a golden opportunity to prove what they have been claiming for years now? The reason is that you people have no substance to back up your claims. when faced with rebuttal from the PPP you take your ball and go home like immature school yard kids. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

take a hike you piddling man. Corruption for the most part is defined as a deficit of democracy. It is the circumstances that permit crooks at heart to fleece the system with no accountability. It is not alleviated by debates on tv and  it is not address  by pretending that the party in power knows best. Men are as Madison said, "not angels" and that is the reason we need government.


And we do not merely need government but one in which are embedded systemic structures to restrain the excesses of government. The PPP are the epitome of excessive government. They are autocrats who believe they alone knows best and they can only function if they have unlimited authority to do as they please. It is the reason they are in court all the time and insist parliament, the legislative body in our nation has no authority to constrain their unbridled authority to do as they please.


One does not debate that. One debates the lack of controls which they resist tooth and nail to institute. They are in office 20 years and govern no less than burnham and thief far more. That is self evident since we have not any obscenely member of the burnhamite cabinet existing but practically every one of these crooks in the PPP flash obscene cash in the way they live.  Jagdeo was there only a decade and he owns more than all of Burnham people combined. He even employ some of them!

No doubt that you are the champion of verbosity, however your writings lack substance. How is it possible to write 3 paragraphs without actually saying anything of substance and still not answering the question I posed? Why did the AFC/PNC run away from the corruption debates on public TV , giving up a golden opportunity to prove what they have been claiming for years now? The reason is that you people have no substance to back up your claims. when faced with rebuttal from the PPP you take your ball and go home like immature school yard kids. 

 Saying it lacks substance does not cut it.  Each of the paragraphs carried a theme; 1) men are crooked and need accountable government constrained by checks and balances, 2)the PPP are crooked can function only in an autocracy; 3) and excusing crookedness and need for an autocracy on the backs of the PNC is a waste of an excuse. The most surprising thing that you can do is actually rebut an argument. You are too shallow a twit to be of service there.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Saying it lacks substance does not cut it.  Each of the paragraphs carried a theme; 1) men are crooked and need accountable government constrained by checks and balances, 2)the PPP are crooked can function only in an autocracy; 3) and excusing crookedness and need for an autocracy on the backs of the PNC is a waste of an excuse. The most surprising thing that you can do is actually rebut an argument. You are too shallow a twit to be of service there.

Each of your paragraphs were ramblings devoid of fact. When you can concretely prove these allegation then maybe you will regain some of the stature you once held despite your buffoonish behavior at times. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Saying it lacks substance does not cut it.  Each of the paragraphs carried a theme; 1) men are crooked and need accountable government constrained by checks and balances, 2)the PPP are crooked can function only in an autocracy; 3) and excusing crookedness and need for an autocracy on the backs of the PNC is a waste of an excuse. The most surprising thing that you can do is actually rebut an argument. You are too shallow a twit to be of service there.

Each of your paragraphs were ramblings devoid of fact. When you can concretely prove these allegation then maybe you will regain some of the stature you once held despite your buffoonish behavior at times. 

It is truly hard to resist the conclusion you are indeed an intellectual cripple.  In democratic assessment one does not  have to prove anything one simply have to illustrate the absence of essential features that makes democracy work.


I give you a working definition of corruption, ie democratic deficits such as autocratic behavior of a government and resistance to checks and balances. Where these exist it follows the absence is because of corruption.It cannot exist unless the people there are thieves.


One need not even speak to the the glaring pathology of this corruption as in the rise of an ostentatious a patrician class of the obscenely rich in the PPP. Obviously, it is magical thinking to believe they got that way on their salaries. Yes you are a moron and only given to stupid vacuous utterances these days.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is truly hard to resist the conclusion you are indeed an intellectual cripple.  In democratic assessment one does not  have to prove anything one simply have to illustrate the absence of essential features that makes democracy work.


I give you a working definition of corruption, ie democratic deficits such as autocratic behavior of a government and resistance to checks and balances. Where these exist it follows the absence is because of corruption.It cannot exist unless the people there are thieves.


One need not even speak to the the glaring pathology of this corruption as in the rise of an ostentatious a patrician class of the obscenely rich in the PPP. Obviously, it is magical thinking to believe they got that way on their salaries. Yes you are a moron and only given to stupid vacuous utterances these days.

You have forgotten how many times I drove you to mental distress causing you to take a hiatus from the forum, so show some respect before I turn up the volume and push you to an unstable mental state. 


You keep making claims but yet I see no proof, now you say that the burden of proof is not necessary. You only need to point out discrepancies, which would not hold up in a court of law as evidence.  So we are not to take you serious as you slander without evidence. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is truly hard to resist the conclusion you are indeed an intellectual cripple.  In democratic assessment one does not  have to prove anything one simply have to illustrate the absence of essential features that makes democracy work.


I give you a working definition of corruption, ie democratic deficits such as autocratic behavior of a government and resistance to checks and balances. Where these exist it follows the absence is because of corruption.It cannot exist unless the people there are thieves.


One need not even speak to the the glaring pathology of this corruption as in the rise of an ostentatious a patrician class of the obscenely rich in the PPP. Obviously, it is magical thinking to believe they got that way on their salaries. Yes you are a moron and only given to stupid vacuous utterances these days.

You have forgotten how many times I drove you to mental distress causing you to take a hiatus from the forum, so show some respect before I turn up the volume and push you to an unstable mental state. 


You keep making claims but yet I see no proof, now you say that the burden of proof is not necessary. You only need to point out discrepancies, which would not hold up in a court of law as evidence.  So we are not to take you serious as you slander without evidence. 

 As I often say, you live in your own bubble. I have been here almost 15 years and fought with practically everyone and you least of all have never given me cause to pause and reflect on what I write. You are among the most facile of individuals on the board. When people like TK Errol, Mara or Andre ( and he is right here posting not dead as you wished him to be) say something I seldom question it. You on the other hand are a lout.


Again, the "formula" for democracy in Guyana is broken and if broken deliberately it is corruption. That is what we see all over Guyana in the rise of th e obscenely rich in the PPP. Noting these were piss poor critters before entering office one can only conclude they stole their way to the top. Transparency International has concluded exactly that in their recent report. I guess those white folks have it in for the PPP as well!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 As I often say, you live in your own bubble. I have been here almost 15 years and fought with practically everyone and you least of all have never given me cause to pause and reflect on what I write. You are among the most facile of individuals on the board. When people like TK Errol, Mara or Andre ( and he is right here posting not dead as you wished him to be) say something I seldom question it. You on the other hand are a lout.


Again, the "formula" for democracy in Guyana is broken and if broken deliberately it is corruption. That is what we see all over Guyana in the rise of th e obscenely rich in the PPP. Noting these were piss poor critters before entering office one can only conclude they stole their way to the top. Transparency International has concluded exactly that in their recent report. I guess those white folks have it in for the PPP as well!

What qualifies a pretender like you to pronounce that democracy is broken in Guyana when international organizations and reputable nations don't share the same opinion?


You have provided no evidence of your claim that the folks you accuse "stole their way to the top", whatever that means. You engage in mud slinging and have lost credibility. You need to take a break and find your true self once again, the person who looks at facts and not fiction and rumors.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 As I often say, you live in your own bubble. I have been here almost 15 years and fought with practically everyone and you least of all have never given me cause to pause and reflect on what I write. You are among the most facile of individuals on the board. When people like TK Errol, Mara or Andre ( and he is right here posting not dead as you wished him to be) say something I seldom question it. You on the other hand are a lout.


Again, the "formula" for democracy in Guyana is broken and if broken deliberately it is corruption. That is what we see all over Guyana in the rise of th e obscenely rich in the PPP. Noting these were piss poor critters before entering office one can only conclude they stole their way to the top. Transparency International has concluded exactly that in their recent report. I guess those white folks have it in for the PPP as well!

What qualifies a pretender like you to pronounce that democracy is broken in Guyana when international organizations and reputable nations don't share the same opinion?


You have provided no evidence of your claim that the folks you accuse "stole their way to the top", whatever that means. You engage in mud slinging and have lost credibility. You need to take a break and find your true self once again, the person who looks at facts and not fiction and rumors.

I can give you a dozen scholars to support my case but you do not read. You can also get an inkling from NGOs ike transparency international, etc who say the system is corrupt. Did you not call the UN representative racist when she labeled the society mired in corrupt practices? Facts are not as you make it. It is as they present themselves.


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