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The PPP and PNC-APNU have denied Guyanese the right to elect their local governments

June 1, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Dear Editor,
This nefarious masquerade by the PPP and PNC/APNU with regard to local government elections has made a mockery of democracy in this country. The last time local government elections were held in 1994 after decades of no elections, a few things happened. Grassroots movements challenged the two nation wreckers (PPP and PNC/APNU).
Hamilton Green’s Good and Green Guyana (GGG) shocked the PNC in Georgetown while local citizens’ groups weakened the PPP and PNC hold on power around Guyana. This phenomenon was most marked in the Amerindian areas where Amerindians stood up to the PPP and PNC.
The PPP and PNC did not like this development. They viewed it as a direct threat to their parties and colluded and conspired to strip the Guyanese people of their right to select their own local government. Self-preservation by the jokers running the PPP and the PNC has damaged this country.
These two parties are afraid of new political movements, new grassroots organisations and local citizens’ groups taking control of their own neighbourhoods, districts, communities and regions. The 1994 experience frightened the PNC and PPP into blocking democracy for the people.
The denial of local government elections by the PPP and the PNC is one of the greatest conspiracies in this nation, even greater than the secret talks the PPP held with the PNC during the 1970s and 1980s to sell out their respective constituencies in order to get some power. Why is this plot more politically criminal than the 1970s and 1980s plans? Because this plan denies democracy to the Guyanese people and to their own PPP and PNC supporters.
This plan and the foot-dragging that goes with is designed to violate the voting rights of all Guyanese and their right to pick those from their own communities to sit on their own village councils. The PPP and PNC/APNU don’t want the people to pick their own or to form their own local grassroots political movements.
They don’t want Guyanese picking respected and qualified people from their neighbourhoods. They want to handpick arrogant incompetents like Robert Persaud or square pegs in round holes like Juan Edghill to govern us and deny us the ability to select our own leaders at a local level.
From 1994 to November 27, 2011, the PPP had undisputed power in Parliament to pass laws hastening local government elections. Yet the PPP did nothing but duck and hide from the rights of the Guyanese people. Now, the PPP wants to take power illegally through the back door by acting like Hitler and Stalin by imposing IMCs onto these NDCs without calling elections.
Notably, the PPP is trying to take over Amerindian NDCs because it believes Amerindians belong to the PPP and are the property of the PPP. These two political con artists (PPP and PNC/APNU) must stop this nonsense. Local government elections strengthen democracy. The PPP is trying to weaken democracy by hijacking neighbourhoods and putting in their own yes-men. The PNC/APNU remains silent to these atrocities because it fears calling local government elections.
These two parties continue to hang the Guyanese people out to dry while they protect their behinds. These two parties must think this nation is a pack of jokers. I say the Guyanese people must punish them if they fail to deliver local government elections in the near future.
M. Maxwel

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