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Former Member

The people who supported the PPP are also supporting a racist government that nurtures division among its people.

The people who supported the PNC are also supporting a racist government that nurtures division among its people.

If anyone comes to me and say that the PPP & PNC are NOT race-based parties, you are a fool and a liar. Now that we get that out of the way, why are you so proud to support either party when Afro and Indos are killing each other? 

In reality, none of you don't really care about your fellow Guyanese in the homeland. You care about the politicians that bring death upon them. 

Whatever 2020 election means to you is not the same for me. Red Wave Tsunami or The good life under Granger PNC, the general population in Guyanese will have nothing to celebrate rather than who will be on top - Again.

This is about you, the people are all about. Racist and Division. 




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

I am more worried about an Orange Orangutan, that is why I URGE all to go out tomorrow and let us bring back morality, truth, humanity and integrity to America!!!

Let's put a check on The Grabber in Chief. Let's put all his childish behavior to rest and stop the lies (6420)and growing. Let's chant Lock Him Up.

yuji22 posted:

Skelly, look like you will get the House but the Republicans will keep the Senate. It is important to go out and vote.

Democrats say that they will likely vote, Republicans actually go out and vote.

Make a difference, go out and vote on Tuesday. We in Canada will be watching the results.

I know the Senate will be tough. Dems might lose a Senate seat or two this year. Maybe 2020 they might be able to retake the Senate. Somebody needs to put a stop to Mitch McConnell's racist behavior. I saw one lady stood up and asked him "You have outlived your usefulness in life, why don't you get out and give somebody else a chance who can be useful"? He was so astounded and dumbfounded that he stood there in shock, looked at the lady and did not say a word.

Man, I thought I was ugly, this dude pushed me to the back of the line.

Prince posted:

The people who supported the PPP are also supporting a racist government that nurtures division among its people.

The people who supported the PNC are also supporting a racist government that nurtures division among its people.

If anyone comes to me and say that the PPP & PNC are NOT race-based parties, you are a fool and a liar. Now that we get that out of the way, why are you so proud to support either party when Afro and Indos are killing each other? 

In reality, none of you don't really care about your fellow Guyanese in the homeland. You care about the politicians that bring death upon them. 

Whatever 2020 election means to you is not the same for me. Red Wave Tsunami or The good life under Granger PNC, the general population in Guyanese will have nothing to celebrate rather than who will be on top - Again.

This is about you, the people are all about. Racist and Division. 




You knew then and know now that both parties sow division and hatred and yet you have the balls to come here and support the PNC. You come here and every damn thing you see is coolie people are scums. Get a life.


The Republicans appears to have lost their core values but what is interesting as I listened to Trump's speech yesterday is that the Democrats are not positioning themselves properly and need new leadership. They allow the Republicans to take the issues and agenda away from them. The Republicans are buying into his vision of America.

I am by no means a left leaning person but sometimes you need balance, a sort of centrist President who can reach out to both sides but it is all about one side in America today. It is about Us vs Them. No middle ground.


Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

None of you can't add anything of substance since you are part of the racist government that you supports. By so doing, you are bringing detriment to the people and still have the gall to ask why its happening. 

Anytime you need to shout racist to someone, look at yourself first. 

Oh son of God, how can we compensate you for your divine advice? You are so righteous, when you die, there will be no need to bury or cremate you. You be ascended directly into heaven. We will be watching

yuji22 posted:

The Republicans appears to have lost their core values but what is interesting as I listened to Trump's speech yesterday is that the Democrats are not positioning themselves properly and need new leadership. They allow the Republicans to take the issues and agenda away from them. The Republicans are buying into his vision of America.

I am by no means a left leaning person but sometimes you need balance, a sort of centrist President who can reach out to both sides but it is all about one side in America today. It is about Us vs Them. No middle ground.


you are such an idiot. You listened to Trump and conclude Democrats need new leadership....pure genius! And what "issues and agenda" that the GOP  profess that were taken away from democrats? If republicans buy into Trump's misogyny, xenophobia, anti globalist, pro rich and anti globalist themes which democrat care?

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Skelly, look like you will get the House but the Republicans will keep the Senate. It is important to go out and vote.

Democrats say that they will likely vote, Republicans actually go out and vote.

Make a difference, go out and vote on Tuesday. We in Canada will be watching the results.

I know the Senate will be tough. Dems might lose a Senate seat or two this year. Maybe 2020 they might be able to retake the Senate. Somebody needs to put a stop to Mitch McConnell's racist behavior. I saw one lady stood up and asked him "You have outlived your usefulness in life, why don't you get out and give somebody else a chance who can be useful"? He was so astounded and dumbfounded that he stood there in shock, looked at the lady and did not say a word.

Man, I thought I was ugly, this dude pushed me to the back of the line.

Very few people grow into being more handsome as they get older. There are exceptions.


Sheldon_man, I am not attacking anyone rather than making a general statement of the problem Guyana is facing. After I realize where the problem lies, I became non-supportive of party politics. I am neither for or against the PPP/PNC but reserved myself to criticize them for nurturing the racial divide for political powers. So, it's useless to tell me about my death or whether I should be buried or cremated. I think the message herein is useful and can be discussed constructively if level heads prevail. If Black and Indo is not the problem then what is it?

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

The Republicans appears to have lost their core values but what is interesting as I listened to Trump's speech yesterday is that the Democrats are not positioning themselves properly and need new leadership. They allow the Republicans to take the issues and agenda away from them. The Republicans are buying into his vision of America.

I am by no means a left leaning person but sometimes you need balance, a sort of centrist President who can reach out to both sides but it is all about one side in America today. It is about Us vs Them. No middle ground.


you are such an idiot. You listened to Trump and conclude Democrats need new leadership....pure genius! And what "issues and agenda" that the GOP  profess that were taken away from democrats? If republicans buy into Trump's misogyny, xenophobia, anti globalist, pro rich and anti globalist themes which democrat care?

The politics of the world is changing, Trump happens to come along at the right time. 


D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

The Republicans appears to have lost their core values but what is interesting as I listened to Trump's speech yesterday is that the Democrats are not positioning themselves properly and need new leadership. They allow the Republicans to take the issues and agenda away from them. The Republicans are buying into his vision of America.

I am by no means a left leaning person but sometimes you need balance, a sort of centrist President who can reach out to both sides but it is all about one side in America today. It is about Us vs Them. No middle ground.


you are such an idiot. You listened to Trump and conclude Democrats need new leadership....pure genius! And what "issues and agenda" that the GOP  profess that were taken away from democrats? If republicans buy into Trump's misogyny, xenophobia, anti globalist, pro rich and anti globalist themes which democrat care?

Listen shyte head. You are still rubbing the shyte off your face after you declared Mr. C the winner the night prior to the election and Trump shoved a big stick in you rear.  You came here not taking your Prozac and attacking members who have a difference of opinion. Take your pill and stop posting shyte.

Add your pack of likes and you add up to one pile of crap.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

you are such an idiot. You listened to Trump and conclude Democrats need new leadership....pure genius! And what "issues and agenda" that the GOP  profess that were taken away from democrats? If republicans buy into Trump's misogyny, xenophobia, anti globalist, pro rich and anti globalist themes which democrat care?

Listen shyte head. You are still rubbing the shyte off your face after you declared Mr. C the winner the night prior to the election and Trump shoved a big stick in you rear.  You came here not taking your Prozac and attacking members who have a difference. Take your pill and stop posting shyte.

Add your pack of likes and you add up to one pile of crap.

Why should that bother me when better than me made the same error or rather did not know white suburban woman would sell them out?

You are a bloody dummy that is all. 


You are suffering from male menopause. Take you prozac before coming here and attacking posters who have a difference of opinion. You are nothing more than a pile of crap. Add you pack of lies and your pile of crap grows.

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

you are such an idiot. You listened to Trump and conclude Democrats need new leadership....pure genius! And what "issues and agenda" that the GOP  profess that were taken away from democrats? If republicans buy into Trump's misogyny, xenophobia, anti globalist, pro rich and anti globalist themes which democrat care?

Listen shyte head. You are still rubbing the shyte off your face after you declared Mr. C the winner the night prior to the election and Trump shoved a big stick in you rear.  You came here not taking your Prozac and attacking members who have a difference. Take your pill and stop posting shyte.

Add your pack of likes and you add up to one pile of crap.

Why should that bother me when better than me made the same error or rather did not know white suburban woman would sell them out?

You are a bloody dummy that is all. 

You are suffering from male menopause. Take you Prozac before coming here and attacking posters who have a difference of opinion. You are nothing more than a pile of crap. Add you pack of lies and your pile of crap grows.

You will be rubbing that shyte off your face for a very long time after you declared Mrs. C the winner. Ha Ha !!!

I give you credit for being a Sakawinki Blue Saki. Ha Ha !!!

Prince posted:

Sheldon_man, I am not attacking anyone rather than making a general statement of the problem Guyana is facing. After I realize where the problem lies, I became non-supportive of party politics. I am neither for or against the PPP/PNC but reserved myself to criticize them for nurturing the racial divide for political powers. So, it's useless to tell me about my death or whether I should be buried or cremated. I think the message herein is useful and can be discussed constructively if level heads prevail. If Black and Indo is not the problem then what is it?

Well ,your opinion don't count if you sit on the fence.

yuji22 posted:

The Republicans appears to have lost their core values but what is interesting as I listened to Trump's speech yesterday is that the Democrats are not positioning themselves properly and need new leadership. They allow the Republicans to take the issues and agenda away from them. The Republicans are buying into his vision of America.

I am by no means a left leaning person but sometimes you need balance, a sort of centrist President who can reach out to both sides but it is all about one side in America today. It is about Us vs Them. No middle ground.

Trump is very binary, I like this and not that, I like you and not you....   who don’t like it, guh suck wind!!   Every time I hear him, is like cow going to slaughter house, except he doing the slaughtering!!

Prince posted:

Sheldon_man, I am not attacking anyone rather than making a general statement of the problem Guyana is facing. After I realize where the problem lies, I became non-supportive of party politics. I am neither for or against the PPP/PNC but reserved myself to criticize them for nurturing the racial divide for political powers. So, it's useless to tell me about my death or whether I should be buried or cremated. I think the message herein is useful and can be discussed constructively if level heads prevail. If Black and Indo is not the problem then what is it?

Banna, be more impactful. Be for or against on the issues.  Baseman picks the issues that’s why I seem to support on one issue and then not on another. It’s not about the party.   Neither party have a copyright on good ideas and bad behavior.  They both have both!!

skeldon_man posted:
 I saw one lady stood up and asked him "You have outlived your usefulness in life, why don't you get out and give somebody else a chance who can be useful"? He was so astounded and dumbfounded that he stood there in shock, looked at the lady and did not say a word.


That's what i like about the USA.

How many Guyanese can stood up to their leaders.Oh well care have to be taken, threats are made, one former President told an Amerindian he will be slapped.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
 I saw one lady stood up and asked him "You have outlived your usefulness in life, why don't you get out and give somebody else a chance who can be useful"? He was so astounded and dumbfounded that he stood there in shock, looked at the lady and did not say a word.


That's what i like about the USA.

How many Guyanese can stood up to their leaders.Oh well care have to be taken, threats are made, one former President told an Amerindian he will be slapped.

And a few females stripped under AFC/PNC. Bai why you so one sided ?

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
 I saw one lady stood up and asked him "You have outlived your usefulness in life, why don't you get out and give somebody else a chance who can be useful"? He was so astounded and dumbfounded that he stood there in shock, looked at the lady and did not say a word.


That's what i like about the USA.

How many Guyanese can stood up to their leaders.Oh well care have to be taken, threats are made, one former President told an Amerindian he will be slapped.

And a few females stripped under AFC/PNC. Bai why you so one sided ?

Are you sure you got that correct ?

Present it to refresh my memory.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
 I saw one lady stood up and asked him "You have outlived your usefulness in life, why don't you get out and give somebody else a chance who can be useful"? He was so astounded and dumbfounded that he stood there in shock, looked at the lady and did not say a word.


That's what i like about the USA.

How many Guyanese can stood up to their leaders.Oh well care have to be taken, threats are made, one former President told an Amerindian he will be slapped.

So you have a problem when a former president of Guyana threaten a Ameridians and you like the USA for this ...  President Donald Trump on Thursday praised a congressman’s past assault on a reporter, making it the latest example where he appears to encourage or support violence.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
 I saw one lady stood up and asked him "You have outlived your usefulness in life, why don't you get out and give somebody else a chance who can be useful"? He was so astounded and dumbfounded that he stood there in shock, looked at the lady and did not say a word.


That's what i like about the USA.

How many Guyanese can stood up to their leaders.Oh well care have to be taken, threats are made, one former President told an Amerindian he will be slapped.

So you have a problem when a former president of Guyana threaten a Ameridians and you like the USA for this ...  President Donald Trump on Thursday praised a congressman’s past assault on a reporter, making it the latest example where he appears to encourage or support violence.

So you don't have a problem of a former President threatening to slap an Amerindian?

Prince posted:

Sheldon_man, I am not attacking anyone rather than making a general statement of the problem Guyana is facing. After I realize where the problem lies, I became non-supportive of party politics. I am neither for or against the PPP/PNC but reserved myself to criticize them for nurturing the racial divide for political powers. So, it's useless to tell me about my death or whether I should be buried or cremated. I think the message herein is useful and can be discussed constructively if level heads prevail. If Black and Indo is not the problem then what is it?

Prince, you got this all wrong. I am not telling you about your death. Death is inevitable. We were born to die as we start dying from the day of our birth. I was just making a point that you sound so righteous, you will be ascended into heaven. I am not telling you whether you should be cremated or be buried. Read the sentence again.

People like you are the problem. You only see coolie and negroes.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
 I saw one lady stood up and asked him "You have outlived your usefulness in life, why don't you get out and give somebody else a chance who can be useful"? He was so astounded and dumbfounded that he stood there in shock, looked at the lady and did not say a word.


That's what i like about the USA.

How many Guyanese can stood up to their leaders.Oh well care have to be taken, threats are made, one former President told an Amerindian he will be slapped.

And a few females stripped under AFC/PNC. Bai why you so one sided ?

Are you sure you got that correct ?

Present it to refresh my memory.

Where is yugiski ?

waiting for the info on the females stripped under AFC/PNC.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Sheldon_man, I am not attacking anyone rather than making a general statement of the problem Guyana is facing. After I realize where the problem lies, I became non-supportive of party politics. I am neither for or against the PPP/PNC but reserved myself to criticize them for nurturing the racial divide for political powers. So, it's useless to tell me about my death or whether I should be buried or cremated. I think the message herein is useful and can be discussed constructively if level heads prevail. If Black and Indo is not the problem then what is it?

Prince, you got this all wrong. I am not telling you about your death. Death is inevitable. We were born to die as we start dying from the day of our birth. I was just making a point that you sound so righteous, you will be ascended into heaven. I am not telling you whether you should be cremated or be buried. Read the sentence again.

People like you are the problem. You only see coolie and negroes.

Negros and coolies were decent, hardworking people until they were taught to hate each other by politicians in the PPP & PNC. The story began like this and continues until today. Again, if Black and Coolie is not the problem, then what is it? 

Happy Diwali to you (hoping you're celebrating your ancestor's tradition). India Mata Ki Jai.

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Sheldon_man, I am not attacking anyone rather than making a general statement of the problem Guyana is facing. After I realize where the problem lies, I became non-supportive of party politics. I am neither for or against the PPP/PNC but reserved myself to criticize them for nurturing the racial divide for political powers. So, it's useless to tell me about my death or whether I should be buried or cremated. I think the message herein is useful and can be discussed constructively if level heads prevail. If Black and Indo is not the problem then what is it?

Prince, you got this all wrong. I am not telling you about your death. Death is inevitable. We were born to die as we start dying from the day of our birth. I was just making a point that you sound so righteous, you will be ascended into heaven. I am not telling you whether you should be cremated or be buried. Read the sentence again.

People like you are the problem. You only see coolie and negroes.

Negros and coolies were decent, hardworking people until they were taught to hate each other by politicians in the PPP & PNC. The story began like this and continues until today. Again, if Black and Coolie is not the problem, then what is it? 

Happy Diwali to you (hoping you're celebrating your ancestor's tradition). India Mata Ki Jai.

It's human nature. We see this all over the world. Hindus kill each other because of minor differences. Muslims do the same, Tribes in Africa do the same, Native Indians in South America do the same. We also see this in the animal kingdom with the apes.
I am not a practicing Hindu so I do not celebrate any Hindu festivals. Anyway, Happy Diwali to you and your family too. Hope you see The Light. 


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