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The PPP/C cannot ever be trusted with any alliance talks

September 7, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The PPP/C, through its General Secretary, Mr. Rohee said “it is moving to establish a broad national democratic front, ahead of the next General Elections.” This was followed up swiftly by a statement from the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Luncheon, who said that “a minority Government may be a permanent feature in this country and urged politicians and other stakeholders to strive to make it work rather than opposing it.” But those who know history will know that this is another ploy or a propaganda stunt by a desperate Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal at political deception and trickery.  Only a political novice will capitulate to such a scam.  The PPP/C cannot ever be trusted with any alliance talks, since it is not in their DNA to foster an alliance of equals, but alliances of domination.  This is exactly what has been happening at the tripartite talks between the combined opposition and the PPP, until the AFC abandoned the talks. Remember the civic element of individuals who were supposed to be equals in the PPP.  Where are they today?  The PPP has not given anyone in the Civic any power or authority. The few that survive like Sam Hinds are nothing but window dressers to the real Freedom House power that resides in the hands of the Gang that dominates the Executive Committee of the PPP. Simply put, the PPP General Secretary is once again misleading the opposition just like how the party leaders have misled the so-called Civic Group. That is why we are so disappointed to read that the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger, has chosen to support the PPP’s national alliance policy.  (http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....nal-alliance-policy/). When will this gentleman ever learn that the PPP/C gang gives nothing to no one, it has to be taken from them. His consistent political utterances and positions in favor of the PPP have earned his supporters nothing and he continues to fall for the PPP/C bait again and again, while the PPP/C continues to play the game of cat and mouse with the APNU/PNC.  We want to ask anyone in the PNC to name a solid and or material beneficial public policy that their members have secured from the PPP/C since 2011 in this new dispensation of a majority opposition?  Just name one! That is why we fully endorse the AFC’s position that the PPP/C is not genuine. This Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has executed a series of reckless political actions that continue to disrespect the opposition and abused the Constitution, Parliament and the rule of law.  So why would these “wolves in sheep clothing” want to engage the opposition in an atmosphere of equals?  This announcement by the Freedom House gang is another political trick to con the opposition into a political cul-de-sac and then devour them after deflowering them.  The nation is fortunate that the AFC Leadership has the political experience and foresight to see through the PPP’s skullduggery before they even made their political play. Let us revisit some history to expose this wicked PPP regime. In 2006, upon the declaration of the election results, the then President Jagdeo flew out of the country for two weeks without declaring an acting President and used the occasion to delay the convening of Parliament in gross violation of article 69 of the Guyana Constitution.  When they had the majority, they treated the National Assembly like an accessory to their Executive power in total disrespect to the spirit of the Constitution and contempt for the people and the opposition.  Now that the AFC has forced the vote of no-confidence on the National Assembly, the PPP pulls out another trick out of their bag of mischief and sadly, Mr. Granger fell for it.  The supporters of the PNC will be very unkind to Mr. Granger if he continues this political “tomfoolery.” But we know why the PPP is so higgledy-piggledy in their public political actions of late – it is the feedback they are getting from the ground.  The PPP cabal knows that they are on an electoral trajectory to score less than 40 percent of the popular vote in the next election.  Of course this will change when the campaign starts but that change will never be material enough to repeat the 48 percent that they received in  the 2011 elections, because of their own self destruction. They have made promises to the people that have not materialized. They have not established the Procurement Commission, refused to pass the Anti-Money Laundering Bill, refused to reform the police force, and have no intention to reduce crime and corruption. What they have done is to rape the treasury, take from the poor and give to their rich friends, allow our pristine forests to be destroyed by foreign companies, given the air frequencies to their friends and relatives, destroyed the sugar industry, and have allowed the poor to live in misery. They have put their financial interests first and those of the country and people last. The PPP cabal is not real, they are scamps and this is why the opposition, especially APNU cannot and must not fall for their political gimmicks much less support or even accept what the PPP crooks are saying. This is the crux of the matter that has the PPP/C “bazadee.”   This is why the PPP/C wants to engage all and sundry in a national alliance, but as they throw out their political hook, they are only getting a few responses from a few of their supporters and the standard organizations that were always in the PPP corner like the CIOG, Dharmic Sabha and GAWU; but they are   the same old faces, not new ones. When the PPP can get new faces like Rudra Sharma (one of the best hindu priests in Guyana) or Chris Ram and Anand Goolsarran on their side, then we will know the PPP is forming  a new alliance.  But regurgitating of the old is nothing but political propaganda.  As Matthew 9:17 tells us, “one cannot pour new wine in old wine skin since all will be lost”. Come again, Rohee and Luncheon, you are busted! Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP/C cannot ever be trusted with any alliance talks, since it is not in their DNA to foster an alliance of equals, but alliances of domination.  


Rose and Singh on fire this good sunday morning.


Simply put, the PPP General Secretary is once again misleading the opposition just like how the party leaders have misled the so-called Civic Group. That is why we are so disappointed to read that the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger, has chosen to support the PPP’s national alliance policy.  (http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....nal-alliance-policy/). When will this gentleman ever learn that the PPP/C gang gives nothing to no one, it has to be taken from them. His consistent political utterances and positions in favor of the PPP have earned his supporters nothing and he continues to fall for the PPP/C bait again and again, while the PPP/C continues to play the game of cat and mouse with the APNU/PNC. 


We want to ask anyone in the PNC to name a solid and or material beneficial public policy that their members have secured from the PPP/C since 2011 in this new dispensation of a majority opposition?  Just name one! That is why we fully endorse the AFC’s position that the PPP/C is not genuine. This Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has executed a series of reckless political actions that continue to disrespect the opposition and abused the Constitution, Parliament and the rule of law.  So why would these “wolves in sheep clothing” want to engage the opposition in an atmosphere of equals?  This announcement by the Freedom House gang is another political trick to con the opposition into a political cul-de-sac and then devour them after deflowering them.  The nation is fortunate that the AFC Leadership has the political experience and foresight to see through the PPP’s skullduggery before they even made their political play.


Why Ramjattan walk out of the tripartite meeting? Can he and Granger be trusted to have a mutual agreement with ruling party? AFC sided with APNU to gain the majority edge to pressure the PPP. Yet, AFC wouldn't join APNU's alliance. Why? It is because they don't have that trust for APNU?


Ramjattan did the right thing and walk out of the tripartite talks because the PPP is corrupt and they are lying bastards.


Why would you sit down and waste time with this group of thieves?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why Ramjattan walk out of the tripartite meeting? Can he and Granger be trusted to have a mutual agreement with ruling party? AFC sided with APNU to gain the majority edge to pressure the PPP. Yet, AFC wouldn't join APNU's alliance. Why? It is because they don't have that trust for APNU?

the ppp cannot shoot shit to ramjattan,who will trust a party that selling out their country  

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why Ramjattan walk out of the tripartite meeting? Can he and Granger be trusted to have a mutual agreement with ruling party? AFC sided with APNU to gain the majority edge to pressure the PPP. Yet, AFC wouldn't join APNU's alliance. Why? It is because they don't have that trust for APNU?

The PPP likes alli8ances of domination.  Even as 51% of the voters did NOT support them they still continue with the "my way or the highway" arrogance.


The PPP wants the AFC to be a rubber stamp, and because they aren't they have tried to tie them as psycophants of the PNC.


The reality is that no one knows that the PNC is up to. Maybe younger PNC members want to fight the PPP, whereas older PNC members, near retirement, but unable to steal as so many PPP leaders have, want their share of the largesse before they go.


I will caution the AFC to be smarter as some times they look like over enthusiastic college kids and can easily fall into a trap set by the PPP, maybe  with the help of the PNC.


As of now they have played into the hands of the PPP who definitely did NOT want LGE, as they are better positioned to win most of the votes, almost certainly as another minority gov't as Luncheon admits.  The LGE would have exposed their shallowness and given the AFC an ability to soften up the PPP further, even if they didnt win seats in the local councils.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ramjattan did the right thing and walk out of the tripartite talks because the PPP is corrupt and they are lying bastards.


Why would you sit down and waste time with this group of thieves?

True but what do they gain by a stalemate.


I insist that their time would have been better spent fighting for LGE.  That was fast becoming an issue which was impacting the international image of the PPP.  It appeared as if international pressure was being placed on the PPP to host LGE, just as Hoyte had to bear pressure to host free anf fair national elections.


But the pressure is off and international entities continue to find Guyana to be a very confusing society, hence the country being labeled as politically unstable.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why Ramjattan walk out of the tripartite meeting? Can he and Granger be trusted to have a mutual agreement with ruling party? AFC sided with APNU to gain the majority edge to pressure the PPP. Yet, AFC wouldn't join APNU's alliance. Why? It is because they don't have that trust for APNU?

The PPP likes alli8ances of domination.  Even as 51% of the voters did NOT support them they still continue with the "my way or the highway" arrogance.


The PPP wants the AFC to be a rubber stamp, and because they aren't they have tried to tie them as psycophants of the PNC.


The reality is that no one knows that the PNC is up to. Maybe younger PNC members want to fight the PPP, whereas older PNC members, near retirement, but unable to steal as so many PPP leaders have, want their share of the largesse before they go.


I will caution the AFC to be smarter as some times they look like over enthusiastic college kids and can easily fall into a trap set by the PPP, maybe  with the help of the PNC.


As of now they have played into the hands of the PPP who definitely did NOT want LGE, as they are better positioned to win most of the votes, almost certainly as another minority gov't as Luncheon admits.  The LGE would have exposed their shallowness and given the AFC an ability to soften up the PPP further, even if they didnt win seats in the local councils.

Good point,Caribny.


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