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“The PPP/C is the Party of the future”; Clinton Urling to appear on PPP list of candidates

April 7, 2015 8:38 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Former Head of Blue CAPS, Clinton Urling

Former Head of Blue CAPS, Clinton Urling

[] – Former Chairman of Blue Caps and President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Clinton Urling in a shocking move has disclosed that he will be appearing on the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) list of candidates to be revealed today April 07 – Nomination Day.

Urling during an interview with iNews this morning said “I will be appearing on the PPP’s list.”



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The party of the future that refuses to pay Odeen Ishmael his pension.


That refuses to pay


Maurice Arjoon

Kent Vincent

Kissoon Baldeo

Jainarine Singh jr.

Doodnauth Singh

Mrs. Joyce Hoyte and a litany of other Guyanese their pensions but they pay ***** hole Jagdeo his 200 million without question?



Originally Posted by Conscience:

“The PPP/C is the Party of the future”; Clinton Urling to appear on PPP list of candidates

April 7, 2015 8:38 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Former Head of Blue CAPS, Clinton Urling

Former Head of Blue CAPS, Clinton Urling

[] – Former Chairman of Blue Caps and President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Clinton Urling in a shocking move has disclosed that he will be appearing on the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) list of candidates to be revealed today April 07 – Nomination Day.

Urling during an interview with iNews this morning said “I will be appearing on the PPP’s list.”



The are detritus of the cold war so the do not have a future. Every nation that came out of the societ block what  was headed by old communists have failed. Those headed by traditional democrats prospered. These old communists have to go. Neither in their past or present have they demonstrated an ability to come into the modern world. They rule Guyana as if the are Maoist Chinese.


Party of the future alright.....


I can see the EVIL in his eyes... I feel he is a DEMON in Human form and if he wants to debate this I AM WILLING!!!!!
Because the CEO of a Financial Institution did not allow them to use its funds as they wished, and discovered members of CIOG involved in a scam, they DECIDED to CHARGE him & 2 non-muslim Managers, ILLEGALLY dismiss them and for almost 8 years ILLEGALLY withhold Statutory payments/Pension Rights, when they KNOW; they have PROOF (AND since proven in court) that these 3 Officers did NO WRONG??
The perpetrators CANNOT be Human!

'After almost 8 years, continuation of EVIL at its WORST! In 2007, NBS CEO Maurice Arjoon investigated a complaint of unauthorized withdrawals and discovered the account holder’s husband – Dr Safi- [from CIOG) received proceeds thus NO fraud! But with Safi & Dep CEO Mohamed, Chairman Moen Mc Doom then held meetings at CIOG, then with VC Nanda Gopaul et al at PPP's Freedom House as
 account holder’s husband – Dr Safi- (from CIOG) received proceeds thus NO fraud! But with Safi & Dep CEO Mohamed, Chairman Moen Mc Doom then held meetings at CIOG, then with VC Nanda Gopaul et al at PPP's Freedom House as "they" wanted Arjoon DISMISSED [because he did not allow them to use G$B of NBS funds ILLEGALLY] & decided a FRAUD CHARGE would JUSTIFY the DISMISSAL. They also took away Arjoon’s PENSION/benefits due over 7 yrs ago altho ILLEGAL and altho he contributed to a Pension Scheme for 30 years & has unblemished record. Directors confided that then Pres Jagdeo told them to fire Arjoon (& 2 managers). Even Gopaul admitted that Jagdeo wants Arjoon to drop the lawsuit & accept HALF his pension – (when the NBS Board is Negligent by repaying the account holder altho NO FRAUD!). Like many “messengers”, Bobby Ramroop’s fmr Manager also told the Arjoons that ”HALF A LOAF IS BETTER THAN NONE”!
Is Jagdeo human?? FB post by Art Ricknauth (liked, shared & commented on by hundreds) states:
“Former President of Guyana, Bharat Jagdeo earns an annual tax-free pension of US $180,000.00 (perks not included) on the backs of its suffering masses. Guyana is a relatively poor country with a population of under 750,000 people. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi earns a meager annual salary of US $31,000.00. India is the world's largest democracy with a population of over one billion people. And the President of China, Xi Jinping earns an even smaller annual salary of US $22,000.00. China has the largest population in the world of over 1.2 billion people” 
This KN: “:….unfortunately for Guyana, economic mismanagement is not the only or the worst of Jagdeo’s failures.He consistently violated the Constitution; undermined the judiciary; compromised public accounting and accountability; facilitated a network of slush funds; politicised and debilitated the public sector; gave Guyana the most expensive river bridge crossing in the world; made personal and political corruption into an art form; elevated extra-judicial killing into state policy in collusion with a drug kingpin; crippled the National Insurance Scheme; and his worst political/economic sin of all: destroyed the sugar industry first by his misconceived and mis-named Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project and his mindboggling, brainless decision to give the construction of the factory to the Chinese.” To cap it all, Ram wrote, Jagdeo did not wait on an independent Parliament to reward him with a fair retirement package. “He ordered his Cabinet and the then PPP/C majority in the National Assembly to administer to Guyanese the ultimate insult: a retirement package for him that is equivalent to the average earned income of sixty sugar workers. Or to put it another way, the equivalent of the old age pension of 240 persons.”

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