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The misfits who lead us

September 29, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, It is so sad to see what is now taking place in my beloved country Guyana by the corrupt PPP/C cabal. The talk on the streets is about the much touted snap Elections which may or may not happen before the debated “NO CONFIDENCE MOTION “. If we are to take a look at each Minister we would see that none of them has a clean slate. All of them have been embroiled in their fair share of controversy. According to Minister Rohee he has skeletons on AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo. With a man like Rohee knowing the jumbie and gutter politics, who in their righted senses would believe a word that he says? Is there anyone in the present PPP/C administration that has more skeletons than Mr. Rohee? A while ago Mr. Freddie Kissoon wrote an article that of all the political parties in Guyana the PPP/C can play politics any day and that is now being seen as so true. There are other ministers who are also guilty of infractions. There is one particular Minister who even went as far as taking away people’s lands in the Moruca area to give to her relatives. This Minister is also in receipt of several complaints from Amerindians regarding exploitations and sexual misconducts.  What does she do to alleviate the situation? NOTHING. Then there is a Minister who is famous for telling a female reporter that he still gets erections and that same Minister has Health centers which fall under his Ministry running out of the basic medications like Paracetemol tablets. In some cases if there is a power outage the health Centre cannot function. Where else in the world can these lawless and ignorant actions be condoned? Only in good old Guyana. I must thank my Guyanese brothers and sisters for the high level of patience and tolerance that they have been exercising with this administration. Sometimes when I  sit in my silent moment I wondered what President Donald Ramotar is doing with these misfits, those vampires  that he has for  Ministers. Randy Persaud

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there is a Minister who is famous for telling a female reporter that he still gets erections and that same Minister has Health centers which fall under his Ministry running out of the basic medications like Paracetemol tablets. In some cases if there is a power outage the health Centre cannot function. Where else in the world can these lawless and ignorant actions be condoned?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

there is a Minister who is famous for telling a female reporter that he still gets erections and that same Minister has Health centers which fall under his Ministry running out of the basic medications like Paracetemol tablets.

Beriberi ministry has a shortage of Paracetemol but an abundance of Viagra.


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