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There is only one regional seat in region number 8 and the AFC won it in the last elections. The results were APNU 739, AFC 995, PPP 741, and UF 95.  The PPP lost to the AFC by a mere 254 votes which deprived them of  a one seat majority in the parliament. If the PPP had only won this region it would helped them despite the loss of votes in other regions to the AFC and complacency on the party of pro-gov't. voters.

The Ramotar gov't is building a secondary school in region # 8 at the cost of a whopping US$4 million. I personally believe this is being done to help the party win this region so that we don't see a return to tyrannical rule. The PPP just have to win this region and grab a couple of thousand more votes in the other region and victory is assured.


Let me know your thoughts.

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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why Bhagwaan turn his back on the PPP/C in Region 8?

Bhawaan wanted to test the AFC's faith to see if they really represent change. Well, they have failed this test and Bhagwaan will pull the plug for once and for all.  Prepare to say goodbye AFC. Gone but not forgotten.  TK and others smelled the rat and fled. You are waiting for the death announcement and perhaps long for the coffee and biscuit.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why Bhagwaan turn his back on the PPP/C in Region 8?

Bhawaan wanted to test the AFC's faith to see if they really represent change. Well, they have failed this test and Bhagwaan will pull the plug for once and for all.  Prepare to say goodbye AFC. Gone but not forgotten.  TK and others smelled the rat and fled. You are waiting for the death announcement and perhaps long for the coffee and biscuit.

Tell Dharpoke to call de elections nuh. Is why the PPP suh scared to attend Parliament and face the AFC? Hey,  I made some dood pera for diabetics. I can send you some.


Approval rating for President has fallen, sharp rise in those gloomy about economy

Posted By Staff Writer On November 19, 2014 @ 5:26 am In Local News | No Comments

The latest round of surveys here by the Latin American Public Opinion (LAPOP) Project has found a decline in the approval rating of President Donald Ramotar and a sharp rise in those who think the economy worsened this year.

LAPOP, run by US university Vanderbilt, also found that trust had diminished in Parliament and referring to President Ramotar’s recent decision to suspend Parliament, disclosed that over the four years it has been asking the question, under 9% of people agreed that the legislature should be shut down in a time of crisis.

The programme which has been carrying out public opinion surveys in the Americas for over 30 years said that even though ratings in these categories had been relatively stable over the survey period from 2006, “our data reveal that the political outlook for the Guyanese regime suffered a moderate but general reversal in legitimacy levels in 2014”.

20141119fig 120141119fig 220141119fig 3In each year of the survey, the LAPOP report said that respondents are asked “Speaking in general of the current administration, how would you rate the job performance of President (name provided)”.

The results as seen in Figure One show that mean values on approval of presidential performance rose after 2006 and then held constant until 2012. However, this year, the average dropped by six points in comparison with the previous survey year.

Considering what could have led to the decline, researchers Daniel Montalvo, Elizabeth Zechmeister and Mitchell Seligson said that some of it might be due to the “normal popularity erosion” that most newly-elected presidents face after the honeymoon period is over. It also noted that the 2012 survey occurred two months after Ramotar took up office.

“Nonetheless, this decrease could also be due to more structural factors, such as popular perception of economic performance, citizens sensing that the government may not be able to successfully negotiate agreements with opposition members in the parliament, or a broader public perception of a government inability to satisfy citizen demands”, the report said.

On the economic front, the report said that Guyana’s economy seemed to be faring well with national GDP growing at an average rate of 5.1% however citizen perceptions told a very different story.

“When asked `Do you think that the country’s current economic situation is better than, the same as or worse than it was 12 months ago?” â€Ķ, 57% of respondents reported that the economy worsened in 2014. As Figure 2 illustrates, this percentage almost tripled since 2012, with these negative evaluations reaching by far their highest level in 2014 compared to recent years.

“Are these depressed economic evaluations the result of a recent shock in the real economy or a product of politics? Even though we are unable to provide a more nuanced answer in this short report, we can note that trust in the parliament has also decreased more than 13 points on a 0 to 100 scale between 2012 and 2104”, the report stated.

Figure 3 depicts the results of the question: “To what extent do you trust the Parliament? As Figure 3 shows, trust in Parliament slid from 59.60% in 2012 to 46.3% in 2014.

“Thus, we find that the current political upheaval in Guyana goes hand-in-hand with broad and increasing citizen dissatisfaction with Guyanese political institutions and what they are delivering”, the report said.

The report also interestingly said that in the 2010-2014 surveys, LAPOP had asked about citizen support for the shutting of Parliament by the President in periods of crisis. The question posed was “Do you believe that when the country is facing very difficult times it is justifiable for the president of the country to close the Parliament and govern without Parliament?”

The report said that across all years, fewer than 9% of Guyanese respondents said that such a manoeuvre would be justifiable.

“Thus, we conclude by noting that there is little reason to believe that the Guyanese public is likely to take recent events as a palliative to their brewing dissatisfaction”.

Funding for the 2014 LAPOP round came mainly from the United States Agency for International Development. Support also came from the Inter-American Development Bank and Vanderbilt University. The 2014 AmericasBarometer dataset will be available on December 1, 2014. Full results of the surveys can be found online at

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why Bhagwaan turn his back on the PPP/C in Region 8?

Bhawaan wanted to test the AFC's faith to see if they really represent change. Well, they have failed this test and Bhagwaan will pull the plug for once and for all.  Prepare to say goodbye AFC. Gone but not forgotten.  TK and others smelled the rat and fled. You are waiting for the death announcement and perhaps long for the coffee and biscuit.

They did recieve Devine favour. Instead of building on it for a national concensus, they narrowed their vision just to please Moses. I warned Gerhard about that on this BB.


You can always interpret and manipulate the results to spread propaganda. What really matters is the real numbers on election day. Let's wait for those numbers.
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth on election night and if you don't have teeth, your damn gums will have to pay for it. PPP will be laughing all the way to parliament building again.
Naga and Ramjattan tink dem coolie peeple sthupid. You no wah? Leh dem put dem finga in dem coolie peeple mouth and dem guh see wah happen. Dem guh see who moe sthupid. 


If APNU decides to unite with the AFC with the intention of winning region 8 from the PPP then that would result in greater losses in regions 5 and 6 since voters there hate APNU. The opposition got a real problem. 2011 elections was a wake-up call the PPP. I am sure they've learned their lessons quickly. It's going to a battle - battle between the PNC and the PPP. Third Force is a fallacy in people's mind. Third Force is now synonymous with the PNC.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If APNU decides to unite with the AFC with the intention of winning region 8 from the PPP then that would result in greater losses in regions 5 and 6 since voters there hate APNU. The opposition got a real problem. 2011 elections was a wake-up call the PPP. I am sure they've learned their lessons quickly. It's going to a battle - battle between the PNC and the PPP. Third Force is a fallacy in people's mind. Third Force is now synonymous with the PNC.




The latest round of surveys here by the Latin American Public Opinion (LAPOP) Project has found a decline in the approval rating of President Donald Ramotar and a sharp rise in those who think the economy worsened this year.

LAPOP, run by US university Vanderbilt, also found that trust had diminished in Parliament and referring to President Ramotar’s recent decision to suspend Parliament, disclosed that over the four years it has been asking the question, under 9% of people agreed that the legislature should be shut down in a time of crisis.


The combined opposition is fearful of elections real bad. The effects of the Moses fallout has dissipated to nothing. He is a stranger now to the party and the people who once looked up to him. His supporters now is just a handful of people. The history of the PNC teaches us that Indos who joined the party usually lose their appeal and become ostracized. Moses has found himself in this straight-jacket.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The combined opposition is fearful of elections real bad. The effects of the Moses fallout has dissipated to nothing. He is a stranger now to the party and the people who once looked up to him. His supporters now is just a handful of people. The history of the PNC teaches us that Indos who joined the party usually lose their appeal and become ostracized. Moses has found himself in this straight-jacket.



Billy, you are being silly. Ramo is scared of Moses and his MONC.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The combined opposition is fearful of elections real bad. The effects of the Moses fallout has dissipated to nothing. He is a stranger now to the party and the people who once looked up to him. His supporters now is just a handful of people. The history of the PNC teaches us that Indos who joined the party usually lose their appeal and become ostracized. Moses has found himself in this straight-jacket.



Stop lying. The opposition were bringing on the elections with the No Confidence Motion. The PPP are scared shitless of elections and prorogue the parliament to avoid elections. They are also stalling the Local Government Elections like if it's the plague.


PPP days are numbered. People are very much aware of the evil deeds of their dictatorship.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The only way the opposition can win is through rigging. This is of great concern since the PNC have some the world's best rigging experts.

The PPP tried to rig the last time declaring that they had the majority through their lackey Boodhoo who has now been rewarded by the PPP with a big job in government. Thse crooks also stole a seat from the AFC in the previous elections. They have the best of the ex PNC riggers in their fold now. 


They only got busted because of the vigilance of the opposition.



Boodhoo’s first calculation had given PPPC parliamentary majority

Chief Election Officer’s first calculation had given PPPC parliamentary majority

Demerara Waves – January 4, 2012

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) almost gave the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) a 33-seat majority due to a miscalculation by the Chief Election Officer, Gocool Boodoo- a scenario he has denied.

“I have no knowledge of that. I am not aware of that,” Boodoo told Demerara Waves Online News (

But official minutes of the commission meeting on election results day- November 30- tell another story that has been corroborated by a GECOM insider.

Noting that the Chief Election Officer is required by law to present the results to the commission before a final declaration is made, the source said Boodoo’s calculation was erroneous. Commissioner, Vincent Alexander unearthed the discrepancy and it was re-calculated based on the formula to reflect the PPPC getting 32 seats,  A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) 26 and the Alliance For Change seven. All of the commissioners then accepted the results. was told that Alexander had objected to the first calculation that had given the PPPC 33 seats with 48.57 percent of the votes, the AFC six seats and APNU 26 seats. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is only one regional seat in region number 8 and the AFC won it in the last elections. The results were APNU 739, AFC 995, PPP 741, and UF 95.  The PPP lost to the AFC by a mere 254 votes which deprived them of  a one seat majority in the parliament. If the PPP had only won this region it would helped them despite the loss of votes in other regions to the AFC and complacency on the party of pro-gov't. voters.

The Ramotar gov't is building a secondary school in region # 8 at the cost of a whopping US$4 million. I personally believe this is being done to help the party win this region so that we don't see a return to tyrannical rule. The PPP just have to win this region and grab a couple of thousand more votes in the other region and victory is assured.


Let me know your thoughts.

Bai, de tryin...building a high school in Kato whee only 600 people live....yes de trying but them Amerind notice they are not the one with the plenty coolie people. Is them and the black peeps doing the wage labor. That will count for something in influencing 8. Dem peeps also can tell their siblings of the case in court for 8 years now about their land rights and nothing happening. Meanwhile the People from Barbadoes reaping bumper crops in mega farms so is not money to demarcate land here but just teaching them buck people they are nothing.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is only one regional seat in region number 8 and the AFC won it in the last elections. The results were APNU 739, AFC 995, PPP 741, and UF 95.  The PPP lost to the AFC by a mere 254 votes which deprived them of  a one seat majority in the parliament. If the PPP had only won this region it would helped them despite the loss of votes in other regions to the AFC and complacency on the party of pro-gov't. voters.

The Ramotar gov't is building a secondary school in region # 8 at the cost of a whopping US$4 million. I personally believe this is being done to help the party win this region so that we don't see a return to tyrannical rule. The PPP just have to win this region and grab a couple of thousand more votes in the other region and victory is assured.


Let me know your thoughts.

Bai, de tryin...building a high school in Kato whee only 600 people live....yes de trying but them Amerind notice they are not the one with the plenty coolie people. Is them and the black peeps doing the wage labor. That will count for something in influencing 8. Dem peeps also can tell their siblings of the case in court for 8 years now about their land rights and nothing happening. Meanwhile the People from Barbadoes reaping bumper crops in mega farms so is not money to demarcate land here but just teaching them buck people they are nothing.

Did the PNC ever care for the Amerindians? At least the PPP are doing something for them.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is only one regional seat in region number 8 and the AFC won it in the last elections. The results were APNU 739, AFC 995, PPP 741, and UF 95.  The PPP lost to the AFC by a mere 254 votes which deprived them of  a one seat majority in the parliament. If the PPP had only won this region it would helped them despite the loss of votes in other regions to the AFC and complacency on the party of pro-gov't. voters.

The Ramotar gov't is building a secondary school in region # 8 at the cost of a whopping US$4 million. I personally believe this is being done to help the party win this region so that we don't see a return to tyrannical rule. The PPP just have to win this region and grab a couple of thousand more votes in the other region and victory is assured.


Let me know your thoughts.

This is the most sensible political strategy and thought I have seen on GNI for months.


It is a real issue.  Thank you Billy.


Ramu has to spend billion on Region 8 if he had any sense starting with the Road to Mahdai should be paved come hell or high water.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is only one regional seat in region number 8 and the AFC won it in the last elections. The results were APNU 739, AFC 995, PPP 741, and UF 95.  The PPP lost to the AFC by a mere 254 votes which deprived them of  a one seat majority in the parliament. If the PPP had only won this region it would helped them despite the loss of votes in other regions to the AFC and complacency on the party of pro-gov't. voters.

The Ramotar gov't is building a secondary school in region # 8 at the cost of a whopping US$4 million. I personally believe this is being done to help the party win this region so that we don't see a return to tyrannical rule. The PPP just have to win this region and grab a couple of thousand more votes in the other region and victory is assured.


Let me know your thoughts.

This is the most sensible political strategy and thought I have seen on GNI for months.


It is a real issue.  Thank you Billy.


Ramu has to spend billion on Region 8 if he had any sense starting with the Road to Mahdai should be paved come hell or high water.

This only happened in 2014.




Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is only one regional seat in region number 8 and the AFC won it in the last elections. The results were APNU 739, AFC 995, PPP 741, and UF 95.  The PPP lost to the AFC by a mere 254 votes which deprived them of  a one seat majority in the parliament. If the PPP had only won this region it would helped them despite the loss of votes in other regions to the AFC and complacency on the party of pro-gov't. voters.

The Ramotar gov't is building a secondary school in region # 8 at the cost of a whopping US$4 million. I personally believe this is being done to help the party win this region so that we don't see a return to tyrannical rule. The PPP just have to win this region and grab a couple of thousand more votes in the other region and victory is assured.


Let me know your thoughts.

This is the most sensible political strategy and thought I have seen on GNI for months.


It is a real issue.  Thank you Billy.


Ramu has to spend billion on Region 8 if he had any sense starting with the Road to Mahdai should be paved come hell or high water.

This only happened in 2014.





And the PPP cannot do this to the children of Region 8 if they want to win.




Hinterland primary students trek miles with logs for “hot meals”


Students of Kato Primary carrying logs from the jungle to the school

By Rehanna Ramsay

As regional and international bodies remain committed to stamping out child labour, 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

And the PPP cannot do this to the children of Region 8 if they want to win.




Hinterland primary students trek miles with logs for “hot meals”


Students of Kato Primary carrying logs from the jungle to the school

By Rehanna Ramsay

As regional and international bodies remain committed to stamping out child labour, 

This story was proven to be a lie by KN.


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