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The PPP continues to under-deliver
June 8, 2013 Snews

Dear Editor,

After a long hard year of discontent, frustration and hopelessness, more bad news has emerged for those at the bottom of the economic ladder. While 10% wage increases for workers remains an illusion under the PPP/C, they also have to contend with $200 fares for the minibuses crossing the Berbice River Bridge.  The reality is the hardship of the people continues to get worse as their income grows at a snail’s pace. These are the signs of the times.
After suggestions about snap elections, the PPP has now abandoned this project. Their propaganda is not grounded in truth and the people know it. The majority of Guyanese are aware that a budget cut is a good thing for Guyana.
As we understand it, the President has nothing of relevance to tell his rapidly dwindling support base other than to regurgitate the line of “a return of the PNC to power will lead to food shortages.” This type of dishonesty has no place in our society in the 21st century.  Why can’t the President talk about the great things he did for the Berbicians while he served on the GuySuCo Board?
The reality is that the PPP will produce its worst electoral showing ever at any upcoming election. To compound this political meltdown of the PPP, the President is now on top of an organisation (PPP) that is split down the middle. Even his own membership at the 2008 Congress put Dr Frank Anthony in front of him with 658 votes versus 637 votes.  In those elections even though there was a nasty and aggressive whispering campaign against Moses Nagamootoo, he scored 595 votes. The PPP grassroots members are not stupid; they know who the oppressors are.
As President Ramotar approaches the next Congress, he is seen to be practising the politics of convenience by latching on to the Jagdeoites who appear to be dictating his economic and political agenda.  It is precisely for this reason that the President cannot act independently, be his own man and pursue a pro-Guyanese development agenda.
At this point in time we are advised that if President Ramotar steps out of the Jagdeo web, he would not be sure if he had majority support in his own Cabinet, and therefore he has a long hot summer ahead as he advances to the PPP Congress.  We were advised that the Jagdeo third term committee is preparing a pitch for a Jagdeo General Secretaryship in the PPP at the upcoming Congress.  If this unfolds, isn’t it a direct challenge to the current General Secretary, Mr Donald Ramotar?  The tiles on the PPP roof are falling off.
We were advised that Camp Jagdeo believes that President Ramotar has become a political liability and is working on a back-up candidate if his popularity continues to dive.  Names which have been suggested include Anil Nandlall and Robert Persaud, both Jagdeo loyalists.
These Kremlin-like actions will be a reality if the people continue to reject the PPP.  We call on the people to take the risk and vote issues in the upcoming local government elections and reject the PPP and their anti-developmental politics overwhelmingly. The real issue is that the PPP continues to under-deliver, resulting in inadequate human development and a growth in the poverty levels.
It is true that 28 years of PNC rule bankrupted the country, but the last decade under the PPP has turned Guyana into a broken state, so even if the PPP presses on with its propaganda, distortions and untruths on NCN 24 hours a day, the die is already cast as the Guyanese people are rapidly moving away from the racial politics of the PPP and the PNC/APNU.
We call on all ordinary PPP members to reject Mr Jagdeo and his policies at the upcoming Congress. After all, Dr Jagan would have never supported the uncultured politics that they have created and which they perpetuate at Babu Jaan every year.  Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks.

Yours faithfully,
Asquith Rose
Harish S Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The usual suspects, one dictating the other writing. But this strategy of Baghdad Bob would work except people are not suffering in Guyana. The bridge was built at a high cost and those costs must be recouped for the investors. Welcome to democracy, the afc/pnc want to go back to guythis guythat days of communism. 


And to the pedo, you still blocked even as I give a mercy post. ahahah


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks. Don't you agree?

Don't know if he would have intervened in a matrimonial dispute.  There are laws and rules with the court follow.  From what I understand it was handled according to the laws of the land.  However, he might have offered personal counsel to both, as a father-figure.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks. Don't you agree?

Don't know if he would have intervened in a matrimonial dispute.  There are laws and rules with the court follow.  From what I understand it was handled according to the laws of the land.  However, he might have offered personal counsel to both, as a father-figure.

In another country, Jagdeo would have been charged for rape for fooling a woman into marriage. In Guyana, one needs to prove penetration.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks. Don't you agree?

Don't know if he would have intervened in a matrimonial dispute.  There are laws and rules with the court follow.  From what I understand it was handled according to the laws of the land.  However, he might have offered personal counsel to both, as a father-figure.

In another country, Jagdeo would have been charged for rape for fooling a woman into marriage. In Guyana, one needs to prove penetration.

Really, didn't know she was a minor when they got married.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks. Don't you agree?

Don't know if he would have intervened in a matrimonial dispute.  There are laws and rules with the court follow.  From what I understand it was handled according to the laws of the land.  However, he might have offered personal counsel to both, as a father-figure.

In another country, Jagdeo would have been charged for rape for fooling a woman into marriage. In Guyana, one needs to prove penetration.

Really, didn't know she was a minor when they got married.

You are  now implying that he is a pedo.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks. Don't you agree?

Don't know if he would have intervened in a matrimonial dispute.  There are laws and rules with the court follow.  From what I understand it was handled according to the laws of the land.  However, he might have offered personal counsel to both, as a father-figure.

In another country, Jagdeo would have been charged for rape for fooling a woman into marriage. In Guyana, one needs to prove penetration.

Really, didn't know she was a minor when they got married.

You are  now implying that he is a pedo.

No, I'm asking you about that fact!!

Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Varshanie in the pot? Lucky they didn't throw two aloo and pepper to spice it up. Like you just learning about these fellas? That's what they do all day and hope everything sticks. In reality, they suck. They have the tendency to beat the old drum until it bursts.

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Varshanie in the pot? Lucky they didn't throw two aloo and pepper to spice it up. Like you just learning about these fellas? That's what they do all day and hope everything sticks. In reality, they suck. They have the tendency to beat the old drum until it bursts.

Point taken, but try resist getting overly personal.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks. Don't you agree?

Don't know if he would have intervened in a matrimonial dispute.  There are laws and rules with the court follow.  From what I understand it was handled according to the laws of the land.  However, he might have offered personal counsel to both, as a father-figure.

In another country, Jagdeo would have been charged for rape for fooling a woman into marriage. In Guyana, one needs to prove penetration.

Really, didn't know she was a minor when they got married.

Are you saying they were married? Then you are accuseing the Jagabat lieing...What about the late pandid Repu who preform the ceremony...yuh saying he is a fraud too...dem PPP bais gun give yuh lots a flack fuh dis...

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks. Don't you agree?

Don't know if he would have intervened in a matrimonial dispute.  There are laws and rules with the court follow.  From what I understand it was handled according to the laws of the land.  However, he might have offered personal counsel to both, as a father-figure.

In another country, Jagdeo would have been charged for rape for fooling a woman into marriage. In Guyana, one needs to prove penetration.

Really, didn't know she was a minor when they got married.

Are you saying they were married? Then you are accuseing the Jagabat lieing...What about the late pandid Repu who preform the ceremony...yuh saying he is a fraud too...dem PPP bais gun give yuh lots a flack fuh dis...

Boy, talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How does "Varshnie" get thrown into the pot.

Dr Jagan would not have tolerated what was done to Ms Varshnie Singh by the PPP apparatchiks. Don't you agree?

Don't know if he would have intervened in a matrimonial dispute.  There are laws and rules with the court follow.  From what I understand it was handled according to the laws of the land.  However, he might have offered personal counsel to both, as a father-figure.

In another country, Jagdeo would have been charged for rape for fooling a woman into marriage. In Guyana, one needs to prove penetration.

Really, didn't know she was a minor when they got married.

Are you saying they were married? Then you are accuseing the Jagabat lieing...What about the late pandid Repu who preform the ceremony...yuh saying he is a fraud too...dem PPP bais gun give yuh lots a flack fuh dis...

Boy, talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Watch wah yuh saying a PPP water boy, yuh seh the wrong thing dem pull the rug from under yuh...


The tiles on the PPP roof are falling off.
We were advised that Camp Jagdeo believes that President Ramotar has become a political liability and is working on a back-up candidate if his popularity continues to dive.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The tiles on the PPP roof are falling off.
We were advised that Camp Jagdeo believes that President Ramotar has become a political liability and is working on a back-up candidate if his popularity continues to dive.

Mr Jagdeo himself will run. 


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