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The PPP did not learn the lesson of 2011
February 6, 2016 Stabroek News
Dear Editor,

Many people I conversed with endorse the view expressed by former House Speaker Ralph Ramkarran in a column captioned ‘Jagdeo and arrogance to blame for PPP/C loss’ (Sunday Stabroek, Jan 17), excerpts of which were also extracted as a news item in SN the following day. The commentary and news item made reference to the selection of the PPP presidential nominee for the 2011 general elections. I will not dwell on the dominant role (or perceived arrogance, etc) of former President Bharrat Jagdeo in the selection of Donald Ramotar as the presidential candidate. And he alone should not be blamed for the selection as it was a ‘group think’ decision with which all members went along in the end; Jagdeo had his own reason for influencing the choice of Ramotar that may or may not coincide with the publicly expressed view.

Suffice it to say that the party leadership knew it was on a disastrous course if it proceeded on the selection of Ramotar as he was very unpopular among the rank and file, middle class and the business class. Several prominent individuals closely connected with the leadership so informed the leaders and those who vote to choose the nominee. Several leading members of the PPP all over the heartland told me in interactions that the party would not win with Mr Ramotar (not that he was a bad guy; he simply did not have charm and charisma as far as the base was concerned) and many did not view him as presidential material. In addition, opinion polls I conducted (not for the PPP) and published in the media showed several candidates (Ramkarran, Moses Nagamootoo, Navin Chanderpaul, Robert Persaud, Frank Anthony, etc) as being far more popular and likeable than Ramotar. The polls also showed that Ramotar would struggle to cross 50% support whereas Ramkarran or Nagamootoo or some other candidate would easily win a majority. The polls I conducted were dismissed in favour of two other polls (one conducted from UG and another by the PPP itself, showing the party winning a landslide with Ramotar’s candidacy). The UG poll showed the PPP getting 65% and the other poll 70%; the party was confident it would win even if the unpopular Ramotar were the candidate.

In spite of all the warnings and objections from the party’s membership, the party Executive Committee (15 members) went ahead and (arrogantly) chose Mr Ramotar as the nominee, and the Central Committee rubber stamped the selection knowing fully well the disastrous electoral expectations which would follow. In that sense, the entire leadership, not just Mr Jagdeo, was arrogant. Had they paid heed to the findings of scientific polls (available free in the media) and objective analysis from scholars, they would have opted for a winnable candidate and the party would have remained in office. Ramkarran or Nagamootoo or Chanderpaul would have easily won the election. Ramkarran was the most popular nationally among supporters of all parties, winning cross-racial support, although Nagamootoo was more popular among party supporters, particularly the sugar base. Chanderpaul also had solid grass roots support among the sugar workers and farmers, but had limited cross-over appeal.

Mr Ramkarran is right in stating that the PPP leadership was absolutely confident that it would win the election, mistakenly believing that Indians would accept anyone as the candidate. That much was revealed to me in private, although some members of the Central Committee expressed deep reservations about a victory pointing to the unpopularity of Mr Ramotar.

In another sign of arrogance, the party leadership also dismissed the departure from the PPP of the dynamic Nagamootoo, saying he would not take any support from the party’s base. Mr Nagamootoo was enormously popular with the PPP base and polls I conducted showed him pulling substantial support from that base. The party, as expected, dismissed the findings of the polls saying their polls showed Ramotar would win. One party apparatchik told me Ramotar would get between 65 and 70% of the votes. I responded that he would struggle to get 50%, and that was the actual outcome. Several ACG supporters in NY were informed of the poll’s findings and sounded a dire warning to the party leadership not to dismiss the findings of the poll.

I will not doubt the claims made by Mr Ramkarran that party organizers told him the party could not win. And several members of the Central Committee did say they would vote for another nominee if the balloting were secret. There was a long struggle for the secret ballot in that nomination contest. In the end, the leadership agreed to the secret ballot. But Mr Ramkarran, recognizing the cards stacked against him, withdrew from the contest. The party rejected a terrific candidate who would still have been serving as president perhaps paving the way for a successor this year.

The party also miscalculated the loss of support in Nagamootoo’s departure. Thousands in the PPP heartland voted for Naga, as he was fondly called, and/or stayed away from the polling booths because of the tone of the campaign from the PPP side. The PPP lost its majority. Had Naga been made a deputy prime ministerial or a vice presidential candidate, he would have stuck with the party and it would have won. But the PPP has been known not to think or act on reason and what is in its best interest.

The party did not fully learn the lesson of 2011 and repeated some of the same errors in 2015. There was no effort at reconciliation between 2011 and 2015. The PPP cannot regain office unless it has a strong charismatic candidate appealing to those who departed from the base as well as who can garner cross-over support from other ethnic groups. No party can win an election with the support of one ethnic group. The party also needs to reform itself embracing internal democracy in the selection of candidates as well as allow for open critique of its operations.

Yours faithfully,

Vishnu Bisram

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Cuss down people in the PPP

February 6, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
During the turbulent sixties the late Peter Stanislaus D’ Aguiar is quoted as saying “the masses are the asses” after failing to penetrate the strongholds of the P.N.C (People’s National Congress) and the PPP (People’s Progressive Party) that could have catapult him to the highest office of the land. But today the PPP/C with the ‘Cuss Down Macaw” and the “Goat AINT BITE MEH MAN” at the helm appears stuck in this “Masses are the Asses” theory as they continue their propaganda mission contradicting themselves and misleading their supporters.
When the announcement of the closure of the Wales Estate came, the PPPC said that the closure of Wales Estate is an attack on the economic base of their supporters.  Is not this, the same PPP that had closed down the Diamond Estate and La Bonne Intention Estate?
There is no doubt that Wales Estate was functioning at a loss and even an elementary student in economics would tell you that the object of running a business is to make a profit as well as to raise the standard of living. The cost of production of sugar in Guyana has made Guyana’s sugar incompetent on the world market as regards price.
When the PPPC lost the May 2015 elections they cried “CHEATED BUT NOT DEFEATED” and even protest in front of GECOM, but to the dismay of the populace their leader admitted in December 2015, that the PPPC lost the election because of arrogance and complacency. The PPPC must stop opposing for the sake of opposing or put up and shut up, stop taking the support of your supporters for granted and contradicting themselves.
Brent Griffith




"No party can win an election with the support of one ethnic group. The party also needs to reform itself embracing internal democracy in the selection of candidates as well as allow for open critique of its operations."

Carib not here,will use his his quote "blackman bad","blackman ah kill abe" added to the famous beating drums quote from BJ,Freedom House better take note what Bisram is saying,right here some of us mention the same.

I will add the  attacks on Naga and Ramjattan will not get them any where,mark my words.


This is a flawed piece of guesswork by Bisram.  Agreed that the PPP should have done some things differently and I am sure they have recognized that the party needs to be reformed in certain key areas.  

Bisram is dead wrong on the Nagamootoo factor.  He may have caused the PPP some votes but Nagamootoo is not the reason the PPP lost that election.  The election was rigged left, right, and center.  And one cannot discount the external factors who declared a Coalition victory before all of the votes were even counted.


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is a flawed piece of guesswork by Bisram.  Agreed that the PPP should have done some things differently and I am sure they have recognized that the party needs to be reformed in certain key areas.  

Bisram is dead wrong on the Nagamootoo factor.  He may have caused the PPP some votes but Nagamootoo is not the reason the PPP lost that election.  The election was rigged left, right, and center.  And one cannot discount the external factors who declared a Coalition victory before all of the votes were even counted.


Any proof the election was rigged??you drinking too much PPP milk.


Django - Guyana has never had an election that was not rigged.  Never.  The problem is that they rigged and lost a few of the elections.  This past election Obama's people and others decide to put their friends in there for reasons which you and I will never know.

And by the way, I do not think a PPP loss is a bad thing.  They need a break.  They need some time to re-fuel.  But watch out for the comeback of the giant.  They are showing us the best opposition in the history of Guyana right now.  They are coming back with a vengeance.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django -Guyana has never had an election that was not rigged.  Never.  The problem is that they rigged and lost a few of the elections.  This past election Obama's people and others decide to put their friends in there for reasons which you and I will never know.

And by the way, I do not think a PPP loss is a bad thing.  They need a break.  They need some time to re-fuel.  But watch out for the comeback of the giant.  They are showing us the best opposition in the history of Guyana right now.  They are coming back with a vengeance.

Watch what you saying,suh PPP was also rigging.


No.  I said the PNC rigged and lost.  And I have a question for you since you are an inside party man.  Why hasn't the Granger Gov't not requested foreign observers for the upcoming LGE which are only five weeks away?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No.  I said the PNC rigged and lost.  And I have a question for you since you are an inside party man.  Why hasn't the Granger Gov't not requested foreign observers for the upcoming LGE which are only five weeks away?

Bibi i am not affiliated to any party in Guyana,i give jack his jacket.

I am registered in ole USA as an independent,i make my choice when the times comes.

Do they need foreign observers for Local Gov't elections ??,i think the local observers are good enough.


I want to tell all you brown KKKs bais something...there will be no low-hanging Buxton spice mangoes by 2020. Also local govt election is different from general election with its proportional representation. I worked in the last LGE as I did for 1992 and 1997 GE. Completely different dynamics.


Al Yuh Baxside giving Bisram credit but Uncle Nehru said the same thing since 2011!!  Is ok I know Al YUh dont like Uncle Nehru cause Al YUh cant handle the Truth.

Uncle Tom and Devany played no part in the PPP lost.  In fact, the PPP gain Votes in Region 6 in 2015.

Nehru posted:

Al Yuh Baxside giving Bisram credit but Uncle Nehru said the same thing since 2011!!  Is ok I know Al YUh dont like Uncle Nehru cause Al YUh cant handle the Truth.

Uncle Tom and Devany played no part in the PPP lost.  In fact, the PPP gain Votes in Region 6 in 2015.

I see ayoo RH baboo still following Jagdeo logic. PPP gained votes, yes, but de happosition gained more, na bai?  Or dat too hard? What Vishnu is saying now we knew a long time ago. I even wrote about this before the eleckshun.


Generally, PPP does not admit its mistakes and wrongdoings. The party usually points to scapegoats for its failures. 

Bisram is absolutely correct about the 2011 elections. Had the PPP run with Ralph Ramkarran as presidential candidate, it would not have become a minority government. True to its nature, the party leadership didn't do honest stock-taking and admit that Donald Ramotar was a lousy choice.

Instead, the PPP focused all its bile and rile on Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan. Sound reasoning would have led the minority Ramotar regime to seek cooperation from the AFC which held 7 seats in the National Assembly. That failure in rational thinking, coupled with the constant cussing down of Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, led to the prorogation of parliament, premature general elections, and the PPP electoral defeat last May.

Even now, the PPP has not learnt its lesson. The party has ratcheted up its cussing down of Nagamootoo and Ramjattan and all the "dirty Indians" who voted for APNU+AFC. Had the PPP leadership been forward-looking, it would have left a door open for future collaboration with the AFC if the current coalition falls apart. 

With all the cussing down of "dirty Indians" and the lack of genuine goodwill towards Afros, coupled with the decrease of the Indo population through suicides and murder and emigration, the PPP by itself cannot win free and fair elections in 2020 and after that on the strength of its traditional support base. Its leadership needs to admit that coalition politics is here to stay, and that the AFC holds the balance of power. Peddling lies that the AFC is dead while simultaneously demonizing its Indian leaders, the PPP is shooting itself in the foot.


Let us not get carried away now, the PPP did not lose by much even after the rigging by the afc/apnu. As caribj noted, the loss by the PPP was due to large Afro turnout.  True that if the PPP continues to depend solely on Indian supporters to carry it to power, it will fail as the mixed population is increasing in power and have become the tie breaker.  Also as more Indians migrate the chances that Blacks will continue to rule will increase. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is a flawed piece of guesswork by Bisram.  Agreed that the PPP should have done some things differently and I am sure they have recognized that the party needs to be reformed in certain key areas.  

Bisram is dead wrong on the Nagamootoo factor.  He may have caused the PPP some votes but Nagamootoo is not the reason the PPP lost that election.  The election was rigged left, right, and center.  And one cannot discount the external factors who declared a Coalition victory before all of the votes were even counted.


As per normal - BIBs is pissing in the wind.  No evidence of rigging.  The 2015 elections were one of the most free and fair elections in Guyana's history.  Even more free than the 1992 elections which HAMMIE rigged.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No.  I said the PNC rigged and lost.  And I have a question for you since you are an inside party man.  Why hasn't the Granger Gov't not requested foreign observers for the upcoming LGE which are only five weeks away?

Bibi i am not affiliated to any party in Guyana,i give jack his jacket.

I am registered in ole USA as an independent,i make my choice when the times comes.

Do they need foreign observers for Local Gov't elections ??,i think the local observers are good enough.

Django, you could fool a 4 year old; not the posters on this board.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No.  I said the PNC rigged and lost.  And I have a question for you since you are an inside party man.  Why hasn't the Granger Gov't not requested foreign observers for the upcoming LGE which are only five weeks away?

Bibi i am not affiliated to any party in Guyana,i give jack his jacket.

I am registered in ole USA as an independent,i make my choice when the times comes.

Do they need foreign observers for Local Gov't elections ??,i think the local observers are good enough.

Django, you could fool a 4 year old; not the posters on this board.

Skelly,i speak the truth never had a party card,only affiliation was with GAWU, i was also a worker rep.,and that is over 4 decades ago,a 3yr stint,worked in the private sector for 8 years,after that i was my own boss,migrate here in the ole USA,1996 worked 9 yrs for a company,which i buy out, back to being my own boss again.

Last edited by Django


Na tek on.....

Dem Dutty Crab Louse.....


Now Dem saying ....

Moses & Granger Govt Illegal....


U got

Management Skills...


They are


Following Jagdeo

 Jihaji Racism Blindly



Dem Dutty Crab Louse...

Latch on to Jagdeo

and his Jihaji Racism....

and Crying Illegal Govt....


Dem can Pimp & Prostitute 

Dem Uneducated Indians....

 Drink Piss & Protest



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