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A farcical government and an apathetic populace

May 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The PPP government is a farce on top of a hypocrisy masquerading as a legitimate democracy.  How ironic is it that the current rulers of Guyana, the correct term to describe the PPP’s administration (governing is not in the PPP’s DNA) of Guyana since their return to office in 1992; would reject the United States government funded program on democracy, project LEAD? Had it not been for former US President Jimmy Carter’s “involvement/intrusion” in the sovereign affairs of Guyana under the then PNC government, the PPP would still be caterwauling in the wilderness as the inept opposition party that lent “critical support” to their despised nemesis PNC. It is an indictment against the PPP government but more so the population that twenty-two years after the so called return to democracy, the same United States government must still babysit the PPP about holding local government elections.  The PPP’s interpretation of democracy is having a stranglehold over the national government and every aspect of Guyanese life.  You see, the PPP as an organization has never changed its core belief or ideology of communism; they pay lip service to democracy as a means of holding on to national office.  The PPP has an entitlement mentality that they’re the only party who can govern Guyana which dates back to the original sin of “apaan jhat” that they introduced into the Guyanese lexicon. There can be no greater insult to a people than to be told a lie repeatedly for twenty years that they are not ready for local government elections meanwhile their rights are being eroded and access to justice and equality is but a mirage.  The mile-long list of sordid things such as institutionalized corruption, narco-trafficking, state sanctioned torture via the integrity challenged police; nepotism etc. that shouldn’t occur under a normal functioning democracy has transpired under successive incompetent and undemocratic PPP governments since 1992. Let’s take a look at police brutality.  The entire Guyanese population is like a classic victim of domestic violence who isn’t ready to end the cycle of abuse and fake apologies and have now become apathetic to their abuser, the PPP government. How else can one explain the lack of national moral outrage and swift action after the police deliberately shot a juvenile in the mouth and the shooter and fellow accomplices aren’t in jail?  This is not an isolated incident; there is a pattern of behavior supported by a permissive culture led by the PPP administration where there is a lack of accountability from top to bottom. Instead of total police reform the vacuous minister of home affairs opted for the formation of a SWAT team.  Proper functioning police departments incorporate a SWAT team as one of the tools to deal with situations that require specialized tactics. Guyanese and the PPP would do well to watch a movie made famous by the late actress Farah Fawcett called the burning bed. It didn’t end well for the abuser when the victim took matters into her own hands after one too many beatings pushed her over the edge. Nigel Jason

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