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The PPP has been caught red red-handed

March 20, 2013 | By |
Dear Editor,
Thank you and the team at Kaieteur News for your commitment to highlighting corruption in public and private offices throughout Guyana.  Your diligence and commitment to Guyana are worthy of recognition and international acclaim.

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has become the most unpopular party in Guyana largely due to massive public and private corruption and violence that it has been directly and in-directly involved in.

This party finds itself between a rock and a hard place; it has been caught stealing, lying and aligned with street thugs and killing squads even though the party claims to be a party interested in the well-being of Guyana.  The majority of Guyanese and other persons have come to view the PPP as a corrupt, violent and untrustworthy party.

Now of course not all party members are like this, but those who oppose the current way in which the party is being managed by its leadership hardly speak out for fear of victimization and separation from the privileges and benefits party membership provides them.

So Rev the math is really simple; the PPP has been caught red-handed stealing, lying and hurting citizens yet it expects Guyanese to support them.  Why would I support my own destruction?

Over the past 21 years, the PPP has demonstrated that it cannot be trusted; that it will do anything to strengthen and maintain control of the main productive sectors in Guyana.

I have close friends who are PPP members, who have expressed to me their concerns about how the party is being governed and dragged through the mud by the Jagdeoites, Mr. Donald Ramotar included.

I offer that the writing is on the wall for the PPP.  The past 21 years have manifested the real intentions of the PPP top brass.  These intentions include total monopolization and domination of strategic economic sectors and under-mining Guyanese workers (look at the PPP infiltration of workers unions, regional administrative councils and the Chinese workers fiasco at Marriot) even if it means killing and victimizing people who do not agree with the Government’s actions.
We have learned a lot about the PPP over the past 21 years, and one thing we all know is that the Party is a far cry from the moral and upright party that was founded by former President Comrade Cheddi Jagan.  No amount of make-up, instilling fear in its own members and the general populace will cover-up the wrongs that the PPP continues to be engaged in.
I do hope the combined opposition calls an early election; I for one will not cast a vote for the PPP even if I’m blindfolded and threatened with death.  Enough is enough!!!
M. Archer

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world and the average citizen must weigh the risk of voting another party in power. In Guyana's case, the actions of the opposition have sent chills up the spine of the people. No more tyranny. No more economic stagnation and less corruption.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world and the average citizen must weigh the risk of voting another party in power. In Guyana's case, the actions of the opposition have sent chills up the spine of the people. No more tyranny. No more economic stagnation and less corruption.



Voting out the PPP means a return to tyranny, economic stagnation, and greater corruption. Keeping the PPP in power means greater democracy, economic and social progress, and perhaps a reduction in corruption. We can live with little corruption. We do in the US and we can do the same in Guyana.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world . . .

it's interesting WHERE the pitiful excusers of PPP gangsterism have now slithered for refuge

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world . . .

it's interesting WHERE the pitiful excusers of PPP gangsterism have now slithered for refuge

Should I say welcome back or you never really left?


"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world . . .

it's interesting WHERE the pitiful excusers of PPP gangsterism have now slithered for refuge

Should I say welcome back or you never really left?

see the other thread . . . ignorance @ this level should be a crime

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world . . .

it's interesting WHERE the pitiful excusers of PPP gangsterism have now slithered for refuge

Should I say welcome back or you never really left?

see the other thread . . . ignorance @ this level should be a crime


Originally Posted by Mitwah:


So Rev the math is really simple; the PPP has been caught red-handed stealing, lying and hurting citizens yet it expects Guyanese to support them.  Why would I support my own destruction?

M. Archer





PNC/afc supporters like Archer are full of negativity-

---they will always have something negative to say about the PPP----they are haters and can't stand the progress Guyana is making under the PPP.


Thank heavens the good people of Guyana--real Guyanese who live in Guyana---they are chosing POSITIVITY(the PPP).



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world . . .

it's interesting WHERE the pitiful excusers of PPP gangsterism have now slithered for refuge

Should I say welcome back or you never really left?

see the other thread . . . ignorance @ this level should be a crime

HEHEHE Really??? . . .

yes, really

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world . . .

it's interesting WHERE the pitiful excusers of PPP gangsterism have now slithered for refuge

Should I say welcome back or you never really left?

see the other thread . . . ignorance @ this level should be a crime

HEHEHE Really??? . . .

yes, really

 SHAMELESSNESS should be a CRIME  Yuh somehow fuget this part

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The majority of Guyanese have come to realize that corruption is feature of every government in the world and the average citizen must weigh the risk of voting another party in power. In Guyana's case, the actions of the opposition have sent chills up the spine of the people. No more tyranny. No more economic stagnation and less corruption.


...oops! that was the sorry....enjoy your trip, see yo next fall.


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