since coming to power in 1992. While there have been some improvements post 1992 compared to pre 1992 it must also be taken into account that comparing to pre 1992 is using a very low bar.
Using a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being no progress and 10 being maximum progress:
1) infrastructure improvement - 6
2) increase in income levels - 4
3) employment - 5
4) access to healthcare in the country- 4
5) access to education - 6
6) economic activity - 5
7) public ulitities (energy and water) - 5
8) recreation - 6
9) social programs - 0
10) indeppendence of the courts - 3
11) press freedom - 6
12) crime control in the country - 0
13) accountability of the government - 4
Max score would be 130
Actual score is 54
A par score would be 65
Therefore, the PPP has fallen short of expectations of at least a par score which for me would be half of the max score.
I cannot speak to the quality of any of the improvements above since I am not in Gy long enough at any given time to give a fair assessment of quality.