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since coming to power in 1992. While there have been some improvements post 1992 compared to pre 1992 it must also be taken into account that comparing to pre 1992 is using a very low bar.


Using a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being no progress and 10 being maximum progress:


1) infrastructure improvement - 6
2) increase in income levels - 4
3) employment - 5
4) access to healthcare in the country- 4
5) access to education - 6
6) economic activity - 5
7) public ulitities (energy and water) - 5
8) recreation - 6
9) social programs - 0
10) indeppendence of the courts - 3
11) press freedom - 6
12) crime control in the country - 0
13) accountability of the government - 4


Max score would be 130
Actual score is 54
A par score would be 65


Therefore, the PPP has fallen short of expectations of at least a par score which for me would be half of the max score.


I cannot speak to the quality of any of the improvements above since I am not in Gy long enough at any given time to give a fair assessment of quality.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

since coming to power in 1992. While there have been some improvements post 1992 compared to pre 1992 it must also be taken into account that comparing to pre 1992 is using a very low bar.


Using a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being no progress and 10 being maximum progress:


1) infrastructure improvement - 6
2) increase in income levels - 4
3) employment - 5
4) access to healthcare in the country- 4
5) access to education - 6
6) economic activity - 5
7) public ulitities (energy and water) - 5
8) recreation - 6
9) social programs - 0
10) indeppendence of the courts - 3
11) press freedom - 6
12) crime control in the country - 0
13) accountability of the government - 4


Max score would be 130
Actual score is 54
A par score would be 65


Therefore, the PPP has fallen short of expectations of at least a par score which for me would be half of the max score.


I cannot speak to the quality of any of the improvements above since I am not in Gy long enough at any given time to give a fair assessment of quality.



This is reasonable Poli. I would give them lower score for education and public utilities. Gov accountability I would go 1 or 0; otherwise not too bad.

Originally Posted by TK:

Poli foreign policy is missing. I would give them 4 out of 10 there.It could be expanded indeed. for foreign policy I would give th

It could be expanded indeed. for foreign policy I would give them a 3. Actually I will add a couple more to the lost and adjust the numbers it will further show how inept they have been. I will add foreign policy and tourism. But I will stop there because the 15 areas a a large enough list from a long enough sample period to access the PPP fairly.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by TK:

Poli foreign policy is missing. I would give them 4 out of 10 there.It could be expanded indeed. for foreign policy I would give th

It could be expanded indeed. for foreign policy I would give them a 3. Actually I will add a couple more to the lost and adjust the numbers it will further show how inept they have been. I will add foreign policy and tourism. But I will stop there because the 15 areas a a large enough list from a long enough sample period to access the PPP fairly.

Poli this is a valuable exercise to add objectivity when judging the PPP. I appreciate this effort. We should add a section on national unity. I would give them 2/10.


Using a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being no progress and 10 being maximum progress:


1) infrastructure improvement - 6
2) increase in income levels - 4
3) employment - 5
4) access to healthcare in the country- 4
5) access to education - 6
6) economic activity - 5
7) public ulitities (energy and water) - 5
8) recreation - 6
9) social programs - 0
10) independence of the courts - 3
11) press freedom - 6
12) crime control in the country - 0
13) accountability of the government - 4

14) foreign policy - 3

15 Tourism - 3


Max score would be 150
Actual score is 60
A par score would be 75


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:

What about creating an index for the opposition since 2011?

I want to keep the list manageable and focused enough so that the discussions do not get too off track. I also believe that the 15 areas and scores is good enough to show overall improvement in quality of life and whether the government is falling short or performing well in improving the quality of life of the citizens. As the list shows the government was fallen way short.

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Infrastructure improvement a 6? Yuh mad chap, when deh (PPP) singlehandedly bring GY a deep harbour port and proper facilities for exports then let's talk

I generally visit Gy every year and travel from Northwest to Molson creek and over the years I have seen tangible improvements or not to match the areas listed above. I take no sides but try to be as objective as I can but for sure I do not expect anyone to agree with me and that is ipart of the reason for this exercise; to foster discussion that can be valuable feedback for the government and the opposition.


What would be most useful is to have people living in Guyana contributing to this discussion.

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
ok let's stay on infrastructure for a bit, take simple things like roads. Deep harbour port might be way over dese facting clowns heads

Apart from maintaining existing roads, are there any expansion? I haven't seen any

I agree, the deep water harbour, all purpose a highway to Brazil and bridge to Suriname must by be high on the list, but remember the reference point is pre 1992 as I stated above.


In a perfect world Gy would probably be a 1 but we must use a relevant reference point to keep the discussion real or then we end up all over the place. The discussion must be relevant to Guyanese living in Guyana, I believe.

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Wouldn't de fibre optics fiasco be dere (PPP) burden as well? Heck wham to all de $$$ invested in dis project? Wait I know it's a glorified boat docking system

You do have a lot to add even though you inject some funnies in between. 


we are now at a 59 out of 150. Let us see where it all ends up at the end of the discussion.

Last edited by Former Member


1) infrastructure improvement - 5
2) increase in income levels - 4
3) employment - 5
4) access to healthcare in the country- 4
5) access to education - 6
6) economic activity - 5
7) public ulitities (energy and water) - 5
8) recreation - 6
9) social programs - 0
10) independence of the courts - 3
11) press freedom - 6
12) crime control in the country - 0
13) accountability of the government - 4

14) foreign policy - 3

15 Tourism - 3


Max score would be 150
Actual score is 59
A par score would be 75

Originally Posted by TK:
Absolutely not! One of the best things that can happen in Guyana is regular democratic turnover. The PPP has no incentive to reform unless it knows it can lose an election.

Brilliant, and succinctly put! I agree totally. I see no change in the way they govern should they win, unless there is a major rebellion within the party that rids it of the old guards and introduce a new and dynamic bunch of young people, However, the possibility of that is extremely low if not impossible with the current cabal.


They must to be voted out of the government for any chance they may redeem.

Originally Posted by cain:

We can also have a poll showing where the Govt has excelled, on this, the lower the score, the better the performance. 0-10 ie;



Hands in the cookie jar  .........10

Shoot themselves in the foot.....2




Lovely! two "foot" 2 points so they may still get a 1 if they shoot one foot. 




The PPP don't respond because they have yet to receive instructions from Kwame.


The PPP thinks that they will win by peddling two race cards.


1.  Indians frikken of "BAAAD" black man, so are scared to support Nagamootoo.


2.  Blacks frikken of "treacherous" "collie", so are angry that Granger "sold them out".


Well I know that race card 2 will fail, and I hope race card 1 fails as well.

Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP don't respond because they have yet to receive instructions from Kwame.


The PPP thinks that they will win by peddling two race cards.


1.  Indians frikken of "BAAAD" black man, so are scared to support Nagamootoo.


2.  Blacks frikken of "treacherous" "collie", so are angry that Granger "sold them out".


Well I know that race card 2 will fail, and I hope race card 1 fails as well.

One day before the election blacks are fully enthused with the APNU AFC coalition and have welcomed Nagamootoo, even when he campaigns without Granger.


PNC supporters are signaling that they are supportive of VALID multi ethnic leadership where BOTH the president and the prime minister have well defined roles, and where the PNC gives up twice as many seats and cabinet positions than the AFC will bring in based on their votes.


They understand that the only hope for Guyana is multi ethnic coalitions and LEADERSHIP!


So the PPP plan to scare blacks by using the Nagamootoo factor fell flat.


Let us hope that significant numbers of Indians do not fall for the PPP race panic, which has risen to loud crescendos over the last week.  The PPP has brought Guyana very close to where it was in 1964.  Thank God for Guyana APNU didn't swallow that bait.


The reality is that the future of Indians (whether they support the PPP or not) is also based on multi ethnic coalitions and leadership.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

One day before the election blacks are fully enthused with the APNU AFC coalition and have welcomed Nagamootoo, even when he campaigns without Granger.


So the PPP plan to scare blacks by using the Nagamootoo factor fell flat.


Let us hope that significant numbers of Indians do not fall for the PPP race panic, which has risen to loud crescendos over the last week.  The PPP has brought Guyana very close to where it was in 1864.  Thank God for Guyana APNU didn't swallow that bait.

the truth is, based on poor economic performance alone, the PPP should be voted out of office.


Today Gy should have been second only to TT in the Caribbean 

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:

One day before the election blacks are fully enthused with the APNU AFC coalition and have welcomed Nagamootoo, even when he campaigns without Granger.


So the PPP plan to scare blacks by using the Nagamootoo factor fell flat.


Let us hope that significant numbers of Indians do not fall for the PPP race panic, which has risen to loud crescendos over the last week.  The PPP has brought Guyana very close to where it was in 1864.  Thank God for Guyana APNU didn't swallow that bait.

the truth is, based on poor economic performance alone, the PPP should be voted out of office.


Today Gy should have been second only to TT in the Caribbean 

Guyana has poor politics because of ethnic fear.  It will not get decent politics until the issue of ethnic fear is reduced. So any ethical government will focus on reducing ethnic fear.  If APNU AFC do as they say that they will do then this will work.  If they don't then the AFC has the ability to pull down the APNU dominated gov't.


Our problems have led to Guyanese fleeing to St Vincent for a better life.  Yes that little island where the banana industry is almost dead as they lost access to the EU.


The Vincies want to know why are Guyanese fleeing a land with lots of land for farming, gold, bauxite and timber to squeeze in their little island.  Its such a disgrace as NO ONE other than Guyanese migrate to St V.  Vincentians are fleeing to just about every where else in the Caribbean!


Why is this happening?  RACE!

Last edited by Former Member

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