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The PPP has turned Guyana into a pariah state


November 23, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,  Like a drug or alcohol addict, the first step towards recovery is to recognize that you have a problem. The PPP cabal has to recognize they have a serious, chronic and dangerous dictatorial syndrome. Its genesis lay in their hard-headed approach to governance, the proroguing of Parliament and their unwavering support for the Commissioner General of the GRA who leaked confidential tax information of Kaieteur News to private citizen Bharat Jagdeo and the disgraceful and foul-mouthed Attorney General.  In the face of mounting criticism by the opposition AFC and APNU, churches and foreign governments, the PPP continued to govern by decree. Like many of the policies instituted by the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal during the last decade, the intention was not to govern in the interests of all, but for their relatives and rich friends and the implementation was very poor at best. If the people are not careful, they run the risk in Guyana of allowing partisan, racial and marginalization politics practiced by the PPP to ruin the country even further. Not to mention their rule by decree and their belief that they are invincible and are superior to everyone else. The current imbroglio by the PPP surrounding the no confidence motion is as unnecessary and politically opportunistic as it could ever get, and some in the regime have refused to accept the fact that it resulted from the Minister of Finance spending the taxpayers’ money without the approval of Parliament. This type of irrational and unsound behavior, however, is unnecessary and politically suicidal. Recent opinion poll findings have shown that the proroguing of Parliament and the rule by decree have boosted the fortunes of the opposition parties and have put them ahead of the dictatorial PPP regime. All of this is happening while the do-nothing President and his inept cabal continue to support the vulgar and disgraceful behavior of the Attorney General.  Obviously, they cannot find anything significant enough other than to  prorogue Parliament and their propaganda and distortions of the truth to dangle in front of PPP supporters in order to hide their poor performance and lackluster leadership. It is obvious that the president does not know that a day is an eternity in politics, and sometimes the political smoke is much bigger than the fire. The PPP’s massive and devastating electoral results in 2011 should remind him of the dire consequences of ignoring and abandoning the poor and the working class. Simply put, the people can do without the political theatrics of the PPP cabal who seems to turn every issue into a tug-o-war, nor do they have to rule by decree or threaten the Publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall and its Editor in Chief Adam Harris with lawsuits as the best alternative to resolve conflicts. The PPP has to be blamed for the massive corruption, high crime rate, misappropriation of state funds, which led to the no confidence motion and the proroguing of Parliament by Mr. Ramotar. It is shamefully unacceptable and painfully incredible for the President who is the Commander in chief of the Armed forces and the Minister of Home Affairs who is responsible for the security of the citizens to assert a lack of knowledge on significant issues that affect the citizenry. It calls into question the ineffectiveness and poor quality of leadership and awareness. A head of state or a minister cannot conceivably know of all the happenings, but a wise and intelligent head of state and a competent and educated minister ought to establish the requisite mechanisms to keep him/herself sufficiently informed of the significant developments in, around and out of the country.

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