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The PPP have some truly sick minds in its midst

You have a young accountant who fought for his country to have its first tinned sardine factory. He helped to birth it. He became its general manager. He stole the company’s money and bankrupted it; many lost their jobs and their families’ livelihood devastated.
Ten years later, as manufacturing businesses picked up, he extols his “virtues.” He tells the country to remember his accomplishments that he was the first person who canned fishes for export and the nation has benefitted from that. So what is wrong with what he said?
He is a pathological liar and a psychotic thief. But he didn’t state those perversities on his curriculum vitae. He found it convenient to list his positives. The negatives he hid. This is what the PPP leaders have been doing since they lost power in 2015. There are two types of such leaders. Those who keep dreaming of past glories of the PPP and by a frightening Freudian lust, accept that the dream is alive. The dream is alive alright in their psychologically contorted minds.
This mind set is best represented by Clement Rohee. The second group finds expression in Donald Ramotar. This column is about the first set of monsters so we will quickly dispense with the second school of devils. In a newspaper letter on October 13, 2018, Ramotar noted that when the PPP was in power, one of its achievements was the disappearance of fear in the society.
He wrote; “One of the greatest achievements was the freedom which all our people enjoyed. No one was ever afraid to speak their minds. People criticized without looking over their shoulders to see who was listening.”

There could not be in the history of this country a nastier and sicker example of a lie. Under Jagdeo and Ramotar fear even entered your bedroom and you pulled the curtain to see if anyone was outside your window listening. Let us analyze the dreamland of Rohee.
In a missive in the newspapers with the headline, “Achievements of the “Old Guard” cannot be wished away by a mere label,” of Friday, January 4, 2019, Rohee emptied the decades of the seventies and eighties into his letter. In those twenty years, he enumerated the pro-democracy, anti-dictatorship energies of the PPP’s old guard.
You do not know where to start in quoting him. The “accomplishments” of the old guard against the PNC government in the seventies and eighties are so voluminous in his letter, it was almost a page. I will cite two of the great actions of the old guard as adumbrated by Rohee because these are the two I want to throw in his hypocritical face.
One is that the old guard fought against racial discrimination by the PNC government and struggled for Walter Rodney to be employed at UG.
Now let us say that you arrived in Guyana from another planet and you read Rohee’s outpourings, you are bound to utter these words while reading; “Oh my, this is great stuff; this is a revolutionary party that reminds me of what happened in France in 1968, the struggle against apartheid, and all of the great democracy movements since the Second World War; I wonder what became of these superb fighters?”
You would not believe that Mr. Rohee and his old guard colleagues came to power in the very country they say they fought against dictatorship and became dictators themselves. Here are the two things I will now throw in Rohee’s face.
If the old guard fought against racial discrimination then the old guards committed the worst form of state racism this country has seen. Rohee and the old guard committed ethnic removal en mass at Customs and Excise and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The old guard or the old gal, Gail Teixeira, sat eight feet from me in the UG Council meeting and told Vice Chancellor, Carrington, “I want the appointments of these four lecturers terminated immediately.” Let’s end with a story of the chief old guard himself, Mr. Rohee.
A US diplomat was leaving and implored that we have lunch. I told him such things are not my kind of things. The guy asked me to grant him the favour. We met at the Pegasus. We talked about the future Guyana. I asked one favour – tell me why Minister Rohee’s diplomatic and non-immigrant visas were suspended for six months.
He just wouldn’t budge. He said it was too sensitive. I told him I will probably never see him again for the rest of our lives. He relented and confided in me. Guyanese would get a collective heart attack if they know why the US suspended Rohee’s visas.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Today dem guys here gonna be pissed off at Freddie because he spoke out against the PPP, dem does only love 'im when he speaks against APNU. As we all know, PPP do nothing wrong because is dem mattie.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Skelly, as an American, you can find out why the US suspended Rohee's Visas.  

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Good morning Skelly, things shaping up in a few days the President  and  Jagdeo will have talks.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Jagdeo bussed their balls 🏀 

Mitwah is busy digging out the empty snake 🐍 oil bottle. Sadly, AFC drank it out already.


Last edited by Former Member

FK: There are two types of such leaders. Those who keep dreaming of past glories of the PPP and by a frightening Freudian lust, accept that the dream is alive. The dream is alive alright in their psychologically contorted minds.
This mind set is best represented by Clement Rohee. The second group finds expression in Donald Ramotar.

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Jagdeo bussed their balls 🏀 

Gayboy there are sites for your kind so please do us a favour and skip over there, frilly panties and all. Thank you.

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Skelly, as an American, you can find out why the US suspended Rohee's Visas.  

Mits, America makes decisions based on who they can manipulate and exploit. This is their history they inherited from the British Slavemasters.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Good morning Skelly, things shaping up in a few days the President  and  Jagdeo will have talks.

Good Morning Djangy. I am glad this is happening. I think Granger is a good man. He just has a bunch of coolie haters advising him.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Skelly, as an American, you can find out why the US suspended Rohee's Visas.  

Mits, America makes decisions based on who they can manipulate and exploit. This is their history they inherited from the British Slavemasters.

True dat!  Then others including Guyanese politicians followed their lead

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Skelly, as an American, you can find out why the US suspended Rohee's Visas.  

Mits, America makes decisions based on who they can manipulate and exploit. This is their history they inherited from the British Slavemasters.

True dat!  Then others including Guyanese politicians followed their lead

Glad you very inclusive in your statement. Are you unanimous in your decision?

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Mits, America makes decisions based on who they can manipulate and exploit. This is their history they inherited from the British Slavemasters.

True dat!  Then others including Guyanese politicians followed their lead

Glad you very inclusive in your statement. Are you unanimous in your decision?

Unaminous???  :   (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

I mean everything I say or write

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Today dem guys here gonna be pissed off at Freddie because he spoke out against the PPP, dem does only love 'im when he speaks against APNU. As we all know, PPP do nothing wrong because is dem mattie.

Freddie got a whole lot of inside scoop on these fellows. It is Freddie who give us the heads up about who were posting here from the PPP.

D2 posted:
cain posted:

Today dem guys here gonna be pissed off at Freddie because he spoke out against the PPP, dem does only love 'im when he speaks against APNU. As we all know, PPP do nothing wrong because is dem mattie.

Freddie got a whole lot of inside scoop on these fellows. It is Freddie who give us the heads up about who were posting here from the PPP.

I find Freddie a fair man, when he sees wrongs being done he speaks out against whoever is the culprit. Too bad some of these guys only see one side.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Mits, America makes decisions based on who they can manipulate and exploit. This is their history they inherited from the British Slavemasters.

True dat!  Then others including Guyanese politicians followed their lead

Glad you very inclusive in your statement. Are you unanimous in your decision?

Unaminous???  :   (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

I mean everything I say or write

It's a British comedy thing. I know unanimous has to be two or more. If you ever watched the British comedy on PBS "Are You Being Served", you will see what I am saying when Ms. Slocum talks about her *****(a cat) and being unanimous in her decision. 

cain posted:

Ahhhh gotcha. I don't recall ever watching that show. Not much of a tv person.

If you ever have a chance to see one episode, it is worth it. I was looking to get the whole collection if it is available.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Ahhhh gotcha. I don't recall ever watching that show. Not much of a tv person.

If you ever have a chance to see one episode, it is worth it. I was looking to get the whole collection if it is available.

I have been following Coronation Street for almost 35 years.I am Hooked.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Ahhhh gotcha. I don't recall ever watching that show. Not much of a tv person.

If you ever have a chance to see one episode, it is worth it. I was looking to get the whole collection if it is available.

I have been following Coronation Street for almost 35 years.I am Hooked.

I also watch the Canadian "Red Green show".


Under Jagdeo and Ramotar fear even entered your bedroom and you pulled the curtain to see if anyone was outside your window listening. Let us analyze the dreamland of Rohee.
In a missive in the newspapers with the headline, “Achievements of the “Old Guard” cannot be wished away by a mere label,” of Friday, January 4, 2019, Rohee emptied the decades of the seventies and eighties into his letter. In those twenty years, he enumerated the pro-democracy, anti-dictatorship energies of the PPP’s old guard.

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Oh rass the SSteamed made his entrance aready..hahahaaaa

Good ting alyu lose the NCV. Ting nah reglah in alyu camp dese days.

Skelly, as an American, you can find out why the US suspended Rohee's Visas.  

The Coalition will unload all sorts of info on the PPP.  This isnt going to be the kind and cuddly election like last time.

The PNC and the AFC are now desperate and once they lose their court case will do whatever they need to in order that people remember how nasty Anil is.  Not sure why the PPP is so eager to help them campaign.

Drugb posted:

Looks like lilly had a staff meeting with his underlings. Now Mitwah finally found his gumption to resume sloppy duties. 

My sister Lucy who knows you from birth, says that you born brain damaged and now that you swam the demerara sewerage, you seem more bi-sexual.... meh mean bi polar. You prappa scraven fuh slop like dem  ******s or is it maggots in the latrine. 

Keep on attacking me. 

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like lilly had a staff meeting with his underlings. Now Mitwah finally found his gumption to resume sloppy duties. 

My sister Lucy who knows you from birth, says that you born brain damaged and now that you swam the demerara sewerage, you seem more bi-sexual.... meh mean bi polar. You prappa scraven fuh slop like dem  ******s or is it maggots in the latrine. 

Keep on attacking me. 

Why you posting your sista name on GNI, is she pretty? Hope she nah tek after you.


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