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The PPP is doing the same things it has accused the PNC of

June 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, We watched in horror how the PPP has steam rolled its way into city politics with the appointment of Carol Sooba who many believe is unqualified to fill the post as Town Clerk.  We are convinced that the PPP does not want local government elections because their margins of defeat are going to be so huge that they will be humiliated. The results will show that the opposition is intact and united, which must give its leaders and members heightened energy to prepare for the 2015 or the 2016 general election. Moreover, they will expose the unsavory truths about this arrogant and uncaring regime which has abandoned the masses, especially the poor and the working class. What are the new ideas of the PPP has? Where is their program to uplift the poor and the working class out of poverty? Those of us looking on from the outside have been asking these questions. But early in the tenure of the Ramotar administration it became quite clear that they had chosen ethnic narcissism over inclusiveness, obeisance to their financiers over meritocracy and evenhandedness, and strict legality over ethical conduct in the way they govern the country.  Of course, the electorate has denied them a majority in the 2011 elections for their intolerable excesses and arrogance.  These, along with the PPP cabal litany of errors and blatant corrupt practices, have imprisoned them in their sense of entitlement to office. We are convinced that the same things the cabal has accused the PNC of doing during the 1970s and 1980s, they have done worse. The people have not heard or seen any outline of Mr. Ramotar’s program for governance in the two years since he took office. What they have heard was mostly the PPP regime’s energetic condemnation of the opposition for its lack of support and progress in critical areas. Is the PPP thinking that it can prosper on the trend of the people voting along racial lines or for a party with a more credible agenda for change? Is the PPP thinking that it does not have to let the public know about its program? Or is the PPP so pompous that that it does not care what the people think of them? At no time did Mr. Ramotar mention anything about his plans to govern, far less outline one. His focus seemed to be on the state of health of the PPP and, particularly, on the party as a unified monolith. Perhaps for the party faithful that is enough at this point? But is it enough for the voters that really count—the youths, the fence straddlers and the swing voters? Fed up with the deceptions of the PPP cabal, will the electorate vote for a party with no clear agenda for change? Will they be satisfied with the same bunch of politicians who have so far presented themselves as being righteously indignant over much of the conduct of the current cabinet? Will they be satisfied with same regime, given its poor record to solve crime, reduce corruption and drug trafficking, create jobs for the youths, and protect women and children from domestic violence and abuse? Perhaps the most important governance issue facing our democracy is the PPP refusal to call Local Government Elections? Will they? How will they ensure that the people in their various publics and communities constrain the excesses and controversial actions of the executive arm of government? How will they reform the antiquated justice system to ensure that politicians, members of state boards, drug lords, gang leaders, lawyers, doctors, and other big offenders are jailed for their crimes? How will they ensure the growth of the economy? How will they fix the Procurement Commission and the loopholes that encourage bribery and other forms of financial corruption? How will they fix the problem of academic under-performance and indifference among the lower classes in the nation’s public schools? How will they stem the tide of illiteracy and innumeracy among them? How will they end maternal (child births) deaths at the public hospitals? Caught between the two main-parties—one that has disappointed many of their automatic supporters and squandered the goodwill of many of its supporters in the diaspora, with the other re-achieving credibility mainly on the incompetence of its replacement—and the third party, the AFC, which was recently born out of deep disaffection with the PPP and the PNC has not conceded its identity to either them. As such, the AFC is most likely to gain the support of swing voters and the alienated and discontented supporters and members of the two major parties whose appeal is based strictly on race. Thus the AFC has given the voters a third choice. It appears as if the leaders of the two main parties are hiding solutions in their back pockets or bosoms! The country is in dire need of solutions and all the people hear and see from both parties, especially the PPP are posturing and finger pointing. So as far as they are concerned, NONE of the current crop in the ruling cabal or what have you, of politicians and leaders are fit to lead anyone. Guyana needs a new crop of honest dedicated citizens to pull the country out of the gutter, but this will never happen because most are just trying to get their hands on easy money. How sad! So all they will keep doing is keep shuffling chairs on the Titanic. This is a definition of madness, the people keep doing the same things the same way over and over again, but they expect to get different results even though they see failure over and over again. For example, every election year the people allow the political parties to fool them with beautifully designed manifestos outlining their policies and their plans. They get the best experts (usually foreign) to put forward their beautiful plans and policies. It’s the difference between propaganda and the reality—the word and the deed. What they promise and what the people actually get. If one look at the PPP 2011 manifesto, it looked all right, nice glossy pictures, with promises that everything is going to be great, everyone will rise. That is pure propaganda, but what about the actuality? The only things that did rise are crime (murders and armed robbery), corruption, and drug trafficking and food and transportation prices. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP and PNC are no different in their body politic - an hierarchy of Centralism has meant cronyism in party leadership with patronage and an aversion for ideas and intellect.


Add the Proportional Representation mathematics, the racial composition and no accountability to local constituency and you see the corruption and largesse, as well as a selling out by the minority party to the one who's perpetually in power. You see Corbin drinking the political soup and House of Israel thugs putting their loyalty to an accommodating PPP.


In Guyana there is no sense of real governance and the exercise of arriving at one's representative. The party slate and the concentration of the economy in State hands along with real property and assets of the State and it's easy to see the nouveau riche phenomenon. Brain power is like water - it goes where there's opportunity to settle and that's why even though Guyana continues to produce brain power it ends not being denied service to develop that country.


I don't understand why the PPP who has done fairly well in holding general elections would be so reluctant to hold local ones where the stakes are much lower. This is such a conflicting situation. Local as well as general elections should be held independent of any government body so that its performance is free of these shenanigans.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.

Nagamootoo is AFC, they will vaporize and he will retire.  The head of the National Unity Govt will be a fresh new non-corrupt face, Anil with a similar young PNC as VP.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.

Nagamootoo is AFC, they will vaporize and he will retire.  The head of the National Unity Govt will be a fresh new non-corrupt face, Anil with a similar young PNC as VP.

You got to be man, Anil is one of the most incompetent legal mind in Guyana.


Come again!  Try Frank Anthony.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will be the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.

His Nephew, Anil.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.

Nagamootoo is AFC, they will vaporize and he will retire.  The head of the National Unity Govt will be a fresh new non-corrupt face, Anil with a similar young PNC as VP.

You got to be man, Anil is one of the most incompetent legal mind in Guyana.


Come again!  Try Frank Anthony.

Ok, just not the current breed.  Lets get some new and fresh set of leaders.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will be the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.

His Nephew, Anil.

Yes, a viable option, among others.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will be the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.

His Nephew, Anil.

Yes, a viable option, among others.

and Nephew ANIL, the incompetent is your opinion Baseman.  Let us agree to disagree on this matter.  ROHEE already told a friend of mine that ANIL is finished, he is too ambitions and not willing to wait his turn.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The PPP and PNC are no different in their body politic - an hierarchy of Centralism has meant cronyism in party leadership with patronage and an aversion for ideas and intellect.


Add the Proportional Representation mathematics, the racial composition and no accountability to local constituency and you see the corruption and largesse, as well as a selling out by the minority party to the one who's perpetually in power. You see Corbin drinking the political soup and House of Israel thugs putting their loyalty to an accommodating PPP.


In Guyana there is no sense of real governance and the exercise of arriving at one's representative. The party slate and the concentration of the economy in State hands along with real property and assets of the State and it's easy to see the nouveau riche phenomenon. Brain power is like water - it goes where there's opportunity to settle and that's why even though Guyana continues to produce brain power it ends not being denied service to develop that country.

Those who could remember. I was so full of hope for the AFC in the last general elections that I openely worded a prayer to the Almighty to give them favour. Posted on this BB for the entire campaign, until and up to the elections. It suvived many ridicules, but also had limited human encouraging comments.


The AFC did recieve that favour. 


The PPP was denied that one seat to give them full control of parliament.


The AFC got elected with a few more seats than the previous election.


But the scenerio of that one seat that tipped the balance of power, can possibly be explained as an answer to a prayer. The events of counting of the ballots of that one seat was only made known to the public when there was a difference of opinions about an appointment of an officier at the Elections Commission, which took place several months after. Then it was revealed what had taken place. The AFC had taken the seat by only two votes.   

For days, we waited for the official results of the election. I knew there were contentions. And I trusted the Almighty and waited for the results. And it came-eventually with a minority government. A step of progress for the people of Guyana. 


For that one seat, Jagdeo had requested several recounts. But it failed to swing in the favour of the PPP. Many formulae were used in the calculations. Those failed as well. The devine forces were not going to be thwarted. The upheaval of the re-appointment of a certain Election Commission officer several months after, revealed how another elections officier discovered irregularities in the counting and questioned the method. That was when the votes of that one seat came under severe scrunity.


Since that time, I had hoped for the AFC to move away from the PNC and PPP  political party style. I do not see a change in their policies towards a democratic system.


So, now I look towards another set of events to enhance my perception of where the politics of the country is going.


The present Commission of Inquiry on Walter Rodney is aimed at embarrassing the PNC. But the the PNC is only a name of the past. Granger and coalition forces are set to form a new political agenda. And PPP will end up get bitten in the ass for their political mischief. Rodney will be publicly known as a socialist who was willing to use subversion to achieve his goals. He, Rodney would be just another one of Guynaese politicians to use CONFRONTATIONAL politics to achieve democratic practices in Guyana. We started our independence march on confrontational politics-we had red ants up our pants. We were not willing to negotiate like our Caribbean brothers-nice and peaceful.


The time is right for all of Guyanese to listen to the voices that will come their way in the next general elections. The people are free-strangely, it is corruption that will wake them up. 


Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

Same ole, same ole......make the political parties more free enterprise. We can't call for economic free enterprise without political free enterprise. Let the party members vote for their leaders, and let national politicians answerable to their constituencies and not to party cabal leadership. End Democratic Centralism (what an oxymoron fr a turn of phrase)!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will be the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.

His Nephew, Anil.

Yes, a viable option, among others.

and Nephew ANIL, the incompetent is your opinion Baseman.  Let us agree to disagree on this matter.  ROHEE already told a friend of mine that ANIL is finished, he is too ambitions and not willing to wait his turn.

Sure, Rohee is also a good option.  He did a great job on internal security.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

Same ole, same ole......make the political parties more free enterprise. We can't call for economic free enterprise without political free enterprise. Let the party members vote for their leaders, and let national politicians answerable to their constituencies and not to party cabal leadership. End Democratic Centralism (what an oxymoron fr a turn of phrase)!

If the two "cabals" which get 97% of the national note form a Govt, what is so wrong.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

Same ole, same ole......make the political parties more free enterprise. We can't call for economic free enterprise without political free enterprise. Let the party members vote for their leaders, and let national politicians answerable to their constituencies and not to party cabal leadership. End Democratic Centralism (what an oxymoron fr a turn of phrase)!

If the two "cabals" which get 97% of the national note form a Govt, what is so wrong.

It would be a terrible thing to ever happen to the Guyanese people. From the men and women who hurled themselves under those banners have inflicted so much pain upon a young country is unforgiven. Years gone by, we hoped for the Alternative, the Third Force and we still hoping. Because the People's Progressive Party and the People's National Organization have the jhumbies of their founders running around freely. For all the corruptions that took and taking place, the only possible explanation is that evil spirits of all vices are lead by CBJ and LFSB on the assault. The devil duzz use the dead to do wicked things.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't understand why the PPP who has done fairly well in holding general elections would be so reluctant to hold local ones .

You don't understand, but they do.  They scream at the PNC days, and yet embrace the people who were among those most responsible for that era.  They engage in an orgy of crony capitalism.


Their supporters are tired of them, and many have fled Guyana in higher numbers than have others.  The Amerindians are becoming less hog tied to the tochaos, so will be less likely to vote for a motorboat delivered to a village, this while their issues are ignored.  And they have squandered all opportunities to break into the African/mixed voting blocs.


Their fear is that 2011 mightn't be a fluke.  It might be a transition to something else.  Their embrace of the hooligan element of the PNC, and use of drug dealers as militias, indicates that they will stop at nothing if they feel that their total dominance over all things in Guyana is threatened.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The only hope for Guyana is an accommodation, National Unity Govt, formed with the PPP and PNC.

I agree with Baseman - National Unity Government.  Who will the leader.  Definitely not Granger.  Maybe Moses Nagamootoo or Ralph Ramkarran.



Here the naivety.  The PNC and the PPP only value the AFC given its capacity to weaken the other side.  If the "enmity" between these two dinosaurs is removed they will both kick the AFC aside.


Don't be surprised if the likes of Joe Hamilton becomes President.


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