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The PPP/C is suffering from internal injuries
November 1, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,
Let me say first that Moses, the Proverbial Saint, was the Deliverer and on Election Day, November 28, the world will see that Moses Nagamootoo, who, by no stretch of the imagination, can be described as a saint, will deliver the Guyanese, from the clutches of the PPP.
I would like draw the public’s attention to the attitude of the PPP now that Moses Nagamootoo is on the AFC platform by using a simple analogy.
A man is married to a woman and he drinks a bit. He is the sole bread-winner of the family. Now, during the early days of the marriage all went well and he was very loving and very helpful in the home.
Then came a child. He started to come home a bit late on weekends and would be abusive (verbally) when the wife questions him. About the beginning of the third year another child was born. The behaviour continued and one day he slapped the wife.
When he came home from work that day, the wife and the children were gone. Of course, they went to the wife’s parents and so he went there and they reconciled, with promises of “no more drinking” and “no more slapping”, the wife returned to her matrimonial home with the children.
Things went well for a few months and, slowly, started to get to the stage where the late nights out and the drinking and the slaps were more frequent.
The wife left and then refused to return when he went to plead. A few days later he is served with a summons to go to court for maintenance for the wife and the children.
Let us look at the man’s attitude at this stage and in so doing we must be fair to the parties. He would come down very accusingly on the woman, saying, “she has a man” or “someone is encouraging her”.
His ego and stupidity will allow him to say things like,” she never worked one day since I married her”. He is shocked out of his wits that the wife left and decided not to return. More so because she took legal action against him.
The proper thing to do is look at yourself Mr. Man. Withdraw a bit from the male, macho ladder you are on and ask yourself, “what have I done to drive her away?” or “am I that bad that she does not want to come back to me?”.
The Nagamootoo saga is no different. Moses has served the PPP for 50 years. His loyalty to the PPP and Dr Cheddi Jagan could never have been questioned. In 2005, Moses Nagamootoo spoke at a meeting in Toronto and expressed serious regrets at the way the Jagdeo PPP treated him, yet, he stated clearly that his loyalty was to the Party.
Moses Nagamootoo remained with the PPP/C and helped to give them victory in 2006 at the polls. Let us not forget the clips NCN ran for weeks after the AFC announced that Nagamootoo would join that party.
They tried to ‘hustle’ the public with all the propaganda by showing the 2005 campaign that Moses took part in and featured clips on how vibrant he was on the PPP/C platform and now, now we hear cries from the PPP camp from all corners, top to bottom, left to right and even the likes of ‘Mutt’ and ‘Jeff’, that Moses is ‘Namakharam’, ‘he was a liability’, ‘he is no big loss to the PPP/C’.
Mr. Jagdeo and the ‘Bulwark’ of the PPP/C, Donald Ramotar, I ask you, in the name of decency and fair play (which will come to you with tremendous difficulty) ask your goons to cut the abuse and derogatory remarks they are making about Moses Nagamootoo.
The man had an unblemished record with the PPP and he should be given the respect he deserves. He has a right to choose a Political party to be affiliated to.
Withdraw, Excellency, and like the distraught husband, take a look at yourself (the PPP) and then I am sure you will find the fault bearer. Joey Jagan, Robert Persaud, Clement Rohee and the rest in the party who find fault, try not to compare yourself with Moses Nagamootoo, in any sphere, you will not match up in this lifetime.
Moses Nagamootoo is not heartbroken because he took what the PPP/C dished him for a long time and tolerated it, and them, for a bit too long.
He realized a while ago that the separation was inevitable and he was building up to it so that it does not hurt him. The hurt is now going to be felt by the Ramotar clan.
Let me close by saying that the PPP/C is, at the moment, like a man who was in an accident and showed no visible signs of injury, and then he dies a few days later, after he was released from a hospital (like New Amsterdam hospital, where they, so often cannot tell what is wrong with a patient).
The man had internal injuries and was bleeding internally. So it is with the PPP/C, now that Moses Nagamootoo has joined forces with the AFC.
The PPP/C is reeling in pain and now they are in panic mode!!!
Charrandass Persaud

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Charrandass is doing a fantastic job for the AFC in berbice the man has emerged as a major force for the AFC and he is killing the PPP and zulficar up here, the PPP is not going to win berbice thats for sure, they will lose in berbice big time. Laptop or no laptop people are going to take the laptop and vote for Uncle Moses.

Folks I have to tell you watching uncle moses in the rain on sunday really brought tears to my eyes the man has come full circle and the people of Berbice are grateful that he is now speaking out of all the wrongs the PPP carrying on with.

Like that big house Jagdeo build in pradoville, I did not know that this is the most expensive house in Guyana. Wow. Wow.

While Sugar workers have to beg for medical assistance from the govt. WOW WOW.

Uncle Book and Albert this truly is the govt for the working class. That is what you call a working class home.
Question 2:
Which political leader do you think is the best person to become the President of Guyana?
Nagamootoo 38.9%;  Granger 30.4%; Ramotar 23.5%; undecided 7.2%.
Nagas meking him move.
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Question 2:
Which political leader do you think is the best person to become the President of Guyana?
Nagamootoo 38.9%;  Granger 30.4%; Ramotar 23.5%; undecided 7.2%.
Nagas meking him move.

NAga will be accepted by every race in guyana,he is a man for all the people and all season 

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Question 2:
Which political leader do you think is the best person to become the President of Guyana?
Nagamootoo 38.9%;  Granger 30.4%; Ramotar 23.5%; undecided 7.2%.
Nagas meking him move.

Joke poll. Reality - 2016:  PPP 55%, PNC 41% AFC 3% others 1%

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Question 2:
Which political leader do you think is the best person to become the President of Guyana?
Nagamootoo 38.9%;  Granger 30.4%; Ramotar 23.5%; undecided 7.2%.
Nagas meking him move.

NAga will be accepted by every race in guyana,he is a man for all the people and all season 

Forget it, Blacks will never vote for an Indian.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Question 2:
Which political leader do you think is the best person to become the President of Guyana?
Nagamootoo 38.9%;  Granger 30.4%; Ramotar 23.5%; undecided 7.2%.
Nagas meking him move.

NAga will be accepted by every race in guyana,he is a man for all the people and all season 

Forget it, Blacks will never vote for an Indian.

Why would you say something like that? Did the Blacks not voted for Cheddi, Jagdeo or Ramotar? I wonder if Ramotar agrees with you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Question 2:
Which political leader do you think is the best person to become the President of Guyana?
Nagamootoo 38.9%;  Granger 30.4%; Ramotar 23.5%; undecided 7.2%.
Nagas meking him move.

Joke poll. Reality - 2016:  PPP 55%, PNC 41% AFC 3% others 1%

The PPP has NEVER won 55% of the vote, and they are definitely less popular than they once were.  The next election in Guyana will have a low turnout as the population have become cynical and alienated.  The most motivated to vote will be those who want change.


You may wish to resurrect the demons of the 70s all you wish but the average voter in Guyana doesn't even remember the 80s, cares little about the 90s and will become very anxious if the gold industry implodes.  Gold is the rock that Guyana is resting on, and if that industry shrinks by 40% Guyana is down the drain.  Because that real estate bubble will pop, and Guyanese of all races will turn on the oligarchs.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Forget it, Blacks will never vote for an Indian.

And here you are.  The Indian vote is declining.  Amerindians don't care one whit for Coastland politics, and the last election should have showed you that those who previously had supported the UF (a substantial number) switched their votes to  APNU and the AFC.


Yes the AFC aren't sterling clean, but then neither are any of the other parties, so Guyanese have low expectations of the politicians.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Why would you say something like that? Did the Blacks not voted for Cheddi, Jagdeo or Ramotar? I wonder if Ramotar agrees with you.

Baseman as usual displays his innate hatred of blacks.  Yes many are guilty of voting race due to their ethnic insecurity.  But baseman cannot tell you when Indians have supported a black person, and because he is such a racist it doesn't even enter his brain to entertain such a thought.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Why would you say something like that? Did the Blacks not voted for Cheddi, Jagdeo or Ramotar? I wonder if Ramotar agrees with you.

Baseman as usual displays his innate hatred of blacks.  Yes many are guilty of voting race due to their ethnic insecurity.  But baseman cannot tell you when Indians have supported a black person, and because he is such a racist it doesn't even enter his brain to entertain such a thought.

I wonder if his nephew share the same ingrained hatred for blacks?


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