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PNC is now clutching to straws lately.


PNC killed the rice industry and farmers are now taking to the streets in protest.


Sugar is in deep, deep trouble.


The economy is headed into a recession.


The mining sector collapsed.


Crime is at it's highest level since Independence.


No new foreign investment has occurred in Guyana under the PNC.


Exxon fled from Guyana.


PNC is spending and wasting the reserves.


Guyana is now a sinking ship. PNC has no plan to save Guyana.


With an illegal government and a rigged election, the PPP must allow the AFC/PNC to sink. Jagdeo must NOT save the PNC from disaster. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We will allow them to drown on their own shyte. They steal the Government and they want Jagdeo to run it for them.  My former next door neighbor, Barton Scotland and my 5th grade teacher, Harold Lutchman, do not like what is going with the Alliance.  Moses said that he does not trust anybody in the cabinet.  There is a real fight for power. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I do not AGREE.  Help should be given to the INCOMPETENT GOvt.  The bigger Picture IS the WELFARE of the Guyanese People!!!

 I disagree with you. The bottom line is the welfare of the Guyanese people. If the PPP can help, then it should. It is also politically smart to do so because it provides a contrast.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC is now clutching to straws lately.


PNC killed the rice industry and farmers are now taking to the streets in protest.


Sugar is in deep, deep trouble.


The economy is headed into a recession.


The mining sector collapsed.


Crime is at it's highest level since Independence.


No new foreign investment has occurred in Guyana under the PNC.


Exxon fled from Guyana.


PNC is spending and wasting the reserves.


Guyana is now a sinking ship. PNC has no plan to save Guyana.


With an illegal government and a rigged election, the PPP must allow the AFC/PNC to sink. Jagdeo must NOT save the PNC from disaster. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC is now clutching to straws lately.


PNC killed the rice industry and farmers are now taking to the streets in protest.


Sugar is in deep, deep trouble.


The economy is headed into a recession.


The mining sector collapsed.


Crime is at it's highest level since Independence.


No new foreign investment has occurred in Guyana under the PNC.


Exxon fled from Guyana.


PNC is spending and wasting the reserves.


Guyana is now a sinking ship. PNC has no plan to save Guyana.


With an illegal government and a rigged election, the PPP must allow the AFC/PNC to sink. Jagdeo must NOT save the PNC from disaster. 

Economists would often  classify comments as these as expressive of a  total lack of business awareness. But that does not bother fools. They yap ceaselessly like you about nothing of significance because you do need an outlet  for  your racist nonsense. The PPP failed at everything so no presumption by them of their keener sense of governing is ever worth a pickle.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP already help themselves. Whatever is left requires massive spending on infrastructure etc. Guyana does not have that sort of money right now. So we are going to have to devise a new plan from scratch.

Where did they find money to buy SUVs and Caddy's for the PM. Where did they find money to give themselves hefty raises over 100%. T, stick with the facts. 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP already help themselves. Whatever is left requires massive spending on infrastructure etc. Guyana does not have that sort of money right now. So we are going to have to devise a new plan from scratch.

Where did they find money to buy SUVs and Caddy's for the PM. Where did they find money to give themselves hefty raises over 100%. T, stick with the facts. 

T was diagnosed as being brain dead BUT it is actually WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I do not AGREE.  Help should be given to the INCOMPETENT GOvt.  The bigger Picture IS the WELFARE of the Guyanese People!!!

 I disagree with you. The bottom line is the welfare of the Guyanese people. If the PPP can help, then it should. It is also politically smart to do so because it provides a contrast.

This is disagree with nehru, but pretty much state the same thing as him

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I do not AGREE.  Help should be given to the INCOMPETENT GOvt.  The bigger Picture IS the WELFARE of the Guyanese People!!!

 I disagree with you. The bottom line is the welfare of the Guyanese people. If the PPP can help, then it should. It is also politically smart to do so because it provides a contrast.

This is disagree with nehru, but pretty much state the same thing as him

I saw that but I think he is disagreeing with Yugi.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I do not AGREE.  Help should be given to the INCOMPETENT GOvt.  The bigger Picture IS the WELFARE of the Guyanese People!!!

 I disagree with you. The bottom line is the welfare of the Guyanese people. If the PPP can help, then it should. It is also politically smart to do so because it provides a contrast.

This is disagree with nehru, but pretty much state the same thing as him

He disagrees with Nehru on principle. Baseman has always been like that.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I do not AGREE.  Help should be given to the INCOMPETENT GOvt.  The bigger Picture IS the WELFARE of the Guyanese People!!!

 I disagree with you. The bottom line is the welfare of the Guyanese people. If the PPP can help, then it should. It is also politically smart to do so because it provides a contrast.

This is disagree with nehru, but pretty much state the same thing as him

He disagrees with Nehru on principle. Baseman has always been like that.

Zed = Base????

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP already help themselves. Whatever is left requires massive spending on infrastructure etc. Guyana does not have that sort of money right now. So we are going to have to devise a new plan from scratch.

Where did they find money to buy SUVs and Caddy's for the PM. Where did they find money to give themselves hefty raises over 100%. T, stick with the facts. 

The state has never produced sufficient goods and service to meet even one half of our needs. That has been the case from Independence to now so claims of having money is moot. The state looks to finance itself via taxes and begging and borrowing. That is what it has to do.


Note the PPP leveraged over 800 thousand million US dollars on its gold futures and lost. They played footsie with the Petrocarbide fund and that is in deficit. We get less from our logs tan the Chinese gets from renting their Pandas to the US zoos. They get that as a recurring payment and still own the pandas. We get ruined environment.


Sugar costs more to produce than we can sell it for and apparently now the the Venezuelans has sourced their rice from elsewhere, rice is also not

Also, no one has received any wage increase. That is the Bobby the Boob Times propaganda machine at work and it catches those like you unawares.


The reality is the PPP were better at hiding drug lords for a fee, skimming monies from humongous waste the Chinese projects, misusing international donations, looting out lottery funds  and pawning our lands than being good stewards. Those bitches should never see office again until all of the crooks in their ranks presently are recycled.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar costs more to produce than we can sell it for and apparently now the the Ven


WOW Einstein.  The PPP Govt was aware of that and agreed to barter with Venezuela for oil BUT the PNC and 2 House Slaves come and SCREW things up.

Oii bossman Venez was planning to end the barter deal

,when oil was found that enraged the current Venez

prezi suh he decide to shut the door on GY.The country

will survive it have the backing of some powerful


Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar costs more to produce than we can sell it for and apparently now the the Ven


WOW Einstein.  The PPP Govt was aware of that and agreed to barter with Venezuela for oil BUT the PNC and 2 House Slaves come and SCREW things up.

If we have the potential for oil, should we kowtow for Ven because of sugar? 

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar costs more to produce than we can sell it for and apparently now the the Ven


WOW Einstein.  The PPP Govt was aware of that and agreed to barter with Venezuela for oil BUT the PNC and 2 House Slaves come and SCREW things up.

If we have the potential for oil, should we kowtow for Ven because of sugar? 



I have an idea on how to attract business to Georgetown. Lets cordon off a section of G/Town and construct huge Benabs to accommodate Amerindian families and businesses like restaurants, clubs, and souvenir shops. The Amerindian culture is intriguing and never fails to fascinate people from overseas. Huge investments should go into infra-structures and energy supplies to make it a success. We should call this section of Georgetown, Benab City. Government should promote it as a place to experience the traditions of the people who first came and enjoy the cuisines of thousands of years. Benab City should be have a zoo with animals that the Amerindians domesticated. Interesting literatures or writings on the animals and their relationship with the Amerindians should greet the visitor to Benab City. The roofs of the Benabs should be hanging spot for Sakiwikis as is the case at Cellina's CafÃĐ on the seawall.


Others are free to add to the great idea of Benab City that can attract visitors from home and abroad and earn us substantial amount of revenues. Feel free to add your thoughts.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I have an idea on how to attract business to Georgetown. Lets cordon off a section of G/Town and construct huge Benabs to accommodate Amerindian families and businesses like restaurants, clubs, and souvenir shops. The Amerindian culture is intriguing and never fails to fascinate people from overseas. Huge investments should go into infra-structures and energy supplies to make it a success. We should call this section of Georgetown, Benab City. Government should promote it as a place to experience the traditions of the people who first came and enjoy the cuisines of thousands of years. Benab City should be have a zoo with animals that the Amerindians domesticated. Interesting literatures or writings on the animals and their relationship with the Amerindians should greet the visitor to Benab City. The roofs of the Benabs should be hanging spot for Sakiwikis as is the case at Cellina's CafÃĐ on the seawall.


Others are free to add to the great idea of Benab City that can attract visitors from home and abroad and earn us substantial amount of revenues. Feel free to add your thoughts.

A  BOOTH FOR MARIJUANA SALE, Marines for Security, and without a douth, Denmark Style Glass windows where men can see which one to choose.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I do not AGREE.  Help should be given to the INCOMPETENT GOvt.  The bigger Picture IS the WELFARE of the Guyanese People!!!

 I disagree with you. The bottom line is the welfare of the Guyanese people. If the PPP can help, then it should. It is also politically smart to do so because it provides a contrast.

This is disagree with nehru, but pretty much state the same thing as him

Sorry about that. Thought that I was making a general response to the opening post by Yuji but selected the incorrect response box.

Originally Posted by Zed:
. If the PPP can help, then it should. It is also politically smart to do so because it provides a contrast.

What contrast?  Was sugar healthy in April?  Was the mining sector?  Did Exxon not leave because declining oil prices and an over supply rendered further exploration in what would be a high cost site a waste if funds?  Were the rice farmers happy in April.


ALL of these problems were quite evident in April, so lease enlighten us as to how the PPP would "offer a contrast". Isn't the Skeldon fiasco, which the AFC warned them about, not the biggest problem of the sugar industry?


APNU/AFC aren't bright, but then neither was the PPP!


President Granger said he would like Jagdeo-PPP cooperation in three areas: sugar, rice, crime. The key word is cooperation, not help.

Sugar: PPP controls GAWU which controls sugar workers. Granger wants GAWU to ensure industrial peace, less work stoppages, no sabotage.

Rice: PPP controls RPA which controls rice farmers. Granger wants RPA to stop demonstrations against the government and attack errant millers instead, ie, those millers who got payment from GRDB for the last crop but didn't pay the farmers yet, and those millers who are offering farmers low prices for paddy now.

Crime: Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud said the recent jump in the crime wave was politically motivated. Other observers noted the same thing. The coalition is wrongfully blamed for those politically motivated crimes and others where Indo families are killing their own members for money and/or property. Granger wants Jagdeo to pull back the PPP mafiosi.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

President Granger said he would like Jagdeo-PPP cooperation in hree areas: sugar, rice, crime. The key word is cooperation, not help.

Sugar: PPP controls GAWU which controls sugar workers. Granger wants GAWU to ensure industrial peace, less work stoppages, no sabotage.

Rice: PPP controls RPA which controls rice farmers. Granger wants RPA to stop demonstrations against the government and attack errant millers instead, ie, those millers who got payment from GRDB for the last crop but didn't pay the farmers yet, and those millers who are offering farmers low prices for paddy now.

Crime: Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud said the recent jump in the crime wave was politically motivated. Other observers noted the same thing. The coalition is wrongfully blamed for those politically motivated crimes and others where Indo families are killing their own members for money and/or property. Granger wants Jagdeo to pull back the PPP mafiosi.


R u going to that get together on Saturday? Leh me know. I am 2 hours away, if I am going, atleast, there should be someone there that I had conversations with-on the BB.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

President Granger said he would like Jagdeo-PPP cooperation in three areas: sugar, rice, crime. The key word is cooperation, not help.

Sugar: PPP controls GAWU which controls sugar workers. Granger wants GAWU to ensure industrial peace, less work stoppages, no sabotage.

Rice: PPP controls RPA which controls rice farmers. Granger wants RPA to stop demonstrations against the government and attack errant millers instead, ie, those millers who got payment from GRDB for the last crop but didn't pay the farmers yet, and those millers who are offering farmers low prices for paddy now.

Crime: Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud said the recent jump in the crime wave was politically motivated. Other observers noted the same thing. The coalition is wrongfully blamed for those politically motivated crimes and others where Indo families are killing their own members for money and/or property. Granger wants Jagdeo to pull back the PPP mafiosi.


I can see where the new MOE need to do more for education among Guyanese at home and abroad, especially those PPP types.


Cooperation... Working together for a common purpose.

Help...Voluntary action intended to assist others.


I guess the PPP got a whole bunch of 'volunteers' for a fee.     

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Cooperation is a nice way of saying help.


Spin Gil, Spin.

Bhai, what's your prablem?

You is right-arm fast bowler and me is left-arm spin bowler.

Play de game, man.


I am attempting the Yoker but you are digging them out. Your experience is unmatched.




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