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Former Member

Ok folks


We know know that the opposition are opposing important legislation including the anti laundering bill because they just want to oppose.


Cde Ralph has correctly written that parliament cannot continue to function as it is right now. Cde Ralph's advice must be adhered to for the good and for the future of the party and the country.


The AFC is weak, fragmented and broke.


The PNC has been rocked with infighting and is broke and not ready for an election.


I call on the politicians of the PPP to wake up and call an election now. Berbicians have expressed their dissatisfaction with the way the AFC have sided with the hated PNC.


Wake up freedom House. Wake up PPP.


Bring on the national election now ! The local election can wait.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Rammo administration is weak.


We need a strong government like the Jagdeo administration that is not afraid to shake up the opposition.


The opposition are out to cripple Guyana economically and the PPP will eventually pay the price unless they call an election now.

Last edited by Former Member

Quote from Cde Ralph:


12 hours ago

Impasse over anti-laundering bill increases prospect of early election – Ramkarran

Posted By Stabroek editor On March 2, 2014 @ 2:41 pm In Local News | No Comments

In the aftermath of the impasse over the anti-money laundering bill, commentator Ralph Ramkarran says it is “not possible” to see how the government can continue in this manner without resorting to the electorate.

Writing in today’s Sunday Stabroek, Ramkarran said “The consequences of failing to compromise resulting in the legislation not being passed cannot be anything but â€Ķdire. It is not possible to see how the government can continue in this way without resorting to the electorate. Continued governance in a state of parliamentary impasse is not an option for the way forward. The skirmishing will continue and inevitably, another major issue will emerge which will defy compromise. The budget is soon to be presented.”

Ramkarran, who spent nearly 50 years in the party before quitting in 2012, says the government will obviously be thinking of the future and the “certainly unwelcome but perhaps inevitable option, will be elections in the hope that it will recapture its majority.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Didn't the chief paydo plan to quit this forum?   Also Nuff's pnc anti Indian site is set to close down in a few months when the payment period expires.

These crabdogs will end up on Krishna's cricket site.

 Amral what the purpose of above post?


7) Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten   or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person.   Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not use sweeping generalizations and   plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks. For example if a poster(s) states   that he thinks 'x' is a good idea, replying that "Anyone who supports 'x' is   an idiot" is a personal attack.

Bgurd take it easy man, you guys need to do better, this poor mentality is niot good for the board
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Didn't the chief paydo plan to quit this forum?   Also Nuff's pnc anti Indian site is set to close down in a few months when the payment period expires.

These crabdogs will end up on Krishna's cricket site.


Originally Posted by Amral:
Bgurd take it easy man, you guys need to do better, this poor mentality is niot good for the board
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Didn't the chief paydo plan to quit this forum?   Also Nuff's pnc anti Indian site is set to close down in a few months when the payment period expires.

These crabdogs will end up on Krishna's cricket site.


AMRAL its not his fault the weight of his goadee is getting too heave for him

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We know know that the opposition are opposing important legislation including the anti laundering bill because they just want to oppose.


Cde Ralph has correctly written that parliament cannot continue to function as it is right now. Cde Ralph's advice must be adhered to for the good and for the future of the party and the country.


The AFC is weak, fragmented and broke.


The PNC has been rocked with infighting and is broke and not ready for an election.


I call on the politicians of the PPP to wake up and call an election now. Berbicians have expressed their dissatisfaction with the way the AFC have sided with the hated PNC.


Wake up freedom House. Wake up PPP.


Bring on the national election now ! The local election can wait.



Can you explain to me why a national election is a priority and yet we have yet to hear when the local gov't elections will be held?


Don't scream about Hammie Green because he is only there because the PPP clearly wants him to be there.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You would think by now that the PPP would have already set a date for new elections. I believe they are content to be a deadbeat government and collect their paycheck for the next 3 years rather than put a referendum to the people and get Guyana back on track to further development.

Druggie I see that you are happy with the state of affairs of G/twn, so see no need for new elections to put in place a new administration.

Originally Posted by Amral:
Bgurd take it easy man, you guys need to do better, this poor mentality is niot good for the board
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Didn't the chief paydo plan to quit this forum?   Also Nuff's pnc anti Indian site is set to close down in a few months when the payment period expires.

These crabdogs will end up on Krishna's cricket site.


And I would think that the fact that many blacks refuse to post on this board because it is seen as racist, and the fact that this board has been cited in other NON GUYANESE forums as being racist and anti black would be of concern.  In the middle of the fiasco when the Barbados gov't threatened to deport Guyanese, this site was mentioned by Bajans as proof of how racist Guyana is towards its black citizens.


I suggest that you monitor comments made by people like rev.

Originally Posted by Amral:
Bgurd take it easy man, you guys need to do better, this poor mentality is niot good for the board
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Didn't the chief paydo plan to quit this forum?   Also Nuff's pnc anti Indian site is set to close down in a few months when the payment period expires.

These crabdogs will end up on Krishna's cricket site.


I will but please keep Mitwah in check as he constantly abuses me. Note Warrior's response below. This is the type of harassment I fight against.


AMRAL its not his fault the weight of his goadee is getting too heave for him

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't believe that is fair as the AFC/pnc supporters have the edge on this site. If you list my harassers, mitwah, warrior, jalil, cain,mars  and those who don't like my positions, Kari, Gilbaka, Krishan_b, caribJ,churchill, JB, I am toast already.

You do know that with the exception of caribj, and one or two others, virtually all of them used to be staunch PPP members.


It is clear that the PPP ship is sinking and if you don't flee you will drown.


Don't worry druggie.  I will not vote for you to go.  Your daily moronic rants on GNI keep me too entertained.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't believe that is fair as the AFC/pnc supporters have the edge on this site. If you list my harassers, mitwah, warrior, jalil, cain,mars  and those who don't like my positions, Kari, Gilbaka, Krishan_b, caribJ,churchill, JB, I am toast already.

You do know that with the exception of caribj, and one or two others, virtually all of them used to be staunch PPP members.


It is clear that the PPP ship is sinking and if you don't flee you will drown.


Don't worry druggie.  I will not vote for you to go.  Your daily moronic rants on GNI keep me too entertained.

They were denied soup at the PPP's table and hence became disenchanted. Now they look to find soup under the AFC but this party can not garner enough support to win elections. The idea behind the AFC was to steal away votes from both PNC and PPP but their gamble did not pan out so now they are left in a spoiler role. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't believe that is fair as the AFC/pnc supporters have the edge on this site. If you list my harassers, mitwah, warrior, jalil, cain,mars  and those who don't like my positions, Kari, Gilbaka, Krishan_b, caribJ,churchill, JB, I am toast already.

BG_S, rest assured I will not vote against you.

We have differences in worldview but that's fine.

However, I can understand why some names you mentioned would want you out of compliance.

If only you could stop calling them pedophiles. That's a serious charge against the guys that is not true. I know of none on this board who sexually harassed kids.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't believe that is fair as the AFC/pnc supporters have the edge on this site. If you list my harassers, mitwah, warrior, jalil, cain,mars  and those who don't like my positions, Kari, Gilbaka, Krishan_b, caribJ,churchill, JB, I am toast already.

You do know that with the exception of caribj, and one or two others, virtually all of them used to be staunch PPP members.


It is clear that the PPP ship is sinking and if you don't flee you will drown.


Don't worry druggie.  I will not vote for you to go.  Your daily moronic rants on GNI keep me too entertained.

They were denied soup at the PPP's table and hence became disenchanted. Now they look to find soup under the AFC but this party can not garner enough support to win elections. The idea behind the AFC was to steal away votes from both PNC and PPP but their gamble did not pan out so now they are left in a spoiler role. 

BG_S, speaking for myself, that statement of yours which I highlighted is not true.

After being a financial PPP member and activist for over 20 years I left the Party in May 1992, five months before they got power.

Those two decades, the whole of my youth, at great opportunity cost, I gave my time, financial contributions from my working-class wages, and free labor in the form of writing letters and articles for the Mirror, participating in Mirror selling campaigns, chairing and speaking at public meetings, attending Party group and regional committee meetings and congresses, etc.

My father, a humble sugar factory laborer, had advised me early to quit the PPP and do "something constructive" with my life.

I gave up opportunities to emigrate and to marry into middle-class families, but I consciously stayed and struggled with the PPP in the lean opposition years, when only a few Indians dared to be seen entering Freedom House.

After the PPP got into government in 1992, I never begged for a job, high position, or any perks.

On the strength of my journalism qualification and experience, I accepted a News Editor job offer from the General Manager of the Guyana Broadcasting Corporation. I resigned that position after two years to migrate to Canada.

Even in Canada I supported the PPP fully until the 2011 general elections, defending them on GNI and parrying the blows from some members here.

So, in short, I want you to know clearly and truthfully that no soup drinking was involved in my decision to stop supporting the PPP.

The other ex-PPP members can speak for themselves.




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