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Former Member

OK folks


As Guyana gears up for Elections, time to start a USA style political campaign.


Blast the radio and TV with ads that will crush the AFC. Reveal the skeletons as promised from the AFC closet.


This election will be about big funds and the AFC appears to be broke. The PPP coffers are overflowing and Boots on The Ground is driving AFC into a corner of extinction.


Keep up the pressure on the AFC. Forget about the PNC, they will always get their 39 percent.


Kudos PPP. Bring out the Tassa.

Five more years, Five more years.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

PLEASE, PLEASE, bring it out and stop BLUFFING like anti-men


Prepare for bellywuk. The PPP will crush the penniless AFC.

Money talks and BS walks.

Rohee bluffing since the no confidence was passed against him, years ago.


He huffing and be puffing and is sheer HOT air out of his ass coming out.




yuji, your approach to Guyana's politics stinks.

You are brazenly insulting the intelligence of Guyanese.

You are appealing to the basest instincts of people, not to their powers of reasoning and their ability to make sound decisions.

You are calling on the PPP to bring out AFC skeletons. The PPP can heed your call or not. But I must warn you that I was a PPP activist for 20+ years and I know for sure that Freedom House has legions of skeletons, not excluding those it accumulated during the last 22 years.

The AFC can release the PPP skeletons any time, but the AFC respects the intelligence of Guyanese. The AFC is expected to campaign on the themes of massive PPP corruption and its vision for a better Guyana.

Another thing: you harp about the PPP's "big funds" and the AFC being "broke." Well, lemme tell you something: In 1992 the PNC government was swimming in money and resources, while the PPP had to make do with meagre funds. Yet the PPP buss the PNC ass in the elections. Think about that.


I have also been associated with the PPP for a very long time and am aware of many skeletons in the closets of those who are members of the present cabal....


The old saying of those who live in glass houses should not throw stones could be apply to the present mud slinging.


PPP cabal beware of your irresponsible threats as they may come back to haunt you.....


Originally Posted by Churchill:

I have also been associated with the PPP for a very long time and am aware of many skeletons in the closets of those who are members of the present cabal....


The old saying of those who live in glass houses should not throw stones could be apply to the present mud slinging.


PPP cabal beware of your irresponsible threats as they may come back to haunt you.....



Are you threatening the PPP ?


If you have skeletons, post them publicly.  No more "Dem Boys Seh"

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

I have also been associated with the PPP for a very long time and am aware of many skeletons in the closets of those who are members of the present cabal....


The old saying of those who live in glass houses should not throw stones could be apply to the present mud slinging.


PPP cabal beware of your irresponsible threats as they may come back to haunt you.....



Are you threatening the PPP ?


If you have skeletons, post them publicly.  No more "Dem Boys Seh"


Read carefully and slowly my original  post on this matter....

Your perverted imagination stifles your ability to comprehend....



Even as he acquired the services of Attorney-at-Law Jaya Manickchand, Welshman said that he demanded $20 million. “I told him, ‘Uncle Raphael if you know what I still know, you would pay me’ and he told me point blank, ‘Johnny, what you are doing is blackmailing’ and he could get me arrested. That is what he told me in a Prado when he offered me $1.750 (million), and I declined,” Welshman alleged.


After seeking legal advice, the young man was told that it was an “unreasonable” sum. “Miss Manickchand who was negotiating on behalf of me called me and asked what would be the least amount I would accept, I told her five million; she said ‘would you accept anything below that’? I made it clear no,” he said. According to him, Trotman was willing to settle the matter for $2.5 million and a verbal apology, contending that any written apology would implicate him further.

Although the content of the series of conversations was not heard by Guyana Times, this newspaper was shown the cellphone log in which several phone calls were made between Welshman and Manickchand. Manickchand last acted on Welshman’s behalf on Saturday after indicating that she would recuse herself from the case following allegations that it was politically-motivated.


This allegation reeks,look at the players.

Last edited by Django



Ramjattan has been making unsubtaniated charges against the PPP from state agents based at freedom house shooting protesters at Linden to bribes being offered to APNU parliamentarians to vote against a motion of no confidence.

As a political leader you cannot go around making false charges against your adversaries.  IT will boomerang and splatter in your face.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Ramjattan has been making unsubtaniated charges against the PPP from state agents based at freedom house shooting protesters at Linden to bribes being offered to APNU parliamentarians to vote against a motion of no confidence.

As a political leader you cannot go around making false charges against your adversaries.  IT will boomerang and splatter in your face.

We not playin childish Tit for Tat here. These charges brought about by Ramjattan has more truth in it than this horse shit being dropped on people.

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

I have also been associated with the PPP for a very long time and am aware of many skeletons in the closets of those who are members of the present cabal....


The old saying of those who live in glass houses should not throw stones could be apply to the present mud slinging.


PPP cabal beware of your irresponsible threats as they may come back to haunt you.....



Are you threatening the PPP ?


If you have skeletons, post them publicly.  No more "Dem Boys Seh"


Read carefully and slowly my original  post on this matter....

Your perverted imagination stifles your ability to comprehend....




It is a good fortune for the PPP and Guyana that you are not part of any administration and live hand to mouth.


Let me tell you this slowly, you claim that there are skeletons in the PPP. Yuji challenged you to post them. Is is acceptable for you and the entire AFC dunce house to post "Dem Boys Seh" as proof.


It is quite disgraceful for the AFC to not live by it's own rules and standards.


If you have proof, post it.


Let me tell you and other PPP traitors this, you are no longer supporting the PPP and have no business or right to comment on what the PPP does.


You are most welcome to sail in the sinking AFC ship.


Yuji stands on his own. 


PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. All of the old farts from the PPP's past should now enjoy their retirement.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Ramjattan has been making unsubtaniated charges against the PPP from state agents based at freedom house shooting protesters at Linden to bribes being offered to APNU parliamentarians to vote against a motion of no confidence.

As a political leader you cannot go around making false charges against your adversaries.  IT will boomerang and splatter in your face.

We not playin childish Tit for Tat here. These charges brought about by Ramjattan has more truth in it than this horse shit being dropped on people.

How so Cainster, yuh gat the evidence or you just like Ramjhaaaaaaaatan like to spew SHIT???

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

I have also been associated with the PPP for a very long time and am aware of many skeletons in the closets of those who are members of the present cabal....


The old saying of those who live in glass houses should not throw stones could be apply to the present mud slinging.


PPP cabal beware of your irresponsible threats as they may come back to haunt you.....



Are you threatening the PPP ?


If you have skeletons, post them publicly.  No more "Dem Boys Seh"


Read carefully and slowly my original  post on this matter....

Your perverted imagination stifles your ability to comprehend....




It is a good fortune for the PPP and Guyana that you are not part of any administration and live hand to mouth.


Let me tell you this slowly, you claim that there are skeletons in the PPP. Yuji challenged you to post them. Is is acceptable for you and the entire AFC dunce house to post "Dem Boys Seh" as proof.


It is quite disgraceful for the AFC to not live by it's own rules and standards.


If you have proof, post it.


Let me tell you and other PPP traitors this, you are no longer supporting the PPP and have no business or right to comment on what the PPP does.


You are most welcome to sail in the sinking AFC ship.


Yuji stands on his own. 


PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. All of the old farts from the PPP's past should now enjoy their retirement.

Okay, yuji, we know you're long on words but short on substance.

And we know the PPP never authorized you to speak for Freedom House. These are your own words: "Yuji does not have any link to the PPP or any political party. I stand on my own."

As such you're least qualified to tell Churchill that he has "no business or right to comment on what the PPP does."

In case you've lost your mind, lemme state a truth: All Guyanese have a right to comment on what the PPP does. You're free to fume and fulminate.The PPP wants votes from all Guyanese and all the people want to know what kinda party they will vote for.

yuji, you're right to say you stand on your own. You cannot truly stand for the PPP because you embarrass them magnificently.

One more thing: you mentioned "old farts." You yourself are 46-47 years old. Pretty soon you will be an "old fart" if you're lucky.

Desmond Hoyte used to call Jagan an old fart. Jagan showed Hoyte in 1992 what an old fart could do.

I witnessed Shirley Field-Ridley mock Jagan's grey hair in parliament. One year later Shirley kicked the bucket.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

I have also been associated with the PPP for a very long time and am aware of many skeletons in the closets of those who are members of the present cabal....


The old saying of those who live in glass houses should not throw stones could be apply to the present mud slinging.


PPP cabal beware of your irresponsible threats as they may come back to haunt you.....



Are you threatening the PPP ?


If you have skeletons, post them publicly.  No more "Dem Boys Seh"


Read carefully and slowly my original  post on this matter....

Your perverted imagination stifles your ability to comprehend....




It is a good fortune for the PPP and Guyana that you are not part of any administration and live hand to mouth.


Let me tell you this slowly, you claim that there are skeletons in the PPP. Yuji challenged you to post them. Is is acceptable for you and the entire AFC dunce house to post "Dem Boys Seh" as proof.


It is quite disgraceful for the AFC to not live by it's own rules and standards.


If you have proof, post it.


Let me tell you and other PPP traitors this, you are no longer supporting the PPP and have no business or right to comment on what the PPP does.


You are most welcome to sail in the sinking AFC ship.


Yuji stands on his own. 


PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. All of the old farts from the PPP's past should now enjoy their retirement.

Okay, yuji, we know you're long on words but short on substance.

And we know the PPP never authorized you to speak for Freedom House. These are your own words: "Yuji does not have any link to the PPP or any political party. I stand on my own."

As such you're least qualified to tell Churchill that he has "no business or right to comment on what the PPP does."

In case you've lost your mind, lemme state a truth: All Guyanese have a right to comment on what the PPP does. You're free to fume and fulminate.The PPP wants votes from all Guyanese and all the people want to know what kinda party they will vote for.

yuji, you're right to say you stand on your own. You cannot truly stand for the PPP because you embarrass them magnificently.

One more thing: you mentioned "old farts." You yourself are 46-47 years old. Pretty soon you will be an "old fart" if you're lucky.

Desmond Hoyte used to call Jagan an old fart. Jagan showed Hoyte in 1992 what an old fart could do.

I witnessed Shirley Field-Ridley mock Jagan's grey hair in parliament. One year later Shirley kicked the bucket.



yugi will never migrate back to guyana,he just a racist 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

I have also been associated with the PPP for a very long time and am aware of many skeletons in the closets of those who are members of the present cabal....


The old saying of those who live in glass houses should not throw stones could be apply to the present mud slinging.


PPP cabal beware of your irresponsible threats as they may come back to haunt you.....



Are you threatening the PPP ?


If you have skeletons, post them publicly.  No more "Dem Boys Seh"


Read carefully and slowly my original  post on this matter....

Your perverted imagination stifles your ability to comprehend....




It is a good fortune for the PPP and Guyana that you are not part of any administration and live hand to mouth.


Let me tell you this slowly, you claim that there are skeletons in the PPP. Yuji challenged you to post them. Is is acceptable for you and the entire AFC dunce house to post "Dem Boys Seh" as proof.


It is quite disgraceful for the AFC to not live by it's own rules and standards.


If you have proof, post it.


Let me tell you and other PPP traitors this, you are no longer supporting the PPP and have no business or right to comment on what the PPP does.


You are most welcome to sail in the sinking AFC ship.


Yuji stands on his own. 


PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. All of the old farts from the PPP's past should now enjoy their retirement.

Okay, yuji, we know you're long on words but short on substance.

And we know the PPP never authorized you to speak for Freedom House. These are your own words: "Yuji does not have any link to the PPP or any political party. I stand on my own."

As such you're least qualified to tell Churchill that he has "no business or right to comment on what the PPP does."

In case you've lost your mind, lemme state a truth: All Guyanese have a right to comment on what the PPP does. You're free to fume and fulminate.The PPP wants votes from all Guyanese and all the people want to know what kinda party they will vote for.

yuji, you're right to say you stand on your own. You cannot truly stand for the PPP because you embarrass them magnificently.

One more thing: you mentioned "old farts." You yourself are 46-47 years old. Pretty soon you will be an "old fart" if you're lucky.

Desmond Hoyte used to call Jagan an old fart. Jagan showed Hoyte in 1992 what an old fart could do.

I witnessed Shirley Field-Ridley mock Jagan's grey hair in parliament. One year later Shirley kicked the bucket.






The PPP does not need to win over traitors and old farts. 


Those who are lining up to destroy Dr. Jagan's and Janet's PPP will pay for it.


They will all sink with the traitors in the AFC.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If these people are being framed by the PPP then I would want to think that there is no corruption involving businessmen and the customs dept.

Tell us which water street hard ware dealer who is a member of the clan of the Jagdeow BEEs is allowed to secure some duty free imports for his store while other have to pay full duty with the full knowledge of 


Tell us Rohee, tell us about these skeltons.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If these people are being framed by the PPP then I would want to think that there is no corruption involving businessmen and the customs dept.

Tell us which water street hard ware dealer who is a member of the clan of the Jagdeow BEEs is allowed to secure some duty free imports for his store while other have to pay full duty with the full knowledge of 


Tell us Rohee, tell us about these skeltons.

The BOY is a BUY[ER]

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If these people are being framed by the PPP then I would want to think that there is no corruption involving businessmen and the customs dept.

Tell us which water street hard ware dealer who is a member of the clan of the Jagdeow BEEs is allowed to secure some duty free imports for his store while other have to pay full duty with the full knowledge of 


Tell us Rohee, tell us about these skeltons.

I don't want to call his name. What I will you is that he and Freddie get their drinks free of charge at Cellina's cafe. Compliments of the Goat.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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