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  • Own half of the GPF and GDF and tell the rest of the world to mind their own business
  • Arm friends and cronies
  • Build gated communities and carry protection at all times
  • Remove all transparency in procurement
  • Use taxpayers money as its own private treasury

The post-2002 turf warfare sent a message that today's Indians are not your daddy's Indians and maybe the bought the party two election cycles.


Then came exposures of criminality and the luster wore off among Indians.


Next will come the seizure of private individuals' properties in NYC by the Feds (à la the Colombians drug principals). This will result in the wheels coming off the wagon. Maybe Preet Barara will have an office in Georgetown.


The winds of change in Guyana are being fueled by the end of this run. This PPP has expired its hold on the public. It's rotting from within.


Replies sorted oldest to newest



This commentary is for every Guyanese.

But, written to sway the minds of the East Indian voters on the Corentyne.


An amazing power, the single vote.

In the case of my country, it is easily bought and lied for. Also, intimidation and cuss-out is hurled for it. And, character assassination has become part and parcel of the process.

When everything is said and done. All of Guyana awaits. The powerful are humbled.

For the voters on the Corentyne. That much might your single vote has. Only until you have cast it. Then, it is no longer yours. You have given it to one another in confidence.

Hoping for a better way of life. 

This election, please choose the APNU+AFC.

Give them your confidence.

You have been constantly reminded of the PNC, its policy of banned food items, the rigged elections and the criminality of that time.

Yes, it was a terrible time. But, the PPP has done much worse in their 23 years of government.

Please consider.

Control of the PPP under the Jagans, witnessed two democratically elected leaders of the PNC. Each have tried in small ways to recognize the East Indian community.  Forbes legislated religious days as public holidays. And Desmond Hoyte, he removed restrictions on banned food items. You on the Corentyne were amazed as to how the bandits were chased and hunted down during the time of Hoyte.

And the rigged elections-can you imagine how much Hoyte must have been hated in PNC by the members. To give up their power. Knowing free and fair elections could remove the PNC from a government. The PNC could have said no to free and fair elections as demanded by the American Government. Face the consequences as Cuba and endure hardships-everyone, East Indians, Afro, Amerinds and all the other citizens.

But, Desmond Hoyte choose to seek a new path. He hoped, you would give him your vote. You did not.

Now, today. Another democratically elected leader of the PNC has stretched out his hand in peace. He has given 12 seats of his supporters to the AFC. That might not have been easy for Mr. Granger to convince the PNC to do. But, he did. Our country still needed that new path.   

I ask you to vote for the coalition of the APNU+AFC.

The PPP on the other hand has never had a peaceful transfer of leadership. You judge for yourself. Do you think Ramotar is the leader of the PPP? If you vote PPP, YOU ARE VOTING FOR AN UNCERTAINTY.

The coalition APNU+AFC has a Three Person Committee to investigate all problems that may arise in their administration of a government. That agreement is there for all Guyanese.

In the political life of this country, I have never heard so much racist remarks made by a politician. I am amazed at the words of Bharrat Jagdeo. Not even in the days of the race riots did Forbes Burnham went to such depths. Whether he spared us because of Cheddie Jagan or the confidence of being installed as the Prime Minister of Guyana by the CIA.

With the racist remarks of Bharrat Jagdeo, you should understand why there were rigged elections in Guyana. And for 28years. If the mind of the East Indian is racist, then what are the chances of the Blacks ever getting a fair deal to form a government? Today, you know of the corrupt ways of Bharrat Jagdeo, yet you cling to words of divisions. No one in that cabal would object to his abuses.

You will breathe the air, used the same transportation, bear the brunt of the criminals as the citizens of the country. Jagdeo/Ramotar Clique will never endure those things because your votes would have provided well for them. Armed guards from bandits and private transportation. The charmed life.

And you, will have to manage your sufferings just as other Guyanese-Blacks and Amerinds alike.

Give your situation some serious thinking.

There was a time, when your votes counted as the majority. Since 1992, your numbers have been getting smaller and smaller. And less and less of you vote at each of the elections held so far.  

The time is upon you. Use your God given senses and examine the role you should be playing in the society of Guyanese. Let your votes be for Freedom, Honesty and Justice.

This election vote APNU+AFC.

Free yourselves from Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique and re-take the Peoples Progressive Party. Rid the party of the devious. Throw them out by voting APNU+AFC.

You are no longer the majority in the electorate, so position your votes that gives you a participating edge.

Back in 1953, the East Indian vote went to the Jagans. And they pursued Communism with your confidence. It brought the wrought of the Americans-their disapproval of Communism in this hemisphere. Even though Janet Jagan was an American Citizen that did not spare us. The alternative was 28 years of PNC rule, which Bharrat Jagdeo keeps reminding you.

Even though the Americans did that, it is America and Canada the East Indians of that generation desperately sought to send their children. And those children made the years under Forbes light by sending barrels and money back home.

When the Russians were no longer a threat, the Americans returned to Guyana with fair and free elections. President Carter and conscientious Guyanese were the advocators.

For 28 years, the Jagans maintained their communist links. Giving life to 28 years of PNC rule.

President Carter will once again return to Guyana to oversee fair and free election.

Your voting rights is once again under threat. This time from the Cabal of Jagdeo.   

Today, your vote is canvassed to give confidence to the corrupt administration of the Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique. That is dangerous. He incites you to follow his racist attack on Afro-Guyanese. There were only a limited number of Afro associated with the PNC. But, he tells you that all Black people are PNC.

Are those citizen wrong to support the PNC?

Do you not support the PPP and not the PNC?

Your vote must be canvassed for.

It must not be demanded for by fear mongering.


Remove Jagdeo from the Peoples Progressive Party.


Files (1)
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Raise yuh hand if you want to jump from the Frying Pan into the FIRE.

you raise your hands  because you want to live in shit

So I would have to live with you..

i am too tired yo reply to this one it too easy 

Make my night, my coffee bitter.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Raise yuh hand if you want to jump from the Frying Pan into the FIRE.

you raise your hands  because you want to live in shit

So I would have to live with you..

i am too tired yo reply to this one it too easy 

Make my night, my coffee bitter.

after the election your whole life will be bitter,you will want to poison that coffee

Originally Posted by seignet:



This commentary is for every Guyanese.

But, written to sway the minds of the East Indian voters on the Corentyne.


An amazing power, the single vote.

In the case of my country, it is easily bought and lied for. Also, intimidation and cuss-out is hurled for it. And, character assassination has become part and parcel of the process.

When everything is said and done. All of Guyana awaits. The powerful are humbled.

For the voters on the Corentyne. That much might your single vote has. Only until you have cast it. Then, it is no longer yours. You have given it to one another in confidence.

Hoping for a better way of life. 

This election, please choose the APNU+AFC.

Give them your confidence.

You have been constantly reminded of the PNC, its policy of banned food items, the rigged elections and the criminality of that time.

Yes, it was a terrible time. But, the PPP has done much worse in their 23 years of government.

Please consider.

Control of the PPP under the Jagans, witnessed two democratically elected leaders of the PNC. Each have tried in small ways to recognize the East Indian community.  Forbes legislated religious days as public holidays. And Desmond Hoyte, he removed restrictions on banned food items. You on the Corentyne were amazed as to how the bandits were chased and hunted down during the time of Hoyte.

And the rigged elections-can you imagine how much Hoyte must have been hated in PNC by the members. To give up their power. Knowing free and fair elections could remove the PNC from a government. The PNC could have said no to free and fair elections as demanded by the American Government. Face the consequences as Cuba and endure hardships-everyone, East Indians, Afro, Amerinds and all the other citizens.

But, Desmond Hoyte choose to seek a new path. He hoped, you would give him your vote. You did not.

Now, today. Another democratically elected leader of the PNC has stretched out his hand in peace. He has given 12 seats of his supporters to the AFC. That might not have been easy for Mr. Granger to convince the PNC to do. But, he did. Our country still needed that new path.   

I ask you to vote for the coalition of the APNU+AFC.

The PPP on the other hand has never had a peaceful transfer of leadership. You judge for yourself. Do you think Ramotar is the leader of the PPP? If you vote PPP, YOU ARE VOTING FOR AN UNCERTAINTY.

The coalition APNU+AFC has a Three Person Committee to investigate all problems that may arise in their administration of a government. That agreement is there for all Guyanese.

In the political life of this country, I have never heard so much racist remarks made by a politician. I am amazed at the words of Bharrat Jagdeo. Not even in the days of the race riots did Forbes Burnham went to such depths. Whether he spared us because of Cheddie Jagan or the confidence of being installed as the Prime Minister of Guyana by the CIA.

With the racist remarks of Bharrat Jagdeo, you should understand why there were rigged elections in Guyana. And for 28years. If the mind of the East Indian is racist, then what are the chances of the Blacks ever getting a fair deal to form a government? Today, you know of the corrupt ways of Bharrat Jagdeo, yet you cling to words of divisions. No one in that cabal would object to his abuses.

You will breathe the air, used the same transportation, bear the brunt of the criminals as the citizens of the country. Jagdeo/Ramotar Clique will never endure those things because your votes would have provided well for them. Armed guards from bandits and private transportation. The charmed life.

And you, will have to manage your sufferings just as other Guyanese-Blacks and Amerinds alike.

Give your situation some serious thinking.

There was a time, when your votes counted as the majority. Since 1992, your numbers have been getting smaller and smaller. And less and less of you vote at each of the elections held so far.  

The time is upon you. Use your God given senses and examine the role you should be playing in the society of Guyanese. Let your votes be for Freedom, Honesty and Justice.

This election vote APNU+AFC.

Free yourselves from Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique and re-take the Peoples Progressive Party. Rid the party of the devious. Throw them out by voting APNU+AFC.

You are no longer the majority in the electorate, so position your votes that gives you a participating edge.

Back in 1953, the East Indian vote went to the Jagans. And they pursued Communism with your confidence. It brought the wrought of the Americans-their disapproval of Communism in this hemisphere. Even though Janet Jagan was an American Citizen that did not spare us. The alternative was 28 years of PNC rule, which Bharrat Jagdeo keeps reminding you.

Even though the Americans did that, it is America and Canada the East Indians of that generation desperately sought to send their children. And those children made the years under Forbes light by sending barrels and money back home.

When the Russians were no longer a threat, the Americans returned to Guyana with fair and free elections. President Carter and conscientious Guyanese were the advocators.

For 28 years, the Jagans maintained their communist links. Giving life to 28 years of PNC rule.

President Carter will once again return to Guyana to oversee fair and free election.

Your voting rights is once again under threat. This time from the Cabal of Jagdeo.   

Today, your vote is canvassed to give confidence to the corrupt administration of the Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique. That is dangerous. He incites you to follow his racist attack on Afro-Guyanese. There were only a limited number of Afro associated with the PNC. But, he tells you that all Black people are PNC.

Are those citizen wrong to support the PNC?

Do you not support the PPP and not the PNC?

Your vote must be canvassed for.

It must not be demanded for by fear mongering.


Remove Jagdeo from the Peoples Progressive Party.



Never go back to the dark days of brutality, despair, racism and the quasi-apartheid state under the PNC.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Raise yuh hand if you want to jump from the Frying Pan into the FIRE.

you raise your hands  because you want to live in shit

So I would have to live with you..

i am too tired yo reply to this one it too easy 

Make my night, my coffee bitter.

after the election your whole life will be bitter,you will want to poison that coffee

Mine or yours. Please dont keep malatiom or any other Poison on May 12 in your House.  Also, no rope.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Raise yuh hand if you want to jump from the Frying Pan into the FIRE.

you raise your hands  because you want to live in shit

So I would have to live with you..

i am too tired yo reply to this one it too easy 

Make my night, my coffee bitter.

after the election your whole life will be bitter,you will want to poison that coffee

Come May 12, all you PNCites and wannbe will be relegated to the pasture of oblivion.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:



This commentary is for every Guyanese.

But, written to sway the minds of the East Indian voters on the Corentyne.


An amazing power, the single vote.

In the case of my country, it is easily bought and lied for. Also, intimidation and cuss-out is hurled for it. And, character assassination has become part and parcel of the process.

When everything is said and done. All of Guyana awaits. The powerful are humbled.

For the voters on the Corentyne. That much might your single vote has. Only until you have cast it. Then, it is no longer yours. You have given it to one another in confidence.

Hoping for a better way of life. 

This election, please choose the APNU+AFC.

Give them your confidence.

You have been constantly reminded of the PNC, its policy of banned food items, the rigged elections and the criminality of that time.

Yes, it was a terrible time. But, the PPP has done much worse in their 23 years of government.

Please consider.

Control of the PPP under the Jagans, witnessed two democratically elected leaders of the PNC. Each have tried in small ways to recognize the East Indian community.  Forbes legislated religious days as public holidays. And Desmond Hoyte, he removed restrictions on banned food items. You on the Corentyne were amazed as to how the bandits were chased and hunted down during the time of Hoyte.

And the rigged elections-can you imagine how much Hoyte must have been hated in PNC by the members. To give up their power. Knowing free and fair elections could remove the PNC from a government. The PNC could have said no to free and fair elections as demanded by the American Government. Face the consequences as Cuba and endure hardships-everyone, East Indians, Afro, Amerinds and all the other citizens.

But, Desmond Hoyte choose to seek a new path. He hoped, you would give him your vote. You did not.

Now, today. Another democratically elected leader of the PNC has stretched out his hand in peace. He has given 12 seats of his supporters to the AFC. That might not have been easy for Mr. Granger to convince the PNC to do. But, he did. Our country still needed that new path.   

I ask you to vote for the coalition of the APNU+AFC.

The PPP on the other hand has never had a peaceful transfer of leadership. You judge for yourself. Do you think Ramotar is the leader of the PPP? If you vote PPP, YOU ARE VOTING FOR AN UNCERTAINTY.

The coalition APNU+AFC has a Three Person Committee to investigate all problems that may arise in their administration of a government. That agreement is there for all Guyanese.

In the political life of this country, I have never heard so much racist remarks made by a politician. I am amazed at the words of Bharrat Jagdeo. Not even in the days of the race riots did Forbes Burnham went to such depths. Whether he spared us because of Cheddie Jagan or the confidence of being installed as the Prime Minister of Guyana by the CIA.

With the racist remarks of Bharrat Jagdeo, you should understand why there were rigged elections in Guyana. And for 28years. If the mind of the East Indian is racist, then what are the chances of the Blacks ever getting a fair deal to form a government? Today, you know of the corrupt ways of Bharrat Jagdeo, yet you cling to words of divisions. No one in that cabal would object to his abuses.

You will breathe the air, used the same transportation, bear the brunt of the criminals as the citizens of the country. Jagdeo/Ramotar Clique will never endure those things because your votes would have provided well for them. Armed guards from bandits and private transportation. The charmed life.

And you, will have to manage your sufferings just as other Guyanese-Blacks and Amerinds alike.

Give your situation some serious thinking.

There was a time, when your votes counted as the majority. Since 1992, your numbers have been getting smaller and smaller. And less and less of you vote at each of the elections held so far.  

The time is upon you. Use your God given senses and examine the role you should be playing in the society of Guyanese. Let your votes be for Freedom, Honesty and Justice.

This election vote APNU+AFC.

Free yourselves from Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique and re-take the Peoples Progressive Party. Rid the party of the devious. Throw them out by voting APNU+AFC.

You are no longer the majority in the electorate, so position your votes that gives you a participating edge.

Back in 1953, the East Indian vote went to the Jagans. And they pursued Communism with your confidence. It brought the wrought of the Americans-their disapproval of Communism in this hemisphere. Even though Janet Jagan was an American Citizen that did not spare us. The alternative was 28 years of PNC rule, which Bharrat Jagdeo keeps reminding you.

Even though the Americans did that, it is America and Canada the East Indians of that generation desperately sought to send their children. And those children made the years under Forbes light by sending barrels and money back home.

When the Russians were no longer a threat, the Americans returned to Guyana with fair and free elections. President Carter and conscientious Guyanese were the advocators.

For 28 years, the Jagans maintained their communist links. Giving life to 28 years of PNC rule.

President Carter will once again return to Guyana to oversee fair and free election.

Your voting rights is once again under threat. This time from the Cabal of Jagdeo.   

Today, your vote is canvassed to give confidence to the corrupt administration of the Ramotar/Jagdeo Clique. That is dangerous. He incites you to follow his racist attack on Afro-Guyanese. There were only a limited number of Afro associated with the PNC. But, he tells you that all Black people are PNC.

Are those citizen wrong to support the PNC?

Do you not support the PPP and not the PNC?

Your vote must be canvassed for.

It must not be demanded for by fear mongering.


Remove Jagdeo from the Peoples Progressive Party.



Never go back to the dark days of brutality, despair, racism and the quasi-apartheid state under the PNC.

dummy we living in a new era which part of the world you ever see go back you goddam shit brain 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Raise yuh hand if you want to jump from the Frying Pan into the FIRE.

you raise your hands  because you want to live in shit

So I would have to live with you..

i am too tired yo reply to this one it too easy 

Make my night, my coffee bitter.

after the election your whole life will be bitter,you will want to poison that coffee

Come May 12, all you PNCites and wannbe will be relegated to the pasture of oblivion.

a man without any dreams who in their right mind will support a government that have a country as the poorest country in the region and still have its president as the richest man 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:



This commentary is for every Guyanese.

But, written to sway the minds of the East Indian voters on the Corentyne.




Never go back to the dark days of brutality, despair, racism and the quasi-apartheid state under the PNC.

dummy we living in a new era which part of the world you ever see go back you goddam shit brain 

A new era of Peace, Progress and Prosperity, why go back to the days of Poverty, Neglect and Catastrophe.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So I would have to live with you..

i am too tired yo reply to this one it too easy 

Make my night, my coffee bitter.

after the election your whole life will be bitter,you will want to poison that coffee

Come May 12, all you PNCites and wannbe will be relegated to the pasture of oblivion.

a man without any dreams who in their right mind will support a government that have a country as the poorest country in the region and still have its president as the richest man 

I think you are confused, that was LFSB, remember.  Like you suffering amnesia.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So I would have to live with you..

i am too tired yo reply to this one it too easy 

Make my night, my coffee bitter.

after the election your whole life will be bitter,you will want to poison that coffee

Come May 12, all you PNCites and wannbe will be relegated to the pasture of oblivion.

a man without any dreams who in their right mind will support a government that have a country as the poorest country in the region and still have its president as the richest man 

I think you are confused, that was LFSB, remember.  Like you suffering amnesia.

LFSB was incapable of bankrupting GuySuCo and NIS.


LSFB was aided and abetted in every possible way by Jagan. Face the facts I know that is tough for you to stomach but you need to be honest with yourself for a change. Ask sperm bai he will tell you if you don't know.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Come May 12, all you PNCites and wannbe will be relegated to the pasture of oblivion.

a man without any dreams who in their right mind will support a government that have a country as the poorest country in the region and still have its president as the richest man 

I think you are confused, that was LFSB, remember.  Like you suffering amnesia.

LFSB was incapable of bankrupting GuySuCo and NIS.


LSFB was aided and abetted in every possible way by Jagan. Face the facts I know that is tough for you to stomach but you need to be honest with yourself for a change. Ask sperm bai he will tell you if you don't know.

You seem infatuated by this "sperm bai".  Does it excite you?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So I would have to live with you..

i am too tired yo reply to this one it too easy 

Make my night, my coffee bitter.

after the election your whole life will be bitter,you will want to poison that coffee

Come May 12, all you PNCites and wannbe will be relegated to the pasture of oblivion.

a man without any dreams who in their right mind will support a government that have a country as the poorest country in the region and still have its president as the richest man 

I think you are confused, that was LFSB, remember.  Like you suffering amnesia.

Under the PPP for these past 23 years here is what we have:


Poorest country in the hemisphere;

Most corrupt country in the region;

Increased racial divisiveness - state sponsored;

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Come May 12, all you PNCites and wannbe will be relegated to the pasture of oblivion.

a man without any dreams who in their right mind will support a government that have a country as the poorest country in the region and still have its president as the richest man 

I think you are confused, that was LFSB, remember.  Like you suffering amnesia.

LFSB was incapable of bankrupting GuySuCo and NIS.


LSFB was aided and abetted in every possible way by Jagan. Face the facts I know that is tough for you to stomach but you need to be honest with yourself for a change. Ask sperm bai he will tell you if you don't know.

You seem infatuated by this "sperm bai".  Does it excite you?

Nothing exciting about sperm bai its a fact you seem to not like dealing with the facts.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:



This commentary is for every Guyanese.

But, written to sway the minds of the East Indian voters on the Corentyne.




Never go back to the dark days of brutality, despair, racism and the quasi-apartheid state under the PNC.

dummy we living in a new era which part of the world you ever see go back you goddam shit brain 

A new era of Peace, Progress and Prosperity, why go back to the days of Poverty, Neglect and Catastrophe.

peace he says with the highest crime rate in the region i guess you have to be a special ass to support the ppp

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:



This commentary is for every Guyanese.

But, written to sway the minds of the East Indian voters on the Corentyne.




Never go back to the dark days of brutality, despair, racism and the quasi-apartheid state under the PNC.

dummy we living in a new era which part of the world you ever see go back you goddam shit brain 

A new era of Peace, Progress and Prosperity, why go back to the days of Poverty, Neglect and Catastrophe.

peace he says with the highest crime rate in the region i guess you have to be a special ass to support the ppp

Whether you like it or not, the PPP is and will be, will be the only legitimate government of all Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Yeah if you seh suh........

The majority of the people "seh suh".

Majority of the people voted against the PPP in the last election like you forget already? Thus the minority government.


Your mamaries going bad.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Yeah if you seh suh........

The majority of the people "seh suh".

Majority of the people voted against the PPP in the last election like you forget already? Thus the minority government.


Your mamaries going bad.

Correct, and the opposition had their say.  Let's see May 12th if they continue.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Yeah if you seh suh........

The majority of the people "seh suh".

lard collie you stupid the ppp is a minority government you know what this mean 

hehheheehe ow all yuh go easy pun base he hasn't been himself lately like a few years or so lately..

Originally Posted by Kari:
  • Own half of the GPF and GDF and tell the rest of the world to mind their own business
  • Arm friends and cronies
  • Build gated communities and carry protection at all times
  • Remove all transparency in procurement
  • Use taxpayers money as its own private treasury

The post-2002 turf warfare sent a message that today's Indians are not your daddy's Indians and maybe the bought the party two election cycles.


Then came exposures of criminality and the luster wore off among Indians.


Next will come the seizure of private individuals' properties in NYC by the Feds (à la the Colombians drug principals). This will result in the wheels coming off the wagon. Maybe Preet Barara will have an office in Georgetown.


The winds of change in Guyana are being fueled by the end of this run. This PPP has expired its hold on the public. It's rotting from within.


PPP and good governance is like chalk and cheese


Bartica's Embrace:

Bartica last evening gave APNU+AFC

a warm and fond embrace,

and assured full support

on May 11 for the Coalition.

The thousands who gathered


came from the upper reaches of the

Mazaruni, Cuyuni and

Potaro riverain areas,



including Amerindians,

one of whom gave an address

in his native language.


David Granger,

the Coalition's presidential candidate,

assured that Bartica will be named a town


and that the new government

would accelerate development

for neglected mining community

and environs.

Powerful presentations were made by

Simona Broomes,

Kamal Persaud,

Dr. Norton


former Speaker Raphael Trotman.


Prime Ministerial candidate Moses Nagamootoo

reiterated plans to

boost wages of public servants,

especially nurses, teachers and security ranks,

and to bring to justice those officials

who have plundered the Treasury

by acts of corruption.

"We could recover enough

from hidden accounts,

and from cutting waste

and extravagance

to pay more to pensioners

and public servants," he stated.


The crowd held up

their cell phones

as candles in

support of recovery of Fazil Azeez,

a former Bartica Magistrate

who was shot

by a lone gunman on Saturday last.


Bartica demanded that the assassin be captured.


Last edited by Former Member

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