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The PPP regime is persecuting GLENN LALL for telling the truth.


Dear Editor,
During the last twelve years, the PPP has destroyed almost every good initiative put forth by the APNU and the AFC. They have not assented to any Bills written by the opposition, not even the Bill to lower the tolls on the Berbice Bridge which was passed by Parliament. They have not established the Procurement Commission, Human Rights Commission and the Public Service Commission to name a few. The DO-NOTHING President has abandoned the tripartite talks and has used Parliament as a farce.
The minority PPP regime has ignored the principle of separation of powers and has referenced the constitution only when it benefits them. This is utter lawlessness on the part of the PPP cabal whose only goal is the use the state resources to fill their pockets and those of their friends and relatives. This has to stop.
Today, they are using state agencies such as the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to victimize those who criticize them. For example, the GRA has been hounding Kaieteur News owner and publisher Glenn Lall on the importation of newspaper ink from Trinidad. This is the standard practice in the newspaper business; importing ink from CARICOM to reduce their cost since publishing is a low profit industry.
The fact is the PPP aligned Guyana Times and Guyana Chronicle are importing the same type of ink from Trinidad without any problems. There is no doubt that the PPP regime is spiteful and vindictive and they are using the head of the GRA to do their dirty work. It is wrong for the GRA to victimize Glenn Lall and the people must stand-up against such spiteful and vindictive actions by the Jagdeo/Ramotar wicked cabal.
The Commissioner of the GRA is an extremely gullible fellow who has exposed himself to the public with the e-mails he sent and received from the former president and the Attorney General. This is highly unethical and unprofessional because he has compromised his position and that of the GRA by disclosing confidential tax information of Kaieteur News to Jagdeo, a private citizen.
Therefore we call on him to resign immediately and also for the police to investigate the matter. No other Commissioner General of the GRA has allowed his office to become an appendage to the Freedom House gangsters.  Never!
Can we expect any better from the Commissioner? Well anyone who used his public office to influence the process to recruit five of his close relatives and over a doz en others who are not close relative but members of his religious fraternity has to be mentally, morally and professionally bankrupt. Can anyone imagine that one of his family members is an engineer but was given a job in a tax collection agency with a “cushy” salary of over G$320,000  per month.
Why he  is not employed by the Ministry of Public Works or Agriculture to help these agencies fill the desperate gap in supervising all of the bogus contracts that are being executed?  The public is fully aware that nepotism is alive and well at the GRA and in the unrighteous PPP cabal. Despite his blatant breach of his oath of office, no one in the PPP regime, not even the DO-NOTHING PRESIDENT will ask the Commissioner to resign or even discipline him.
In fact, the ruling cabal will sanction and support what the Commissioner has done because they themselves have practiced skullduggery and have done the same to a number of citizens.
This is the type of injustice, unfairness and corrupt mentality that exist in the PPP today. The Commissioner and the other untouchables in the PPP have no respect for the rule of law, no respect for the people and no respect the constitution. It is time for the people to stand-up and force the PPP to respect them and the rule of law and to stop the persecution of Glenn Lall. Change will only come to Guyana when the PPP is voted out of office.
 Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish Singh.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ghotay Dhall


Award of Dhall Ghotney goes to Benshi*/Mars



Did Benschop take your virginity or was he your stepfather? You seein the man around every corner.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



= Political loser.

You poorly educated morons think that imagining I am someone else will somehow enhance what you have to say on this forum. Come up with something that makes sense and has some original thought. Sorry, I forgot that you have no thoughts of your own and can only parrot what the Rev says because your best role here is being his butt boy.


So did Benschop take your cherry or was he your stepfather?

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP is getting desperate.....they are trying to hold on to power by any means necessary...

Yep, even their nasty shitty posters here. I just read in another thread that was closed by the mod, where Rev, the fkin flamer has disrespected Gilly. That other Stupid fk yugi as usual with some brown stuff stuck to his nose again posts the same shit as Rev.

These guys are a sickening fkin bunch, but they do not for one minute surprise us, I'm sure, because they do side with that corrupted party PPP/C.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP is getting desperate.....they are trying to hold on to power by any means necessary...

Yep, even their nasty shitty posters here. I just read in another thread that was closed by the mod, where Rev, the fkin flamer has disrespected Gilly. That other Stupid fk yugi as usual with some brown stuff stuck to his nose again posts the same shit as Rev.

These guys are a sickening fkin bunch, but they do not for one minute surprise us, I'm sure, because they do side with that corrupted party PPP/C.

a bunch of racist 


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