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They will be all over this new Government and they own the media now - BOBBY TV, BOBBY newspapers and BOBBY Radio.


Plus Mirror has radio licence.


The PPP will be hitting the road from day 1 spreading their message.


They will FIRE Jagdeo and all those who cause them to lose.


YES, the PPP will be going back to the drawing baord and back to the Jagan ideal of lean-clean-and mean.


This will not be an easy 5 years for the new Government.

Originally Posted by Django:

Babby enterprise was always the PPP supporter

due to milk and honey,he can continue peddle

their propaganda.The new gov't should review

some of the airwave licence give away.


This is bull shyte.  Bobby's assets are private property.  When we start going down that road the it will cause the APNUAFC Government to fail.


What has to be done is that all new contracts to Bobby has to be on a competitive basis.


This new Government is not the time to get blackman on top or else Guyana will die and a guaranteed ticket to the PPP back in power in 2020.


You all try with them racist talk.  You all only hurting Uncle Granger.


The man to watch in this Government is Ramjattan.


If he decide to walk because the Cummingburg Accord is not being respected.




He has said it again and again, he will vote with the PPPC in a no confidence motion if the Cummingburg Accord is not being respected.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Django:

Babby enterprise was always the PPP supporter

due to milk and honey,he can continue peddle

their propaganda.The new gov't should review

some of the airwave licence give away.


This is bull shyte.  Bobby's assets are private property.  When we start going down that road the it will cause the APNUAFC Government to fail.


What has to be done is that all new contracts to Bobby has to be on a competitive basis.

u seriously believe that the Jagdeo/Ramroop "assets" should not be investigated because the crime has been lipsticked as "private property"?



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Django:

Babby enterprise was always the PPP supporter

due to milk and honey,he can continue peddle

their propaganda.The new gov't should review

some of the airwave licence give away.


This is bull shyte.  Bobby's assets are private property.  When we start going down that road the it will cause the APNUAFC Government to fail.


What has to be done is that all new contracts to Bobby has to be on a competitive basis.

u seriously believe that the Jagdeo/Ramroop "assets" should not be investigated because the crime has been lipsticked as "private property"?



This BT character is busy making overtures to the PPP and Robert Persaud. Troubling, considering he is supposedly a big time AFC man.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

They will be all over this new Government and they own the media now - BOBBY TV, BOBBY newspapers and BOBBY Radio.


Plus Mirror has radio licence.


The PPP will be hitting the road from day 1 spreading their message.


They will FIRE Jagdeo and all those who cause them to lose.


YES, the PPP will be going back to the drawing baord and back to the Jagan ideal of lean-clean-and mean.


This will not be an easy 5 years for the new Government.

The opposition can stop the stick up boys. They will clean up the city. They wont have to spend humongous money on PPP style graft schemes. They can cut down of petty bribes and tighten up on lazy service people. Yes they can do very little things for which the people will be extremely thankful. Just buy building capacity in amerind areas and treating them as equals and not as wards of the state plus solving little social problems will be  enough leverage to keep the PPP out for at least another couple of cycles.




International funding won't cease. The Chinese know they are out for a bit but the US and Europe will fill in.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

This BT character is busy making overtures to the PPP and Robert Persaud. Troubling, considering he is supposedly a big time AFC man.

  Please understand that not all of these AFC people represent the integrity of Moses Nagamootoo, a man who clearly hasnt been corrupt, or the PPP would have been sure to let us know.


Some funded the campaign and will now want their return on investment, with threats to return to the PPP if they do not get it.


APNU AFC leadership will have to very careful that some of these folks do not embarrass them.  For some crony corruption is all that they know.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

International funding won't cease. The Chinese know they are out for a bit but the US and Europe will fill in.

Europe and the USA arent interested in tiny frontier economies, which bis exactly why the Chinese so easily assumed so much control.


APNU AFC and the private sector will need to seek out those opportunities.  Commodity prices are down, so there is less interest from the speculators.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

This BT character is busy making overtures to the PPP and Robert Persaud. Troubling, considering he is supposedly a big time AFC man.

  Please understand that not all of these AFC people represent the integrity of Moses Nagamootoo, a man who clearly hasnt been corrupt, or the PPP would have been sure to let us know.


Some funded the campaign and will now want their return on investment, with threats to return to the PPP if they do not get it.


APNU AFC leadership will have to very careful that some of these folks do not embarrass them.  For some crony corruption is all that they know.

Just surprising to me that results not even officially declared and this BT character, a big AFC "supporter" is vigorously defending BJ and company's assets from investigation.

Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
If the PPP had any sense they'd beg Joey to take over. Plus his son is a New York attorney. It is indeed time to get back to the Jagan PPP - what better way to do it than with the help of his most immediate family that are education and professionals - either much better than anyone the PPP now has

The demographics of the country (both age and ethnic identity) are changing. The PPP thinks that the typical Guyanese is an Indian who remembers the Burnham era.  This is not the case, they discovered.


Joey is not a suitable leader.

Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
Exactly - they won last time Barely because he was with them - and they lost this time because he was not with them - should suggest something to you

Last time the PPP won 165k votes.  This time 201k votes.  What more votes for the PPP would Joey have brought?  Their campaign of ethnic fear was hugely successful.


Over 50% of the voters are no longer Indian, and so one cannot think that catering to the desires of this one group will win elections.  The PPP refuses to understand this, so they lost.

I agree with everything you just said - but Joey does not only care about one group - that much is clear. All I am saying and I am keeping it very narrow - is that Joey Jagan would have made for a better candidate than anyone the PPP could have offered - it's a fact at least Joey isn't a thief and he cares about Guyana
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This new Government is not the time to get blackman on top or else Guyana will die and a guaranteed ticket to the PPP back in power in 2020.


You all try with them racist talk.  You all only hurting Uncle Granger.


The man to watch in this Government is Ramjattan.


If he decide to walk because the Cummingburg Accord is not being respected.




He has said it again and again, he will vote with the PPPC in a no confidence motion if the Cummingburg Accord is not being respected.

Brian Teekah, what "racist talk" u inventing here as a launching pad for invidious nonsense?


for an 'AFC man' and coalition 'supporter,' your entire post is scary disappointing at best and 5th column daag business at worst



Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
If the PPP had any sense they'd beg Joey to take over. Plus his son is a New York attorney. It is indeed time to get back to the Jagan PPP - what better way to do it than with the help of his most immediate family that are education and professionals - either much better than anyone the PPP now has

It would be good to see Joey put two sound and solid kicks in your behind when he has a political dispute with you.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
If the PPP had any sense they'd beg Joey to take over. Plus his son is a New York attorney. It is indeed time to get back to the Jagan PPP - what better way to do it than with the help of his most immediate family that are education and professionals - either much better than anyone the PPP now has

It would be good to see Joey put two sound and solid kicks in your behind when he has a political dispute with you.

This is the Plan.  When Jagdeo and his kavamites get dragged off to jail, Nadira Jagan, Frank Anthony and Vindya Persaud will start rebuilding the party.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
If the PPP had any sense they'd beg Joey to take over. Plus his son is a New York attorney. It is indeed time to get back to the Jagan PPP - what better way to do it than with the help of his most immediate family that are education and professionals - either much better than anyone the PPP now has

It would be good to see Joey put two sound and solid kicks in your behind when he has a political dispute with you.

This is the Plan.  When Jagdeo and his kavamites get dragged off to jail, Nadira Jagan, Frank Anthony and Vindya Persaud will start rebuilding the party.

With those three then I am sticking with Joey and Chris Ramsammy

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Django:

Babby enterprise was always the PPP supporter

due to milk and honey,he can continue peddle

their propaganda.The new gov't should review

some of the airwave licence give away.


This is bull shyte.  Bobby's assets are private property.  When we start going down that road the it will cause the APNUAFC Government to fail.


What has to be done is that all new contracts to Bobby has to be on a competitive basis.

u seriously believe that the Jagdeo/Ramroop "assets" should not be investigated because the crime has been lipsticked as "private property"?



This BT character is busy making overtures to the PPP and Robert Persaud. Troubling, considering he is supposedly a big time AFC man.

You have to understand, the AFC will cleverly position itself to become the tail wagging the "dog".  If they play it clean, the can build their own base and in deciding who they decide to throw their weight behind, will decide the outcome of the election.  They can become the force which keeps any ruling party in check.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
Exactly - they won last time Barely because he was with them - and they lost this time because he was not with them - should suggest something to you

Last time the PPP won 165k votes.  This time 201k votes.  What more votes for the PPP would Joey have brought?  Their campaign of ethnic fear was hugely successful.


Over 50% of the voters are no longer Indian, and so one cannot think that catering to the desires of this one group will win elections.  The PPP refuses to understand this, so they lost.

Indians were never 50% of the vote.  Stop peddling your [Indo] racist nonsense.  Accept the fact that your were wrong, all the articles you wrote depicting Indians (including Gandhi) as racist were simplistic nonsense.  Baseman personally knows of two large Indian families in Guyana (GT and WCB) who voted AFC.  They knew it meant the rise of the PNC but wanted the AFC to have cards in their hands.  A core of people there are much more sophisticated than we could imagine.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Indians were never 50% of the vote.  Stop peddling your [Indo] racist nonsense.  Accept the fact that your were wrong, all the articles you wrote depicting Indians (including Gandhi) as racist were simplistic nonsense.  Baseman personally knows of two large Indian families in Guyana (GT and WCB) who voted AFC.  They knew it meant the rise of the PNC but wanted the AFC to have cards in their hands.  A core of people there are much more sophisticated than we could imagine.

I am amused by the fact that you call me a racist when every commentary from you, focuses on Indians and never on non Indians. If asked about the ethnic insecurity issue you will focus on the ethnic imbalance of the GDF.  You will not tie this with measure to make blacks also feel secure.  In fact you care so little about the African insecurity dilemma, that as much as has been written on it, you pretend that you don't know what it is all about.


You define the ethnic insecurity dilemma in Guyana purely about Indians.  Your solution to this only involves Indian needs being catered to.  Your tragedy is that you are so ethnocentric that you don't even know that you are.


The PPP got a massive turnout in rural coastal areas.  Who do you think that they are? Clue....the people who they panicked with their open appeal to race.


And yes until the 90s the Indian vote was at or more than 50%, which is why the PPP thought that a winning strategy was about panicking the Indian vote.  They forgot that this is no longer the case.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Indians were never 50% of the vote.  Stop peddling your [Indo] racist nonsense.  Accept the fact that your were wrong, all the articles you wrote depicting Indians (including Gandhi) as racist were simplistic nonsense.  Baseman personally knows of two large Indian families in Guyana (GT and WCB) who voted AFC.  They knew it meant the rise of the PNC but wanted the AFC to have cards in their hands.  A core of people there are much more sophisticated than we could imagine.

I am amused by the fact that you call me a racist when every commentary from you, focuses on Indians and never on non Indians. If asked about the ethnic insecurity issue you will focus on the ethnic imbalance of the GDF.  You will not tie this with measure to make blacks also feel secure.  In fact you care so little about the African insecurity dilemma, that as much as has been written on it, you pretend that you don't know what it is all about.


You define the ethnic insecurity dilemma in Guyana purely about Indians.  Your solution to this only involves Indian needs being catered to.  Your tragedy is that you are so ethnocentric that you don't even know that you are.


The PPP got a massive turnout in rural coastal areas.  Who do you think that they are? Clue....the people who they panicked with their open appeal to race.


And yes until the 90s the Indian vote was at or more than 50%, which is why the PPP thought that a winning strategy was about panicking the Indian vote.  They forgot that this is no longer the case.


Not the GDF, but the GDF/PNC alliance is what I always referred to.  Regarding the Afro equivalent, I always asked you to elaborate, be more specific and you always punted.


Regarding the massive turn out of the base, true what you said, but guess what, the AFC pull of Indians neutralized that bump.  I know of two Indian families who went with AFC and frankly, the stock Granger gave to the AFC was a tilt factor.  They knew it was putting the PNC in power, but they took the chance anyway.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Not the GDF, but the GDF/PNC alliance is what I always referred to.  Regarding the Afro equivalent, I always asked you to elaborate, be more specific and you always punted.


Regarding the massive turn out of the base, true what you said, but guess what, the AFC pull of Indians neutralized that bump.  I know of two Indian families who went with AFC and frankly, the stock Granger gave to the AFC was a tilt factor.  They knew it was putting the PNC in power, but they took the chance anyway.

David Hinds, Eusi Kwayana, Ravi Dev (yes even this racist admits that there is an African insecurity issue). Eric Phillips, Nigel Hughes, and Freddie Kissoon have all written extensively on this African issue.  For those who are interested there is no shortage of information.  But you aren't, so you insist that I should repeat what I have been saying now for FIFTEEN years.


Now I know what the various sources of Indian insecurity are, because I know that one cannot resolve the African insecurity issue without tending to the Indian insecurity issue.  One cannot demand that the Indians take their foot off the neck of Africans until one makes the demand that Africans cease doing that to Indians. 


You however couldn't be bothered, and now you pretend to be.


Moses was a polarizing factor in the elections.  He attracted Indians, in Berbice in 2011, who were angry with the PPP.  He became the PPPs biggest threat.  When he took the chance to join with APNU, the PPP used this as a way to panic Indians who have justifiable fear of PNC rule.  They used the cry "Moses says he is not an Indian", when Moses said no such thing.  They got away with this because they have outsized control over the media accessible to rural Indians.


So in Berbice in Region 6 100% of the increase in vote went to the PPP.  In Regions 2,3, and 5 while Moses attracted more votes, the PPP garnered an even higher increase.  In Region 4 the Indo panic vote was offset by an Afro panic vote and the largest Indo swing vote in the country.


Yes, to a group which isn't sure about their ability to defend itself in Guyana, the cry that "Moses is not an Indian" is quite powerful when they see him leading Guyana into the jaws of the PNC.  If Moses was perceived to not want to ensure that Indian interests are represented then it is perfectly rational to be terrified at what Moses did.  The PPP did a good job at that.


Too bad for the PPP that a similarly panicked African/mixed vote, combined with a swing Indian vote turned out in large numbers.  An increasing Indo population aren't afraid of blacks.


Now a problem that the PPP will have is that their Amerindian vote depends on largesse. APNU AFC will lavish funds on this group over the next 5 years, as they are fully aware of what it takes to gain their support.  The PPP will have nothing to offer.


In 2020, unless APNU AFC screws up, the PPP is NOT going to get the Amerindian vote, and the Indian vote will be even smaller.  In addition if APNU AFC does well the Indian swing vote in their favor will increase.


Now do you understand that an Indian swing vote exists, or are you going to engage in blatant dishonest and peddle the lie that I claim that it doesn't.


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