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D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Leave the political parties select their candidates and let the Guyanese people exercise their constitutional right. They will have to live or die with their decisions.

Constitutional rights or democratic expression has no place in the PPP selecting mechanism. They are of the old world order where the notion of a vanguard party populated by the political cognoscenti who had experienced in the works of the party  ( not necessarily among the people) do the selecting. It is the Leninist creed formulated in the third communist congress to which they regress for their selecting process. It is 1921 thinking and bears no resemblance or reflection on thought and thinking in the 21st century. 

The primary season is coming in the US and one can see on the democratic side potential candidates emerging like my class mate Ms Kamla Harris and also Bero O' Rourke. How alien is this view to the 1921 communist era where the suffocating and creatively crippling  anti democratic process  that the PPP clings to! These old fogies are selecting the potential President by diktat.   

I suppose you think that the PNC/APNU is a democratic practising party?

skeldon_man posted:

I suppose you think that the PNC/APNU is a democratic practising party?

You are living in your own head and encumbered by your own prejudical thinking and failing to report the truth of what I stated earlier. Here is a quote

 "The PPP and the PNC for that matter, need to be cognizant of this. In the urgency to reconcile our people and rescue us from the clutches of nihilism and lack of sense of being connected to others in the society there is a need to break with the past. The recent tiff with Ms Lawrence is what I speak of here. Lets not fool ourselves she alone is in the wrong. In our hearts she is all of us. It is time to select from among our ranks individuals who are located in this generation, the young and the vibrant, and the creative and the hopeful even if they are less tempered and lacking in experience. They are the open minded among us and can restructure our love for country and each other. They are less invested in ethnicity, political pedagogy and naturally oriented to look to the future. "

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

My opinion regarding leadership candidate is that the PPP will go with an Indo-Guyanese from the CC, most likely Frank Anthony because he has lots of support and not closely allied to Jagdeo. Nandlall has political baggage, including his telephone call and now law book fiasco. Also, Frank Anthony has no major political baggage. An outsider will be viewed as a puppet  of Jagdeo and might not bring in the β€œindependent votes that the PPP need to go over the top. I do not see them having an Afro-Guyanese presidential candidate because it opens the possibility that the A section of the PPP base will not be pleased, switch support to the AFC and thus the presidency to the PNC. In addition to the reason just listed is added the β€œUncle Tom” label and that their last Vp candidate seemed to not have had an impact. (My personal opinion based on conversations)

The VP candidate might be a female Amerindian because she will address the critical need for the crucial and highly contested Amerindian votes and also to bring a female into the higher echelons of power and for the female vote. - My opinion

So you advocating an Anthony/Sukhai ticket?  She definitely has the fire and aptitude to be there and a potent ticket!

I hope Panthress Volda Black panther Drawing Character Female Animal - jurassic animalswins the PNC race!  Just what the doctor ordered for the PPP come 2020!

Baseman posted:

So you advocating an Anthony/Sukhai ticket?  She definitely has the fire and aptitude to be there and a potent ticket!

I hope Panthress Volda wins the PNC race!  Just what the doctor ordered for the PPP come 2020!

I do not know why you believe calling Ms Lawrence a pantress should not be construed as racist.  She did nothing that the rest of us do not do and what has been the operational political paradigm for all of our lives. We should speak out against it rather than try to make political coin of it. 

Anthony lacks fire and is firmly ensconced in the ideological and institutional structures of the PPP hence comes with the jagdeo monkey on his back. While he is not an unpalatable fellow he is certainly not a break from the customary PPP calcification. Mr sukhai is transparently a selection as Mrs Harris was for Ramotar and so becomes a burden than a blessing.  

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I suppose you think that the PNC/APNU is a democratic practising party?

You are living in your own head and encumbered by your own prejudical thinking and failing to report the truth of what I stated earlier. Here is a quote

 "The PPP and the PNC for that matter, need to be cognizant of this. In the urgency to reconcile our people and rescue us from the clutches of nihilism and lack of sense of being connected to others in the society there is a need to break with the past. The recent tiff with Ms Lawrence is what I speak of here. Lets not fool ourselves she alone is in the wrong. In our hearts she is all of us. It is time to select from among our ranks individuals who are located in this generation, the young and the vibrant, and the creative and the hopeful even if they are less tempered and lacking in experience. They are the open minded among us and can restructure our love for country and each other. They are less invested in ethnicity, political pedagogy and naturally oriented to look to the future. "

I don't care what you wrote earlier. I am commenting on the current which you stated above.

Dude, you are serious? By "us", I take it you only speak for Negroes and not Indians. She is looking for people who look like her and support admitted racist.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

So you advocating an Anthony/Sukhai ticket?  She definitely has the fire and aptitude to be there and a potent ticket!

I hope Panthress Volda wins the PNC race!  Just what the doctor ordered for the PPP come 2020!

I do not know why you believe calling Ms Lawrence a pantress should not be construed as racistShe did nothing that the rest of us do not do and what has been the operational political paradigm for all of our lives. We should speak out against it rather than try to make political coin of it. 

Anthony lacks fire and is firmly ensconced in the ideological and institutional structures of the PPP hence comes with the jagdeo monkey on his back. While he is not an unpalatable fellow he is certainly not a break from the customary PPP calcification. Mr sukhai is transparently a selection as Mrs Harris was for Ramotar and so becomes a burden than a blessing.  

Wasn't the Panthers a radical pro-Black group in the USA?  I did not give them that name, I was only drawing a broad parallel.  Why is that racist?

Yes, she did.  She openly advocating an apartheid practice in Guyana which many do not agree with or practice.  I was critical of the PPP for not having more Afros in public facing roles. 

I agree with loyalist in positions close to where political decisions are made.  She seh she looking for a dakta for a professional role, one who know Spanish and Putagee, but she want one that is PNC and "look like she!"  So don't try to punt by muddying up her [active] extremist racist advocacy with some latent passive sentiments within the society.

skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I suppose you think that the PNC/APNU is a democratic practising party?

You are living in your own head and encumbered by your own prejudical thinking and failing to report the truth of what I stated earlier. Here is a quote

 "The PPP and the PNC for that matter, need to be cognizant of this. In the urgency to reconcile our people and rescue us from the clutches of nihilism and lack of sense of being connected to others in the society there is a need to break with the past. The recent tiff with Ms Lawrence is what I speak of here. Lets not fool ourselves she alone is in the wrong. In our hearts she is all of us. It is time to select from among our ranks individuals who are located in this generation, the young and the vibrant, and the creative and the hopeful even if they are less tempered and lacking in experience. They are the open minded among us and can restructure our love for country and each other. They are less invested in ethnicity, political pedagogy and naturally oriented to look to the future. "

I don't care what you wrote earlier. I am commenting on the current which you stated above.

Dude, you are serious? By "us", I take it you only speak for Negroes and not Indians. She is looking for people who look like her and support admitted racist.

The topic is about the PPP candidacy selection. I wrote to that. If you feel you need to include the PNC process be my guest. I already stated my outlook to selection in general and elaborated on the  PPP specifically as the topic demands. What you think I can speak to is your problem. I am guyanese by nationality and that is what I speak to.

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

So you advocating an Anthony/Sukhai ticket?  She definitely has the fire and aptitude to be there and a potent ticket!

I hope Panthress Volda wins the PNC race!  Just what the doctor ordered for the PPP come 2020!

I do not know why you believe calling Ms Lawrence a pantress should not be construed as racistShe did nothing that the rest of us do not do and what has been the operational political paradigm for all of our lives. We should speak out against it rather than try to make political coin of it. 

Anthony lacks fire and is firmly ensconced in the ideological and institutional structures of the PPP hence comes with the jagdeo monkey on his back. While he is not an unpalatable fellow he is certainly not a break from the customary PPP calcification. Mr sukhai is transparently a selection as Mrs Harris was for Ramotar and so becomes a burden than a blessing.  

Wasn't the Panthers a radical pro-Black group in the USA?  I did not give them that name, I was only drawing a broad parallel.  Why is that racist?

Yes, she did.  She openly advocating an apartheid practice in Guyana which many do not agree with or practice.  I was critical of the PPP for not having more Afros in public facing roles. 

I agree with loyalist in positions close to where political decisions are made.  She seh she looking for a dakta for a professional role, one who know Spanish and Putagee, but she want one that is PNC and "look like she!"  So don't try to punt by muddying up her [active] extremist racist advocacy with some latent passive sentiments within the society.

The panthers were a sub culture of the US  black liberation struggle. Ms Lawrence is supposedly representing a national government. We should not conflate these distinct ideas 

She is expressing what is our status quo...political apartheid as is cultivated practices of both groups. She cannot be separated out  from what is the archetypal model of  both parties to be the scapegoat for our sins. She is what we are and have been for seven  seven decades.

If she did anything is to awaken us to our own hypocrisy for thinking we can be for a party and not commit her sin. The PPP and the PNC are well established practitioners in the dark arts of ethnic based politics. 

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Wasn't the Panthers a radical pro-Black group in the USA?  I did not give them that name, I was only drawing a broad parallel.  Why is that racist?

Yes, she did.  She openly advocating an apartheid practice in Guyana which many do not agree with or practice.  I was critical of the PPP for not having more Afros in public facing roles. 

I agree with loyalist in positions close to where political decisions are made.  She seh she looking for a dakta for a professional role, one who know Spanish and Putagee, but she want one that is PNC and "look like she!"  So don't try to punt by muddying up her [active] extremist racist advocacy with some latent passive sentiments within the society.

The panthers were a sub culture of the US  black liberation struggle. Ms Lawrence is supposedly representing a national government. We should not conflate these distinct ideas 

She is expressing what is our status quo...political apartheid as is cultivated practices of both groups. She cannot be separated out  from what is the archetypal model of  both parties to be the scapegoat for our sins. She is what we are and have been for seven  seven decades.

If she did anything is to awaken us to our own hypocrisy for thinking we can be for a party and not commit her sin. The PPP and the PNC are well established practitioners in the dark arts of ethnic based politics. 

And therein lies the problem, a sub-culture gone mainstream in Guyana.  It does not matter how you sugar-coat it, she was advocating apartheid style racism and felt comfortable talking at length about it in public.  And to see the support she received was even worse!  What will it take to worry you of such people, Interahamwe rants?

She is not expressing the status quo, she is advocating taking racism to the next level where you openly advocate hiring only "look alikes!"  She is a major arch backwards.

I hope decent Blacks (like Caribj) relegate her and her thinking to the dustbins!

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Wasn't the Panthers a radical pro-Black group in the USA?  I did not give them that name, I was only drawing a broad parallel.  Why is that racist?

Yes, she did.  She openly advocating an apartheid practice in Guyana which many do not agree with or practice.  I was critical of the PPP for not having more Afros in public facing roles. 

I agree with loyalist in positions close to where political decisions are made.  She seh she looking for a dakta for a professional role, one who know Spanish and Putagee, but she want one that is PNC and "look like she!"  So don't try to punt by muddying up her [active] extremist racist advocacy with some latent passive sentiments within the society.

The panthers were a sub culture of the US  black liberation struggle. Ms Lawrence is supposedly representing a national government. We should not conflate these distinct ideas 

She is expressing what is our status quo...political apartheid as is cultivated practices of both groups. She cannot be separated out  from what is the archetypal model of  both parties to be the scapegoat for our sins. She is what we are and have been for seven  seven decades.

If she did anything is to awaken us to our own hypocrisy for thinking we can be for a party and not commit her sin. The PPP and the PNC are well established practitioners in the dark arts of ethnic based politics. 

And therein lies the problem, a sub-culture gone mainstream in Guyana.  It does not matter how you sugar-coat it, she was advocating apartheid style racism and felt comfortable talking at length about it in public.  And to see the support she received was even worse!  What will it take to worry you of such people, Interahamwe rants?

She is not expressing the status quo, she is advocating taking racism to the next level where you openly advocate hiring only "look alikes!"  She is a major arch backwards.

I hope decent Blacks (like Caribj) relegate her and her thinking to the dustbins!

To the contrary; I am not sugar coating anything. I am highlighting our principal sin. What she stupidly entertained in public is the practice of every political agent on the land scape. The reality is that we are all complicit because we entertain the principal agents of this divisive, racist tactics as our leaders and sanctimoniously speak of their fine qualities to lead. 

I am not being a part of that. I cannot. I also cannot stand back and pretend this woman, for all the horror of her words, is the one on whom we should heap all the blame.  She is awful but she is the face of the awful that is our political reality. It is racist, nasty and has survived more than half a century because the people are nasty, small minded and racist. There are is no getting around the legs if you have a stool.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:

I hope decent Blacks (like Caribj) relegate her and her thinking to the dustbins!

You really think that CaribJ is decent and/or Black? Think again. 

He displays a spark at times.  Unlike Ronan’s black hole πŸ•³ mentality!   And please, this is not a racist comment!

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

 Ronan’s black hole mentality!   And please, this is not a racist comment!

that "black hole mentality" will continue to produce sunlight to burn your diseased racist ass

You burn none but yourself as your display of ignorance cements your legacy as a nitwit on GNI. 

aaaah g'wan dahside with yuh idle ignorant self

picking up fire rage and inserting yourself in other people's conversation

no one's talking to you


ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

 Ronan’s black hole mentality!   And please, this is not a racist comment!

that "black hole mentality" will continue to produce sunlight to burn your diseased racist ass

You burn none but yourself as your display of ignorance cements your legacy as a nitwit on GNI. 

aaaah g'wan dahside with yuh idle ignorant self

picking up fire rage and inserting yourself in other people's conversation

no one's talking to you


Buss ass got yuh bassidie. 

Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

 Ronan’s black hole mentality!   And please, this is not a racist comment!

that "black hole mentality" will continue to produce sunlight to burn your diseased racist ass

You burn none but yourself as your display of ignorance cements your legacy as a nitwit on GNI. 

aaaah g'wan dahside with yuh idle ignorant self

picking up fire rage and inserting yourself in other people's conversation

no one's talking to you


Buss ass. 

yeah banna . . . bussass indeed!

skeldon_man posted:
Tola posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

If Volda is PNC candidate...the PPP might have a shot

You take dis Vulga lady seriously. Are you obsessed with Vulga? Is she your main squeeze or are you Mr. Vulga..only black people ah me frenno dem?

Skeleton-Brain above again...I am responding to Baseman.

...and you misspelling the woman's name...its VOLDA bro


Your political immaturity is showing like a brazen h*** on Pitt street.

Me believe Skelly is fully  aware of his political description of 'dis Vulga lady', so if you want to 'larn' about Guyana, ease up on your condemnation of others, when placing yourself  on a pedestal. 

FYI, this is an open board and ANYONE can reply to ANY post. Therefore, if anyone decides to call you a shit-head, only the murderator can say its not allowed.   

Tola, I think Vish is Mr. Vulga. He must have "dis hidden ting" for only "PNC members ah me frenno dem". He needs to rub blackapt on his face and visit the hospitals and dispensaries to scare the little children so they can drink their castor oil.
He lucky I did not use the "V" instead of the "G". Abie cane cuttah family can be downright brutal.

Skelly, he Papa should clap he rass wid a 22 on he backside.  So he can do he homewuk, study mo and  become de next president ah Guyana  and make changes to the political system, so de people can stop punish. 

You sayin he might be de reincarnation ah Miss Farley at Albion dispensary Sunday marnin, wid de same  spoon fa cod liva oil for dozens ah children. One kid germs go in de adda kid mouth. Me hear poor people survive betta,  dan rich people wid good sanitation. 

Dis bhai really need to rub blakpat pan he mouth.  Me sure he neva experience a brazen  h*** on Pitt street, but dem Skeldon wan betta. 

Baseman posted:

I hope decent Blacks (like Caribj) relegate her and her thinking to the dustbins!

Since when you consider blacks like Caribj "decent"? You and yuh cohorts hay vilify the man on a daily basis as a "racist" and call he all kinda derogatory names when he insists that racism is on BOTH sides. Every black stereotype is applied to he while you and yuh clown posse kya kya kya in de background.

Alyuh call he "racist" when he calls fuh alyuh to admit there is Indian racism just as there is black racism. Yuh kyant do it.

You, de cow shit eating holy man, suckaton man, goady man, seignet, nehru and most of the INDIANS hay, are practicing, hard core racists who believe and at times imply that blacks are subhumans. Alyuh create and will empower people like Volda.  Black people who encounter people like you will run to people like Volda fuh salvation. Embrace she, she is your creation. Alyuh deserve wan anadda.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.


Where is Mrs. Elisabeth Harper and how much appeal did she have to black/mixed voters?

The PPP needs to stop thinking that they can put an Afro on a donkey and parade him around. Most blacks know that this is a donkey and not a black official lacking any grounding among the black population.

VishMahabir posted:

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).


If the PPP doesn't allow independent thinking Indians why do you think that they will allow an independent thinking black person who will call out their anti black behavior when it manifests itself?

Not happening.  The PPP strategy is to combine the "straight hair people" and warn them that "black man gun rape and kill dem".

Baseman posted:

I hope decent Blacks (like Caribj) relegate her and her thinking to the dustbins!

Am I still "decent" when I call Jagdeo a fouled mouth anti black bigoted monster?

Jagdeo was explicitly racist. Volda merely partisan as an Indian PNC mayor of the town where 1/4 of the population lives shows that its not only blacks who are "PNC".

Jagdeo said that the PPP base consists of "rural Indians" and then screamed that "I will tek back Guyana for US".

Volda in fact told the PNC die hards that they need to attract more people who look like Jagdeo.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

I hope decent Blacks (like Caribj) relegate her and her thinking to the dustbins!

Am I still "decent" when I call Jagdeo a fouled mouth anti black bigoted monster?

Jagdeo was explicitly racist. Volda merely partisan as an Indian PNC mayor of the town where 1/4 of the population lives shows that its not only blacks who are "PNC".

Jagdeo said that the PPP base consists of "rural Indians" and then screamed that "I will tek back Guyana for US".

Volda in fact told the PNC die hards that they need to attract more people who look like Jagdeo.

Yes, I believe you are decent, you just try to play bad sometimes.

I don't believe your excuse for Volda.  Is it was so, why apologize?  Just replay and clarify what was said.  Apologizing means you acknowledge you did something wrong.

Jagdeo did say the PPP's base support are mostly Indians.  Well, that's a fact just like the PNC/Afro.  In don't think "take back" meant for Indians.  You invoking that.  Obama said that, so did Trump.  The PNC took it back for their elite members!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

I hope decent Blacks (like Caribj) relegate her and her thinking to the dustbins!

Am I still "decent" when I call Jagdeo a fouled mouth anti black bigoted monster?

Jagdeo was explicitly racist. Volda merely partisan as an Indian PNC mayor of the town where 1/4 of the population lives shows that its not only blacks who are "PNC".

Jagdeo said that the PPP base consists of "rural Indians" and then screamed that "I will tek back Guyana for US".

Volda in fact told the PNC die hards that they need to attract more people who look like Jagdeo.

Yes, I believe you are decent, you just try to play bad sometimes.

I don't believe your excuse for Volda.  Is it was so, why apologize?  Just replay and clarify what was said.  Apologizing means you acknowledge you did something wrong.

Jagdeo did say the PPP's base support are mostly Indians.  Well, that's a fact just like the PNC/Afro.  In don't think "take back" meant for Indians.  You invoking that.  Obama said that, so did Trump.  The PNC took it back for their elite members!

Volda's problem is that she lit a match in the middle of a gas leak.  The PNC is majority black so when she engages in partisan behavior there is an ethnic dimension to it.

While she (in a crude way) suggests that the PNC diversify beyond its ethnic base fostering extreme partisanship is certainly not the way to do this.  She badly erred when she boasted that she will only hire "PNC", because to most "PNC" doesn't mean an Amerindian from the Rupununi who is Spanish and Portuguese fluent.

Jagdeo was explicitly racist. He circled the wagons and excluded not only non Indians, but even urban Indians as well.  This when he defined the PPP base as being rural Indians, right before the "we gun tek back" rant. When he says "take back" he means explicitly rural Indians. Unlike Volda he didn't even suggest that the PPP needs to expand its base.

Obama ran away from any discussion of race and was much criticized by many blacks.  The Black Lives Matter movement arose under him, because many younger blacks were dissatisfied at his impotence in dealing with police abuse directed towards blacks. And now that we see even black policemen and security getting shot while they attend to their duties no one should dispute their actions.

Yes Trump excludes in the same way as Jagdeo does. As with Jagdeo only the rural ethnic base matters.  That this isn't enough to ensure electoral victories doesn't seem to bother either.


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