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Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Burnham dead and gone this is a new era.


Burnham's right hand man who helped the PNC rig, Mr. Granger is the head of the PNC and is running for President.


Granger has the blood of Berbicans on his hands. 


Carl Greenidge who bankrupt Guyana is running for Minister for finance.


We will NEVER be fooled.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC rigging exposed.


Never trust them, NEVER !

One would think, after 28 yeras of rigged elections Dr. Jagan efforts should have been to strengthen democracy. Instead, he won an elections thinking that was all that was necessary for the troubled country of Guyana.


Forbes corruptions is pale in comparison to 23 years of PPP governance. 

Orlando Acgusa Florida's photo.


Dear Editors: ...  KING LIARS: LIE, YOU HEAR LIES?


LIE NO. 1:

Donald Ramotar said that I was a candidate of Balram Singh Rai’s Justice Party in 1964, and I helped to remove the PPP from office: THAT’S A LIE:


I was 17 years old in 1964. The Voting Age was 21. I was too young to be on the Voters’ List; too young to vote. How on earth could I have been a candidate for any party?


I joined the PPP on the 3rd October, 1964, and served for an unbroken period until my resignation in September, 2011. 


In 1991, I was conferred with a Meritorious Award for serving the PPP with distinction continuously for over 25 years. That Certificate was signed by Cheddi Jagan and Donald Ramotar!

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Vote for the PNC and you will get:

A life time of sufferings.

You have to join the PNC to get a job.

You have to join long lines to get foodstuff.

Crime will be centralized by the army.

National service will be reinstated again.

Indians will be treated like second class CITIZEN.






Yuji in 1970 the Indian population was 52% and in 1991 it was 49%.


Since then the population has dropped to 40%.


Under the PPP Indians are fleeing and those who are remaining are eagerly engaging in douglarization.


2020 the Indian population will be 35%.  The voting Indian population will be 40%.  Your racist screams will have turned off the African and mixed populations and there will not be enough Indo votes to secure the PPP.


Even if the PPP wins on Monday, unless there is a major change in its attitude, in 2020 they will be no more relevant than the UF.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Orlando Acgusa Florida's photo.


Dear Editors: ...  KING LIARS: LIE, YOU HEAR LIES?


LIE NO. 1:

Donald Ramotar said that I was a candidate of Balram Singh Rai’s Justice Party in 1964, and I helped to remove the PPP from office: THAT’S A LIE:


I was 17 years old in 1964. The Voting Age was 21. I was too young to be on the Voters’ List; too young to vote. How on earth could I have been a candidate for any party?


I joined the PPP on the 3rd October, 1964, and served for an unbroken period until my resignation in September, 2011. 


In 1991, I was conferred with a Meritorious Award for serving the PPP with distinction continuously for over 25 years. That Certificate was signed by Cheddi Jagan and Donald Ramotar!

Moses Nagamoottoo, r u crazy. Boasting on the Meritorious Award given by CBJ and Ramotar. Those two men are responsible for the mess Guyanese people face today.


If you love the PPP so much. Return to their racism. Of which u were quite happy with until you were coerce by Ramjattan to leave the PPP. 


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