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Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Truth is, I just like reading what she's writing. I imagine what it must have been and felt like. Then theres the cassava ball thing. Kinda wondering why she didn't walk with lil baigan choka an a roti in she bag.

I did walk with my baigan choka on many days. I also had many close relatives working there.  One in The Registrar, David Karran’s office and the head of the Department of Political Science was my uncle.  All I had to do was stop by their office and food was available.  On the days when I didn’t feel like walking the long road, my best friend, the daughter of Attorney General Shahabudeen would give me a ride in her government chauffeured vehicle.  I was privileged.

So why did you leave without graduating UG!

Base, like u been UG to.

Nah, never attended, nor pretend to.  Just want to understand why, given the privilege, why she never graduated!  Isn't that a valid question?

The Registrar shows she never attended QC too. Am  waiting for info on who were those young heifers that were expelled for being in some sorts of letter scam.

Shut your lying dumb ass.  Which registrar did you check?  Here is a clue. I was the youngest student enrollment at the University of Guyana before transferring to an overseas university.

And stop stalking me. You are not my type. I don't deal with low level bottom feeders who are over ambitious tricksters.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Princess likes to be on welfare. He agrees with Hinds to hand out vouchers and give every negro anything he or she asks for. Princess must be the welfare GNI queen. I bet he might vote for Bernie Sanders.

How does a discussion on university fees become an issue about giving freeness to negroes? What happen, coolie people too stupid to go to University?

Who gave a putagee jackass lakka you permission to refer to us in this derogatory manner? coolie in not a word reserved for use by racists like you.  Note that you use "negroes" to refer to blacks but coolie to refer to Indos. 

Blow me dumbass!

Now yuh want blow from a man? Did you refine your sucking technique to bring down goady?  Yall old putagee dirtbags can't help yuhself. Look how de derogatory word coolie roll off yuh tongue like any other normal world. 

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Princess likes to be on welfare. He agrees with Hinds to hand out vouchers and give every negro anything he or she asks for. Princess must be the welfare GNI queen. I bet he might vote for Bernie Sanders.

How does a discussion on university fees become an issue about giving freeness to negroes? What happen, coolie people too stupid to go to University?

Who gave a putagee jackass lakka you permission to refer to us in this derogatory manner? coolie in not a word reserved for use by racists like you.  Note that you use "negroes" to refer to blacks but coolie to refer to Indos. 

But you are a dougla bacha looking for the big black baigan. 

Lilly mohan know that you tun gay in yuh old age? Now wonder yuh stick around dem pnc bais and fetch them slopcan, dem does supply yuh with steady lar along with yuh geritol.

Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Princess likes to be on welfare. He agrees with Hinds to hand out vouchers and give every negro anything he or she asks for. Princess must be the welfare GNI queen. I bet he might vote for Bernie Sanders.

How does a discussion on university fees become an issue about giving freeness to negroes? What happen, coolie people too stupid to go to University?

Who gave a putagee jackass lakka you permission to refer to us in this derogatory manner? coolie in not a word reserved for use by racists like you.  Note that you use "negroes" to refer to blacks but coolie to refer to Indos. 

But you are a dougla bacha looking for the big black baigan. 

Lilly mohan know that you tun gay in yuh old age? Now wonder yuh stick around dem pnc bais and fetch them slopcan, dem does supply yuh with steady lar along with yuh geritol.

Guh leh yuh black boy fren jook yuh BT. Wucking yuh ass off fuh dat promotion eh! 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Truth is, I just like reading what she's writing. I imagine what it must have been and felt like. Then theres the cassava ball thing. Kinda wondering why she didn't walk with lil baigan choka an a roti in she bag.

....... I also had many close relatives working there.  One in The Registrar, David Karran’s office and the head of the Department of Political Science was my uncle.  All I had to do was stop by their office and food was available.  On the days when I didn’t feel like walking the long road, my best friend, the daughter of Attorney General Shahabudeen would give me a ride in her government chauffeured vehicle.  I was privileged.

Now that we are past the name-dropping phase, still don’t understand, you claim “privilege” status.  Why then did you not graduate?  Instead you opted for a boot-leg Green Card marriage!

Understand, it makes no sense to us “Commoners” from someone claiming Royalty status!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Truth is, I just like reading what she's writing. I imagine what it must have been and felt like. Then theres the cassava ball thing. Kinda wondering why she didn't walk with lil baigan choka an a roti in she bag.

....... I also had many close relatives working there.  One in The Registrar, David Karran’s office and the head of the Department of Political Science was my uncle.  All I had to do was stop by their office and food was available.  On the days when I didn’t feel like walking the long road, my best friend, the daughter of Attorney General Shahabudeen would give me a ride in her government chauffeured vehicle.  I was privileged.

Now that we are past the name-dropping phase, still don’t understand, you claim “privilege” status.  Why then did you not graduate?  Instead you opted for a boot-leg Green Card marriage!

Understand, it makes no sense to us “Commoners” from someone claiming Royalty status!

Same reason why you were kicked out of Covenant Garden school.  And you 20 something year old pickney is pining away in a US Drug rehab center.  Hope that answers your question.

Bibi Haniffa

[October 15, 1997]

Dear Sir,

I should like to endorse Mr Singh's grossly understated letter dated Ocober 6, 1997 on the conditions at U.G.

Firstly, our classrooms are inadequate and most uncomfortable. How can any sane person be expected to concentrate in an environment where there is no proper seating accommodation, no proper ventilation, no working fans, where bulbs are used as the major form of lighting, and should the rains come one has to open one's umbrella? Yes! I am speaking of U.G's large, literally, 'largest' lecture theatre. And speaking of large, many times we are forced to sit on the steps and the floor, since we cannot all fit into the `large' space provided.

Apart from this situation, we also have the problem of the toilet facilities, which are not even fit to be used by the scores of dogs that U.G seems to be breeding.

There is also the question of transportation. Since the one or two U.G buses that are working do not appear to be for general use, I cannot figure out why the public buses are being given such a difficult time. How about taking a piece of the field (by the canteen), to convert into a bus park, since land has been given away to build a dorm?

My complaints could go on and on. I am appealing to someone, anyone out there to please help us, the students. We cannot go on like this any more. We are not paying 127,000 odd dollars per year to be treated worse than expired goods.

Yours faithfully
Concerned Student
(Name and address provided)

[October 6, 1997]

Dear Sir,

I write on behalf of the students at the University of Guyana. It is extremely sad to note that each academic year we are required to pay a great deal of money to U.G. for our education there, and have to study under such `harsh' conditions.

The first issue that I would like to raise is that of seating in the classrooms. For almost every class in most faculties (especially Social Sciences) we have to literally fetch chairs from other classrooms to accommodate students.

The washroom facilities available for students' use are not fit for this purpose. I do not remember the last day I saw one properly cleaned. Can someone tell us where does all the money that we pay go?

The building in which many classes are held is in bad need of repairs - I mean major repairs. Lighting is extremely bad, and some classes have to be cancelled because of poor lighting. One prime example is the A30 classroom in one of the technology buildings: there is not one lamp there that lights.

Mr Hoyte has promised that if he gets into power he will abolish fee-paying. If he comes to office, U. G. students will hold Mr Hoyte to his word. We prefer not to pay all the large sums from our pockets, than to pay and still have to endure such conditions. In fact, I am told that conditions were better when there were no fees!

Yours faithfully
Mark Singh


Trying to find the deplorable condition of UG stated by Bibi,  find the above.

Last edited by Django

Hinds and many of you have no idea how to run the finances of a nation.  Guyana needs smart financial brains to help them manage and invest its future earnings from energy.  I would say this country would benefit greatly if they build a zoo in Berbice to show case of wonderful wild life.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What do you think about the fees for an American university education?

What you think of the NY Governor plan for free university education for students whose parents income is below $125k?

Why do people always jump to compare Guyana to the United States? That's like saying Guyanese shouldn't complain about bridge tolls.

Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Princess likes to be on welfare. He agrees with Hinds to hand out vouchers and give every negro anything he or she asks for. Princess must be the welfare GNI queen. I bet he might vote for Bernie Sanders.

How does a discussion on university fees become an issue about giving freeness to negroes? What happen, coolie people too stupid to go to University?

Who gave a putagee jackass lakka you permission to refer to us in this derogatory manner? coolie in not a word reserved for use by racists like you.  Note that you use "negroes" to refer to blacks but coolie to refer to Indos. 

Blow me dumbass!

Now yuh want blow from a man? 

Never had any idea you are a  "man"  must be a part time thing.

Last edited by cain
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Hinds and many of you have no idea how to run the finances of a nation.  Guyana needs smart financial brains to help them manage and invest its future earnings from energy.  I would say this country would benefit greatly if they build a zoo in Berbice to show case of wonderful wild life.

Zoos are prisons for animals that are locked up for not committing a crime. Why do you want to look at animals that are depressed? Wipe that smile off your face.

Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

Surely you jest. You mean when PPP was in power. Didn't everything undergo instant decay and disrepair overnight right after PNC took over?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

There's no record of your graduation. Dem seh if you go black yuh cyant go back, but yuh can always go back and finish up.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

There's no record of your graduation. Dem seh if you go black yuh cyant go back, but yuh can always go back and finish up.

Low life Lilly, didn’t I tell you to disappear or do you want me to arrange for that to happen.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

There's no record of your graduation. Dem seh if you go black yuh cyant go back, but yuh can always go back and finish up.

Low life Lilly, didn’t I tell you to disappear or do you want me to arrange for that to happen.

Heeeheeee, haaaahaaaaaaa

The disappearing arrangement.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

There's no record of your graduation. Dem seh if you go black yuh cyant go back, but yuh can always go back and finish up.

She claim she transferred her credits and continued in the US.  She claims she was the youngest in UG, then transferred to the US.  But she graduated CUNY at 36!  That must me some looooonng undergrad!  And even that has a "transactional" back story!

She was never going to do GNS, she said it was Burnham duglarisation program, then why attend UG.  GNS was a fixed and known part of the equation.

That butch missed her calling!!  She should be writing fiction novels!  There is no record of her ever attending UG!  I guess she attended UG as much as she attended NYU!

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

There's no record of your graduation. Dem seh if you go black yuh cyant go back, but yuh can always go back and finish up.

She claim she transferred her credits and continued in the US.  She claims she was the youngest in UG, then transferred to the US.  But she graduated CUNY at 36!  That must me some looooonng undergrad!  And even that has a "transactional" back story!

She was never going to do GNS, she said it was Burnham duglarisation program, then why attend UG.  GNS was a fixed and known part of the equation.

That butch missed her calling!!  She should be writing fiction novels!  There is no record of her ever attending UG!  I guess she attended UG as much as she attended NYU!

Go and worry about those people you have shelved up in drug rehab centers and stop stalking me. You are a pathetic piece of shit wasting Time on GNI because you have nothing else to do with your sickening life.  I have education. You don’t.  I have a home. You don’t.  I have a job. You don’t.  

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Truth is, I just like reading what she's writing. I imagine what it must have been and felt like. Then theres the cassava ball thing. Kinda wondering why she didn't walk with lil baigan choka an a roti in she bag.

....... I also had many close relatives working there.  One in The Registrar, David Karran’s office and the head of the Department of Political Science was my uncle.  All I had to do was stop by their office and food was available.  On the days when I didn’t feel like walking the long road, my best friend, the daughter of Attorney General Shahabudeen would give me a ride in her government chauffeured vehicle.  I was privileged.

Now that we are past the name-dropping phase, still don’t understand, you claim “privilege” status.  Why then did you not graduate?  Instead you opted for a boot-leg Green Card marriage!

Understand, it makes no sense to us “Commoners” from someone claiming Royalty status!

I still have to verify the royalty status when I meet up with the Rankster.


In 1990 Hoyte was discussing university fees with the various local banks headquartered in Georgetown.  He was asking them if they were willing to provide loans to students when he implemented university fees at University of Guyana.  There is a television recording of Hoyte (on the record) broadcasted on the Guyana government TV station stating that Guyana university students will be able to take loans from Guyana banks to pay their university fees when they attend the University of Guyana. 

Last edited by Prashad

...and now a word from our sponsors.

Feeling bummed out, had a long tiring day and just feel the need to kick back,? ...Yeahhhhh, we all have those days...but do not despair, get on that phone and. call the 'erb hotline 1-800- 666-6666 ask for Belze aka Lucifer and he gonna fix you up.?.and now, back to regular programming...let'# get ready to rumbĺleeeee.

Last edited by cain
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
She claim she transferred her credits and continued in the US.  She claims she was the youngest in UG, then transferred to the US.  But she graduated CUNY at 36!  That must me some looooonng undergrad!  And even that has a "transactional" back story!

She was never going to do GNS, she said it was Burnham duglarisation program, then why attend UG.  GNS was a fixed and known part of the equation.

That butch missed her calling!!  She should be writing fiction novels!  There is no record of her ever attending UG!  I guess she attended UG as much as she attended NYU!

Go and worry about those people you have shelved up in drug rehab centers and stop stalking me. You are a pathetic piece of shit wasting Time on GNI because you have nothing else to do with your sickening life.  I have education. You don’t.  I have a home. You don’t.  I have a job. You don’t.  

Rass, baseman jobless, homeless and edumacatedless? Den he like slopcan bai and he bass lilmohan, except dem chaps still got a lil hold on with slop can duties. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

There's no record of your graduation. Dem seh if you go black yuh cyant go back, but yuh can always go back and finish up.

She claim she transferred her credits and continued in the US.  She claims she was the youngest in UG, then transferred to the US.  But she graduated CUNY at 36!  That must me some looooonng undergrad!  And even that has a "transactional" back story!

She was never going to do GNS, she said it was Burnham duglarisation program, then why attend UG.  GNS was a fixed and known part of the equation.

That butch missed her calling!!  She should be writing fiction novels!  There is no record of her ever attending UG!  I guess she attended UG as much as she attended NYU!

Go and worry about those people you have shelved up in drug rehab centers and stop stalking me. You are a pathetic piece of shit wasting Time on GNI because you have nothing else to do with your sickening life.  I have education. You don’t.  I have a home. You don’t.  I have a job. You don’t.  

But he did not get dumped. 

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Does anyone know the condition of UG now. Are plans in place to remedy the situation?

It’s in better condition now than when I was a student there.  It’s also expanded.  Have some new buildings and roads.

There's no record of your graduation. Dem seh if you go black yuh cyant go back, but yuh can always go back and finish up.

Low life Lilly, didn’t I tell you to disappear or do you want me to arrange for that to happen.

DP, I have taken this as a threat on my life. You have a record and known to the police. I am not taking your comments lightly. You hang out with well known thugs and money launderers. Perhaps you will send your thug Anter Banter Nerayanan to kill me. He has a reputation. I will mention their names also in my report.


You are a raging lunatic who can only argue with women and children. No one will bother to piss on you.  Even if you were on fire.  

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:

...and now a word from our sponsors.

Feeling bummed out, had a long tiring day and just feel the need to kick back,? ...Yeahhhhh, we all have those days...but do not despair, get on that phone and. call the 'erb hotline 1-800- 666-6666 ask for Belze aka Lucifer and he gonna fix you up.?.and now, back to regular programming...let'# get ready to rumbĺleeeee.

I hope that this Belze aka Lucifer is not a pimp and that Cain is promoting his services on Gn&I so that he can get a discount on the P---.

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
I find this very interesting.

I find it very creative!!!!!!

I hate when people say interesting. Speak your mind whether good or bad and let the chips fall where they may.   I believe the correct spelling of the T word above is Turkeyen

You are correct ma-am. I remember joking and saying Turkey-en.

GTAngler posted:
You are correct ma-am. I remember joking and saying Turkey-en.

In 2014, spouse requested his UG Transcript and asked a friend to pay for it in Guyana. It amounted to US$50 including the mailing fee; is that normal or a big ripoff? 

Last edited by Former Member
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