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The PPP/C attraction to the populace

Written by Prem Misir
Sunday, 02 October 2011 06:05
Source: Chronicle

A PERSON does not have to be a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) member or supporter to surmise that the PPP/C will sweep the polls at the imminent 2011 national election. I say this because there are no real opposition parties; they are merely opposition on paper, especially now that WikiLeaks, which recently provided fodder for their campaigns have now done the disappearing act on them. The opposition campaigns are now devoid of this silage.

A person can reach this conclusion opposing the opposition vis-à-vis the following: (1) the perceived coup d'état at the House of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) where the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), a party without a constituency, is now at the controls, enabling the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) to gently ‘step aside’; (2) then the persisting usual squabbles in the Alliance for Change (AFC) over its leadership, presidential candidacy, and prime ministership; (3) the other contesting parties in the 2011 election ‘also ran’.

And let us make no mistake about the fact that the PPP/C’s attractiveness to the populace is its solid public governance record and rock-solid accomplishments. The PPP/C has a few insignificant detractors with some favorite pastimes, such as, cherry picking and overgeneralization. Don Lindsay refers to cherry picking as, where we only present those cases to match our own biases, to sustain our own pre-existing beliefs.

Noted research methods author Babbie argues that when a person rummages around for patterns among what we see all-around us, we frequently take for granted that a few misleading cases really are evidence of some general pattern; in doing this, we overgeneralize. Babbie believes that a danger of overgeneralization is that it could result in selective observation.

The end result of cherry picking and overgeneralization is the presentation of erroneous information to the masses and this is what the PPP/C detractors, invariably, do.
Notwithstanding these silly detractions and to show just a few progressive macroeconomic developmental aspects for Guyana, it is worth taking a peek at what happened in 1991, 2006 and 2010:

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Originally posted by Cobra:
The PPP/C attraction to the populace

Written by Prem Misir
Sunday, 02 October 2011 06:05
Source: Chronicle

A PERSON does not have to be a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) member or supporter to surmise that the PPP/C will sweep the polls at the imminent 2011 national election. I say this because there are no real opposition parties; they are merely opposition on paper, especially now that WikiLeaks, which recently provided fodder for their campaigns have now done the disappearing act on them. The opposition campaigns are now devoid of this silage.

A person can reach this conclusion opposing the opposition vis-à-vis the following: (1) the perceived coup d'état at the House of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) where the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), a party without a constituency, is now at the controls, enabling the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) to gently ‘step aside’; (2) then the persisting usual squabbles in the Alliance for Change (AFC) over its leadership, presidential candidacy, and prime ministership; (3) the other contesting parties in the 2011 election ‘also ran’.

And let us make no mistake about the fact that the PPP/C’s attractiveness to the populace is its solid public governance record and rock-solid accomplishments. The PPP/C has a few insignificant detractors with some favorite pastimes, such as, cherry picking and overgeneralization. Don Lindsay refers to cherry picking as, where we only present those cases to match our own biases, to sustain our own pre-existing beliefs.

Noted research methods author Babbie argues that when a person rummages around for patterns among what we see all-around us, we frequently take for granted that a few misleading cases really are evidence of some general pattern; in doing this, we overgeneralize. Babbie believes that a danger of overgeneralization is that it could result in selective observation.

The end result of cherry picking and overgeneralization is the presentation of erroneous information to the masses and this is what the PPP/C detractors, invariably, do.
Notwithstanding these silly detractions and to show just a few progressive macroeconomic developmental aspects for Guyana, it is worth taking a peek at what happened in 1991, 2006 and 2010:
Has Goebbels Miser now become Goebbels "madam Cleo" Misir? He is in the distraction and dissmlilation business but now he wants the soothsaying business as well.

How can the Wikileaks information disappeared? I bet he would not say that now the PNC regime is gone its misrule is to be forgotten. The PPP has to live with the knowledge that others think they are incompetent, facilitate the drug trade and are set to over take the PNC in naked corruption.

The PPP are the incumbent administration and they do have inherent advantages. Further, the use the nations till as their campaign slush fund so yes they are ahead of the game. However, the point here is to make them irrelevant in parliament so while they have to protect a simple majority and this era of discontent and a 100 thousand young people who are not on the Venus fly trap of race based voting, they are definitely on an uphill climb.

Misir would not need this propagandist, soothsaying had he not realize this. He is too much of an opportunist not to see his parasitism is about to come to a road block.

Misir, our macro economic plan is the begging bowl. Nothing will obscure that naked reality.
Originally posted by Cobra:
The PPP/C attraction to the populace

Written by Prem Misir
Sunday, 02 October 2011 06:05
Source: Chronicle

Prem isn't even experienced enough to clean my boots, let alone writing nonsense on toilet paper.

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