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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition has made the 10th Parliament the least successful in Guyana's history, the P.P.P/C will no longer be a victim of their own success, and stand the best chance among the political parties to win any snap elections, by a majority.

If wishes were horses then the PPP would have a chance at winning a majority . They spent lavishly from subsidies by the clients they enabled to become filthy rich through a  fleecing of  the state assets. Add to that the co opting of state workers and state assets to private party use in their campaign. Even with that and a papering of the nation with the pictures of the Jabba the Hut Ramotar and liberal giveaways of swag emblazon with party propaganda they lost!


 Success for the PPP is the license to steal. On that account they are getting their hands smacked left and right as they try to loot the nation's till. They people see that


Meanwhile, they proposed nothing new  or imaginative to change the people's view of them. If anything they have highlighted their odium and undesirability for office. Their constant screeching for autocratic powers is  an insult to the ears. Insisting hey are outside the authority of restraint by the legislature and thinking themselves our appointed sovereigns who are answerable to no one is not a way to regain moral authority. They are doomed to lose again.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition has made the 10th Parliament the least successful in Guyana's history, the P.P.P/C will no longer be a victim of their own success, and stand the best chance among the political parties to win any snap elections, by a majority.

No need to mislead the public conscience!


The PPP will definitely win a snap election, but not by a majority.


If the PPP believed they could win a majority they would have already called a snap election.


As of today, the PPP will not win a majority---maybe in a few years time---but not today.






The AFC has demonstrated that they are a gang of self-aggrandizing narcissists who will stoop as low as necessary, including to the incitement of violence, to draw attention to themselves. I think that this has become increasingly clear to the voters who may have at one time voted for the AFC because they were a novelty. That won't happen twice.

Originally Posted by Henry:

The AFC has demonstrated that they are a gang of self-aggrandizing narcissists who will stoop as low as necessary, including to the incitement of violence, to draw attention to themselves.




I think that this has become increasingly clear to the voters who may have at one time voted for the AFC because they were a novelty. That won't happen twice.



You are clearly a man of superior intelligence, and you have made a valid point regarding the dissipation of the AFC's novelty.


The Rev maintains that the PPP will not win a majority if a snap election were held today, but in a few years time the possibility exists that Ramotar will acquire greater trust and respect among the Guyanese people and could very well win a majority.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its a view across a wide cross section of the society, that supporters especially of the PPP/C were very complacency, and didn't see the need to cast their ballots, they probably were off the illusion that PPP/C won already

Don't blame the PPP supporters! Blame the PPP---they ran a pi$$ poor campaign!



RE: Region 8


The PPP(741 votes) lost region 8 to the AFC(995 votes) by 254 votes.


Rather than waste millions campaigning in region 10---the PPP could have focused more on region 8 ---that 1 seat in region 8 could have made the PPP the majority party in parliament.




What is the PPP doing to win back region 8 in the next election ?


Has Ramotar visited region 8 yet ?


Or is he comfortable with his party being a minority party ?






We have to create more political space for the poor and the working class so that they can drive their development issues.


This mean – new local government elections.


The Local Government elections will reveal how much more votes the PPP will lose.


People are more willing to vote their real feeling in the local Government elections without fear of the PNC.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Henry:

The AFC has demonstrated that they are a gang of self-aggrandizing narcissists who will stoop as low as necessary, including to the incitement of violence, to draw attention to themselves.




I think that this has become increasingly clear to the voters who may have at one time voted for the AFC because they were a novelty. That won't happen twice.



You are clearly a man of superior intelligence, and you have made a valid point regarding the dissipation of the AFC's novelty.


The Rev maintains that the PPP will not win a majority if a snap election were held today, but in a few years time the possibility exists that Ramotar will acquire greater trust and respect among the Guyanese people and could very well win a majority.



He has the brain power of a conditioned larouchite gnat. That you find him kindred is also not surprising. Claiming to be a man of numbers and afflicted with chronic innumeracy does make you kin.


No one gets celebrity status from protesting against the PPP and highlighting their perfidious nature. The job has no wage to it and the PPP are after all, adroit murderers. That Gerhard stands on the line is is an act of supreme courage an in time I bet your grand children may sing his name when Jagdeo and Ramotar is long gone. That is so because he is on the precipice of remarkable transformation of our society. The PPP cannot steal at will as they used to because men like Gerhard stand on the wall

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP cannot steal at will as they used to because men like Gerhard stand on the wall




As you are aware, business is booming in Guyana---foreign investors are lining up to invest in the mining sector.


Guess what Stormy ?


PPP politicians get a kickback--money under the table--payola--a reward from every single project that gets developed in Guyana.


And there is nothing the AFC or PNC could do to stop the PPP payoffs---infact, opposition politicians are drooling for a piece of the action--your bwoy Gerard Ramsaroop would love to get a piece of the action--no more slaving away in his lil flower shop.


In a few years Guyanese will see a completed marriott, a completed CJIA, a completed amaila falls hydro---they will also see the Canadians developing huge gold mines---they will see numerous other developments.


What Guyanese won't see is the tens of millions(US)---maybe hundreds of millions in bribes and kickbacks PPP politicians would have received from those projects.




Kickbacks--bribes--payola--money under the table--payoffs--gifts--tens of millions.


What says you Stormborn ?lol



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP cannot steal at will as they used to because men like Gerhard stand on the wall




As you are aware, business is booming in Guyana---foreign investors are lining up to invest in the mining sector.


Guess what Stormy ?


PPP politicians get a kickback--money under the table--payola--a reward from every single project that gets developed in Guyana.


And there is nothing the AFC or PNC could do to stop the PPP payoffs---infact, opposition politicians are drooling for a piece of the action--your bwoy Gerard Ramsaroop would love to get a piece of the action--no more slaving away in his lil flower shop.


In a few years Guyanese will see a completed marriott, a completed CJIA, a completed amaila falls hydro---they will also see the Canadians developing huge gold mines---they will see numerous other developments.


What Guyanese won't see is the tens of millions(US)---maybe hundreds of millions in bribes and kickbacks PPP politicians would have received from those projects.




Kickbacks--bribes--payola--money under the table--payoffs--gifts--tens of millions.


What says you Stormborn ?lol



 Let me address your last sentence first. If you think that is what the PNC will do then you ought to have the same moral compulsion to address what the PPP is doing. They are running a scam on us. The Marriott, for example.  is just a graft laced project and not something one celebrates. One does not celebrate the theft of the nation assets as these crooks openly do. It is not their money to spend as they choose and on that account the nation will demand redress and restitution.


That there is a vibrant business climate  in this setting is not a thing to cheer about. The equally industrial strength corruption paralleling it robs the nation of any benefit of that seeming surface success. It is often the case in corrupt societies as one saw in the Philippines and Indonesia or Antigua. Crooks like abundance of graft sources. With that option gone the monies and attendant benefits can trickle down to the society at large and our people will get the benefit of the nations success. They will not be a persisting poverty ridden mess second only from the bottom in earning power in the west. We are only beating Haiti!


Your chronic tolerance for corruption and your firm belief that it is a normal state of affairs is also not surprising to me either. From you I saw the most virulent racist bilge ever on this site. It is the basis for your disconnect from what is fundamentally a lacking in a moral center. Somewhere above I see you stating that you relish being that way.Only a fool like being morally unfit human being.


Last edited by Former Member

Me Fada seh:


The Ramutar regime has made the 10th Parliament the least successful in Guyana's history, the P.P.P/C has no leadership skills and is the main reason for its own down fall with the widespread corruption.


There will be no snap election since the PPP is fearful they will loses 5 more seats in the House.


Is the majority opposition using this opportunity to its benefit?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me address your last sentence first. If you think that is what the PNC will do then you ought to have the same moral compulsion to address what the PPP is doing. They are running a scam on us. 




There is no such thing as an honest politician.


Actually, the phrase "honest politician" is like "jumbo shrimp"---it's a great oxymoron.


Politicians are folks with immense power, but they make very little money, and so most are on the take---bribes, payoffs, money under the table, payola, etc, etc are gifted to them.


Look at the current PPP politicians--Jagdeo, Persaud, Ali, Rohee, etc, etc---these poor souls couldn't afford a cheap chinese bicycle before the PPP came into power---today they are some of the wealthiest folks in Guyana---they profited from their power.


Listen Stormy! Don't be naive---the PNC/AFC politicians are drooling to control the executive branch because of the "gifts" they will be showered with---power brings gifts.


Once again Storm---there is no such thing as an honest politician. And as long as Guyana continues to grow and prosper those who control the executive branch will fill their pockets---the PNC/AFC politicians are dying to receive gifts---they are very jealous of the PPP politicians.hahahaha


Former president Jagdeo now lives in the biggest mansion in Guyana--just wait until you see the mansion Ramotar will build.hahahahaha






Welcome back Rev Dirtbag,


First it was you cluttering the board with numbers showing a huge win for the PPP...things fell apart,you then ran away with tail between legs.


Next comes the US Presidency. Banna you made some of the worse racist posts ever on this site,you should have been tossed out on your ass for some which were not appropriate.

Again you showered us with numbers...again you lost...again you slipped away ...tail between legs.


Many of the posters here are well aware the present govt of Guyana are a crooked bunch and this is what we've said all along and I'm glad that you say the same here, but what I find troubling is that you seem to find some comfort in this, you find comfort knowing that the govt is stealing from the people while the people punish.



"Many of the posters here are well aware the present govt of Guyana are a crooked bunch and this is what we've said all along and I'm glad that you say the same here, but what I find troubling is that you seem to find some comfort in this,you find comfort knowing that the govt is stealing from the people while the people punish."




Is this how the rest of you PPP guys feel (confortable knowing this)?

Come on now guys, fess up.

Originally Posted by cain:

"Many of the posters here are well aware the present govt of Guyana are a crooked bunch and this is what we've said all along and I'm glad that you say the same here, but what I find troubling is that you seem to find some comfort in this,you find comfort knowing that the govt is stealing from the people while the people punish."




Is this how the rest of you PPP guys feel (confortable knowing this)?

Come on now guys, fess up.

Rev is Paul Chandra. He is pushing the race card.
He further lost his credibility with his ludicrous numbers on the Presidency.

Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has got to be careful to prevent electronic rigging. 

Thanks for pointing this out TK.


An opposition task force to address this particular matter and the other well established, in place, shyte the PPP got away with last time must be set up NOW.


We should not forget that it only takes a modest amount of rigging (not massive) for evil to prevail in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has got to be careful to prevent electronic rigging. 

Thanks for pointing this out TK.


An opposition task force to address this particular matter and the other well established, in place, shyte the PPP got away with last time must be set up NOW.


We must remember that it only takes a little bit of rigging (not massive) for evil to prevail in Guyana.

When Snakeoil selling, ROBBER BARRONS like you speak of Rigging, it is not just Shameful but shows the depth of sewage that covered your brain.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has got to be careful to prevent electronic rigging. 

Thanks for pointing this out TK.


An opposition task force to address this particular matter and the other well established, in place, shyte the PPP got away with last time must be set up NOW.


We should not forget that it only takes a modest amount of rigging (not massive) for evil to prevail in Guyana.

When Snakeoil selling, ROBBER BARRONS like you speak of Rigging, it is not just Shameful but shows the depth of sewage that covered your brain.

yaaawn . . . speak to the point being made nah

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has got to be careful to prevent electronic rigging. 

Thanks for pointing this out TK.


An opposition task force to address this particular matter and the other well established, in place, shyte the PPP got away with last time must be set up NOW.


We should not forget that it only takes a modest amount of rigging (not massive) for evil to prevail in Guyana.

When Snakeoil selling, ROBBER BARRONS like you speak of Rigging, it is not just Shameful but shows the depth of sewage that covered your brain.

yaaawn . . . speak to the point being made nah

I did.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has got to be careful to prevent electronic rigging. 

Thanks for pointing this out TK.


An opposition task force to address this particular matter and the other well established, in place, shyte the PPP got away with last time must be set up NOW.


We should not forget that it only takes a modest amount of rigging (not massive) for evil to prevail in Guyana.

When Snakeoil selling, ROBBER BARRONS like you speak of Rigging, it is not just Shameful but shows the depth of sewage that covered your brain.

yaaawn . . . speak to the point being made nah

I did.

ahmmm . . . no, u didn't

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP cannot steal at will as they used to because men like Gerhard stand on the wall




As you are aware, business is booming in Guyana---foreign investors are lining up to invest in the mining sector.


Guess what Stormy ?


PPP politicians get a kickback--money under the table--payola--a reward from every single project that gets developed in Guyana.


And there is nothing the AFC or PNC could do to stop the PPP payoffs---infact, opposition politicians are drooling for a piece of the action--your bwoy Gerard Ramsaroop would love to get a piece of the action--no more slaving away in his lil flower shop.


In a few years Guyanese will see a completed marriott, a completed CJIA, a completed amaila falls hydro---they will also see the Canadians developing huge gold mines---they will see numerous other developments.


What Guyanese won't see is the tens of millions(US)---maybe hundreds of millions in bribes and kickbacks PPP politicians would have received from those projects.




Kickbacks--bribes--payola--money under the table--payoffs--gifts--tens of millions.


What says you Stormborn ?lol



 Let me address your last sentence first. If you think that is what the PNC will do then you ought to have the same moral compulsion to address what the PPP is doing. They are running a scam on us. The Marriott, for example.  is just a graft laced project and not something one celebrates. One does not celebrate the theft of the nation assets as these crooks openly do. It is not their money to spend as they choose and on that account the nation will demand redress and restitution.


That there is a vibrant business climate  in this setting is not a thing to cheer about. The equally industrial strength corruption paralleling it robs the nation of any benefit of that seeming surface success. It is often the case in corrupt societies as one saw in the Philippines and Indonesia or Antigua. Crooks like abundance of graft sources. With that option gone the monies and attendant benefits can trickle down to the society at large and our people will get the benefit of the nations success. They will not be a persisting poverty ridden mess second only from the bottom in earning power in the west. We are only beating Haiti!


Your chronic tolerance for corruption and your firm belief that it is a normal state of affairs is also not surprising to me either. From you I saw the most virulent racist bilge ever on this site. It is the basis for your disconnect from what is fundamentally a lacking in a moral center. Somewhere above I see you stating that you relish being that way.Only a fool like being morally unfit human being.


For a small nation, Guyana has a lot of entrepreneurial vibrancy which is surging the nation forward.  The problem, not everyone is participating.  If you are not connected or well educated/skilled, you are out in the cold.  The Govt should seek effecting ways to mitigating this without destroying what is working


Things are changing for the better and will continue to improve.  The people should not risk regression by allowing the PNC to rise.  The PNC could play a positive role as a vibrant opposition.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The people should not risk regression by allowing the PNC to rise.  The PNC could play a positive role as a vibrant opposition.

 translation: doan let dem blackman near powah yeh . . . heh heh heh heh heh

If the cards are played correct, the opposition could yield power.  BTW, has little to do with race.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The people should not risk regression by allowing the PNC to rise.  The PNC could play a positive role as a vibrant opposition.

 translation: doan let dem blackman near powah yeh . . . heh heh heh heh heh

This is what I call brainless and/or a skillful Snakeoil Salesman. Or maybe he will play ignorant and Dumb about knowledge of the PNC. Or maybe he is simply dumb and lack of knowledge.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The people should not risk regression by allowing the PNC to rise.  The PNC could play a positive role as a vibrant opposition.

 translation: doan let dem blackman near powah yeh . . . heh heh heh heh heh

. . . has little to do with race.

har de har har har

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

translation: In Guyana, doan let dem blackman near powah yeh . . . heh heh heh heh heh .. till the cows come home!

Skeldon_man . . . [to the extent that you actually DO live in MN] u doan live among dem u call "negras" in N Minneapolis; and dem doan know bout GNI [unless Rep Ellison staff paying attention to my emails] . . . suh, no need to slice, dice and 'qualify' your bigotry


it's, ummmmm . . . pathetic

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

translation: In Guyana, doan let dem blackman near powah yeh . . . heh heh heh heh heh .. till the cows come home!

Skeldon_man . . . u doan live among dem u call "negras" in N Minneapolis; and dem doan know bout GNI [unless Rep Ellison staff paying attention to my emails] . . . suh, no need to slice, dice and 'qualify' your bigotry


it's, ummmmm . . . pathetic

Redux: Freedom of Speech is guaranteed in America and has been in Guyana since 1992. Thanks to the PPP.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

translation: In Guyana, doan let dem blackman near powah yeh . . . heh heh heh heh heh .. till the cows come home!

Skeldon_man . . . u doan live among dem u call "negras" in N Minneapolis; and dem doan know bout GNI [unless Rep Ellison staff paying attention to my emails] . . . suh, no need to slice, dice and 'qualify' your bigotry


it's, ummmmm . . . pathetic

Redux: Freedom of Speech is guaranteed in America and has been in Guyana since 1992. Thanks to the PPP.

aaannd, your point is . . .??


Political simpletons like Asnhi Singh and Nandalall want election in an effort to remove Ramotar. However the PPP internal poll was a shocker. They cannot afford to win an election with only 42%. Two things will happen: (i) if there is election expect electronic rigging. However a likely result, according to Moses: (ii) a PPP=PNC coalition in the new year. Both want to see the AFC dead. It will be non-constitutional collusion. Massive corruption and dictatorship can result. We are prepared for the struggle, however. Baseman get ready for the bamboo wedding. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has got to be careful to prevent electronic rigging. 

Thanks for pointing this out TK.


An opposition task force to address this particular matter and the other well established, in place, shyte the PPP got away with last time must be set up NOW.


We must remember that it only takes a little bit of rigging (not massive) for evil to prevail in Guyana.

When Snakeoil selling, ROBBER BARRONS like you speak of Rigging, it is not just Shameful but shows the depth of sewage that covered your brain.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me address your last sentence first. If you think that is what the PNC will do then you ought to have the same moral compulsion to address what the PPP is doing. They are running a scam on us. 




There is no such thing as an honest politician.


Actually, the phrase "honest politician" is like "jumbo shrimp"---it's a great oxymoron.


Politicians are folks with immense power, but they make very little money, and so most are on the take---bribes, payoffs, money under the table, payola, etc, etc are gifted to them.


Look at the current PPP politicians--Jagdeo, Persaud, Ali, Rohee, etc, etc---these poor souls couldn't afford a cheap chinese bicycle before the PPP came into power---today they are some of the wealthiest folks in Guyana---they profited from their power.


Listen Stormy! Don't be naive---the PNC/AFC politicians are drooling to control the executive branch because of the "gifts" they will be showered with---power brings gifts.


Once again Storm---there is no such thing as an honest politician. And as long as Guyana continues to grow and prosper those who control the executive branch will fill their pockets---the PNC/AFC politicians are dying to receive gifts---they are very jealous of the PPP politicians.hahahaha


Former president Jagdeo now lives in the biggest mansion in Guyana--just wait until you see the mansion Ramotar will build.hahahahaha





Whatever moral relativist universe you inhabit; it is not the one in which the rest of us live. I  know you do not even believe what you just said. If you did you or you would not be so quick with your condemnations of the the PNC.


As I see it, you are simply making excuse for the crooks in the PPP. They are not another specie of humans and humans everywhere live by established precepts as to what is good or bad.


Per these very precepts we can determine the difference between good better  or what political system and political behavior is acceptable or not. The PPP are corrupt and excusing them on the idea that they simply do what all politicians do is for dummies.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP cannot steal at will as they used to because men like Gerhard stand on the wall



For a small nation, Guyana has a lot of entrepreneurial vibrancy which is surging the nation forward.  The problem, not everyone is participating.  If you are not connected or well educated/skilled, you are out in the cold.  The Govt should seek effecting ways to mitigating this without destroying what is working


Things are changing for the better and will continue to improve.  The people should not risk regression by allowing the PNC to rise.  The PNC could play a positive role as a vibrant opposition.

If the PNC can play a vibrant role in the opposition so can the PPP. Their way absolutely corrupt and corruption is never  progress so  your idea that without them we would regress is nonsense. Were I you I would take a quiet moment and reflect on what compels me to make such silly statements.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has got to be careful to prevent electronic rigging. 

Thanks for pointing this out TK.


An opposition task force to address this particular matter and the other well established, in place, shyte the PPP got away with last time must be set up NOW.


We must remember that it only takes a little bit of rigging (not massive) for evil to prevail in Guyana.

When Snakeoil selling, ROBBER BARRONS like you speak of Rigging, it is not just Shameful but shows the depth of sewage that covered your brain.

Dude, you are the sewer not merely sewage.


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