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The present leaders of the PPP are not like Dr Jagan

MARCH 19, 2014



Dear Editor,

This ruling PPP/C regime is not the PPP that Dr Cheddi Jagan founded on January 1, 1950; it is the total opposite. Dr Jagan’s PPP was a party of the poor and working class; the present day PPP/C is a party of the wealthy and well-connected elite.

When Dr Jagan returned to British Guiana in 1943, after studying in the US, he entered the political arena as an advocate of the poor, and a representative of the working man. He fought tirelessly to liberate our country from colonialism.

He championed the cause of sugar workers, farmers and down-trodden rural peoples. Even his political opponents must acknowledge that Dr Jagan fought for freedom, justice, fairness and equality; he was a man among men.

Unfortunately, after his death on March 6, 1997, and particularly after Mr Bharrat Jagdeo became president in August 1999, Dr Jagan’s PPP died; the working-class values which defined the party were buried, and the PPP/C of the wealthy elite was created.

In April 2012, at a memorial for Dr Jagan, his daughter Ms Nadira Jagan-Brancier expressed it best. Describing her parents as simple, humble people who fought for the working class, she said: “That is what they stood for, but the party has moved away.” She pointed out that her father did not have a big, ostentatious home like today’s party officials; she described her parents as modest, incorruptible people of integrity and high standards. Ms Jagan-Brancier said that these values do not exist in the PPP/C today.

It would be impossible to refute Ms Jagan-Brancier’s words; she grew up with Dr Jagan; she knew the man; his blood runs in her veins. Her assertions are easily confirmed by observed realities, including the lack of a functioning Integrity Commission and Guyana’s deplorable rating on the Corruption Perception Index. The differences between Dr Jagan’s values and the actions of today’s leaders could not be more obvious.

Editor, Dr Jagan would never have allowed the sugar industry to fall into terminal decline; he would never have permitted the squandering of billions of dollars on a non-producing factory at Skeldon. Dr Jagan would have stood up for the poor workers; he would have kept his word, he would have paid attention to the problems of hinterland residents and rural farmers.

On March 14, 2014, rural rice farmers in Essequibo protested the low price and lack of markets for paddy, and pleaded for government’s attention. In response, the chairman of the Guyana Rice Development Board, Mr Jagnarine Singh, said that it was not the board’s responsibility to find markets for rice. Would Cheddi Jagan have condoned such a response?

Would Dr Jagan have ignored the plight of poor patients without access to medication at Guyana’s hospitals? According to reports, the Berbice Regional Health Authority often has to borrow money from the Region 6 Administration to purchase drugs when the Ministry of Health does not deliver supplies.

The situation in Region 2 is no different; the Suddie Public Hospital and Charity Oscar Joseph Hospital are also plagued with shortages.

At the Lethem Hospital in Region 10, the situation got so bad that the Nurse in Charge, Emona Hamid, reported that she often has to beg the nearby Brazilians for basic medication to treat patients. Would Cheddi Jagan have allowed this to happen? Would the father of the PPP have turned a blind eye to primary school children fetching water to flush toilets at their school in Moruka, or children carrying firewood from the Paramakatoi hills to their school in Kato, to cook meals?

We recall that in May, 2013, the women of Yarrowkabra were told to vacate land on which they were burning coal. These women were making ends meet by producing and selling coal from wood given to them by Bulkan Timber Works. And they were told to move off the land, so that BK International could set up a big sand mine. Would Dr Jagan have done this; would he have evicted poor, working people from land, and given it to a wealthy company?

It is clear, the present rulers with their rich friends, Pradoville mansions and chartered jets, are nothing like the modest, humble man who spoke for the workers; the rich rulers of today are not worthy to speak Dr Jagan’s name. Today’s PPP/C may hold onto the PPP name, but it is not the same.

Therefore, Guyanese, like yours truly, who admired Dr Jagan’s values and integrity, are under no obligation to support this new regime that has none of his values.

The current crop of elite rulers do not care about poor people; they have no interest in rural farmers or hinterland residents.

Therefore, Guyanese who admired Cheddi Jagan must reject the attempts of this regime to use Dr Jagan’s name to further their own personal agendas.

This PPP/C may hold onto the name but the present leaders have turned their backs on poor people, unemployed Guyanese, farmers and workers. They have scattered the ashes of Dr Jagan’s dream of a united Guyana; they do not represent Cheddi Jagan’s vision and they do not deserve our support.

Yours faithfully,

Mark DaCosta

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The combined and rotten PNC/AFC party cut the budget to punish Guyanese. The are out to cripple Guyana economically. 


The PPP will win a majority. Five more years. Five more years.

Last edited by Former Member

Would the father of the PPP have turned a blind eye to primary school children fetching water to flush toilets at their school in Moruka, or children carrying firewood from the Paramakatoi hills to their school in Kato, to cook meals?


NO!! But only because they had no school, Toilets nor Firewood.


THANK GOD, they are not.  BJ bitch-slapped those African terrorists from Buxton like Jagan never conceived.  They need to clean up their act a bit, but not revert to the CBJ "turn the other cheek" philosophy.

Originally Posted by baseman:

THANK GOD, they are not.  BJ bitch-slapped those African terrorists from Buxton like Jagan never conceived.  They need to clean up their act a bit, but not revert to the CBJ "turn the other cheek" philosophy.

bai if i were u, i would avoid using terms like "bitch-slapped" hay . . . especially like how alyuh conquering hero (bj's 'strong' rite haan) enduring contextual sufferation in federal prison, arite?


just sayin

Last edited by Former Member

How can Jagan be  a good and gracious leader when he leff his party to crooks?


The man had NO PLAN for the welfare of the country. Instead, he juss moussy along grinning everywhere. Perhaps, his grin was symbolic of his contempt for fools-the citizens of Guyana.


The AFC has to seek its own identity with its own leaders. The party has one of Guyana's best political leaders in the form of Comrade Moses.  Let him be the symbol of the party.


If the AFC continues to just piggy back on Dr.Jagan's humble living to help it gain political points then it is not going to go any where.  The true Hardcore Jaganites are getting old or departing for their final trip to the great beyond and most of them who remain will support the PPP in the end. The minority of true hardcore Jaganites, like Churchill, may have sympathy for the AFC nevertheless for many of them their hearts are still with the ppp. 


It is like the Democratic party using Ronald Reagan to gain votes by saying the Reagan was a democrat in the 1930s'.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

The AFC has to seek its own identity with its own leaders. The party has one of Guyana's best political leaders in the form of Comrade Moses.  Let him be the symbol of the party.


If the AFC continues to just piggy back on Dr.Jagan's humble living to help it gain political points then it is not going to go any where.  The true Hardcore Jaganites are getting old or departing for their final trip to the great beyond and most of them who remain will support the PPP in the end. The minority of true hardcore Jaganites, like Churchill, may have sympathy for the AFC nevertheless for many of them their hearts are still with the ppp. 


It is like the Democratic party using Ronald Reagan to gain votes by saying the Reagan was a democrat in the 1930s'.

I doan think the AFC can form the government-just say for some mysteriously circumstance, dey win the election. They will be in the same position as the 1992 PPP win. Jagan did not have talented people on board and he settled to appoint whoever he had in the party-which lead to the thieving fiasco we face today(ppl with undesirable character). Instead of recruiting the right ppl, the AFC would follow the same mistakes the PPP made AND APPOINT MEDIOCRES. THE CHIPS DOAN FALL FAR from THE block because both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo were in the bossom of a political system that had no appreciation for the Scientific Methods. Both these men are busy talking everywhere and every moment, yet their party has no structure. Once it was Trotman's call, then Ramjattan's call, then Nagamoottoo's call and for while it was Hughes' call. The party does not have structures.


The APNU would offer a much more better government. They should draw up a social contract for the indoes of the country. Declare in advance the names of Ministers in their government. For the Amerinds, they should provide the intiative that encourage all thing native. THe Presidential Candidate must have the mindset that he is determined to win votes outside of the afroes voter. Then everyone can say, "Is ahwe President."  

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The AFC has to seek its own identity with its own leaders. The party has one of Guyana's best political leaders in the form of Comrade Moses.  Let him be the symbol of the party.



I doan think the AFC can form the government-just say for some mysteriously circumstance, dey win the election. They will be in the same position as the 1992 PPP win. Jagan did not have talented people on board and he settled to appoint whoever he had in the party-which lead to the thieving fiasco we face today(ppl with undesirable character). Instead of recruiting the right ppl, the AFC would follow the same mistakes the PPP made AND APPOINT MEDIOCRES. THE CHIPS DOAN FALL FAR from THE block because both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo were in the bossom of a political system that had no appreciation for the Scientific Methods. Both these men are busy talking everywhere and every moment, yet their party has no structure. Once it was Trotman's call, then Ramjattan's call, then Nagamoottoo's call and for while it was Hughes' call. The party does not have structures.


The APNU would offer a much more better government. They should draw up a social contract for the indoes of the country. Declare in advance the names of Ministers in their government. For the Amerinds, they should provide the intiative that encourage all thing native. THe Presidential Candidate must have the mindset that he is determined to win votes outside of the afroes voter. Then everyone can say, "Is ahwe President."  

I beg to disagree, there are tons of skill Guyanese with international work ethnics ready to return to the shores of Guyana to serve in an AFC Government.


This is a myth that the PPP and PNC continue to peddle to marginalize the AFC.


Last edited by Former Member
How can these PPP tiefmen gather up the nerve to go to Babu John and claim that they are upholding Cheddi's legacy. They have no bloody shame. No wonder Cheddi's daughter blasted them and now boycotts the proceedings.

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