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The President and AG should be paying tax on their salaries


By , November 21, 2015, Source


Dear Editor,


I noted with no surprise the naturally intellectually flaccid response by the Department of Public Information (hereinafter referred to as ‘DPI" in seeking to justify the President and the Attorney General’s receipt of a tax-free salary in an attempt to justify their very own existence at the DPI.


Allow me to prÉcis the thrust of the argument advanced by the sum total of the (un)intellectual protagonists and/or political appointees at the DPI in response to my public questioning, as a duly elected Member of Parliament, of President Granger and the Attorney General’s tax free salaries: in essence the DPI said these were justified because President Jagdeo, President Ramotar and Anil Nandlall received tax-free salaries.


Not surprisingly, this response is exactly why the swing voters in this past election are so disappointed with the APNU+AFC government that they are publicly stating that they will never vote for the APNU or PNC or AFC again.


Had the ears of the APNU+AFC politicians and the DPI been close to the ground they would have heard the resounding and resonating public resentment with the APNU+AFC government and the assertion that “there has been no change but an exchange”. What the DPI fails to realise is that the vast majority of the 50% of persons who may have voted for the APNU+AFC coalition were expecting change (for the better) as was promised on the campaign trail, so any attempt to now justify any wrong, in this case a tax-free salary, with a statement of ‘well it used to happen in the past and even though we could correct it we won’t’ is obtuse and simply stupid, but more importantly, it shows conclusively that the APNU+AFC government and the DPI are out of touch with the people of the country.


The concluding paragraph which makes reference to my salary at the Office of the President before I resigned in 2012, a taxable $400,000 per month which, apropos, is $1.4M less per month than the president and prime minister receive and $500,000 less per month than the senior ministers receive in this APNU+AFC government (even though I have more degrees/qualifications, better grades from better universities than almost all of them) is a fallacious argument known as argumentum ad hominem.


Nice try, but the public will not be distracted by this stratagem, and the fact is that the President and the Attorney General ought to be paying tax on their public service salaries.


A comprehensive review of the executive government was done and there was no attempt to make the President and the Attorney General’s salaries taxable, and there is no reason in the world that could be proffered to justify their tax-free salary.


Second, this very ad hominem statement evinces definitively that the DPI is unprofessional, incompetent, and politicised. Instead of focusing some of their attention to make cheap political shots at me, the DPI has a public-good duty to perform and may want to consider asking its colleagues in the private media (they can start with Denis Chabrol), to score its performance and it will find that it is abysmally low. Further, another accurate barometer of the performance of the DPI is the public sentiment and approval rating for the government of the day. The incorrigibly low approval rating of this APNU+AFC government would lead one to conclude that all is not kosher at the DPI, but as the folk adage says, ‘easy lesson hard fa dunce.’


Finally, accepting that all court documents have to be filed and form part of the public record, I challenge the DPI to produce court documents which I would have filed in more than two matters before my resignation from the Office of the President within two weeks, failing which I shall be taking the necessary steps to identify the writer of the press release and to commence defamation litigation forthwith.


Yours faithfully,
Charles S Ramson,

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Had the ears of the APNU+AFC politicians and the DPI been close to the ground they would have heard the resounding and resonating public resentment with the APNU+AFC government and the assertion that “there has been no change but an exchange”. What the DPI fails to realise is that the vast majority of the 50% of persons who may have voted for the APNU+AFC coalition were expecting change (for the better) as was promised on the campaign trail, so any attempt to now justify any wrong, in this case a tax-free salary, with a statement of ‘well it used to happen in the past and even though we could correct it we won’t’ is obtuse and simply stupid, but more importantly, it shows conclusively that the APNU+AFC government and the DPI are out of touch with the people of the country.


The President and AG should be paying tax on their salaries, By , November 21, 2015, Source

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

I will get you arrested for abuse and attempted murder. You lost that right to speak up now since you did not have moral fortitude  to speak up then. You are being a hypocrite.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

Try am na and lets see the result, den we gun decide if you are stupid or not.  

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

I will get you arrested for abuse and attempted murder. You lost that right to speak up now since you did not have moral fortitude  to speak up then. You are being a hypocrite.

Mits, is this what you have come to----abusing people when they state their opinion to which they are entitled? 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

I will get you arrested for abuse and attempted murder. You lost that right to speak up now since you did not have moral fortitude  to speak up then. You are being a hypocrite.

Mits, is this what you have come to----abusing people when they state their opinion to which they are entitled? 

I thought that I was the only one observing what Mitwah's role on this board all about, insult and abuse. His analogy of the PPP vs PNC is what ever the PPP did in the past the PNC have a right to do the same. Well they all accused the PPP for thieving , just to give themselves that loophole to thief whenever they choose to thief.We can all conclude before hand, according to Mitwah's logic that the APNU\AFC are presently thieving.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

I will get you arrested for abuse and attempted murder. You lost that right to speak up now since you did not have moral fortitude  to speak up then. You are being a hypocrite.

Mits, is this what you have come to----abusing people when they state their opinion to which they are entitled? 

I thought that I was the only one observing what Mitwah's role on this board all about, insult and abuse. His analogy of the PPP vs PNC is what ever the PPP did in the past the PNC have a right to do the same. Well they all accused the PPP for thieving , just to give themselves that loophole to thief whenever they choose to thief.We can all conclude before hand, according to Mitwah's logic that the APNU\AFC are presently thieving.

Exactly...its like monkey do monkey do. He comes off as a moral character with his one liners and big words, but he has lost the balance he needs to see things objectively...notice he always condemn the PPP as crooks (and no one is denying this), but he says he is objective, yet never see anything wrong in what APNU and AFC has done...we will expose he rass...Mits...haul you tail...we watching you. 

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

Try am na and lets see the result, den we gun decide if you are stupid or not.  


You need to stop harassing dat cow.

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

I will get you arrested for abuse and attempted murder. You lost that right to speak up now since you did not have moral fortitude  to speak up then. You are being a hypocrite.

Mits, is this what you have come to----abusing people when they state their opinion to which they are entitled? 

What abuse?

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my piknie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

I will get you arrested for abuse and attempted murder. You lost that right to speak up now since you did not have moral fortitude  to speak up then. You are being a hypocrite.

Mits, is this what you have come to----abusing people when they state their opinion to which they are entitled? 

I thought that I was the only one observing what Mitwah's role on this board all about, insult and abuse. His analogy of the PPP vs PNC is what ever the PPP did in the past the PNC have a right to do the same. Well they all accused the PPP for thieving , just to give themselves that loophole to thief whenever they choose to thief.We can all conclude before hand, according to Mitwah's logic that the APNU\AFC are presently thieving.

He admitted that it was wrong then. He was silent about it. Isn't it normal or is it not expected that their remunerations are  non taxable? What's happening the Caricom countries? Why should the Attorney General be paid more than the Vice President who is second in line to the president.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

I will get you arrested for abuse and attempted murder. You lost that right to speak up now since you did not have moral fortitude  to speak up then. You are being a hypocrite.

Mits, is this what you have come to----abusing people when they state their opinion to which they are entitled? 

I thought that I was the only one observing what Mitwah's role on this board all about, insult and abuse. His analogy of the PPP vs PNC is what ever the PPP did in the past the PNC have a right to do the same. Well they all accused the PPP for thieving , just to give themselves that loophole to thief whenever they choose to thief.We can all conclude before hand, according to Mitwah's logic that the APNU\AFC are presently thieving.

Exactly...its like monkey do monkey do. He comes off as a moral character with his one liners and big words, but he has lost the balance he needs to see things objectively...notice he always condemn the PPP as crooks (and no one is denying this), but he says he is objective, yet never see anything wrong in what APNU and AFC has done...we will expose he rass...Mits...haul you tail...we watching you. 

Just remember, you threw the first punch when you called me a knuckle head. I can make a fool out of you but I really don't want to take the credits. BTW, I am for taxing all of them even retroactively for 25 years.


In the USA, President Barack Hussein Obama pays his taxes and files his yearly income tax returns and the press publishes his declared earnings. Same for Bill Clinton, GW Bush and others. US presidents are entitled to some non-taxable allowances, as are Canadian prime ministers. Basic salary is taxable.

Truly, I am surprised to learn that in poor little Guyana, Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar earned tax-free salaries and allowances. One can reasonably assume that the same applied to Presidents Janet Jagan, Cheddi Jagan, Desmond Hoyte and Forbes Burnham.

In the name of social justice, this is unfair. Presidents' basic salaries at least should be taxable.

At the same time, I must say bluntly that the PPP bigshots and Guyana Times are hypocritical in picking on President Granger's salary when they were totally silent before May 11.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did Jagdeo and Nandalall pay taxes on their salaries?

Obviously you fail to understand that two wrongs dont make a right. If I shoot my pinkie with a sling shot, will you do the same??? 

I will get you arrested for abuse and attempted murder. You lost that right to speak up now since you did not have moral fortitude  to speak up then. You are being a hypocrite.

Mits, is this what you have come to----abusing people when they state their opinion to which they are entitled? 

I thought that I was the only one observing what Mitwah's role on this board all about, insult and abuse. His analogy of the PPP vs PNC is what ever the PPP did in the past the PNC have a right to do the same. Well they all accused the PPP for thieving , just to give themselves that loophole to thief whenever they choose to thief.We can all conclude before hand, according to Mitwah's logic that the APNU\AFC are presently thieving.

Exactly...its like monkey do monkey do. He comes off as a moral character with his one liners and big words, but he has lost the balance he needs to see things objectively...notice he always condemn the PPP as crooks (and no one is denying this), but he says he is objective, yet never see anything wrong in what APNU and AFC has done...we will expose he rass...Mits...haul you tail...we watching you. 

Just remember, you threw the first punch when you called me a knuckle head. I can make a fool out of you but I really don't want to take the credits. BTW, I am for taxing all of them even retroactively for 25 years.

So tell us knucklehead, how do you plan to estimate their net worth and value for taxation purpose when you already establish that they were crooks? Crooks have a way of hiding their money. We are probably better off starting this trend now, at least we can keep a close eye to avoid the mistake we made with the PPP.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In the USA, President Barack Hussein Obama pays his taxes and files his yearly income tax returns and the press publishes his declared earnings. Same for Bill Clinton, GW Bush and others. US presidents are entitled to some non-taxable allowances, as are Canadian prime ministers. Basic salary is taxable.

Truly, I am surprised to learn that in poor little Guyana, Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar earned tax-free salaries and allowances. One can reasonably assume that the same applied to Presidents Janet Jagan, Cheddi Jagan, Desmond Hoyte and Forbes Burnham.

In the name of social justice, this is unfair. Presidents' basic salaries at least should be taxable.

At the same time, I must say bluntly that the PPP bigshots and Guyana Times are hypocritical in picking on President Granger's salary when they were totally silent before May 11.

I am in agreement, no President or AG should earn tax free salary. Likewise, I was shocked to hear about this myself. But I think going back, retroactively to 24 years ago is going to be messy...we should start now, with this administration and future ones. Let the audit take care of those who were found to be involved in corruption under the PPP.


Our boy, Mits, is operating from a position of vengeance...we need to be practical 

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In the USA, President Barack Hussein Obama pays his taxes and files his yearly income tax returns and the press publishes his declared earnings. Same for Bill Clinton, GW Bush and others. US presidents are entitled to some non-taxable allowances, as are Canadian prime ministers. Basic salary is taxable.

Truly, I am surprised to learn that in poor little Guyana, Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar earned tax-free salaries and allowances. One can reasonably assume that the same applied to Presidents Janet Jagan, Cheddi Jagan, Desmond Hoyte and Forbes Burnham.

In the name of social justice, this is unfair. Presidents' basic salaries at least should be taxable.

At the same time, I must say bluntly that the PPP bigshots and Guyana Times are hypocritical in picking on President Granger's salary when they were totally silent before May 11.

This is exactly why the taxes on salaries should be made retroactive. By the PPP picking on the now govt it is quite obvious the PPP knew they should be paying their share but didn't care to.

Now the shoe is on the other foot they find a voice...hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa...



Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In the USA, President Barack Hussein Obama pays his taxes and files his yearly income tax returns and the press publishes his declared earnings. Same for Bill Clinton, GW Bush and others. US presidents are entitled to some non-taxable allowances, as are Canadian prime ministers. Basic salary is taxable.

Truly, I am surprised to learn that in poor little Guyana, Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar earned tax-free salaries and allowances. One can reasonably assume that the same applied to Presidents Janet Jagan, Cheddi Jagan, Desmond Hoyte and Forbes Burnham.

In the name of social justice, this is unfair. Presidents' basic salaries at least should be taxable.

At the same time, I must say bluntly that the PPP bigshots and Guyana Times are hypocritical in picking on President Granger's salary when they were totally silent before May 11.

I am in agreement, no President or AG should earn tax free salary. Likewise, I was shocked to hear about this myself. But I think going back, retroactively to 24 years ago is going to be messy...we should start now, with this administration and future ones. Let the audit take care of those who were found to be involved in corruption under the PPP.


Our boy, Mits, is operating from a position of vengeance...we need to be practical 

Bhai, I worked with Gangadeen and Devonish. There is a six year cut off point here for reviews or audits. I don't know what it is for Guyana. Anyway, an amendment to the current tax laws would have to be undertaken to give GRA the power.  I am glad you are following and watching me.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In the USA, President Barack Hussein Obama pays his taxes and files his yearly income tax returns and the press publishes his declared earnings. Same for Bill Clinton, GW Bush and others. US presidents are entitled to some non-taxable allowances, as are Canadian prime ministers. Basic salary is taxable.

Truly, I am surprised to learn that in poor little Guyana, Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar earned tax-free salaries and allowances. One can reasonably assume that the same applied to Presidents Janet Jagan, Cheddi Jagan, Desmond Hoyte and Forbes Burnham.

In the name of social justice, this is unfair. Presidents' basic salaries at least should be taxable.

At the same time, I must say bluntly that the PPP bigshots and Guyana Times are hypocritical in picking on President Granger's salary when they were totally silent before May 11.

This is exactly why the taxes on salaries should be made retroactive. By the PPP picking on the now govt it is quite obvious the PPP knew they should be paying their share but didn't care to.

Now the shoe is on the other foot they find a voice...hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa...



I really thought they were paying taxes like our Guys here.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In the USA, President Barack Hussein Obama pays his taxes and files his yearly income tax returns and the press publishes his declared earnings. Same for Bill Clinton, GW Bush and others. US presidents are entitled to some non-taxable allowances, as are Canadian prime ministers. Basic salary is taxable.

Truly, I am surprised to learn that in poor little Guyana, Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar earned tax-free salaries and allowances. One can reasonably assume that the same applied to Presidents Janet Jagan, Cheddi Jagan, Desmond Hoyte and Forbes Burnham.

In the name of social justice, this is unfair. Presidents' basic salaries at least should be taxable.

At the same time, I must say bluntly that the PPP bigshots and Guyana Times are hypocritical in picking on President Granger's salary when they were totally silent before May 11.

I am in agreement, no President or AG should earn tax free salary. Likewise, I was shocked to hear about this myself. But I think going back, retroactively to 24 years ago is going to be messy...we should start now, with this administration and future ones. Let the audit take care of those who were found to be involved in corruption under the PPP.


Our boy, Mits, is operating from a position of vengeance...we need to be practical 

Bhai, I worked with Gangadeen and Devonish. There is a six year cut off point here for reviews or audits. I don't know what it is for Guyana. Anyway, an amendment to the current tax laws would have to be undertaken to give GRA the power.  I am glad you are following and watching me.


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