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@Former Member posted:

@kp feel free to go back to posting as a woman on the other site. There's  not a post from you without explicit gay content. angry old

In my village we stone perverts like you to death, thank God you get freedom in NA.

Even GNI tolerated your nasty life style. Is there a cure for gay, get help fag.


Where derass you get the idea that BIG BIG bossman got something for do with gambling eh?  Dah banna is a dam good fillantropiss.

He sent some $$$$ to Rama for he get a couple jock strap and an aerial. Doan ask, I doan wanna know what he use dem contraption for...but I hear dem boys say he's some sorta alien. I also hear one ahdem jockstrap he does use as a face mask...e say, it smell lil nutty.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Where derass you get the idea that BIG BIG bossman got something for do with gambling eh?  Dah banna is a dam good fillantropiss.

He sent some $$$$ to Rama for he get a couple jock strap and an aerial. Doan ask, I doan wanna know what he use dem contraption for...but I hear dem boys say he's some sorta alien. I also hear one ahdem jockstrap he does use as a face mask...e say, it smell lil nutty.

why the reference to is now a gaming site

you make no sense! You must be senseless in your adulation of BIG BIG bossman!


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