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Former Member

The President should have chosen Mr. Latchmansingh


Dear Editor,
A government cannot gerrymander for the purpose of helping the majority party in parliament, a government rule within a framework of a Constitution. Thus what we are seeing today can see Steve Surujbally remaining in office for the next 10 years because clearly the PPP and the PNC cannot behave like mature parties that have the custody of the nation in their hands.
But the bigger portion of the blame must land on President Granger’s desk. Why is he listening to that legal junior called Basil Williams? Why is he not consulting experience people worthy of their SILK like Rex McKay, Miles Fitzpatrick and Robin Stoby on how to proceed with this GECOM matter? Article 161 (2) is easy reading even for a dunce and thus I cannot understand why President Granger cannot comprehend on his own the essence of that part of the Constitution? For the record the part that I am focused on is:
The Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be a person:
“…….. OR ANY OTHER FIT AND PROPER PERSON, to be appointed by the President from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Leader of the Opposition…..” In a normal society with fair and progressive governments in place, the fit and proper test takes into consideration a few factors to arrive at fit and proper. These factors include:
• Has the person been involved in any tax fraud or financial dubious transactions?
• Has been proven to be incompetent to the point that they have not managed an organization and thus cannot be seen to manage the affairs of GECOM?
• Does the person have political leanings from past actions that will import undue bias into their decision-making process while serving as Chairman of GECOM?
If one look at the six names, I am convinced beyond doubt one of them is lean, clean and aptly qualified for the position but was eliminated. Chris Ram ticked two boxes but is a political exposed person who has been extremely close to the WPA and the AFC and thus cannot be seen as unbiased politically and thus his elimination was just. Ramesh Dookhoo like Ram also ticks two boxes but is a political friend of the PPP and will not be able to make political sound and unbiased decisions and again I agree with President Granger to send this PPP supporter packing.
Ryan Shah, a hell of a strong woman who has strong and respected views, but I would also eliminate her for the image of being so pro-Indian to the point that she comes across as anti-Black. A Ryan Shah Chairmanship will send shivers down the spines of the supporters of the PNC and can result in a political war if she is sitting as Chairman of GECOM and the PPP wins the 2020 elections. James Rose should not even have been on that list since he was a PPP candidate and this was a very foolish submission by former President Jagdeo.
Now the two candidates I really felt had a fighting chance were Norman McLean and Lawrence Latchmansingh. Normal McLean ran the GDF in the days when the GDF was the GDF when it had over 10,000 men in uniform and he is close to both the PNC and the PPP and thus neither side could attack him as bias. However, on the question of finance, I have many questions. I think there is still a pending court case against him. For this reason, I believe he should not be considered.
Now let us come to Lawrence Latchmansingh, a UN man all his life. He is married to an Afro-Guyanese woman and has a wonderful mixed family. He is a true representation of the Guyanese nation. He is close to the Catholic Church and was always a peacemaker and never close to any one political party. Actually, through his work, he helped Guyana on major developmental issues over the years such as social cohesion, national unity and elections management. He is squeaky clean financial, ran many UN projects in the electoral arena all over the world all his life and is at peace with senior political leaders in both the PNC and the PPP. So why was Lawrence Latchmansingh not fit and proper Mr. President? This situation clearly exposed the nature of people in the Granger cabal that runs the PNC today.
Surujdai Lilmohan

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All of his Donkey crew have gathered together with very loud braying, it was sounding like "Burnham, Burnham". 

Anyway Bhai, gotta run. Preparing for someone's big birthday celebration this weekend. Over 300 invited guests. All dis pressure of organizing. Over 200 American relatives will be here.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

We waiting on Grainjaw to provide his "legal" explanation for rejecting President Jagdeo's list.

The list was not a LIST "unacceptable to the President"

You cannot give 5 non starters and call it a LIST.  Granger is right to reject the list but he gave the wrong reason for rejecting it.

A better reason would be "y'all PPP people tek y'all blasted eyes and pass me."

Nehru posted:

Ms Lilmohan is spot on.  THE RACIST, INHUMAN, DUMB pnc WILL SLOWLY destroy gUYANA!!!!!!!!

If Ms. Lilmohan is one and the same, or related to, the President's Advisor Lilmohan, then this article lacks the moral authority to be considered and should be rendered UNFit and IMProper!

Bibi Haniffa
VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:

We waiting on Grainjaw to provide his "legal" explanation for rejecting President Jagdeo's list.

The list was not a LIST "unacceptable to the President"

You cannot give 5 non starters and call it a LIST.  Granger is right to reject the list but he gave the wrong reason for rejecting it.

A better reason would be "y'all PPP people tek y'all blasted eyes and pass me."

Can you please explain why you call these people on the list as "non starters" or you personally reject them?

yuji22 posted:

All of his Donkey crew have gathered together with very loud braying, it was sounding like "Burnham, Burnham". 

Anyway Bhai, gotta run. Preparing for someone's big birthday celebration this weekend. Over 300 invited guests. All dis pressure of organizing. Over 200 American relatives will be here.

Enjoy, hope all goes well And happy Birthday to the lucky one. You need me to DJ?

skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:

We waiting on Grainjaw to provide his "legal" explanation for rejecting President Jagdeo's list.

The list was not a LIST "unacceptable to the President"

You cannot give 5 non starters and call it a LIST.  Granger is right to reject the list but he gave the wrong reason for rejecting it.

A better reason would be "y'all PPP people tek y'all blasted eyes and pass me."

Can you please explain why you call these people on the list as "non starters" or you personally reject them?

Why should Shah name be on the list and not David Hinds?  The man has the right to reject any list which is a joke.

VVP posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:

We waiting on Grainjaw to provide his "legal" explanation for rejecting President Jagdeo's list.

The list was not a LIST "unacceptable to the President"

You cannot give 5 non starters and call it a LIST.  Granger is right to reject the list but he gave the wrong reason for rejecting it.

A better reason would be "y'all PPP people tek y'all blasted eyes and pass me."

Can you please explain why you call these people on the list as "non starters" or you personally reject them?

Why should Shah name be on the list and not David Hinds?  The man has the right to reject any list which is a joke.

I see you expect and demand a PNC card carrying thug. What do you want a PNC murderer to be the chairman?

skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:

We waiting on Grainjaw to provide his "legal" explanation for rejecting President Jagdeo's list.

The list was not a LIST "unacceptable to the President"

You cannot give 5 non starters and call it a LIST.  Granger is right to reject the list but he gave the wrong reason for rejecting it.

A better reason would be "y'all PPP people tek y'all blasted eyes and pass me."

Can you please explain why you call these people on the list as "non starters" or you personally reject them?

Why should Shah name be on the list and not David Hinds?  The man has the right to reject any list which is a joke.

I see you expect and demand a PNC card carrying thug. What do you want a PNC murderer to be the chairman?

Where did you get that from?  The new list can have some of the current list names plus others.  It must be a respectable list not a wholly political one.

I would like to see Chris Ram on any list.  The former auditor general is also a good person, I forgot his name.  Oh yeah, Anand Goolsarran.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:

We waiting on Grainjaw to provide his "legal" explanation for rejecting President Jagdeo's list.

The list was not a LIST "unacceptable to the President"

You cannot give 5 non starters and call it a LIST.  Granger is right to reject the list but he gave the wrong reason for rejecting it.

A better reason would be "y'all PPP people tek y'all blasted eyes and pass me."

Can you please explain why you call these people on the list as "non starters" or you personally reject them?

Why should Shah name be on the list and not David Hinds?  The man has the right to reject any list which is a joke.

I see you expect and demand a PNC card carrying thug. What do you want a PNC murderer to be the chairman?

Where did you get that from?  The new list can have some of the current list names plus others.  It must be a respectable list not a wholly political one.

I would like to see Chris Ram on any list.  The former auditor general is also a good person, I forgot his name.  Oh yeah, Anand Goolsarran.

But Granger say the Chair of GECOM must be a judge.  Christopher Ram and Anand Goolsarran are not judges.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VVP posted:

Where did you get that from?  The new list can have some of the current list names plus others.  It must be a respectable list not a wholly political one.

I would like to see Chris Ram on any list.  The former auditor general is also a good person, I forgot his name.  Oh yeah, Anand Goolsarran.

But Granger say the Chair of GECOM must be a judge.  Christopher Ram and Anand Goolsarran are not judges.

I didn't say Granger was smart 


You are here defending the man with your poor arguments.  Granger's state reason for refusal was that  candidates needed to be judges or persons of that nature. Nothing was mentioned about it not including politicians.

can a wholly political list not be a respectable list? Also, define for me "politician".  in some people's eyes, anand is a politician because he was actively involved in public political discourse.


Zed posted:

You are here defending the man with your poor arguments.  Granger's state reason for refusal was that  candidates needed to be judges or persons of that nature. Nothing was mentioned about it not including politicians.

can a wholly political list not be a respectable list? Also, define for me "politician".  in some people's eyes, anand is a politician because he was actively involved in public political discourse.


Apparently you cannot read and/or comprehend.  Where did you get the "Nothing was mentioned about it not including politicians?" from.  Maybe your comments were for someone else.

Last edited by Former Member

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