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Former Member
The President’s benefit package is a revelation

Dear Editor,

In reading about former Presidents’ Benefits and Other Facilities Act No.12 which was passed in Parliament – 2009 – as presented by Alissa Trotz in the Diaspora under the caption: “The distance between Government and the Governed: Another look at Pensions in Guyana”, S.N July 18th, I was reminded of an Anancy Story. In that story, Brer Anancy named himself “All of you” so that every time the servant brought the various foods on a platter and placed it on the table which Anancy and the other animals sat around, saying “this is for all of you”, Anancy smiled and took it all for himself.

He would then explain to the animals that the reason for treating him so special was an expression of love and appreciation. Thus all the animals were left hungry as he glutted himself. This lavish benefit package which Trotz wrote about, and which the ordinary man in the street hardly knows anything about, explains the entitlements that are guaranteed President Bharrat Jagdeo during the remainder of his life after he demits office. We learned also that even if he takes another job in a governmental position, it does not affect his pension package.

There is need, here, to reproduce part of this benefit package that Trotz highlighted for the sake of those who missed it: “A Tax-free pension, free medical treatment for him and dependent members of his family for the rest of his life, an unspecified number of vehicles to be maintained at the taxpayers’ expense, an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return fares, full time personal security and security at his place of residence, payment of services for an unspecified number of personal and household staff, payment for the services of an “attendant” and a gardener, payment for services of an unspecified number of clerical staff, payment for services of “technical” staff, payment of his water rates, payment of his electricity bill, payment of his telephone bills, and toll free road transportation in Guyana.

Now this is not the story of the king in his magic suit; this is fuh real, a golden benefit package that all can see. For me this Benefit Package is insulting and vulgar. With the present pension rate at starvation level $7,500, it is a most disturbing scenario, “obscene” indeed, with a pensioner today getting just about $250 per day when a loaf of bread costs $260!

I have no idea what is the President’s take home pay and allowances but I’m sure he doesn’t have to spend one cent of it. Now I can understand Dr. Roger Luncheon’s position on this matter in which he was reported as saying that the Benefit Package is “minimal”. I see his role as akin to that of Squealer in Orwell’s Animal Farm. Even Government. Ministers hear no wrong, see no wrong period! I can overlook opposition parliamentarians; what thoughts pass through their minds when this golden benefit package is placed alongside that of pensioner - $7,500 per month.

How do we condemn the activities of gangsters, three-card players, chain snatchers, pick pockets, petty thieves, tax evaders etc. but fail to see or make any similarity or nexus between them and thy Golden Benefit Package Act. The breakdown in income and spending for two pensioners shows up the unconscionable and preposterous existing state of affairs. From $15,000 a couple must perform a miracle to take care of basics:-food, transportation, medical, electricity and phone bill. What then does the $162 billon budget matter to the poor who is left to starve on a pittance!

Nothing could be further from the solid truth that “government has an obligation to ensure the needs of its citizen are catered for” that “there could be no development if the state of the poor remains the same” I’m in full agreement with Trotz in saying that politicians should be confronted and asked to explain their silence on this eye pass, giving former presidents a blank cheque on an immoral benefit act while pensioners must subsist on next to “nutten”.

Brazen as this whole golden lifetime package is, maybe, just maybe it could have been glossed over if there was more consideration for elder folks who having made their contribution and now sailing into their twilight were treated with more decency. For me the main hurdle that I think we will have to get over is enacting policies/laws that allow and protect the elite class to have it way, in every-which-way.

Alissa Trotz deserves to be commended for highlighting this obnoxious act that our opposition parliamentarians avoided. Makes me ponder on the reason, the advantage/disadvantage, the difference in being frank and hold from abroad than at home. As Forbes Burnham was fond of saying: “don’t stay abroad and cuss me come home”.

Frank Fyfee


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is a cost that the Guyanese tax payer has to pay for two reasons.

(1) To maintain the status of the office of the President. A former President should not be catching mini bus rides in the rain.

(2) It is the cost of these guys stepping down from power and not hanging on in office and becoming dictators because they cannot live without the trappings that come with the office.

I once visited the Jagan home on a Sunday afternoon and saw Dr.Jagan cleaning his yard alone. No supporters were around to give him a helping hand. I would have prefered him to be inside his home and a state payed gardener cleaning the place.
To maintain the status of the office of the President. A former President should not be catching mini bus rides in the rain.

Um what does a former first lady entitled to?
Originally posted by bird:
To maintain the status of the office of the President. A former President should not be catching mini bus rides in the rain.

Um what does a former first lady entitled to?

She is entitled to a little tookie from time to time?
Originally posted by Wally:
This is a cost that the Guyanese tax payer has to pay for two reasons.

(1) To maintain the status of the office of the President. A former President should not be catching mini bus rides in the rain.

(2) It is the cost of these guys stepping down from power and not hanging on in office and becoming dictators because they cannot live without the trappings that come with the office.

I once visited the Jagan home on a Sunday afternoon and saw Dr.Jagan cleaning his yard alone. No supporters were around to give him a helping hand. I would have prefered him to be inside his home and a state payed gardener cleaning the place.

What you mentioned there will not require $3 million dollars per month. I agree that the former presidents ought to get a car and gardener. You need to take a second look at the package and tell me whether it is fair.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
When the PPP can have a 100,000 rally, I quit politics. 10,000 is not the majority and the PPP will get more than 50,000 votes so combing from Corentyne to the Ruppununi and coming up with 10,000 is just a big Government operation and highly possible.

8 weeks to go!

It's remarkable that I was thinking the same thing! We are thinking alike Sase!! Yes, I will expect the PPP to poll at least 50,000 votes at the next elections and still lose! We know they are not drawing any crowds at their meetings, so this contrived 'appreciation' event using state resources to convoy crowds at the stadium doesn't fool anybody.
His excellency has worked very hard to get the perks he is getting today and that he will get later in the afterlife.

Do you think it is cheap to sustain a nice house like that one in sparendaam?

No so enough with criticizing his Excellencies package.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Wally:
This is a cost that the Guyanese tax payer has to pay for two reasons.

(1) To maintain the status of the office of the President. A former President should not be catching mini bus rides in the rain.

(2) It is the cost of these guys stepping down from power and not hanging on in office and becoming dictators because they cannot live without the trappings that come with the office.

I once visited the Jagan home on a Sunday afternoon and saw Dr.Jagan cleaning his yard alone. No supporters were around to give him a helping hand. I would have prefered him to be inside his home and a state payed gardener cleaning the place.

What you mentioned there will not require $3 million dollars per month. I agree that the former presidents ought to get a car and gardener. You need to take a second look at the package and tell me whether it is fair.
it will not cost that much to keep him in camp st

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