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Former Member

The press is under threat from the new power-holders

May 15, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, 

I find it very ironic and disturbing at to see that the free press is being targeted for destruction with threats of libel and perceptive intimidation.  One irony being played out, is that when the previous administration was in power, Kaieteur News was praised and admired for exposing the actions of (the PPP).
There was a very person who was at the forefront in the vocal bashing of the previous administration’s dealing and handling of the affairs of Guyana. He was bashing who the PPP was dealing with and how Guyana was being SOLD-OUT. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the very person now has a problem with Kaieteur News for exposing the same dealings with exactly the exact person/s. I guess as the saying goes “ do-so-nah-like-so”
It is very disturbing and scary to see that the freedom of the press is being intimidated first with persons picketing Kaieteur News….BY SOME because the news is being presented to readers. When that did not work… now the intimidation is stepped up with threats of libel. It is very disturbing to see that some would like to see Guyana placed back into the dark days of yesteryear. I do implore the People of Guyana to WAKE UP and stand for true and honest journalist. Stand and let it be known that such acts will not be tolerated, now or ever. I do encourage Kaieteur News to keep up the good work of journalistic integrity and DO NOT ever…ever allow themselves and any other press/ news outlet to be threatened and intimidated.
 Muhammad Raoof.

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