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“The process cannot be completed until the Police Service Commission is appointed,” – Pres. Granger on the appointment of GPF’s commissioner

DPI, Guyana, Thursday, May 3, 2018

The appointment of a substantive Commissioner of Police for the Guyana Police Force (GPF) awaits the appointment of the Police Service Commission.

According to President David Granger, speaking on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force’s (CFATF) workshop for judges and prosecutors at the Guyana Pegasus, today, “the process cannot be completed until the Police Service Commission is appointed.”

Commissioner of Police (ag), David Ramnarine.

Further, the Head of State said he also has to await the appointment of a chairperson to the Public Service Commission and consult with Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo before the appointment of a Commissioner of Police can be finalised.

Following the retirement of Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud, the GPF is presently under the command of Commissioner of Police (ag), David Ramnarine who is among several senior policemen and women awaiting the president’s nod for the position of Commissioner of Police.

Meanwhile, Retired Assistant Commissioner, Paul Slowe heads the list of persons recommended by the Committee of Appointments of the National Assembly for appointment to the Police Service Commission. Also recommended were Retired Assistant Commissioner, Clinton Conway and Retired Woman Assistant Commissioners of Police, Vesta Adams and Claire Jarvis.

At the April 26 sitting of the National Assembly, Chairperson of the Appointments Committee, Dr. George Norton laid the 11th Report of the Committee on Appointments in relation to the appointment of members of the Commission. The committee unanimously adopted the report during the April 11, 2018 meeting.

The nominations to the Police Service Commission were received from the Association of Former Members of the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Police Association.

The selection process was conducted in accordance with Article 210 (1) (C) of the Constitution which states that “four members appointed by the president upon nomination by the National Assembly after it has consulted such bodies as appear to it to represent the majority of the members of the Police Force and any such body it deems fit.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana needs a new breed of politicians. Young people should be given an opportunity . 8 years is good to govern and stay the hell out of political office.

The current crop PNC / PPP needs to go fishing by the Suriname border .

Dave posted:

Guyana needs a new breed of politicians. Young people should be given an opportunity . 8 years is good to govern and stay the hell out of political office.

The current crop PNC / PPP needs to go fishing by the Suriname border .


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