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The Procurement Commission will protect taxpayers and reduce corruption

October 25, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor, The Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh has issued a call for Guyanese, particularly the opposition to rise above partisan politics on the Anti-Money Laundering Bill via a GINA release in October 2013. What two-facedness?  Where is the voice of the Minister of Finance and his sense of decency  and respect for the people when it comes to a piece of public act that is even more important than the anti-money laundering bill – the Public Procurement Commission? What are the positions taken by Clinton Urling and others in the GCCI and Webster of the PSC on the PPP regime’s refusal to establish the Procurement Commission?  What about the promise made by Ramotar to discipline Mohamed Sattaur and Martin Goolsarran for the alleged corruption at NCN? We believe that the Procurement Commission would help to protect the taxpayers’ money and reduce corruption. We therefore debunk the Minister’s words and ask him to represent himself properly since he continues to misrepresent the facts and continues to mislead the Guyanese people on the Public Procurement Commission. It is the PPP that refuses to name its nominees to the Commission and that has directly contributed to the stagnation of the work of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament thus denying Guyana a more robust and transparent check and balance system to secure better value for the taxpayers’ money. The Minister of Finance has patently failed to implement his own bill.  Facts are facts; it was a majority PPP in Parliament that voted in favor of this Procurement Law but now that the demons of corruption are all over the PPP, the potency of the bill is too much; it has credibility since it puts the work of the Ministry of Finance including the Procurement System under the microscope and that, for this Minister of Finance and the PPP cabal, is unacceptable to the continuation of the mass corruption from the top to the bottom of the PPP Government. That is why the Minister of Finance and his political directors continue to frustrate the work of the Public Accounts Committee every day.  How can they continue to operate in this manner and with a double standard on the Money Laundering Bill?  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and until the Public Procurement Commission is in place, the Money Laundering Bill will have to be carefully scrutinized by the majority opposition until all is right. If this money laundering bill is important to the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal and their business buddies in the leadership of the private sector, then the Public Procurement Commission should be equally important to them if they have the people’s interest at heart. There is no better trade than fair trade so they should compromise and give the opposition what they want; that is a functional Procurement Commission. We believe that the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission by the PPP is just as equal to the passing of the Money Laundering Bill in Parliament by APNU and the AFC. Only the abnormal PPP regime would think otherwise. We want to humbly advise all politicians in the majority opposition that the electorate will be very unkind to them if they surrender to the PPP propaganda on the Money laundering Bill without having the Procurement Commission in return. We know what happened to a certain party that voted for the two bills associated with the Amalia Falls Project. That party is still struggling to regain normalcy. The PPP cabal continues to say the system is fair without the Procurement Commission but that is patently untrue since there are no checks and balances in the public procurement system and thus the Guyanese people continue to lose billions of dollars to the corrupt class that dominates the work and actions of the PPP. It is time to protect the people’s patrimony. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

APNU and AFC should stand their ground and not support the Money Laundering Bill until the Public Procurement Commission is established.


APNU and AFC are urged not surrender to the PPP propaganda on the Money laundering Bill without having the Public Procurement Commission in return.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

APNU and AFC should stand their ground and not support the Money Laundering Bill until the Public Procurement Commission is established.


APNU and AFC are urged not surrender to the PPP propaganda on the Money laundering Bill without having the Public Procurement Commission in return.



My father and mamoo agree.


The Minister of Finance has patently failed to implement his own bill.  Facts are facts; it was a majority PPP in Parliament that voted in favor of this Procurement Law but now that the demons of corruption are all over the PPP, the potency of the bill is too much; it has credibility since it puts the work of the Ministry of Finance including the Procurement System under the microscope and that, for this Minister of Finance and the PPP cabal, is unacceptable to the continuation of the mass corruption from the top to the bottom of the PPP Government. That is why the Minister of Finance and his political directors continue to frustrate the work of the Public Accounts Committee every day.  How can they continue to operate in this manner and with a double standard on the Money Laundering Bill? 


The public procurement commission as defined by the AFC(top heavy with afc/pnc members to reflect the political distribution of parliament) will be sabotaged by afc/pnc supporters who will collect loud bribes to fill their collective pockets. These folks trying to collect bribes back door. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

APNU and AFC should stand their ground and not support the Money Laundering Bill until the Public Procurement Commission is established.


APNU and AFC are urged not surrender to the PPP propaganda on the Money laundering Bill without having the Public Procurement Commission in return.


I must have to agree here as much as I disagree with the AFC. 


This is what the actions of your kind causes. We should all rise up and say no to pedophiles.

Two year old child was sodomized – PM

Phillips and little Kimanie when she was younger

Phillips and little Kimanie
when she was younger

Pandemonium broke out at the home of two-year-old Kimanie Watson yesterday, as a post mortem examination into the child’s death confirmed that she was brutally sodomized.
The Post Mortem, which was done by Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)’s mortuary, revealed that she died from haemorrhage and shock due to multiple abdominal injuries.
A source who witnessed the PM told this newspaper that the child’s anus was fully dilated. “She spleen rupture. It appear like she been face down when this thing happen.”
Kimanie of 46 South Haslington, East Coast Demerara (ECD) was pronounced dead on Monday at the GPHC. Doctors had suspected that the child was sodomized.
Her 15-year-old uncle under whose care she was left prior to her death was taken into police custody. He was subsequently released on $25,000 station bail yesterday.
At the family’s Haslington’s home yesterday Kaieteur News was told that when the dead child’s mother, Venice Phillips, heard that her daughter died from multiple abdominal injuries, she confronted her mother, Dianne Graham, who is also the mother of the 15-year-old suspect.
“Kimanie’s mother is going mad. She didn’t go to the hospital to witness the post mortem because she can’t face it. When we come home and tell her, she was crying. Her mother (Graham) come in the yard and start talking that she will take a lawyer so Venice go to her and start expressing her feelings,” a relative, Kiana Primo said.
According to Primo, Phillips was expressing her feelings of losing her daughter to her Graham when “she (Graham) tell her that Kimanie was molested in Trinidad and not here so Venice got mad and run her with a cutlass.”
“Graham run in a neighbour house and hide in her wardrobe until the police came. My uncle had to take Venice for a drive to calm her mind because she was going crazy and she was saying that she has to see her daughter.”
This newspaper was told that Graham was the taken to the police station where she eventually got her son bailed.
The day little Kimanie died
Kaieteur News was told that Phillips left home for work, leaving Kimanie and her six-month-old baby with Graham.
Graham subsequently left to go and collect money, leaving the kids with her son.
“I see when she passed out and Kimanie was running behind her and she tell Kimanie that she don’t walk with stink baby and Kimanie cry and she turn back and come here,” Primo, who lives in the house located at the front of Graham’s home, said.
She explained that when little Watson came to her; she noticed that the child had defecated and called the 15-year-old to clean her.
“When he (suspect) come, the child was crying and didn’t want to go to him but I tell her to go because I didn’t think he would do that. After an hour I see he run across by the neighbour and I ask him what happen and he say that he went and get panadols,” Primo stressed.
She added that within a couple of minutes, he called and told her that Watson was sick and that she was continuously defecating and vomiting.
“I know I give him the child good, good and all of a sudden she just get sick. I took her to the hospital and that’s when they said she is already dead.
“The morning before the child died, he come here early and wake up my cousin and asked him to borrow a porn DVD but my cousin didn’t lend him any,” Primo noted.
No one heard any unusual noise in the house that day.
Fifteen-year-old tells his side of the story
“My cousin (Primo) call me and tell me that me niece defecate and when I carry her and wash out her skin I carry she upstairs and give she her tea. She call me and tell me that she belly hurting,” he said.
The 15-year-old added, “I gave her Panadol and I continue watching TV. When I go back to check on her, I see she mess up again. I clean her again and she mess up back like two times. I clean her and I rub her skin with oil and she went shaking up so I check her heart but she went breathing.”
He added that he called his cousin and they took her to the hospital.
When asked if he asked to borrow a porn DVD, he denied and claimed that he never had sex before.
“I didn’t do anything, the police just collect me and lock me up,” the 15-year-old told Kaieteur News.
According to Graham, her son is innocent. He didn’t do anything. “Is some evil spirit went in that house. I can put my head on a block that my son didn’t do that.”
Police are continuing with their investigations.


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