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The PSC is not credible enough to negotiate an end to the Parliamentary impasse


Yesterday there was a new issue in the press about the members of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) making a proposal to end the prorogation impasse.  What crassness? When you have PPP apologists dominating all the proceedings of the Board meetings either directly or by proxy, do the people or anyone in the opposition think the Commission’s work will have any independence or credibility?
The PSC in our opinion has no integrity and no moral ground to stand on. Would anyone believe or accept any proposal from the PSC which at all times has supported the actions of the PPP? This is like putting a cat to watch milk.
Nothing coming out of the Private Sector Commission should be adhered to followed or accepted by anyone. Not once did the PPP apologists criticize the PPP for their wrongdoing, inept policies, or simply for their foolish actions.
Where was the PSC when Ramotar prorogued Parliament? Did the PSC ever call on Jagdeo or Ramotar to establish the Procurement Commission? Where was the PSC when Jagdeo gave away the airwaves to friends and relatives of the PPP? Did the PSC ever rebuke the president for disrespecting Parliament by not assenting to the bills passed by the assembly?
As far as we can remember, the PSC has never criticized the PPP for its corrupt practices, or for spending the taxpayers’ money without Parliamentary approval.
Why did the PSC remain silent when Priya Manickchand cussed-down the US Ambassador at his residence and when Anil Nandlall issued threats against the Publisher, Glenn Lall and the staff of Kaieteur News? They have said absolutely nothing about Nandlall’s vulgar and disgraceful behaviour, his attempt to pimp a young reporter from Kaieteur News for his aged relative, and his admitted use of taxpayers’ money for a private family matter.  Not to mention their silence on confidential tax information of Kaieteur News being given out to a private citizen.
It is very clear to the people that the PSC cannot be trusted because it is very closely aligned to the PPP cabal and will fiercely criticize those who attack them. We want the people to know that the PSC has not said anything about the constant vile reports against the two opposition parties from the PPP-aligned media entities, but it has continuously criticized Kaieteur News for its practical and sound reporting.
The PSC ought to know by now that the vast majority of people purchase and read Kaieteur News because it is the “Truth Detector” for all Guyanese, even those at Freedom House. As a matter of fact, we were reliably informed that Kaieteur News is being read daily by the entire PPP leadership, including every minister in the government, before they leave for work. The reason is that they are very nervous about what will be published about them.
The PSC will not and cannot fool anyone in Guyana, not even the supporters of the PPP, because they know that no one in the PSC is objective or bold enough to speak out against the PPP excessiveness and lawlessness. What these PPP apologists who dominate the PSC fail to acknowledge is that the nation has seen through their hypocrisy and wicked attempts to keep the incompetent Ramotar minority regime in office by using devious and crafty strategies to hoodwink the majority opposition.
The PSC members have not done a very job in trying to hide their political stripes; therefore the opposition will ignore these charlatans, because they know how to deal with them. The same is true for the majority of Guyanese.
Simply put, the PSC stands for nothing, defends no one except the PPP cabal, remains mute on PPP wrongdoing and criticizes the opposition and those who speak out against corruption and oppose the PPP.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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Where was the PSC when Ramotar prorogued Parliament? Did the PSC ever call on Jagdeo or Ramotar to establish the Procurement Commission? Where was the PSC when Jagdeo gave away the airwaves to friends and relatives of the PPP? Did the PSC ever rebuke the president for disrespecting Parliament by not assenting to the bills passed by the assembly?


Lately I've been reading much shit about The AFC cannot form the Government. After all these friggin years, now these morons are not realising that thing have changed.


The AFC under Nagamootoo can lead Guyana.


The PSC members have not done a very job in trying to hide their political stripes; therefore the opposition will ignore these charlatans, because they know how to deal with them.


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